Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 14 Apr 1955, p. 6

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re iýw, * nwweele was,wil ct whfgil nor be ,able f0conu ut ou hlm o ýclierisb you as a e, *would lie so isilluisionedyod * w-,ish you lad inev e met hlm a * Wake np, beforè you step offp le * flicdeep end. * Yorioly sfey inlu no an sein hmatil pin a imedlalor)marriýed mn wVho bveaffaia i fhC o jtj ýt Ih e -r women? Accordlng fAyonr views (apareitl) tey ans afelyV rtun omeoe1ese's life nd then go akf0being thepefc bsndand ater Whfof ftne other uomnan? 'l'le men don'toe1 hm, hig On Ar o hey? "Qu ofthesweefestgilI k-ne-w tok ber liife affer snlcbh anr affair , f, r n, hope the're ila just urefnibuf ,L-)ionfor sud mn-en, IDISOUSTED" * Shocklng consequences can ands n~tinsdo f ollow eta *mrtlaffairs, anmd offen )t b e ni-eat girls find theifnsel-ves in- nv d. Yef snmrely fliere ïla proof,, enougli(i(lu this clruaoe chances they faewlien fhe dateofervoesbuan. ~' hae olysypmnathy uand 'itfor sncbagirl asyour i*ifriedwal utwhaf 0f fl *nncn ie h lagit Lo will isr and, [i i sk- BoX 1 Ttpeul iar Am.lýericýanl lInst'i - beengivn agoing-ovuer hy ïa 117ouP f mreigexpmerts. T!vhcy haebeen snd îthe :ha'bits of fie Amierican oueweanid b-er sp us heýy have coe p wifh som itersigosra TLhýcleckouf n is thebofe necuad flic pain in Ieù; k unlgsecond in complai,-nts la fifeelinflat fwo-wavýy fa Mcic n the aisîca la a nuisance, ntncIwDINNER ROLIS *' The r raliy itzy .--and ne, trouble at aitltn a4ke, VLthne Gesyou fas,ýýt ton-Ji dlonghs -- - nd rnueof the bohrof old time persal ycs!Ger a doz-en akae .u.keeps fuil!tegh ~hu n 'Water ONE YARD 54â-mch fbrieforý holro!DIT O for skirt! No need ta bankrupt your budget! Choo's!ý a iwool euat mk rhis ,esemble tý'for, S prpinug. CoSWLdnt e eaer --diagams sho 'yu hwfew 'crse there j54 inch fabrîc, Thîs ateru esy"o us"es;im1- pie tQ sew svteerd for fit. Ras complet e îisrfd isrc io ns. acc-ep 'ed7) or tî atr.Pri-nt plmySIZE,NA E A- IMESS, STYLE NUMBnER. Send order to Box 1, 123 partinlarlyfor men wha beef Ithat w'îomen walk aogaim-Iless-. bvy (juat lik wmendrier, oe felow said) Neryeverybody cnfn else, The clerks say the mein can't fid their vmoiwy. They say that menpile the gaoda iîn- proplyad spol a[ot of suT The men tay te wmuC-Ongre- gate wth teir waonsajdstýal! traffic-, -Thýe woenay th-e cek punchnt th1cot f00 fgst sc they ,"don't no fUhy'ebeing charged the correctrates, They also -ComplaiÀn that Imen Fseem f0t haveextr are Order's, ànd Il~s miurder to get lu the checiçout hne beiI(j t-he ae hppr he expert's gave ottre pronged advice 1. Make out a lit and put the rneat purchases down first th,:, others lu the Order they wil be 2.At thie counter, place çýcanned goods near the, clerk, then the bulky once then the perish- able. "ha'he wythey go iinto te bag. packaýges should be sfcood on e Finally if you dont Like stad- iny-g in l'ue, ýay the expertsdo