Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 17 Mar 1955, p. 7

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Lon~don Skunks Are CLASSIFIED A9VERT4S1Nfi SP RT CO-L .eauhit.e oMh Lno ORDER the breed or croýsyuw WATP-URYSFEJ M The aut-wlnllie there's a cboice. Wld UI4IUMAIl N ~N4Rn Zoo faceçi a pro1blem wlher they 1varty, %raes iu-rross. Seine rtanted TO 1'RY »IXONIS R&MiDY. '-les Mled. Cockereis, »BRAY MWNROIS ORUG STORE gel deciçded they had too litt1p spae HATOHERY, 120 JroEN [4., HA)4ILý 3Sý5 ELGIN OTTAWcA '~7~ ~ T~.-.-~-~pw ~ - to display all the an12ae Ehy TN.-J XPRESS PREPAID ~-vised. and too mnany iroxi W hatch 23 PPRUNTE '~*When the Irishi and their descendat bars 'I show off eveiib n- cosbed ~CnalfapO5 E M OI celebrate this Wee, the bithday of heir malsthey hadcIieks We have pu1lete as 30W as ________________ celebatethýsweekthe irthay oftheý Mal they11 aci. fl&!5 per. huudred aud as high t, END Straw Problexi! Straw âV- atron saint, they cari inchude football in. o hya~k pn 1 $65pyhnrdCccri t*,ê bice ta en u o n thee srepnsbe million xin gradually rebuildirg buy ou, price oi, aud do not take stctos*.. ierSca1y ~ v ~ P~T~lt or anh ge Zoo, restoring its old pres- lut $2245raton psy t youndr: , the Il* -ah fr:u scapu four. Aober.een, For àt wias an lfrishmani ¶who invented chicks for you cari lose a whole year'ls 19Aeue W.Abreu Rugby, still played as sucix in ail parts oftg as the finest and most prooý- fit, Buying chicks îs vot like buy- 3euth Dakota, the~ Em1pire. E, îs also the gamne from which our own Cavnadian ern i the world. Mn s pair cif shoes, If the shoes, don't footb~all escelded ÏbY a seiis of stages. IntenwiO ny-h s1oes, If yotu buy the wrog breds of lous Tucson, Arizona, Susine City, Th-e legend that Rugby was transforrned fromn soccer to a, sportive monkieys anxd snne Of chcthat do net eit ynur cie e ýü Cl2sfeis 2 S'hoial . evle voatle~ae hxh ~ asxnen.e..the wild birds wll live ini e atuth cost of ta his heCla55tSrie> 25jo M stonie, rsn miore voaieg m i h caryngtebl inned fee are~ ~ your whole year's profit. We quie y ccden, s erecty ru aan rihmrcages. Ingelio~us. tricks of have a breed for ever' marpose. Sen Arizona, qut b ccdnt s efety u.AndI il was nIrhmnfor fui). deta!ls. catalogue,. Also tut. Wh, perh>aps involmitarily, made the tr-ansformaton. There )ihi4ad ventilatfion will en key pouts. 1 Ped Peruas. orde) .à is a mornument on the campus -of Rugby, a famed English - sure that few of the other c-rea- WEILlCIIUC1 RATCHHIIIES; LTD, Silkx Zfiri Scarf. 1B' X 45"e direect frotm eERGU ON0 XC India., 8 c01ors, RIed, Elbch, Grese scol ta easte ntiption: ftrswlwshto leave the Blue, Gresu, Yellow, Purple, Beowî14 Thisstoe cminmortes he xplit f Wllia-kiWeb ow qurter---n te fr- with gold decoratons, $2.50. Raips D_ OWxiDavis, 76 Harriss Court, Nth Ab1ng- Elllwhwthafnedsegr orterue f otal sof a mkoat. 100 ACRE-S ou a paved road near ton, Massachusetts. EUIs wh, wlh aune isr~sr fertheruLe affoôtalias arristou, Ont., 90 excellent pIoiýghcred played lit bis tisne, flrst took the bail iii lus armis and ran Ever sn-nkes can be openly acetertbuh Tisan s m a bokepr storphr with it, thuas orliginatîng the distinctive featurVe Of the Rtigby acr iplydo wr saugo ees, athe s1oeto tuh Ts and À0 tSt Lesons OcCnaia Cr- ganue, AUP 182~ -' sn -rld rzen tempera- barn, 50 xý60, fait house, good %vell, respondeuce Courses, 1290 Bay Sre New, it seems the youngi nwepro~Jdlisc ' <-' ture zones whib-b t)rey