- ---Local News i1t IF YOU NEYER. ýORIît lof l Mý_rs.r Isqobefla Pr eston Thoxnan, a 13î ]DON'T REA4 THIS huseZer taoegfea ru died in flowmanville on May 18th.1 Wo If you are worried about-- he CCF cana an will help y guaran- ~ ~ hw nQl1c 1. FALLING FARM INCOM teed forward pr , give fàrmers con- 87 years of age. trol of their pric of the roduets Mr. Ted Wilson visited his parents 2.ile RENGIJEMLOE Mr. and Mrs. V. 'Wilson. don] 2. BING NEMPOYEDMrs. Oliver Gibbs and Sharon, Du~n- pari Aplanned program to provide jobs al j barton srent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Graham and famlsy. 3. HEALTH, CAR or SICKNESS tgodwg.jMr.Vik P. Rickby, Bowm-anville, A province wide hospital insurance M ie Donkin, Toronto, visitedl onj and ACCIDENT INSURANCESi Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bill- program, a low cost car Insurajice and n[gs. a low cost income inursance while sick Weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. 4. HW TOLIV ON 40.0 a ont W. J. Leamien were Mr. and Mrs. 4.1WTgIVrN$0O amÎt ynjured. Gords,çon Leamen, Paul and Jud, M.j OLDAGEPENIONÀ i4>incaî upprmnt f u to$200o and Mrs. H. A. -Hall, Miss Doth OLD GE ENSON Aproincal spplmen of p t $2-00 Sewain and Mr. Fred Elliott, Miss on your old age pension. ý_ Dorothy Devine and Mr. Henry Lea-j 5. HGII ENTAND IG'ConTstruction of low eust, low rent - Mr. ionald McLaren, Saint John, OF HOUSING ou j .7 .B., was home owing to the illness o f his father Mr, C. S. McLaren, whé' 1 I mediate relief municipalities en we nderstand is somnewhat inproved. 6. IIIGII MUNICIPAL T XES / t cost of educa 0N.I ith Air, and Mrs. Ed Neilson. Mr. a'nd Mrs. Arnold Wallace ,isi- So top W n t CC.F 'td SZLMr.and Mrs. Wm, Bunitin: - over the weekend. Mqriss Margaret Flintoff spent' the weýk-end with Mr. and Mrs. 0. V ote jimb"&àT%% N n âwnth m Miss Ethel Bouck, Toronto hol- jdayel over the weekend' -,ý,ith Mrs. Ione Forrester. Surnday visitors M7ith Mr. and Mrs. fChas, Wood were Mr. and Mrs. Neil I Wood, and faxnily, Lakefield. ir. and Mns. Wni. Carmnan spent AmEik, the holiday weekènd with the formers q1L_1ý parenits in Picton. Mr,. and Mrs. Archie Watson) and SuM-um m erl8h GS fanily,Tronto visted with M. ad BOY'S Canvas Shoes ini black, size 7 10YS or GIRL' Leather Sandal Mr. and Mrs. James Linton, Toron- MO/. Priced at......... $2.25 with crepeS brown, size 5-1 $2.25 and Mrs. G. M. Linton. Sie l o5 rie a.....2.5 GIRL'S Moca 'ns, colo r bIne, rust or Mlrs. Richlaid Walsh and hier daugh- creami, triip, aH sff. ..$2.95 ter, blrs. Gordon Wahil, Niagara GIRL'S Multi Color, 2-lace Oxford, -MEN'S BI k Leather Work Boots, Fals, N.Y., spent Saturday with Mrs. sie5 o13.Priced at...$1.95 size 7 toO0, made by Sisnian .. $4.95 Mrs.ý Howard Walsh visited Mr,. anid Mrs. V'ict'ýr Wilson', canton, and called on Mr. George Haw, who(, cele- 'Mens, Wonien and Childrents Catalina Woven relt Mats, hand woven, wa'sh- bra,ýted biis 92'd birthday on Many 13. SWIM SUITS alAer ieiorvrilsz Girls from.......... $495 to $795 abe easlkirnreeibesze untopg frlclnes Boys from.......... $1.59 to $2.00 28x reg. $16.50 for'....... $12.95 REPORT FROÏMOTTAWA Mens frt..... 29 $,5 22xA4, for $7.95 and 18x35 for $3.95(Ctiudfopae) COTTON ORE In plain, plaids, polka dots, or fl f erent stlyles, no two alike. $675to$ VIL -M Open AU i)ay A ni Vigora Fuel' 0ïl*1 èSs SE ALL OUR LADIES Conirca i irinand freshi loerd.Ai df- Sunin er î t hear that the governmient is p'anin lowered. Ail an1ail ] oui wair on the lamrprey edl ini In Milan snd fanc tw.Colours thcGrat af-ke. Legis-Iation passed nauacoffee, re 1ame, beige, the House this wneek, providing for