Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 27 Jan 1955, p. 1

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uR0W EE LY T ES 1L 8 No 51 C -)T FH (JR S DA Y, JAN. 2 7. 1955 %lbscription $1.50 per Year Or 0nao Uni-t ed Ch urch orphans Lse 1, 0 towinville Ainis And ÙhjectsOP T Orono Police Trustees Askmn nÙ Sound FPacia SHapen At Evarik Aunilin .1nSo ndFin 'pia-San-.'*iglThe Orono Orphans took to the lce For New ronO Post Office on Friday evenm^g of last week and The January mieeting of the Even- The anua ongregrational meet-1 îon as having a very suiccessfuli year cam e to life by defeating the Port ing Auxi-liary was hlin th Sund- îng 0of the OroniO United! Charch was wýith eleven regular mneetings anid Hope Redmen 11 to 2. The game was Scoo Auditorium ay 1The Orono Police Trustees held s iowagie Mr. Woodyard to cen hedmteSunday S- chool audit'oriumi thirty miembers. They held two miedal played on Newcastle ice. The Red-Scho ui their first .regular meeting of the tact the gas company on, the insta on Modyevenin, January 24th, conlte'sts ini 19541 with 25 boys; and men are now in last place in the The President opened the meeting year on Monday evening when they jlation. It was2 at the end ,of thle die wiith th inister, Rev. John Kitchen, girl copef fo jve ealn league and it would appear that theje by reading a poemi entitled, "Another cniedmaypssofbsinless cussion thought thtth rutà _presidinlg. There wast a splendi(id at-ý were awýar-ded with miedals, books chne fapa-f oiini eyYa"floe ysnig"!Gdpertaining to the village. The meet- shuafirst put the furnaceto bet- tenane f emer ad dhretsan mne. Afepynganexese eote. Thle Orphans still hold seconid Our hel nae at"W eete in-g developed into a marathon and! ter shape and then to check the eost -of the church-the treaisurer reports a bank balance Place but only by a slighlt margin favoured with three pi~alno selections,,,asted for over fourhorwihd-ofpeaon After a Short devotional exercise of $24-44. which could eaisily change this week- L'y Ross Tamblyn. cussions on road ý'allowances, village Mr .E ilo a e.rd4 the business of the ev'eriunlg was ezi- The M. & M. Fund for 19541 wvas- end. Cobourg in the league has map, new Post Office and other a£- r.io H. E. Millsowarehd on B, erduo.Ecugig reports read Í>y the treasurer E. R. Rainey einched first birth and Linds;ay, Lakge- In the business, mmnutes were read fairs. rnotion r by E.t R. Woodyar and -H. .wer'1e enTteredi -uon. Encouraging ie hwrga total receipt of $112662' fie'dadBwavleaewti and approvedi Roll call was rsoddu ecrt c ssceayo h ports' WAe given on the past er The financi statemient of the Or- few points of each other. tob r.hrembuers.Am n ne orspnec a lete wa Bd t a eeary feeof $1h.e Mr. activltiesby te Sersionthe ruste onoUnite Churh Buldin und ouraging Traue' rport was received from Mr. McPhail requesting lsnasee usin s"oM Boar, te Bardof twr he g2vse roien y M r. BuRlphg shuwdh, Raye West set the pace for the gvnby Alma Cuttell, that the roadi allowance nortyf of hisduisasertyfothTute. C.G.L., WM.S. Woma's Asici- exedtrsto be $90,90l7.13. In ad-- count of five goridaand one astotal Rev. Kitchen conducted the instal- aebopn ashwiedt MrWoyrdttdtatsyt on . .;Young Peoples Union ditio to the General con1tributionýs This was enough in itself to give the lationl Of officere, the garagesThe letter notrdt eat ho e as no ty tom urhe a tale ai the Buhling Comtte haig hie Torc the, ibl ocingety11.5 ývsOan eon o tallid tw in itwsdcedohaeheFbur least three other building lots would it was noted were already sipd comiplete-d its work ana brmng- To the Tempnerance ýSociety $57.06; aid Dea West adChi m o aneeting one weekç later than usual, faeron this siatret the Tsteshi re-o T img mn their report for thie Last time, To the_ Hurricane Relief Èu ,nd .954 l001 rng sea sd rle s Arm- On Thursday, February 24th, foere thi mnatte taon the Townshipy M p r The tlaedrf xeferred to the fact that we have To the LondonRs iso P60. rong shar Por tHe en to. onclt eat pn nowæ~~ ~~ detfe hrhfloiga M nRsu iso 16.0 Thîw o otHp eesoe he themie for the worship ser0viceadrssdth ruteso aTh secrtary npresnte the drllaft 'Blitz' Campaign in the Spring of Mr