thiough Kendal on MondaY Ot Mlrs. Gordon Mainlell is sPOI KENDAL -M.B.Aexander and Mrls. F. Fals are speniding a couple of weeks ,vith their sister, Mrs. Peach, ati Creek, Michigan. Mir. and Ms T. Gaributt, son Jaýck and friend of Toronto spent Sundayv a7t thieir suimïner home hýere,. Mrs. G.E. Lofthuse isited beri 'sister, Miss . Sear ver thel F our tiru.ýk laods of tobacco pse Special1 Bl 1b 39c M1e aty S hort Rib Ro)ast lb l39c Lean, Fresh Minced'Beef lb 29c Swift'(-; Preiui Franks lb pkg 37c Preiiu 1 olognaBy theSliced lb 27c Bolona B thePiece lb 25c Juimbo Large 8O's Grapnefruit 5u it5or 29C. Texas Silver Skii ONIONS 2 LBI19 N 'ew Im p orted 2 ' o -. p k g s. GAR ROTS 2 pkgs 25 Sbortenl[ng Items Shortening 2 Ibs 49e Ingersol, llcé Cheese 8 oz. pkg. 25c Frozen Foods Bird.seNe Brussel 10, oz. pkg. 35c 2for 35c ilton k on a ~speedyi a fw ,y ' ithlier ]brother at Rose-Congr1atulations to Mr, neath. 2rc and %mr Ll.oyd Morris and R. Page on the birth of 1Dennis, Heýýpe1er, Mira. H. Squire, Kenineth. There was a tgoo>d attendéance at the aft and Margaret Everett, Teronto Mr. and Mr-s. Leroy H~ Kenl United CIuc nSunday to Spent Easter ith Mr. and Myr IlE tended the Lhmnberman's2 patciae athe 'cEaster Service and Green and family. iualty Co). Convention hast partke 1o10Il Cmmnin.Mrs. Msjýs 1L Maýrtin ae operated on at tA eoal York Het Alva Swabrik ontau thene Ham- for appendicitis at Bowmnanville Hos-Afewad the-y left for niond organe the tores of Wich r-ptl She, retuirned homne on Easter tu,ýrning~ home Friday nigh soude aledilythro-ugh th~ hrhSna.W hope she vill contine to Ml rad Imrs.charpes The cuhir loft hadbeen rnoatd ake a good jrecovery. Lyna, Tronto spent Easi andld batfu its A ewm coat M1.and IMrs.A. YoungToroto cottage. of pain. withl Mr. nd Mrs. C. Matn n Vr. Do)uglas Smiethcirs, r.and Mrs, JamesCaeo n . 5ltLa1U r it, We Zoiet Mi'. and -Mrs. A.,W Prut a~uI ur nd familywohvetcn ter et thir mved into the -výiage. MUrs. Robert Chcater is visiting ýwi Kig.,on hrmotfher,, Mrs. EIass-iinett, Tolront At CORNISH'S Treesweet J uc Orange & Grapefruit Natures Best Cho% ice Pea Swift's CASE of 000 O. B3rown Bear White Treesweet 480ez% Orangre Juice 3c Swif t's Baby Meat 3'/2 ez. 2for 45c Libby's Choce Sliced PineapplIe 20 oz. 34c Libby's 20 oz. T omato Jice 15c Paramount Sockeye Sa lmon. A's f9c FEATIJRE -- Plain or Salted Westons Sodas 1 lb 27c Quaker Muffets Diustbane Trees Turpontine Pride Dog Food Silvo Polish 2 for 31c 3 lb tin 45c quart 55C 8 oz. 79c 2 for 25C 6 oz. 33c Gotd Se al 1Sockeye Sailmon 1-2b37C Digestive (Assorted Pack) Peak Frean Dainty Rice 16 oz. pkg. JKeenex Dinner Napkins Ove, Oven Clea 'ner, (Assorteel Flaveurs' Frestiies Spring Cloths8 Pins 25c 17c 2 for 65c Tin 49c each 6c 36's 25e presenit hhn with a h, sagle. Please bear in iitias Boom la flot resPoinsibl tage of boys so roml early bird gets the 'w is 50e for. each O-,ple paidl by the girls anl person Who eomes siul Cýee«< Fur j tor I. Eve ê.o.foeoofoe~>.fl.oflflb~ùOOOOO4%fo.e.êfofoo..ooa... ~ COR NISS 48 oz. - i Sponsored by Union and the gathe-ri-ng of au)o peopl e mtin t auditoriumifor geýt-together,. Mîsý ,,ith -Miss Marily pino ed asdgsog Frances .t fNewlcastle arranged the dev( "o 'ith ýMiss VleaCopping -re.l b Lh Scip,'lturie. The ministri, - -- Kien. sowd omie lovely, lstrips on the EstrFestiva,,L.G J)vaiedb both Y.P.U. and C.G 1eades, were hertily entered arusmem 1beïs of both y( pepi'sgoupjS, when Mrsý. E,, Brwnasstdat the pianlo, meigclosed wt a deligl Soventy Yourng Met At Mr, Mrs. IlIassist Mr. E. A. IlICouiity Representa ns $2.95 lie