Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 14 Apr 1955, p. 7

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Valmable Paining Used As Target Nobody evar 4gDve a certiàni pictnre )harging i the7Hitini- doni Town Hall1 more than a i cannal glanice. But recistly ît Nwas sent Wvithi thrpictures ta be cleaned and rast'cor-ed -by a firmn of fine art dealars. Gnly tlieni was it dis- eovlera"d thgt tise painting, a ftill- Ielsgth portra3it o! Queen Cara- line, wife aOf George 11, îs a ms terpiae. I it is a Ga-insborough, and worth a fortune. Whanr thePei dent o! tise Royal Academy sa'sv lt, h saidr i: t is amanfct potatand J.ineycellent cni Seaioa p ictVu r e 'fiuds" rarely occur taoday, but the Gafinsborough discover,.y is ame mindar that somne people have had f'ortune-s hanging on their wals ithout raalîzing it. One of the nîast striking mc- appeared -to be the portrait of with !elloW t, imminçs. o si-e 'Look ;Vto a real'ýlr, hopintg t0 get a poun11d or two forif. Ha declined ta btjy it, sa sbhe toak the canivas to somearti sale- rOozus Thera an exbest baqked à-se1y et it and annlocce nI as un- doubtely a pmrtAt by Gains- boouh1utthe fata.ouS miss Lin- iey, the baatywjom ise pLay- iddlirg for ithe piic-,rebegan at, $600, mnoun.ýtad uiclyta $l,0.It was finially knocked donta M Charles Wertheim- or for $000 A cannisseur çf pictures Was in the fish market at Bruges abouttirty years ago. While buyiiig a pourid of Whiting, ha noticed sa faded picture a! a mniddier-agad -Wom-ran propped Up against ana of the pose CIofthe has le~ dl ta ý s Bgyne owns hunduzds of oCd padiocks adky, t'ie-a sbnpkçîeper ;7in the< sami-OW has amuboards and~ shelves crammed with decoratBd andies A Zrc ruhs~ncoi- lecýta ýthegiyprncdtsu paýper squareâ,:s l wilïoane arc wrapped. 1Vt. arr-Y Sciraexnii, of Lu- cerne, -daims to have thea fiast oietob of cookeryboos iC th ol.He oWns about 2,5(00 works in 30 ianguagesthe oid- est being a c 1 a ,ytabiet with daigback to 240 .C, Parhaps tc2e most original of 'Il Swîss coieCtors, oWveis Mr- Hlans ScýhW,ýeizer, a ratired nurnesaies-man. HI ives i a three-room house near Z- rýich. and whiles qn-y tise hIoLirt siirGoundcd by glass show-easés 30o clo.sely packed together, that one can har-dIy, pass ;betWeen the-- Iows. Inside thiese show - casas? nake-aiîa and by tihe hun- drd rom il oveer thzý World! Mnand wmn yùgand oid, kings, Presdants, prof es- siorial nmen and womnen, and labourers; v"e are ail prone toI be bitten by the N~ollectng bug," and who knows mto what strange paths, or to iwhat re- suits ail! the habit leadt O-ver a hundrad years ago the son of a Lonjdon 'ch,-emist ;pu-t his el ollection ofthe re- cently întroduced~ postage stamps in his ' ather's shop window. So wý's "laIinched on ta Ol n of the.- greatest 1hobbieîs ever, ana so5a founirded a prosper- ous business hiouse in thbe stamp world. Stamip colaecting sWavpt Lon- don and thien the Whole world. To-day there ara taJIlions o! Sta1p , collectors. Stamps are big business. it is commronpîaca, for hunrerds, even thousands, o! pojunds to, be handfedi over for ana iny, but rare, Sc ra P of paper. 1 Perhýaps 1tiseCMost famsous episo)de in ail-- the bizarre his- tory off stam-,p colla7ctinig is the Maqyf air Find. A younig "b-uck" abýout týown, cauglit the starnl c ýollecting ! fever. Gaily ha sent offcheques tadistant parts of the worid orde)-ring stam-cps for is collec- tion, By the timne the stâimps be- gan ta arrive his interest 'nad trncfed eAsewhere, and the -pack.