W- U. ddell, treasurter for tchelby Buld Downey who generally stars was based on. ":Beginniing Again"M. G erry adrese the Trustee ofa up-to-date ap of. thering 'B954z whenpai $1350ria then rised O rono ntdChurch, gvalanc frl the Redmen. Scripture fromn Philipians read by o- beaffte Gamnsby Estate re- wihhsbe rfe yM.Pri whn 155,(ýwa te-'iaieîxpences beinig $7026.31 and. receipts -Rt -li.A pioraesoy Nvýsuestimg that a section of road east of Kýirby. After viewing the mrap vt and the motaeon the Church of, $8477.09. On Wednesdlay eengflatw RhAh.Anprortesrywson Princess Street was at one timle was4 decided by mnotion to have the ure.in 1the bank of $14150.78. Thne 1rs the Bowmvlanville Barons took a win given by Olive Millson with Mary f ulise buit since the cessation of the draft comipleted and twenty-five An unanimous vote of confidence in The Trustee Board reporec sfl off of the Orphans ini Nees'le ' R- nrodlain ryr railway it is now of little uise. Mr.naspitd hi a gido the infister was expressedi and MY. w. They have installed sefco. -TeOF four to one. This game was, Poe" nth-adofbgn' er understood that the ralaUmdnb .R.Woyr n .C and Mrs. Kitchen were mvited toun eie nth usd or definitely fo owmianiv:lle for thley aga woPas given by Vern.)a Hoo0ey. n194,gvaquccaipdet Forrester. Mr. Millsoni wais giveni the ontrm rconit d nb he ahand rali1 on, thle wakg git'outplayed the Orphians mrany timeos Each group leader described their th onhpfor this section of r.oad permission01 to have thi work done at fieial ~ ~ ~ 1 Bor n nosdb h o the main entiiance, The lighit iove at dwith exeln oltenam ketAm adQjcsn ae not hich curves unto C-hurch st. andia miaxiimm expendýitue of $,50.00. 't gregatîionra d Metng mde adus the corne togvioelgta h teocal lads to only one couint. The linie of work to be dlone. A swveetly cuts up thLe east-portion of the GamsR- wstogtta ubro hs mens n r.Kichn's ala ncuc aketaneas h ed rn are mieetm-g with greater suc- rnedsoowsgiven by Elsîe lvprnety It was inoved by R. C.mas ould be purchw,ý.ed by inter- crea;sm the ra itn'stto low-itakeni out of theý so)uthli an eatess of late and the teamis shwm Joe "TeBatfuylso of Forrester and seconded by E. R. ested personis. aneb 20.00. A -pl.easing feature :awns. Weii hopeen tos renovgt(f, -bo-siate the out.. mreentohefstftesa-Pity". Mrs. Porter very graciously Woodyard tha themate be n ed Meet With Townishi ope containing la sum of mon ey toel prsettie hy for Bomnilobtamm),g two the Literature Departmient, and- that Mr. G.erry complete details A vtto a eevdfo Mr. itcn.Mr, Kitchens o mise exet-o,500 Insuranc on the Chrh; four goals. wvith this group. the Township Counicil to meet wit in5olaeo owyealnte 0000 Insrnce onththe contents TÏhe Orphans have now, signed III -Biliîný- ereeiss d hier gratitud to Mr. H. M. Mercer questionled the 27th at 7:0pm husaaeve noi Jauay suni tt vithrthy eksare n t 1,5'00.00 Insurance on the caronet uied ge aewichN as altknprepndueongsfrhtng the H. 21. Mercer an, .R Woyr presse to aR the s whoconried Tx Arng fr thle new busine-ss the ý,ugments the defence which during After singing of a hymin and re- presented for paymnent.a ou tiviainwsacetd nve durngthepat'yarso mcoththfloint emeddtorsehe former portion of£ the schlle peating the benediction, a delicious thiat the total to date, (with two es- the pes meetinth Trstdee o disuse carr'n on"o hewrko the .lO .l te ga lerýy and cover the as eft to two paes-Don Mercer lunch of ice creamn and cake was timiated figures) wold amount to . eipe ctha grant anur of theri -churh,*inthe ittlethins as ell s .nage with Insul brick and build and Junior West. During a numnber of served, briniging a delightful evening $190.00. Mr. Mercer was of the opin-opnnththisu ofaud in ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l thvlrgrthng. hs onréa aeaross the front. Mrs. (). ý,ames these two boys have often been to clse ithat the gas account should be $ij@ In.0 shol b e trn oe to th tionial meigwsone of the best ugetdsngprant the ice for the si-xty minutes of .held up for he ¯was not at all satis.- vi wage In omplng tiated Tonsig- hel i reen yars Ter was a , ate Siding On the parsonage in a play. fid w\ith the heatin of the build iesia hw htteTwsi happy irit of ellos.hip and a l onizing c'olor with the chrh omnil .......... 