nd John Rolmes. Th were for Messrs. C ryson and J. Holm ectots as in thel MVessrs Teclbflsprhae rfe for mntswivuprQvea encouraging mwîtn Ranls-a prhae-a ile rcotntous expansion. u-mittee '-se by those who do not pos2e a Retiring Drectors wr M.J. gunand inay be uised ai. the local Hlolmies, Mr. E. Bryson and Mr. Glen, rifl rage.Pickell. The new directors for a terni ub had of three years were voted on fromi ow to The meetinig ad.journied to nieet on fthe following slate: Messrs. G. Pickell (s been 1 Monday, April 4th. Dalton Dorreli; E. Bryso)n, Dick Palmolive Toilet Soap Red an dWhiite Assorte-d 3 fer JeIIy Powders 25c Velvýet Pastry Flour -Neilsons Television Choc. Bar Regular f for 19C Shiýrriffs Good Mvorning Marmalade 35C prices is ne.t just a catch phrase ~ ~ 9~ but a reality ai Cornish's Red and White.ro Wlz Lbby's Deep Bro W , n Bearis Libby's Tomàto Juice oz .Jar 20 oz. Tin 48 oz Tin S9C ("!?, Slicedq 2 Sliced Breadk Cate1lls Rady Cut Ma àoni uffets 29c Haiwes Floor Paste Wax lb~ pkg. 16C up their quality andi service. Thfe Co-. - p started about elo-een years ago and l'ast year did twenty inillio> dollars worth of business in feed in the Province. In clo-ing Mr. Bisek- wel! wished the Orono Co-op continu- ous succeSs. ,1e Orphans wreahead by a count of inre he eis ThIe Cobourý--BO -vnmnvilýle :affail went thiree straight am l o Bow-. anll.Cobo'urgý during th'e lasýt of the r(e"guiar srisfei back bly ami v'ýn Lid~and Or>ono wr certaýinly the top teamis in abilit 'y duri-ng th.3 >lofsand as indicated by their 1 series ut w~only aunatter ofr who cold sta four gaines in six" days. Overthewfivegaines it appjeared that the Orphans lacked only a few breaks in the first two gaines for especilally in the second they out- playedl Lindsay onfly to 'ose the gaine, 1111 2 for 31c ib. tin 53c price sale 2 for 59c f D~uouu um ma i 10 lb. Bag Naval 52 SUNKISàT ORANGES- FROZEN 100DB Rfrdseye FIsh Sticks V f%ÀLirdseye Fs'oz.a Haddock Ooz. 47e 450 lb pkg.. E OURS .were C.-op g 5 for 23e Red and1 White îHourglass 14 oz. Pean ut Butter 45c WetusCreainy Crackoers lb, pkg Sodas . 27c, Mazola Oil 16 oz. tin 39C l' lb. pkg. class of ' ance i our of ing ar( main c offer: 24 oz. 45c