- ets of stamps w,,ere- packed aay and forgotten. Years- later hbis niece faunrd them lui mn attic, and fhad tham,,- stot a f amous stamp dealer. The deaier's eyes widened whýen hae saw W,ýhoIe sheets o! paie stamps, Tihe 'Sale Co! tie stamps re- aliîzed a fortUne. Tisa true col- iector despissdie person V%) Venjoys tlhe plea)suras ,Of olet in1g for f asions's sk.More, nxus sili is the specu,ÈaLoY who b u y s up stanps wth Ra vîew Lo >se1ling Inter ai a profit, Tisi coiectig hbit lasen- dowe intinsially worthless value. Even tise ml iaet ecarde we teaur iorby orsi hured olr o animoa.S, Muuls o g: dair oL -rsi kooust Plagie LocutssWepin infrom the Saha:-ra and dvdrn ia.tat was greenin their a. ,Wouh worst lcutplaýgue tat ounï- try Thad knL-own ,for nmore thanu a (ceoury, The locusts came in sWarm so drte hat the sky vwas ýblack- eneelWih he. reat flsof crops W'ere devast3ted in a few Before scientiss bean 1to 1 ackle the problem of thea b. cust, som,-e nativesofNothAf rica used taoff er sacrîfices and cast spails so that their lands iright be dJelivered from thbe fling plague. Huge irs we Iiit, drums W ,ere beaten anrdrt- tics whirled in futile attampts to get rîd cf the pests Tdaresearch b as' eel ed thiat ail locust outwrea1ks cap betracad to a feW spots. Scien tists tiÀs year are stepping i.l the cami-ýpaîgn on thce breeding groundls itemrselves, Tlhey are eoncýentraqtirg on extrmninaýting locu-_'ssWhnte are in the hopper singe _ before theliy can1- 'In 1one miass Pattac-k o1-locusts !i Eaýst Af rica ani] edtono 4,000 African tÈroops andl arg force of labourers in 300 motor Vehýjicles taed200 miiles over desert carrying eqIpment anid 40,000 bags of poison ba.i", in- cludinig tha ewater înecessary in- lusing it. Each bag of poison requirredi eight gallons of %water -- 320,000 gallons alogether- -b esides the 10,000 gallons a day reqiredi for human use. The troops often fought thle locusts -for more than; twelva hours a day, wiping out countless m1illions. In the Argentineý, \Where b- eussora active every yaar fromi January to March,' mil- liens of pe'sos are spent yaarly i fighing them. 'Planes spray tIle swarns Wi.lh flimes ande poison gas More thari 50,000 tonýs of Ici- custs have been wi,,ped ýout there iu a single camrpaign. Locusts in varîous parts o! theWoi eat at least $45,000,-. 000 Wvorth of foodstifs every year, ticauatd DOWiN -THIE 1DAIN Kan., does sou&è of hl buat 0%h- ing thiraugh a sni drainhole situated in the -maistreaIt of bis hornetoWn! The riroecovers a stream which runis beneaath theý streeýtanid urkirig ;n the cool, dark Wters, are sizeabIe atih Somneo the best fi1sh are ieft behind, because the size of the hoe is such that anytiuî-g oVer two pounids ili weight tcannflotbe (-a-wn through the sinall aper- ture, and the lina has -tI e eut. S APFES t'miet vour BOOKS apid CASH froun FPCR and TI4IEVES. We have e ihie and type of Soie, or Cabinet, for anY pDrposs. Visit us or wrlte 4for pries, etg.e inDept. W. jý,ýj.T YL[R LMITE0 TORONTO Q F w Rs 145 Front St rQonte feadeconmy ry ULincoîn Whlte 'Log- bna ý Also htch n ost popuilar cro»sss trted Cics nd Capons always a2vallable. Try oLurdpnal service Lincon ltchery, 11,-, aStreet, St, Cathari-nas, Ontrfo. Pne Mualq' PTEE hcsthtgadfta ade nmo 0neyou fwlnonak mny foryoutody.You have tc have spclal br-7ceds orma1ximlum 1eggpr ducttin, bolr rdcio n ual catalogue tailla-vou ail abot thse spcial b reada; also ourbatred of tuk cyvfobhavy ratrmdu -~LMTIFE-RGUS, ONTARIO TurKkaey Fn.Twenty-six l:,ars 0f raing, raeding anid bh;ing thjf ur- key axluiveyguarantees you 0 ts haputsb ,ST prourable. Broadt haavy m îlezat yield10w fccoat,con- st ittes afelnvstme "t.