Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 5 May 1955, p. 4

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nid girl a rosier fu- *its is aproma for, a preset- h Antf Cey Sloron as resless andi et thlis nman I rn dlearl ye, -lie i us livýing in mýn apartmerit 'enucV.LU. 1. syLIp11tCWU -irI, she seemns so neglected i.n "erown fte sabtas i good provider, eaPya ine oand ,enute man. 1 just never, really -,aed for hlm. MCy daugýhter vis7- ts hiËmo regularly and loves him- leary. '~tfail xe býoth visited hm thave2n't been ,haý,ppy sine. fHe cmn give ber ail the thgs whic are rightfully bers,. l f el 50ý sellish f yighere with the îh'usband 1I lave so nlucli,whi shg bes tçogo baclk to beýr father. We could refurn to hi-,m an tinie-, bis door is alwýaysý oipen: burtotaclosýe -myprsn door behiirj, nd mseems[like ýgivý- cng up part of My hfue. "Must I give up the mn In love f or the sake off my lifflegil' happ-iness? Or, wFcb be lr gr:ow up bere--and perbaps cone ta hate me latrs Im0 afaisd biaven'tfthe intelligence t1cd what 1ULis rgh'1 sahappreciaqte your help. WONDERING" *Doingwhgt you th'l-ink is' right does rndt inecessarily cie- pend tupon intllgece oral *cuaeis the quality ancE *needs, and ta make thîsý pain- * fuidecsion wil zke ail you *have. If yo'u acknowledge its *the r.ighf thing ta do, ihowever, > you will flnd tise sfrenigfh. * ou ailsuier undor the *stran of Yourhbanmds and *daughter' jealous. If this '~feeling could be overcome, *your lfal ilmight acso * ereif .staying -wher4e she * is, ihregular visita ta e t ather; a icgrows aidcer, rif *casa redily appen. Tise ýpresý- *ent ituainwbich Ca.uses 'yout = uh dihstrssWill1Iarn afraid *deepestins th, days pasShai *you. and your Yisusba-nd give up *your jpersonfli happiness ,,for * er cake? I f youi do, wbaf willý *your future be? * <Y)u (do )not actively dilikle * yar cild's fLather;ý living with * lLm could tbe agreeable and2ri *rewarding, for you bthare Sdevofed f0 y our liýtie grl *Knowing she bas thbe imteriai *advantages wh mean a *great dal, anid he devofio *of ber father, would Console ONE WIFEWS WAY DerAnne Hlirst: Theý wife who sigxied iherself 'Desperate' bas my sympaîthy. 1, too, -i-ved ith a jealous husband fo near- ly a year cbefore I learnied how ta handile him. Argum1ents, tears5, niothing hbelpe-unf il. flnally I trîed nut talking at al, som-t times for two or tbree days. '41 believe men &are more im- pressed by s-uch treat-ment than, any;, otheýr. At least jt worked for Me. COLLEGE WIFE" * Few atitues affle a 'be- *wildered mcan like Scomplete *silence. qce cann-ot bear ta be, *ignored, ali e frnds no sa3tisý- *faction in tirades aýddressed ta *deaf ear. H talks hirnself *ouf, and then ifbe is smart *the s arts thnknW *apprecife ehint. If Aunle Ilirst lbas no solutioný for youir situiationi, She will stress the , dvantages of eitbier decisionâ ami so sïmtplif y your probkm in yoflr iown mmd. Write 1lier at B'ox- 1, 123 EighteentiliSt., Newi To)ronto, Onit. Short Visit Some years ago the DeUti Tigers had a pitcher named Kl Graham -%evas a balîpflayer wijth j big appetite. Noting-,r coud soilbishearty appetite, One afmon with) the Tigers flghîng powrfulPhiladelphial Atietics tearn, Kyle Graha-m sat outin the Tiger bull pan, conitent-edly mn n an after- nonsnack.