your hoppù lufhic ear rnrnngheore aho trs Othe hosewvesare hbusy at aud yýou can mhave t 'he place f0 Mod Mulr Tda jpower perliapa four of1them Wheinthe plow, or the cultivýjatOr, t'Lýr rke-or the Prin'gwaô broe, eparawere iIîkejy f ur~ Pm'e "rt!blckmih nthe nearby fowI. Thefar3er, hî- carpentertoos, ieat, yma- auic's vse, anda tew wenchecs. Noflngwehave seen for qutea speills marks thekhange, towad mchaizaionas do ;ý dOzen picwres aind a Chart lu a famin mgazinle before n s. TC' plot ures are of an actuai f a9ri> WORRIED into a bowl1 i c. plus 2 ha.onc-aitecakýeJ'ouir, i1 ta psa.I Magic B aking POwder, 3'S t. sit, c. fie granulai ed sua;mxin 1 c eacctd coconiu .Make ai welI ii dry igeinsand add ini ordIer given (do flot stirmxtr) c. crn (saiad)ou, 2 unbcete egg- yoiks, ',t c. plus 2 tha. waer its.vanilia, 2 ' ý)uza. useteeihnoae elted and vcoo4eId. 'StIr liquids a bit, then astir in dry inigre2dients;, be"at until bttr asmooh. enýsure intio a large ýbovv!Lý c eýgg ita(a',om epeaur)and aprinkie wiýth ý sp. PrOam f artar beat until whites are verv, stiff-mc tgrthiap foreringues, ec. ýAddi -fou-r -mixture, about a qurte ata LtImeandt fold atecach addition un ýïjtil batter and egg whites are, well combined. 'Turn batt'er l"nto anI uagreased 8 age ckepan; balke ;in rathert slow oven, Ï3250,abut ic jhour. ýImmaedïiately- cak crne fomoven,> inveIrt pan, and sus-pend cae ntilcod auarL wr oukeno 'iitn ti cdaSeawaýys gren"-~adge as truE tÔaS" as if ever wane ]iningthe last tean years. orl.so sole of our famfriends have bcen vnery un- setlfled, T ywere 2 nndecided whether tLo s4ay on the farm oýr sei ouf. Sunme feut they wvere getting f0.,o d for famm'Iintg f00 uch bard work; sact of f arm -heIp, m7oSi of iLt inex- pcrienriced, added tp f ifeir trou- biles, Farmn- properties were fetching goo(j prices. If might be a good Mdes fo cash lu on a odopportuuity - mov f town. get a amaller hous., ls worl., for. thed M.s. ouse-,iýfe ud likely teewouid h be an eaier job lu town for lMr2 Ex Farmier-.1-e would need s nnme thn~ofïilin lbis fite nyp0 y Sonisoe o'f tfese frïindsCof Oorsddsedtit;others ore St% siffinog on the fence. So wh",at aoppens? Extracta frornrecent leffers teclI their ownstorýy, W sO offen wîsh we uwer di sf11on fcfarIf woýuld Irewod- fl to get away from phis tcou- venlepf' uoisy surban area. Treare s>mnvnis s-h everlaýsting q hum of the icn diioner, fliefan on the fmae ofCE planes taking off from a eryairporf anýd static ini- fefrueon the rado o fee- viinas a nearhyneighbour, flua city j"ob any day f0 be 1ack ýifb hIle c ',0 toheac'th present job but 1 realize uowv th a ouyisn't everything," Tien j meef and falk with fo:mer farm-wife, iu reply f0 -Y qustions I gef an arsiwerý somefýýhifg Like thisý: "Yes, unr boEus avery ýonjvenlîeu 'warm uof-efbowu. Ado cours, thee isfar les wrk Bu n ouei asbivso opdorrr ioJ. ok alonig ie 'reCq tu o1h1r bouses verysike ontr owand i ln ihe~yh con-ntrîy ar