rtment, Qttawa 1 IN THE ATYTkR 1W THE ES-,Vale i~n~ ~ aty A nrmber of gih ad Caad a'M.'V. LeAkErd ecliool, turdayatear i-CrosPurebred Yorkshre jIf* 1bréd pliTSICIAN and SU#WE ofth Vllgeo- Oon, rth Cun ay 2t a. 8:1 10 pii.,sarp to v d t o anadian Pîrrebred Yorxçhire1 . C.Forreste o her i 1 1 ia'itýr-Hga,1v a.ds A$ of Iai 1aai' 1 ~E. Brown, phone Qvio 65-16 C-P ItGOte4.0p.m.; G» ti LOO0»J ALpersons hzaving clainiýefdgooi au4 .FOR. SALE the Estýateý of th-2é aaid JAýIMES -Fidlm01 Bln1cIký w -aPpditlu.It onl, EAGLE SON, who 4ied at b1c To-n ý-G $40>.00 Apply Doug Sipson,7Loný HOE -r of Bowmanville in the Co, Ey of 'e Wa1s nforced l Durham on or abou t the th a f Pa o a 1e da Car arty at 71-r-3, 0xr>no of education at 1}einjber, A.D. 1954, are hereby Suxth Line Sch oI iHay, )Febru- IR ~J A G R r, it is hard te, nfedb>~n h otpIpi ry llthJ ade please/ring lunch.DR R.J A G T nd espeêiallyin 1 to deliver td' James Edwin Eagleson, Silv'er collectûk a-p The Orono Rfigh 8choo timene-. VRTRRINARY SU'GEON P .R. No. 2, Mlillbr96lç, Ontario, o to ment Concert, Oron T ', f~i Frankr Dawson, 337 St. Josepb ~Strei day night, Feruary 2t, 1955. Park ste more. under the Peterboroi>g < ntario, the Ex LASFO n Mr. Gorg Keep this date o 8-h. OPPOSITE S~NrING~ RINK he coet of ere<ct- tos a çf the last Will and Tes.anet OTICE ;ini Bw- o d~d deciel, on or before 1). Glassafo (rie ar Millsoni) - 4 are happy 'toannup eth~e birth iof ~ca Eeug~ h udYP4o 4~ gh any ieese he '2 d dy of Fehrï y i.19,,full aS , n~El~~ a ~e-hool -Auditoriumi of the Oroc,oUn-w ha ony ~ AND WTICE NOTICE that alter the, Jnnary 28b., 1-55 - 10that $:30 pariufd ________________of ssarilv end x ithlasît-mieàioned dtaa ssss fjtheWonn'ý A'oc ation. eI. b, distr ýted aniongi the parties en- I&L IlAT O SAE sntebir ut aùftil lidïa, Icolori Lwrence C. M a 1titled th reto, hayi* regard,. l Poerie ol. ete, ivn pratca sgest' s orIland- & ithTonhp to those oh~f he b said scaping an iutd y your honme. BarristP andSoiitCtor ýuld suXey more Exevcutors a a have niotice. Managed anld Ajira1se The. pLpular ýComntr Fout" quar~- DTI t2h L .A LS N tette and où i sqlprogram. WMNI.FOT uetthfat of January, A.D. 1955. .M.L IS NLnhvil1b eevd dis the students as A. Roy Willmott, Q.C. -Real 5E. Cilde BrHoa 41 o. The preseput M-bo1k Ontx 5f6 NewcatleOnt t pe~U eaei Municipal-. Solicitor for the said Executcors W 1a'e irt r rff crippled farmialn for sart [an oIe Clren, oat Newcaste disposal. Tolephene CICol1ét Cêboùrgai1 & tioat tbn Clpr-e 126êor Toronto Em. 3336 teadtinAt Noti 'e To Creditor GORDON YOÙITNGLIMITW>ERB A , A ,ni that somne re- ~ivd t a rs~ oterthaa 'the the Estaýte c 'oi affMalc- 'yIlpp, &TelW iêSt ionof hd tu- late of tÉe to'wnship) of arqin~te o sa Bwxia ~.j Leetstoyht the cceunt c f Durhanm, Lab era De Y-a u IE ~ S.,_____________ ceased, areý requeýted. to sc-nd the ,anie C ar FUI FA1 to the n4ders'igned Ad nAtGVjs.Lt R tî ihParents dule 011 0o, efoie the 18th day L fa ' rui, trt IYRWE, ONT ron-residients ùf ary. A.D. 95î,ter w dP h hone411-2I imterest of thv4iisr r ill -Crbt~ 'he 1 - %I-Î assets hv reýgard nyt h CbVMk~ A K R I cliscf~hd i~~nth- Oronos Licensed Saox fihe hd Tlotice. Kic ïpor commnuiity " DA-lTFD a ýt 1 ndsa this First',. Ti o'Y1,Rca1 ec.Autin<ei- nt VIut ofi February. A.n'V . 