Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 28 Apr 1955, p. 2

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9.0B. Ruthierford, Mrs. 17>(0D Mis. H. H, Barlow, 200Mxs. C. Woocpd, Mrs. - T. Lws Mrs. C. N.E, Alliia Canva'ssers for C "r S fol- ScOolSeton Mr. Je, Mrs. C. C. Alldread, Mrs. M touny Lui c~ g ~reTownship n ee" vr H. Wae vMsis Mss. R. Elli Jone, Mr. i~ ~rs. E. RIney, jon u, -M .S. E 4ji~ bank boan YQU may need extra cash for doctors'1bis, for bouse repairs, to save on ag seasoni's fuel supply -or for any sound reasonr. Don't hstt-e the batik about it. Its thie natural thing to do. Mie chartered banks, through inexpensive personai boans lar~ge and small> nmake it possible for people to meet pressing nieeds or take adya-ntage of bargains. At any branch, you can. count oni consideration, çourtesy, privacy. !,- is a simple matter to arrange a loan, repayable out of income in istalments that suit yvour conlvenienice. The local branch of a chartered bank flot only provides personal loans but mnany othier banking services of value to everyone in the comzuty. THE CHARTERED BANKS range o/hban SVNSACCOUNTS -Kecp your money safe; pay you steady interest; en-cour- age the habit of thrift. LITTERS OF CREDIT For travellers o-n extended trips, or to finanice business trans- actions at a distagice. SERVING xrtered bank offett a full ieking, services, including.: TRAVELLIRS CHEQUES Protect you againris theft ot loss of cash. They are readly negotiable aaywherc. HOME IMPROVEiiENT LOAN S For repaixs, altetations 09 additions to your homc. YOUR COMMUNITY Al dre>Cai c-a r Là cýorne true> Iltuéos Ile a demdie like a dem~ie like- a dream buht rmore prople, lian ever hefore are enjoyig 1tho nrealies eJ leasretat oh ning anl ldsmlobule gives. insidle and out, it's new with ail the newest new ideal on a les.Powar, lW, x Hia, c-Onifmrt you'Il ind ilhat Oliisxniohuile gives frmr of these Ihan any olher car ort the rond. Trv oee ymiurself today -prtove teyoureJfhat ldsnb aksail youir motoring dreaflls corner truc.1 1 MAKE AN APPOINTMEN \\~ TO TRV A NEW ~~ OL.DSMOBIL~E SOON. 1PHONE VOUR LOCAL I DEALER V N - - - - - ROuY W. NIOHOLS BOWMAN VILLE ONTARIO - The land which Northumberlari4 EnrieBrew", seet M and rs. nd DurhaiI ceinities are nsdrC JmsT. renRRA P, ewcestiw, as tuidsite fortheprpos e ne rudeved the heneur of bking awarded bvildng te heuse ceunty officem, the Studentsz' CuelGMMda scutetc, is locate< iio the ee the otstaning tudenz tu te Ot--side of lghway 2, and extenlds froir, year dipioina *couizse at Ontarie-9- 1nerth of tho creek up te tMe junctlos riutrlCellege, Gueilh. Tepe- Burnhamr and Willi.amr street-s. The ent"tion was made b>' the PresidenttonoCburatneixevned of the Students' Council at rauaio buy this land fromi the einities- for tion etercises held on Thur-sday of! a park biu\ the ceunties were net 'la- last week. k terested hi selling. Mr. BrowNv was a student ln thej1 the animal husbandi-.-y option of the; twe-ear diploma course and made anl average of 80 in his studies. He vvas alito active iia sports and club oka Earle, completed the first yeau ef the toya course at O.A.C. recent- ly, but has not yet received bis marks.1 1Earie planIs te retulrn to O.AC. next fAli Vo take up the degree course in agricultural leading to a B.S.A. Ger- ald Y;il be taking the second year of the twe-year diploma course, and Mýerriill ailso plans Vo enrol at the ýCol- lege, which mnenu ht î1hrebo thers xil be u~d~ hr.Ail thel boys haveb -~ein the work of the Durham p ty_,ý,nior Farmers. A special session wýiIl be called this nionth at which time thie SPecialcon mfittee will report on its pogreassi'M regard to plans for the new building-ý Palu anblng&i o AND EAVESTROUCIIING 0 CALL IJ-ý FOR ESTIMATES RARRY E. MICE T T IlPhieeSi r 12 g O~ONOONT. NICHO S CN'S ONT. Nest e's Quiek, 1 ý. Tin...............59e ,Unil rsal Sockeyé Salmnon, '2 lb. tin. ....7 Wetl i?3's Cherry Pie Filler ................ 37e Wefreth 's Apple Pie Piller ...... ...... 29e S'Vpreiî, Mixed Pickles . .. . ....... 21c st Sodas, 1 lb. box.............. 27e ff'loîu intant milk powde~r...........5 rnfri,89's, 6 f or~ 35e Sprîng Meeting 0f Oshawa Presbytery 'LA. The spring min g of the Oshiaa Presbytery Womjans Association was held at St. Paul's United Churh Ajax on Tuesday, April 19, registra- tion bcginning at 9.30 a.mi. and with 186 registerîng dunng the day. Mrs. W'. C. Ives, president of Osh-. awa Presbytery W.A., presided at mrngand afternoon sessions. The meeting opened with hym-n 29q followved by prayer by the presidept. 1Words of welcomre were extended by Mrs. Russell of St. PauI's W.A. Mn- utes of executive meeting were read also finanicial statemient. Mrs. Hobbs, treasurer, reported $252.45 sent te United Church Training School Fund~ and a balance of $748.27 ia the- Bur- cayFund. Reports of varîous secre- taries were heard a.nd the "Story of the Year" was read showing- an in- crease in mi-emybership and funds. An "In Memiorýjim" service for 60ý departed inbers was held. Devotion service, takeni by Brook- lin W.A., was based on the 23rd Psalmi. The Brookîju ladies quartette ang-, "I will follow whereHt ed. Communion was dsesdby the pastor, Rev. A. H. _McLaicLlan, big M W ing the morning session to a close. During the lunchcleon hour, get ings were bhgtby lRev. A. Hf. Mc- Lachlan, Rev. 1H. Trnrcair-man of Preshyter, MrsýT. K. C. Hopkins, pres- ident of Ohw Presbytery W.M.S. and Mrs. 'A. Crowle oJ Domninion Council and Dominion Confter-ene, Afternooni session openod with gýe hympn 309 fellnwed hy prayer. Bus- ess essî listo a "ues'ion andi innsweie' peliod ' lowe'liea "as taken andi offerin)g dedicated byý Mrs. Il. Mellov. <r -.X ~ ~ -'s AMtmnon 4evotion was tken by stiressing the impovtance,( of'wmn piilathe 1homile. Sr lO hy Mrs. Crow'le "The Mlan at the Gate" wa5 enjoliby aIl Mrlis. Coweiitroduiced the speak- er, Mifs, W. C. Stuirtridge, President-i of Doinion Council, ber subject waa5 "New Trends in W.A. WVorkl". This talk was based on 1 departments of W.A. Namely Christian Stewardsbip Lea,,dership, Education andi Co-oper-. aion witbi Christ,iani uai o.Ms Ives thanked Mrs. Sturtridge for ber insperational »message. Two ew organizations, Newcastle and Kirby were, welcomed by Mrs. C. JLee.

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