will have hishool fr om~iesty awaoy r Thiots uinùrthodxx fashionj, )vas an Ir-ishman ýwho 'nad gonie to .an- no desire to cirons. Tropical w1idnac uIea srrfr.Pl WANTED-Rei E-t-"te Agents> mnen or dient Rugby school for further education. And possibly, it was CHMINFGR eiyA brscnb otie re $7,500. $3,000 cash requireci. womneu, te sel lura i tbis ares ùÀË CAPO IUE ere Al1 hsF.Cocoranx Real Estate, 2434 comislnbs.twfltanyu no acldqxt that Master Ellis piekeci rp the bal! an~d ran with br1t 19 s èn ee is i cmpartmentaled suç eele 8treet, Torouito 15, OntJario. Wrttesýo b eais. of bwil toa, get ut it. Hie had, no dc>ubt, playeci or was- actjuainted witlx <aelic oprmns ald b iIslted o ChfasG o. orcotan Iet ït fotball ln his homeland. The Gaelic gamne from time impie- ptoying the fine fer'n which has darkness. Clever lighting wll IJSED P-IM TRUCKS thsaeld Chas. Pee . St r orout ïî5ý,- alloed andingof he ail unikesocermodce her the vworId's figure- 1enable visitors - nearly three ULYeupe wthPfP Ont., or CIC 1-5880. mlorial aloe adigo h al niescetanks. Excellent condition. Onie year So it was intuitive Or Ellis' pxart to grab the bal] and skating champion for the sec- milion a year on average - to guarantoc. Also. C-0-2 ExtIuguisbsrsURTRTo ih ,ae drbl it afew steps before kiclcing on the run. The trouble and trne., during a prctîce iviewv the birds vithout them- an PIRE FGIITINGsets EQUPMNT, ît TQ0 Poor? New inventloi-, savea, was, he man ail the way across the goal. session cit Vienna, Atustria'. She: selves beii1g seen,. 1089 -A E ROADI EW AVENUJE, 45%e. re gas le uaie. A gE IN- 0twstyia f sot-ind Britons, who know a goodi 1is o Iecvtdc~nc Th Aîîotted area of th Zoo APT 3,TRNO USTulES, Neguse, New Bruuswicht, thlng and a. draimatie thing when they see it on the flid of inîeo' Regetats Park, restricted to' WAR -ASSETS BARGAINS B ARRSE playdo ý '152 1 ty-si Fce, I~sn pc ULL line of used heavy trucks lioata,ý BEAHSRRS tixa, isted ofheaingrepoaches n te vcurx Irsh-tractors, power units, winches, parts JOIN CANADA'S LEADIIqG SCHOOL manr for a breach of ethies, they' tumnedi his error, irato a game, for expansion. So Zoo develO»- jand maux' other Items too< numeFrous toý Great- Qppartuiulty. an bit lmamouent. And, as always, teyprsdt ment is to be 1-pw,,ards, The new mto.Aiatbganpcs PrLearu 1-a1rdrsslng. well. The wording, "with- a. fine disregarçi for tlhe.rules" couid these erops with cotataohuss r toc be se-ea 2further iformaion vrte MU»D, 1Pieasant, dignfied Profession, go be developed only in a counitry that appreciates freedomr of b-aems ubleal tories h.igh, with cover-ed APT. 3, TOBONTO. val graduates.c thought and actioni so mchl that it forced the Magnaý Carta pxrosperou. rtns edng t enr. Amscrica's Greatest Systemr at Runny>nede. So they expressed their grati- Ps laui o CTt'1y V&TERAN Calcwdars, $7.00 per huai. Illustratecl Catalogue F2tO h~eatedl apartmrents for pumas dred. Rletails 25e each, Army or Nai, Write or Cal] .Master Ellis n>eaftt ne harm, ne offence te the sports tetothvraouinctl anid perhaps oxm attractive roof 1onMPe.24 adn !dra ~ AVLHIURSIOSHOS code. Ris innocent idea of soccer was to latch onto a loose vadeir that had turned theil' li-ee- - 358 Bloor Si. W., T-rDr4o liodtor abet e- garden for giraffes. H~ELP WANTED -'Branches bail and run IL AndI so a game was born At the time; .132 lihoo form 44 gabetK ct ' ing Si., liaxiiton years ago, Rugby was a school; not the label of a. football taxit-y by raîsing