*Smoked Fil Pictsweet Mixed twW Vegetables 01d Soutlj Orange Juii om Ottawa- By John M. James, M.PF. uesday siness Clover Leaf WAXED I.G.À. 100 ft. RHaif Poundr tins Salmon 37c Libby's Fanéy -27c. 35c. 20 oz. tins 2 for t27e 12 oz. Lbby's Fancy 48S oz. ins PieaplCuie.9 .45c. Pn #p i.2) 15 oz. n Qt 23c. Toinato11o-btl ::z Heluz KetcChup Ayhner 15 oz. Applesauce Stolidey Honey 2for Ce9 Pé -,a es Mazola 011 i lb 35e f35 25 C Zfor 35c Far1uiaiieub, the late 4vtis Agn Maph i.Beforite and after theimJ îrssvecruemy 'of Iunveiling aI bust of 'Miss. Maophail, the corrid1orsj' e iiillJedih rîendsand menbers, who recalled inicidents, speeches an1dj Caniada's First "Pei-rson" The same day, Canada's first wvo-1 marceatrSenator CIiinie Wilson,' w-as honored on lier 25th ainniversary t11 i haaguat boqy. Until hier ap- pofitment on Feb. l4th, 1930, the Sei-ate didi not recog-nizewoe as I esn.The act haid to be changed tpermnit hier to tak e her seat. Now Parliamenit 's gracýed by five female seilators sud ifour mwomen ituembers 'ftlie luse Of Commuans. Models Aid Redý Cross caeto the aid ouft1lie (d Cross on l8 'urdv when ,for a day, hey b1 came fashion miode1;ý Thecote tthey wore were made by thie newly fo-eiAso tion 1of Canadian cotuies.Inl- -u'd in lu tenods !were wives of sone (cabinet mini- jste's, diploma'ts, top) civil servants and, of interest loc.ally, Mrs. C. Rioy Siîo.S1e is wife of the chief of thie Air Staff and a dauighter of Dr. and Mrs, C. W. Siemon of Bowman- ville. That eventil dn'tattend, bubi undoubtedly the charming models j iaised a large amounit of rnoney for Ithe Ried Cross,. is and1 g Sug-j r f uit. creas- out te extent ~o&methe lory voting. flot vote may mdnc -ven sent in Can~ada has 1pass similar Mazola 0il1 b 65e KRAFT % I ba not be-ý light one f. people whoc ife careers. emplçyed ini worl<ers. The age of quali prof ess2-ionl who 10W ha, be wel a'dv monley retui in, one of thE education as long rui, ft. the moneta 111 a great short- led workers and Young people )portunity, \would take the smnall nr apprenticeship' or continue their possible- Ina the -ary returns, the (Contmnued on page 8) Oron-o, Ontarjo Phone 61r2 - Cabinet Maker Kitehen Cuphoard Trimn Work-, Repairs etc. teiuber 16 at 2 P.Mu. Sales ut Arena in Orouo. Reg Jehwnsou Auictioneer. rOrono Electric Phone 93rl1 CONTRACTORS FOR FARIM and HOUSE *WIRING Free Fstimatem APPLIANCE SALES Prompt and Guaranteed Repiaire t. al] makes o~f Electrtal Equipmeei and Appliances mec a M0oisWater Reateraà, < Ste4eet t rou&. Ff. 72 ,OZ- 2 for LI Sunkist Oranes 43c 5lb 53c lb Pork Sp are Ribs lb 43c Swift's Premium Vactium Packed Sliced TABLE REA»Y IMEATS MaarniA nd C h ees e 25 c Bl-> o g na 6 oz. pkg. 1 7c Calforniia -Kandy" brand biunched Carrots California Lettuce 2 for 19C 2 -for25 Potatôes 10 lb 43C Hours In Techinïcolor W'ithl Glenni Ford & Ursula Theiss 'ABBOTT c&COSTELLO MEET THlE KEYSTONE COPS" and~ Thurs ýe-in CoLir With Jf "LION INT Witf jaî 'REETS*-' guey I. i 4~e - ýhxî1firnr tif tlýrrc shojild prompt you to cal upoii u-~ in tune of sorroïv. We stress, 'simpk beautiful ser'vice-s that prove conlsoLvng tn the br&'d HARTLET He BARLOW ÊINERAL HOME LyU .m, ronêphiou>e1&r2 BREEZE 750 ck 382 3½ 2oz. tins 2 for 19e .35e 2 for Crust1 Moiiarcli . 3 I oz. Electrl< Cyliu ) With ail AS ay 8:30 am. - 'Orono. . e . ý '* 0 z- , -