- The g-,arn-e was goinig b-adly,, for Detroit, anid the Ath- letics, then at their pnat the Tigers' satn pitcher aý doomed ta be ,ýhammePred Cout 01 the ox, n ahurr-y.tKy le Grabarn began ta warmi up for mrgnyduty, but lhe alsoco n- tiudta eat. Suddenly he ro- qceiVed thse igna. i fogo É'lintoih ygame ta relieve bis tanae "What's the set-up?" relie- pifcher Kyle Graham asked ea, he- started acrcsstboufedf the box. "Bases ioaded, Wh nobody, ouý-t and CochAraneý, Simmions anid Jimm.y Foxx cmin up to bat." "Nobody tuch haadwc I ws etin," yle Grahamn Phsca euty is theign of an inte-rior beautWy, asiita and moral beaunty mwhich is tis basis, îte p rinýC7i Ple, an th unt fthe beatiful1ý -,Schilîer. CURTAIN RAMSES UPON S'SPRINtl-aG FASHIOPN SHOWl SPR"?ING'S HERE Sprîng is, ii-thec air aid .3c is fis block lbuck anl Louî-s zoo, BLnmy temperatures seem la cffecti fr!end wîhfeet onth ground. . u.AND (UGH!) H on1,e of tencs ehv n joyTed -for a lonig fimo. Nof onily was iîwndrflbut at Ginger Farm if was alsoAbeoca. o of afaiy birthiday, an anni- versary and a wek-end cf glor- ,ous su!nshin-.e. nwdopDlcooii- ingdaifdil pceekîig fhrough the g-rounid, swam-ltp frogs sing- bing and buds a-borning. Bob anid ,oy were bore on Satur-day and the rest of the f amily, in- clud-ing Honley, arrived on Sun d[ay. Dv wsthehapes tbing on two fe2cf. Except for an-, bour's sleep -hoewas hadly tihi amiueMs great joy wa ( t gef outside and ltho was ireaýdy ta greet anythmng on ftour legs as a pla3ymalte, visited for awhiie at another f arm wbere thee, wore morce four-fo)ted creatiures than wehave-dos puppiesý, c a t S, orses, goats, calves and catie ad there 1wasn't a thing that Daveyws afraid of. For au iteflo eighiteen mnts id ho did so mucsaliif was a wond'0)ýer bi escoiti-nued tri carry lm, Mowevr, h bas is onme- of! of deahjing witb tiring zsitu- ations. fie doesn't w,;hîmper or ask ta be carried; ho jusf sto)ps whîerever lie happons te, be- and sits! This lie dFcided ta ,odoi yesterday in the my.iddie of a pasture flelcI. The other day Daughiter had Dave vwit!ýh be rO a downton sopn' ut Dave had been on the go for ci d . e wlilp,ini.rstei in = Sa aubtrhad ta car.ry tit pounids of soujcI obtao for Pawhile. f wan;flong before sh;re feitLik sitting o)n the side- walk hersoî. Hony'sreatio onberfirst' visit to bier old hom-ewa quit e suprsig. Weex-ýpoed sJ he wouidrce aro-undt and be very excite-d. But she took tig vory calmly except bta she thorougbly enjoyed a swim nP the creek. Aftnight when she saw Deo and Art goting hoir coats on. she stood at the front dýoor wa tingtgo wifh them.i But we they openied the door sheo loked up at me, saying just aplaiiy ,, her big boneyesý cudsay if-- "Ls if aligh if go?ý' As soon as I ga'id "OfyougPO!" shewaaay Once i the car she stretcbed horseif ouf onithe back seat and prepared in sleep So il, lobhs as if w'e have losf Our oeyfor good. So long as she is cnfetodwe are- glad, On, a famadog needs ýto be more than ja pet. For a city borne Honey is ideal. While Dave isý il iq piayper oumside lHoney sits on teveadUan oe ofnes f0go on the sWtreful she is takon.ý If1 has been, said in our famciiy tba~ Dve nd is gjýrandpa ,are two of a kind ipnocaio fhey bofh loo at a per-son andi neyer say avord. Ysferday tbey bad a sort o f cont est - ea"h looking at the other. 0f course, athougb he dci'f spea3k, Partn1er couLdi't Stop the tw ien bis eeand pro- sently Davos ;soiemn liEttle face was ail sm1-iles. !Wben Partner wvas ready f0 go fo thse ban Daecamne along w ýith 'Grand- pa's rubberi booýts, waved bis hand-, said "y"ta bis grand- fathe, and then returnod fa bis onimportant business, stjcb as penin-g doors and cuphoards aknd investigating the caf's dish. elaffer that littie.