the $2,500 Thi men ePda o ACTORY Workers, aeaewel Žax~ tOtw gaine. The sports identification came later, ail thanfcs to a monument. ,O nnsX~btlax U 1' PSY u81.00 Caelp Wnatd Columuer Ar-m ______ Y~oungl rIsiuman, In Sait Lake City is a mnonu- iisual questionis had to be an- Soutletu LiOrSiaelds 7 5 AirScon PATENTS mex*ereced t seaulîs lxithe swered before, yoig architect Sticet, Long Beach, Calforpia.PTIESOHAG CrPi by Eîmer f:rguson, r/o Colvert flouse, 437 Yongo . Tororito. tlei-s were sýtyLxggli.rg for exist- plete his plans. "Whiit is the u~WAe.Trort.Ptn ence, a plague of crickets settleçi farthest a tiger lias ever been NAMELESS on -hrladad trtd e- known to leap?" lie asked Q.ne rold Renaedy. are 4)ntnt tbat re- AN OFFER t. .very iniventor List ,g ther andan strtci e-lieves Sinus, Plia, Headcolds, in 10 Inventions sud f ull informnationý sent DITILE S LI IT Dvou1'ixg their crps day, and found that the defeice days, or Y-ouex' back. Ooa>viueiaig Trial free. The Rasnisay Ca., Regzistere Pïa4 FlockLER Lf s1gul cam to tueD ditch, in the figer house' wQiid $1.10. Address: Pxrity Ca., Exeter, Ont. ent Attorneys, 273 Banka St. Ottawa. - AMHERSSURO, NTARIOrescue, siwoopîrag dowui upon the hvtobatlattet-ve CONSTIPATION troubles? Use Bulk0, NESOA myias f Snet an PS ie.anw ty'pe --f laxative. Effective L-kOIA rnyriads ~ ~ ~ Vsior intct ahe Zooin fart wide. correctiug constipation. $2,00O, lmpaerial 10 TILo±.Idliz shor wor ofthem sothe set- IdsreBn11 miý9 10ýRA )fr wnyfv ý,wq shot wrl ofthm, dsa~~ is torre ta thZOe somgen . nutis a 7,Wn1~ personal requiremnents. Latast catar - tlers were saved frorm tîmeser lorrie hytepnec ncîtaded. Thes Ividico Agent-y, The mionument wa b-uilt in ole f skunk-s and wfld cars., St*eu.- ECZEMA sufferers eau >xoa get reut Bo , emia A"Trono.Ot tfwt e'l Eczeuiê -Treatrnenat. îUs hx 2.Temni ra Ot J M e mlorials R aised l rýePica ,f ï, wbte r otr a ,s .frm f alng a ie sh 15 glehofen ex1erImexted wth de- interkal and extealy it' proe - ------N fe ihonwihaeecedperlai Inldustries, Box 471. Wlrntapeg, cil Fûriecast, Love, Mr~se»sn>,ss To Beetles, Gul A i'tea stat-ion, mountalg itfe hg _ wihar e ed oots, bt t his enoroed lp qieî'tac1i of enei Helh etc, vaur brouate, J Grdo Guls ifee-fot.hih edstl.two ggled. seagtulls. At the base 1at cft"4e1omxto ter Mn o odlanll, Vancouver, B.C. Northbrook YIanci in the Ru5u i ol - rs uui ae own, aromna. Iu the lew Zoo ___________ Straners mrivng benzii at-!kas wonfinn a saeur% leo airWo .th ig' wiJl PO$S>s EC .M SAMV REAL EITATE WA83TU» Kalisas City, a a SeF. feathered friendçs of thue eity" gv eçts- rashes sud weenlng .s1dai trùublûks, -WANTED for Ca ý-O1d,- lowv pR-ï.,c mse a giazt »tatue of a bul1ok SeWs a qiueen luee Wluhb whn they ivish ta bathie or drik and ventilation for hurnanls. post's gcern~a Slver wil not clisap. faruxs (with or wlthout hul1dieg3;) en ut over tearo fm Was týrîd z he the1cy_ Thrtcatt ti1lihig the point you, ïtchiing, scal1>uk sad buru- raéiohlau.dse cut -weopdlts. lai foe eetpý 0fic aîrporf Arn aire y WrIy precise çiegree Of teeattire and foot eczemna wîli re"pond readily Ils, ile.ral finds, puiniug claipx ýýk Weîiighing more thani four tQ ~ wilth «IÙ nurse beeq î 1- 925. Vý wui give bensts accst~oined Wa te the stainless, adürless eii>tménet, re- frontages, cabins, toitt es, olà- - -ie 111e statue was sioisted into pix-' ter iffe haid dieç feoi the cold, - ~S v yaC tWarin climes greater e'çeifort gdlsu ostbrai, hopeless ïngs, vhat have NuL.