55o VICTORIA AND GREY TRUST jSeilz nrai n COMPANýY, Lindsay, 1 dmhistmatorvic Furnitture Sales Polio vaccinle lape4'Afe.1 l* .ver-y cass of Insur- aieis r arsddin f# r Ontarlo This YeaRs l oniunce on W1ursdiy, ep- Our- office. The f ollow- Po*ST1 I-lealti U~inister Laekinnion Phillips Âtile mr. eia1 rt"e smeo th liinld bea vailblto Ontario e b offer Aiucthioneer a nd V tuh ator nx piplans are being forniu- Nu<I.M lae b he Pro'vicial l)epartxment Âuonbie if cidn n of Health for province-wide distrf- $kkness, 'la-te Glass, Lia4ility, Cnut uto &lso l h butin o th suply or ~xnntay U Ffre, Burglary, Hospitalizatiou, sdiool pupils in the first twê grades. ~rso1,Rir iiPfe oniiawthhm tPe N! tuhis way' t as hoped that with V th.supyavajwlîe a large cross-, yFi I Bx8, t. Perry, Ontai, or souhm ýrf~A section of children in »the rost vxui- B.> NZ1l1 RrOrtou, at Orcoofor date- age .gr'oup would rciethe vaccine. Eachi woiald be giver, he re- gulation itiree "shots', wihVefPt l FRTMR "G<ELNS IApWd early iu April and al' hree conipletedU LIFE IN 3uj 1n~ well bet'ore the onset of the "Polio Di UJld Aner'gIlmiloiiï season' arouxid the end of M~ay. Th.e eo Ha itl va~an aa &.be supplied by the iaiI asChlonn4Mt Msgg1 [CZinahttaboratories ~of Toronto. Youx icn'é pro"'/yourself a- RId4L Eand4Td uRC>KER sue&sac Pib> far no one'co'uld make aniy proise giatsc rdaI Dr. y1u itlipa>riuphagae4 4imat te as 'o te vacalne's efficency. How- Y ir aaia Oif0'F. E. LYCT ee r, it iras kwown definitely à was loss. Insuran-ce ila alwaya O NO ot -u29 'harmlssIts, -use mut still be re- best bot. 7, On..thne2 rI garded asa-triîal because the report ~ef the evaluat4on coimntte. 0.55056- . CALL ine he tcresufts- of the_ large-sae ierlf Th RIITE GRNIT trial lu the United States had oi't The N.F. PORTER N o' yet been isstied. 1AND__(XMAI4 ~~ J L~t iras expeted that enomxgh vac- V U L'nîPlI 'the ciae wauld be avidable Vo look after'~jfY~I WJf~~ san aLie 1the appptoudmrately' 250,000 cidreêpotH*e Rtai It.-. AvailabJé' in the' alected group, Uf uever neds The Minister of Helatti sald 'i-, De. Otr<rno rEiectrxc CALL Uq FOR ESTIM.TS>ft@ rv1aa watre8istalIt partinent is xofyixig all Medical . » HARRY E. LYCET nyaÎr C0(laif damp cloMî Offkcers of Heat regarti V tils phone 93r 18> 0 inoculation responsihility rests %vith CIO NT lUthe local authojities. CONTRACTORS FOR -RN OT STAJFÇ,D BROIS F'ARM and4 USUE G6ardiner To Strive To WmtR« INoWGty5 Mairntain Prce Supports, Free Estima*tes 38 &Duiidasi 8. , Whjâtby APPLIANCE SALES MURR lETM FINE QtJALITYj PAM 3,E R '1N E NH A IMONUMEN~TSAN Agrieultural Mlinister Gardinerls ProntPt and Guaraxiteed IlepaisMR-R ORIO recent .a nnouncemient he would strive i :o -fl makes cf Eilêtrical Equipineni ColUplete Forced Air MR~R ORNO to main ain price supports undcrî and Appliance8 1 1FoetAus çect a hand"ome, dig. sore a icultiraI pirodtcts wou1l 'tI as 't tes. Wito R straSysteni iog plafed m onument ve 4 th Z a. lc'digV a fiia fte n iv-omHoe'inpae foxponciveAd ame&