- wri e Lup Iarn sureý those readers wh weanfed tolhear maore about Our grandsori will be quite safisfioýd. ,~Iyeothers less sol! Prior ta thewekndiwa uiean eventful week, as everyone knows. The rsga flou 'as prime mtinisýter of that grxeaf leader. S i r VWbfiston Anne Sir Anthon 1Cdei aS 1hi,ý SU'Ce-'S- Sor; the binbogdon ftheý rederai Budget hci ae liti"e dfeeçeto ýfarmetson way o teother, unless he happen to wanit to buy a-ne ca.Of course ithere had 'to be a fewv atoïn bombý'-s let off touis turb our peace of mind. But l suppose we have to acceýpt theseb big firPeworks nlow, Another tmr a fe-w iles frmhe-ie, sold hi,, farm l 'ast wVeek and is, moving to on Last W,7ed1nesday ' wentet, n-eig>hbour's tiarm--furn-iture a nd antique Sale. 'It waS the best 'byn'crow'ýd 1 everswIn! fat hre iwere timres we h bidd]ers cotldn't biýd fast. enouigh- so anxious were they, to gain possession of somne pre- ciaus antique. A chiniadc wViLth red eyes soldi for $42; at hom-espun bedspreadi, $45; a pine cde,$13; a converted ou lamp with a bowl-shapqre shadean reservoir, $2?1; a milk glass vs withi a flued edlge, $19; a conlical candie !lanrtern, $9; a buggyv iamp, $8". Somne of these things were re-scued from the attic andi reldar. Remember that, fiends, ifthe tLime ever cornes we you decide ta have ân auction sal1e. You miay havre asml fortune in your attic. Wîhat did, I buy? A roasting pan for$15 1 knmew, it was jugit the size for nyyave-n as I borrowed it, last Crsmsto c(ook the turkey!, Lengthy Jobs YoU need patiencela complete-- a task i-,îke that whiich MIr, Ge- aid Pagef, aged sevenity, hopes to f.inish cornie this -year, For it has ocuie oearly zail 0 f biss'par-e tmeforfit-ee years. Paisakingly he 'bast-ade genealogica study of ail thie r ing houses of Europe frulatihe time of Charlemagnebto tie pres- cnit day. -And he bas typed mo.ie, thanrt5,000 sheeýts f focilscap wt defaied Informatin on 600 fuar- hies. 11eundrtok tisvast job because a a bojy h( cqirda wil be fiise w'e he ax es,ý wiu maeygo f0 the Brit - r>efteeùee ,books and. docunt Few peole hv tewil pwrtoudeaesuhac lossa - tas & astMr. Paget'Sad Ini these days of rush you sel. d.om ind a nian or )i'a womara doing a job requirig years nf exacting awork. but at theý Lici< Univerýsity Ù.n ClifonaMastyear an asrono)- mercompeted the Seven-year' Caskof making a huge mosase photograph of the nighf sky. ft was patiently made up of 1,24 pictures each seventeen ice sqeMaen with a specally, econstr-uctLed wnv nb ln Each photographreqired an, ex'PoszUre "'f twýo lbours.Cobn 'uG TWO main patteru parti irldaytHi»g be . ASUT, ai Sise 12,14, 6IF;, 20 Tissue paf- terne tranisfers. Staffsze Send T.IWENTY - FIVE CENTS mn coin,, (stam.ps cannoit be ae-' ceptedl) frthis pat' ern fo Box l 123 EihetefbSt.. New Torout<, On, rnt plaiy ATTERN4 NUMBER and SIZE; your NAMEX and ADDHESS. lISPIRED IDEAS,-pages anid pages ofnavel, des-igns in ojui NE-W LauaWeir oderf Caf alog foir t955! Cmitl differentd sr) th-rillJingl e 25 cents for your capy naWI Yoiu'hl w vanjt fa arder mniy C the pattens shown HE HAS A CRUST-Chipmiunks being one of thn most timid and elus5ive of the forest creatures, Askel Nohr, photogracphr "vos prety WeIstymied in bis otternpts ta gel ca close-up photo, But ingewuhy pald ffWhcen ha got the Mden of bading hic foot witli aý piece of bread. Greed wocn over fea;r. The h,ýIle f(llowv ap- procsced and Norholding ccrricil t Lnî, npe this Pitui o. taigin sre~a~~fa'aa ,ils 1p-() milion ibyer Somme nh-ave î et ag portions of their lives in efet ing a -single piece a 'i friu For istnc, a Lo i V cabine nearly twenTfeet Ilong took ifs mnaker seve n veas f0 o- struct. These abinet ecoind 667 drawers, 130 of xwrhi cwes- imPollit spent i Pl bis çspare inIg ai ooenmodel of'Clon Catedrl. il he carvîng was ein thie model For fthe flrst eleven eas ol lthad 11to re ,i npoorps the cathedral1. Then anarl1tt, jiprcesýsedî b-y bis paience. lu.. dustr.y and kilsent t1whe mode)i- 1er i Ad is wife tfoCologn, pay- inig their xene

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