- Write for 101,BareOnao Thesohy, Copartie' Religion, Trvlln -ibhrania, Toronto Theo- soJphic a oit,5 sblaSt.,.TOm. DOETCHELP %WANTVD '1jti ad fhelp wîti h cildran. Private mroun. Good wgs 6 t Fcresi 11li Roî)d, Tomon)to. FOR SALE Tractor 1- ýl'mtional, VW.D, 9,per- tact oni IO ook and runs like naw. Ta ndemy Dise--No, 5, Cocksh]utt, 38 pIowi- In'ternaioý'"inal, 8 urrow, 121, botiomn. Aibar MarasaliWalka-rton, Qtro M60 ACREArta oll lea-se orsala,' Suruddby pouigOil als Ex'cellaent Ivsmn. Peter J. cLn,369 Askin Blvd. Wndor tfSEI SranitMI100gallou, Ferguso-n 1ltiv' ator, tractor druven Grain Grind- er, l-land Sepâaatr, Jacket etr "Frdle" R. 1. 1, DOwnsýtvic-w, Onaio Terling 18-76M8 DELICIOUS, ' Euonomical, Haailthful! Booleat 5M". Ban- Recipe-s. Box 6C5, New iots ste, Brooklyn 68, NwYomk. FARM FOR SALE: *20,000, TERMS, 200 ACRES;' 125 WORKABLE, BAL, ANCE BLUSH AND PASTUR'E; GOOD BUILDINGS; EXCELLENT LANO;, TEN MILES PROeA L:NOSAY. FOUNO.REALTY LTD, 143 KENT ST., LINDnSAY 100 acres, 1i1 miles casatci Peiterbor- oulgih, ricb diryfarn, $300 xutl tunoer csone bouse, oil hcat; ah bidnsli good coditon.Cotact owe,..Melucingar, R.R. 3, indiar, VEER LATIE AND CLIPPER F0r scile. The Capi0llte an-d clipper ae 88 inche-zs longFor further particulars eapply tb .3. R. eney 584 Willm St., REGISTRRET lrfriBui etr breeding 20 mos. old. iidn!ealfri F yersbredlng Dom.ino stýrain. S'c- J27, Brantfor1d, ont. HARDWARE rBUSINEýSS F-ARNI Supplies, iecated li-nprpsperous farmjing district 20ilesfý romn Ottawa, Equipaed Fin Shoe and Har-neas lRpair. lgNoritpeti'tion witbin 211 mile, radIuýs. ale o f stock w'itb uidigpra ferable.Slin due to il] flat. Mm. J. W Diit.Camp.. naro M N IT MAY BE VOUR UVER : it enay .e mY àyo ilveri itsjalsaLIUttaee Ulo k A pueneofBv For acf P ,, , u asi e oabat m id seê iJ%3, m aa e uM shV hn ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~t 8 ed al <ni Cïe'a15 4 VON'TWAT- VRY UFRR OF RIIEUMATIc PAINS OR NEURITis SKOULD TRY LDIXON'S REMEDY, .MUNRO'8 DVRIJOSTORE 335 ELGiN OTTAWA F125EPRESS PREPAJO BiAfN!Sr3 the ticrment 0' dry ecZemeý poit you lteling3. scaling iad buro snd foot ceaw( epn edl v'~ the stainlesa ores ontmet e epRICE 2'50 pEr JAR Sn otFree. on Receipi ofFric 09 uenSt , E., Corner efLgn TORONTO MNAND WoMlENi BOOSE Mill, a Mauateesand Itepairs, MdadAeu,~gnor, Qntario.$1 er as reas or ca'sas, $1.85 et<ow. rite for pie on cew cases. Aloewance made 0,2lor yo r old cases. LONELY? Hlave penipals ~yhr i U.S.A.! Our list cf names,Lae, Men's. 25 nm~ 10.J cldsl, st1,acdy income,. Easy an'i s 'mple. Po aga lmit. No experienca e dd rt B'ox. 79l, Chilcago 90. lios HOMl0E 7Madec Winecs5 21 s-cret r:ecipes that cýan hacmaen easi., in tehoe ,allar, $1, Rosa;, 3:17 Eat 153 tet NYC. New York. B U y or salc bleaeprdcs WaceElectric plana.Send 5j,, til coins orStapsf or Catal0g.Laet Se ,rvlcc, P.O. Box,, 77;5. raaoo Nortb Carolî'n a, iOIN CNDASLEADINO CHO LeafO a Ealrdressesg val grafisatas 253 RlÔr-t W., Tônto, Bý rnh es PATENTS Patent Att ornays,Etaised1960 ntiverýsiltyAve.,Tr- o aet I ANOFFER to eer ivenýtor Lisi o)f !,inetïinsand fuli Ifomtin et frea'. The rBans Go. RelstredP0 ent Atornieys, 27j Banui St. Otaa pLeSONAL -5,00 T'RTAL -lYen -Tutenty Ov-îîVClu ,personal rqge~~~ l'aïesi eala. logue incIudedl. The Mcdelo~ny Box l24'L trmInal ý ', oroOnt.. MABRTMED couple for lrgefarmj, Wlf e as 1housekeeper, huisband fainiliar with 11odem machlnery and livestek faedilng. Excellent a.-ccommodJation, moderracliie Conveniant ÉTorointo, English speak.ing,. Accomnmodtinun. available fer eîdran. Box, 115 123 ERlghtieenth Stree, So orn o! 1th2 inter- Thc Leagule Vour comments csnd suggestionder tbi~ column witibe wslcotued by Elmer Ferguson, c/o Calvert House, 431 Youigs 'S.',, Toro~to, Catv~ttDJSTI~LERSL~M~TED AMIIERSTBURG, ONTARIO

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