a black, navy and whi' Crd-ite ttsatc on the problemn. This year $355,000 HUl: race will be spent by Canada plisa d donI$0,0 fo eerhfirst efforts to poison the lamipreys will be staged in Lake Superior where the cels are just strting their Lru nitdustry in the other Great Lae.Appare'ntly, these destructive ir N ylo !'Blouse , ifferent i1 o ers ad ben iin thelast y3l use of thir existance heati for the lakes ()ur ~where they attach-I themselves to trout lJes and 01l0u r.l or other large fish and literally drain the life out of them. It w-il Se re- called that Marilyn Bl' wma Imm j cross Lake Onitario was nearly cut ~urChi 2.5 or-tun.-tely, she wzas able to us sht awnaamproatkeder à mmStore cloeed The serions floods in Saskatche-d s tpsAil Day lwan and Maiiitoba--have been mnen- Monday tionied on several occasions in the losofComimons. As the tale of d1ýýetrcion and destroyed crops un- folded it brought back mnem-ories of IlHurricaie Hazel, the Winnipeg flood, and Fraser Valley disaster as ýwell asr other national tragedies which '~'~'«haive occurred over the years. It looks now as though the crop losses< in the west this year wil have con- siderable bearing on thie overal Pros- Iii o , i. ~ perity of Canada. The federal gov- ernnment will pro-vide funds to assist I s h av ufrdseriously. Fue i 11 , d Stove0 011 Charge j 41 * Reverend 1 9 O CCt/ er" Mni1e gai.John Kitchien SNDAýY, MAY 29th 6 ~ CI priService u !4 -n cennergai. 75?V 11 An Electïon Sideigl Elections, both in the Unit m and Onta&rio are playil t in the news these days. ýe damuage elLetion wifl be on Thursday anci licipalitics fro-m all reports, it hajS bPee a qi r por-tion affair. Here, there wvas ant interest tuthorities ing sidelight in the ,-oters,' Iistý ithe des- Some thorougb enumerator lise where Îilisted Ris Exeellency Governor Ger. ~sle for eral Vincent Massey of Canton asà ethe sit- vote). Actually, our lawýs forbid thE lGovernor General and other high ,jof lit !ficials such as judges fromn voting ted King- It would be as reasonable to ask Heý- ng a big Majesty the Queen to go to the peli5 The U.K. Jto vote for her favourite candidate. FORD and Pho MONARCUH&,e $LES And RVJCE CA VET 'MOTORS une 3251 Newcastle, Outai Our comp tee ser ce guarantees year round d Wving pleasure ano Cotton Ankie Socks, Children's sizes 6 to 8!/ Gladi'ola Bulbs, 10 in pkg., assorted colors, pkg 39c. N~ew-All over Aprons, print, assot Children's Sun Suits, assorted styles and colors, neatly, trirnmed, sizes 2 to 6. Each for ....59c. iil's Cardigans, Botanyw ol, cok>ors of rM, blue sand, sizes'8 to 14 year . Each.......... $2.59) Children's IO p.e. Nyl n Gardigans, assorted colors, si e 4 to 6x. adi ...... ......... $2,ý98 WVash Basin white enmel, red trim, nmedium size. SPE ZI C E............... 39c, GaROCERY FEATURE Red Raspberries, Choie Quality 15 ounce tins.......29c. Cut Green Beans,, 15 oz. 2 tins 25c. 1/2 lb. 29c. Fruit Cocktail, Fancy, large 28 oz. tins 37C Jello Instast Pud ings, flavours Chocolate, Vanilla, Butte-scotch and C4mel, reg 2 for 29c. HALE PRIC SALE ........... 2 FOR 14c. Minute Tapioca, ounce ackage......22c, Green Tea, Daly's, 2 lp nd package......51c. Humbugs, Old Fashioned, pound for.....30C. OHRONO5cTO $1.00 STORE =1 OTHEAZE - B MAN VILLE fi TIURS.- FR T.-- MAY 2G 27 - 28 "Rer 12C[Little] Meai*" Techiiicolor Payne, Mari Blancha, Don Duiryea s. and Fri 7 and8 Sat .6,30 v o Technicolor Seasational Drama of Musie and Romance Starring Liz 'Taylor, Vittorio Gass-niand, John Eric.,o.n Time '7'sad 9:20 t 31~4r F or Delivery Phone ORONO 53r7 or OSHAkWA 5-1109 4 J"'.-' Z -_ the se £Y - TUESIVAY -- MAY 30 - oh