~~~on stksa pumps; ~earProm-pt servqce, 14, iberty St. N., Dowv- ~MA ý-3658. -- -- 1 n of -$108,00 was spent the Township ila prae- .1, lilkel '.iv -d sedthe monleyMaIny the beneffit baclk to; the land a nd pro- ied by m1-oat peo>pie dJaYs osts, CQupled ratifyiriýg. 3d treeos, ids cn varinu. wod lion t E. Pl tmarket. Ad- h iai should he Ohei VETEMRNARY SURG)PO-.Ç Veterùtary,nedicines, ilezls- dîspensed. LEGAL FARMS WANTED Barrister and Solicitor Buyers w itin1g foir al CI ses and ROWMANVTLLE. O14T. sizes of farm s, by young farmers. Al- soýn lme r ches r-equiredi St N DISNEY 1 Office 6888 Horne 551 OS9AA, ONT- RIO) P'hone 3.192p Write 634 Mary St, Mem~rOs w ad ntrj B I JOHN REGAN, B.A.I YANICED Barrister, Notary Public Chrisimas Tree F ayst owaiii Containilig20,000 Scotc mý)1e or Phone 32M2 Kamloops Trout more, 4 to 5-yýeai-old red. Box ,Ch;aa' j A lot I helc un t nier .5 i eÀ t. J, W. j3eaver andi JACK REID No. 1 Abeg Oronos~ Licenised Phine 3-V-18, Oronoý One Easy El with ringer.1 Che'p Ponc Ormio. Auctioneer and VaIuator,ý iSpeciaIize in liarm and Furniture Sales Consuit me fir term and dates ----I1 Phone 5rl18 pWone croasîngs are o 12 Isperiniuttei Uliti JUly lst. 150 st tu aîîow veiies AcrocHrdingIxo fishu>g forK,,, feI Ai s Poumton but on loops 1or 1I ike Trout in tu uCt "'- team of "om - is~ss'gnachain nd thrinry ae.sin the above nmentione ~Coun. Che »r - fes is permnitted until May lI4týý i 1i~ er, à is a couty h"Ween May l4th and Jun 3kth Firestr> e Department of inclusive the above mientioned restr'c- tions on mIethods of alngling are hiThero orce. JecPr, . <1'.nnu Luerws, rour K-of ploughs. Aiictîteer and Valuator ARTNER 1 Tyrone, Ont. con4act8 Auctton sale. et al ù ALE Commurnrat. witi i hm et pua ýd a half house'- Perry, Ontario, o~r e%,hît CWk, p- lnmstole/o bck E. Morton. at Oru. , r data. )uincan, Orono. Phone 1396 Commity Auction HT SALE COMMENCE 7 :00 P.3M. ILIFE INSURANCE Pensinx PIanL; Educational polRde. Protection and Savingu P;,an tag I Children and Adults; ?MortLggga h> ýurance Plans. F. E. LYCEfl> ORONO, Ont. Phaon, Mw STAFFoRtD BROS .^_W-ônderful daysJ 4ledndoy, hl#rsdy, Fridày £ Ioturdoy. f The Pl.n Bsuy ont item ut the. mggur prt*, add I<andmdtk, tw. of th, sans item. Yoi> $*y* olmost 50, and 16 ýveniug rrester R. J. P>HDI.ý-zvl I"i6 ,Q40NO, ONT. otees, prelei il