Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 19 May 1955, p. 5

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;e ARMSTRONG Eu Durbhau - ~ - Summer Dresses in glazed cottons, ginghajus, inens, sîlks and nylon in ail' colors and styles. Priced $7.95-$23.50 ental lirr u tifltirri YOU ARE NEYER SICK DON'? READ THIS [N SAKATCHEWAN, Everyone is now protected from hospital bis bY- .Unlimited Hositalization a,-, long as ,their Doc- for recom1ùends. 2. Provine vide Coverage, exeept a few resi ets i isoated} areasa who are free to belonkas they wish. 3. Comrplete Mýatturity benefits, full cost for ni',ber and child. PLUS f Surgical operations if performed by o(ýspi- la] staff. PLUS Fr-eatreati cer and Meun ment for ail suffering itai finesses. PLUS Free Mentjal Hlealth Clinics. PLUS The famlois air ambulance senrie lateýd areas, at less than cost. PLUS Full hospil ripients. PLUS cludinig N-R PLUS Vot Misses Shorts and Tops to match in plaid gingham. Colors red, yellow, blue, green, pink. Price $5.20 Ladies white cotton Jerseys, trim- med with red and blue. All sizes $3.25 Womens blue denim Pedal Pushers. Size 1218. Price $2.7 5 AisO Denim Shorts at $2.25 Childrens Jyrsys in whîteý and col- ors -n erf'e1ôt. 75c-$1.50 New styles. esses. Good smlart /~Price $4.25-$5.50 Mens, Womens, and chîld- 3. oxfords, straps, niocasýins, Short Pants.i brown. Size 2-6 yrs. s-t Mens cotton Mens Sport Shirts in wrinkle shed, Color wrinkle resistant cotton by Dan River Has these amazing fe1âtures: wrinkles smooth out, stays clean longer, easier jersey te wash, dries faster. Needs na starch white, ever. Easier to iron, retards perspir- ation odors. Wrinkle shed cottons-will whte neyer shrink out of fit. Colors grey, sand, blue, green.Price $4.95 Is~ StÀoze Cloued Ail Day monay alization for Oid Age Peusionlers, ioe~and Mother Allowance Re- d otlher, eiagiostic prýcedures, in- ay thereapy. . 1 shild promnpt you tol us in time of sorrow. W~ simple beautiful servie pr1oveý conlsoling tr, the bei IN ONTARIO Even the Blue Cross Plan offers 1. Limited time in hospital. 2. Limited Coverage -- only crne CON erid. 3. I.-mited Maternity Beniefit-ýs erage, (As in Saskatchewan) ~ Cc- -perateive Cire RARTLEY IH. M. LO FIJ1N ERA 1-TOM()NlE PY"? 18r~7 Orono f, c~ - >~ooS.t.O*a,>.>e Miss Adre iilýings, spent the wee-j end with Mr. anId Mrs. W'. J. Inich, Weslxm.I Mqr. and jMis. Wrn. Ûailey and Miss j Marlo Wstla, eTor-onto setSuin- day withi Mrs. Harry Bailey and fa-j iiy. I The Mission Band ineeting 'sas heid on May 9th in the Sunday Schoolj room of the chur-ch. We had the Wor- I ship) service and the installation of ý officers. We made pla-ns for 'the May Tea and prepared invitations. The Tea wras iast Saturday in thej Sunday School rooxn whieh was beau- tifully deeorated wlth spring flowers, We miade $15.00 aud twish to thank ail those who camie. IMrs. R. W. Goheen is teaebing on the sta ff at the Orono Iligh Sehoolt fillng the vacancy lef t by the death of Miss ýMooreý. Mr aud Mrs. W. W. Watts of Brampton spent a few hours' in Oromo Friday ev\einig. Mr. Watts is to be the principal of the Orono HiEgh School fo'i- the 1955-56 terni. Mr. Robert Sherwin is under thei doctor'sý care in iis home. Mr. McLarla iséi ý a patient of the Memioriail Hospital, Bowmianville. MIr. -W. E. R9bert n ilton, visi- ted wvith 1\M17 and Mrs. J. Hendivy. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hendry spent a couple 6*f days wýith Dr- and Mrýs. M11r-1ay anld fmiStiiug. Recerit visitors of Mr. arvey SCurtis were Mv., and Mrs. Fraser Mrs. W. N. Buckley, Nwate r and Mrs. Uerb RundTe, HmtoMrs Fred Sisson anid gran(d4aughiter-, MaryV Loti Davidso'n, Mr. and Mis, Jack Fisher, ail of Toronito. H T14)t page sýix for further news lof liiinterest.i jo0hnel M. ýJames Report, (Continluad fromn page 4) now be cniçe foi. a political pos- Thîe P.M. Canï't WVin Tis is the Senate problem ,in brief. 10 ..-~ "f'. I 13 5. !, ij-, wilniake a no1ve to)solitand you t may rpsasui-ed thit anytiiing he stliclive the Senate ,is atxaiàable institution iii our parliaimentary sy- stem aand feel that a compromise ar- rangement -will be forthcoming; so iti Iwill continue to function effectively. Non Coufidence Motion,, This week the Budget Debate crn- kluded \vith non confidence amend- ments being defeated. Over 100 speak- ers; took part in the month long de.- bate which produced some proposaIs of gran,-t interest. The ameiiduents nved by Oppowsition pamrties hava,ü litie or nothing to do with tthe,'vot- Ing hecause they are votes which, if <arr-ied. -would defeat the tgovern- 1renit and cause n electon. So, Lih-. erals vote to uphold the generai buid- get poliiy of the governnient ai-d the others vote against it in a solid blockI Reversal of tue Proca t SALE4 A ri SERVICE CARVEYF MOTORS Phone 3251 Newcastle, ( Our complete service guarantees year round driving pleasure NEW! NEW! Lady Beth Sheer Stretch Nylon, full fashioned neyer wrinkle, never, sag, seams stay straight I.-Pair for.. ..................... .5 Skirts, Ladies printed cotton' assorted patterns, and color, sizes 14 to 20. Eaeh.......... .9 Slips, Ladies' cotton haif slip, white only, em- broidery skirt trim.......... . 00 Sheeting, ?Hospital Synthetis rubber, cotton back. Yard for........... .$35 Bedspread, Chenille, crib size, 36 n. by 60 in., wvhite with blue, w\hite -with pink. Each. $2.9'8 baby ?ad htcqult-dý17in. by 18 11.,5celIo-- ophane fa ed...s: 6 Can OR OCERY F -TURE 'UR PRIýL ARE LOWER riphelis Ce- y Soup......2 rgular tins 25c. Orange Vekoe Tea Bags ........... -50 bags 50e; Hammet Rolled Wheat......5 lb. hag 39c. Libbys Tomato Juice............ 28 oz. tin 29c. Golden «Wax Beans, 15 oz. tins........ 2 for 25c. Clarks Pork and Beans, 15 oz. tins... Dog Food, Society ..... .... ORONO 5r TO $1.01 si .2 tins 25c. >1 ~ Reduc ethe price/i'on Fuel 0î-al siove 'l 9 10cents per ga' Fuel O*1I 6' cents per gai. F or Delivery Phone O1«>NO 53r7 or OSHAWA 5-1109 Rlood Plasma, and with few drugs and related preparations. 'N s-t N N 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N -t 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N --t 'N -t voted Throue Oïl ~-~'- ýl FORD end

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