$vrie tiVS as a moniumenlt Uêtepo- t~epoeapaedle tbian e-ver before, Somne surualler thy POST'S E!IS>IStCa Wet Docswic etod uf;ý trywte fOco ina catî,, manial will lue kept. itlxic- PRICE $2.50 PER JAR STAM6S- Dorsl la cluec analss prevcntéd Sent Post Fre-e -on ReceJpt of Price. haebrult ùCtrof hel terin dipttle f alohol un a caIls, posseas iln, cheacg Pit peené REE Gift! 42 aikd -,àïqiýwi, havé ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o Onult hi at the t rddope it 1- cB u3tnt wvhich. enableýs ît toý seaise fron esQii otb as bt 89Oeen St, E., Ceoner of Loan, 58 worldwide rnýuretiglpi- United inaes olan sPares On- ih to a pinipenrding disasteir? ý1e OOT oll.TeAivrayOfrwf e iiotie-b(),__________he______________andsf_______iý: last xong. Seud $1, monley or deý Scatçredlu mny prts f a otiç-boad uaing ho OP~ , They are asking this question bybod ausfcor hh _____________ the worl1d aire many statues to Point41 Apis, in mnierory of the luDislof emnflo- they regard as d1angerouSý. James Kent, Boxç 237, Moose * anitraIs, birds and insects whîch bec. iGrny fle>Sak., CanaaTe. have benefitted myankinci. Though dUic boll1-weevil is 1h. n nauzngiCdn h stotulî, accowniPa nie d by a Fast Growing GO ta Scattle, US.A., and you coùtton grower's w-orst encmy, eihymea-urglaed a ls will sec an -imposiug moumn this pest was honored .in 19». Sarblest sot iiu go to «'thc, world's mnost wonderfui. by thie crection of as eOil Amx analPu îux i-s cow" -Segis Pietertie Prospect. Toujntaîn ai, Eiiterprise, Alabamia, !nu with hia wife in Ilirce rom 1 British scientists have been N Ber achcuement She prvide In the heart of the eotton-grow- always feeds his cat at tihae sihrn aon n oa c 33,922 quarts cf mnilk and ing district, heu vr evein.Asusa weighiug babies that grow f ast 2,865.18 IL of butter li tw,,o yeaxs The .beetles totaly ruinedq îlie that nlghit ie piut down lier plate Pnouguh te please thxe proudest -the equivalent produice cf 0 cto>li output Ï11 tr -area, une -1 mcdnet x.tu ir mohrtebbe f"uaei Ordluary cows. year and almnost bankrupted the tactI uclfo-le kner h elOphants." Mfter eliigh 94t e %vhoe commtunity, Thle fermea nutbhnry A full-growni clephant seal cen - thue greatest poultry -raînîng then turnced -ta raxs'xng _cl Tobssrrs h e eue e the îcngth of a bus.ý Whercas -- centre luthe world, a Clfr sugair cane, lceanuts, swcet potOa t1 tuhi;ail Iea le tchna mother is hap'py I . rJan town cetdagigantic toc>s and cattlc. By altcmnating st>rin reged, -began to run ex- enougli il ber baby puts un ea- _______ _________________________________ citigdly lup and clown betweu k oncesawek-Ucm hè hem owner and bbc door of his of a 'ton (400 lbs.) at 3 wccksi ý S~~-~~-' ~bedroom. The puzzledï man iwent lates in brxfs cf 1DG) lb. pr - '"----- -s o~.a> ~~~Jt the door andal pened it. jwceec. An elephant seal cub 'WhicII ene Of you ýnade tla. At thl. moent ame agye,ýt v7iglis 100 lb. at birtli ami a fifth cak, -- - ~~~~~~~~crash as ceilings aid al!ls col- of' e bon (448 lb.> et thrce wccks! _______________ ~~,s lapsed. Great pieces of stone anald T'ne British sciertists who've 1 - JJ-JJ~Jbr-ick iulrtlcçi <owxu on te thc spot been weighisng thein soon gt a S-. whcr -bIs mai lad ben stand healthy respec net only f or~te S < 4 standin themn the trd wck beee tog e e tlst th E cd ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ mn thR Fuse Êl ie h e b r cebs5 ~ cah setncue >ta>lde

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