obe -luna house thaf su'fhemmdilubyohe bouss. jut 'ave an alimOst unharale raving f0 get Ôut we har tis: Well we ave farm We avelooke"d ouf a lot infwn and.we fhik We'1l bul1hîs summner, Aniytiug wii lebuffer than lavn u he-rtaouf ce way we ami-e n" Well, thýaf lawhatChe ther F grnptoughýt ote nsWbon have areadysoid -uTe wliy, affer a few mcnflis awa fron te fi'mdidflechn? Ifs 0m temefic chnesth viOUs .worry ad oewr a ondition owih lcol soluionseeed f li foquit parfm-enf f firi ze atoo bile agency. fasop Urged by the publica- Ifdepictsa arnougofer qup powr-dive rlflegrideIsw SddriF. eso anair ndmres sbop hbrary, day Anno eoin 195, mgli rake"themeadw swet ithI fine Bt ficJudgewuln bnd bCr 0wi1ha lpegoted rake il-, ber bud.Sli&ýd le ridig a mahie la cutsfl,11ýý ic ayV, strain flian a ycar's work. .5 abesao5 ENSOPIS rCND n Sth .4 cupa milf 2 gswI-beaîen bosr PLAC zwr Idigwaier and C9nwn COERad cOn1;wuecokn Omiuelner REMOVE fro.m ho~pu riuuyOe wef-beatcen eggfsc -firvinq constanîy. RETRN c1oub1ïe biIîer gnd cok wo minýutOs longer; s afi OfanJy< REMO'VE frem heat add voNill; ceai. fi'OU')R ie,'to esr dsechili 'befare servin YIL:6ta8 evgs NOTÎE1 s 6tbe 0S ENSON'S or CANADACorn Sorch o med Cusýtcrd Bl9cnc Manle. emdq-uifLe satisfactor--y. he as-nin ad bodybeaere- cd eaction olwe.Lsawr a ewway 'of life began f0 PA-l .EvenfuL tere ýcane a reat- !essesa boru of years of living cýlose f0 ofLie Earfind Co( daily de2ainigswih'rare for finknowing flicierw.- fare de;pendled iupon yonu, tfli mastet% And lic farml-er's wife C or mnany years bers bad bena 11f c fat ini spife 0f bard work, lad yef heen a Mcfe-)f copraiefree'dorn.Evfen ak hundred acres could nof malfe a boundary liofor beyond if fieras fihorzoand, if thie rising Sun, and fli cbaufy and romieof a new ay. Or nufËtheu~ting sun. wyhldcliea neyer beusen fo flie sais Ne tent fr ioin flic step uf a sbr 1 -nhomne, liemmaed b" by in ethr bIling. Lstyea'r, uneï frlcn who ovedfroi ic cify. fa flc coufry rofe tu me carn-e u)f0 îe lu the coI'uury,I neyer realized howv beanulua sunsef conld be!"ý Wl- iate solutioïor fr ay- crurfortun-afely if iýs a proli- 1,em r that canonly be "w-orked ouf by the pensons concerued. Bjut woLdn'f if 1lipcosd- ,'ly ift there -were aretpno mewenoe move ai flic nxFor in-stanoc'e, if a fan-rer sold i3sisock anidiplret ïn{ fthefîlbut dîid noC give onp pseso flis property ufil thie spin.g lie wudgef li mak,-e snaýýp decîsionis a i wbnle was pisciyan.d enaly f0 ired f0 cope wifb bis problMa. iýBut r inmoat cse we fidfrawork goca on 0iunti-l anl auýctfionsale ,binga ifta a,- close. ueday tbe fre a lis utsual n-.Umber of aflebfie next day lie lias nobin ceN yong suff t feed, n-o cows tey mikadproba'bîy b lcu f arm Tbc chanige la ti'oo date If akes a sfronig pr aiyt absorb - ýsncb ar oci secal atte prparluïig for Rau auCtioy sale, w ii la ore f 0!aneou yef or a loin- ren'f hlm, j-

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