1pinsRCF -t gig as at present netting a profit of centered int e w ndshpnsib Also intliga til furnace. LAKESHOREl STNIG . ra ................. 20 points R iFrester said that it was a' $4,50000 f rom the villg.I h e iliy f hi,,ho hs ecmei1ndeed, lMr. W. J. Rdlmvdth the Cobourg ..--.. j 25poinis' LatèfiEf ........'....." 20-~þbiilits nd t a u u nth te t raint was tu-rned over to t4 a real Community-Cfårch.Trustees go ahead withl the galleryl Orono ..-..-----.---- .. ... 24 points Port Hlope ..- ....,-.... 16 points sae htbhlpi. .ecrvlaei ol eueti rftt To~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~sae heris Helh ekTuh n nult h usd ftep-y hodig the paymlent an estimated$210.0 True and ne- Kn'Ow God erve j thers Andths sond ae "he ousceo tl"a-upt h copnyouîd tale ac curate figures are to be obtained dea th pof dGod, the girls are en- Wt rkan weiý, tokerenieiber: r an Bu kl nd T V si b°th E. . oodyardetn To prio toteTusdymeig nKke -i fo di ta . . I orrester were of the opinion that it Partial Wall Mrs.~~~~ Potrhsbe1ecigtm n eti sitgwt h was not the burners fault but that of ýse1w ,an dta enor duC ax , Tyrrel adM.W.O one% Chur ch O in Sunday! o:u;toeovtheiegasrcsapreto iT idtheu'main dih -eJ girls have added to. their program A4rmstrong- were of the opinion that though ith miht bea adal to doe oui e to' iie the man drill h dressmnaking, smnodking ., knitting .and' the church and contents wvere danger- awywt h unc' n unte ahe e oflee,1 spae adý,3 whc cooking, ously uninsured. Thle meeting agreed for lover 20.years. burner in on gas space heaters to when ompletedd will make accessntto 'Io an mncrease-, of Insurance in the Sponsored by the Orphans Hockey , Pbal . Bhin'grte heat the various roomis. Mr. Me.reer thee offi andros with no intfe During Christian Youth week, Jan. amiount of$000.0 C 1lub and the Orn ntdCu ch, nPribon Mr. Buklds goreaes i o was given permission to have Mr. R. ference frolM r.M sprsp aye in the 30th to Feb. 6th an Open House is The attendance at thie evening a' special service for Sport friendscotiuonwshswrino- E. Logan reseail the furnace and ýpl1 mine dril hall. Mr.Mec w ask auplth being arraniged, service averages between 18 and 27 will be held in the church on Suinday nection with the drawing upD o.f the <lraft regulators in all hot air pipes oie ohv hswr opee A-niuai eprt f the-Wmans s-and c the choir attendance at about the morning, January 30th. 'Mr. Fran O.H.A. anuale ndess frev iin so that the heait mnay be controlled to a ona osbe rcAnina Reor of -the Woa' Asainae ration and wt collections Buckland, First Vice-President of the wh ih. .hi beenu ecessar fr onim a better adatg'Mr. Woodyar d -Ne Pos Offic socaton ivn b td resident, bmrely covering the cost of heat andl 0.H.A.. and its President-elect for totm.Ti aul hlti o-felt that a bette uriac than the R C. ew ost efedt e _Mildred Rainey: Total -receipts light. It was moved by Mr. W. J. 1955-56, will be the guest speaker* cerns Hockey in particular, yet has old oeihich had theuntce d n es R. C. Forester reerto a re_ $1762.29. Miss Penifound, secretar-y of 1Riddell .seconded by E. Rý Ralne y All Sport organizations are invited' proven a basisee f rother e So th an t wud cemr euonit plaedmisn qut t previouspmeem by) M the W, A.. spoke on ,the, successfuýl,i that wädispense with the evening orulad haenrcgizdte1wu e oeeooialrems.Cntudg ae6 year car-riéd 'on. She told of the dit- service until Easter Suinday, except Mr. Buckland started his, Hocekey Wodovr ferent special speakers andcuh if-and w-hen a special service miay be 1career in Peterboroagh, and after Inhs ' elfeM ucln services throughout the year1. requestedi. playing for somie years on the team it th Caada Genera ElcreE t a e O erp air F or H y dro Finahecial report of the Orono Un- The report Of the Minister and the >ambeca ne mana er. Lehe OHAserv Compgan Lmiteriing a fth Pe- ited Church Choir read by Mrs. Drum- Board of Eldiers'read as follows: The ing on its Executive -andi eventually borough nd maam'oeojhed-ystem In O n $5, 550 0 mond, a owe- a balance on 1hand, ýJan. Bunday work on the Orono Point has becoming its First ~ Vice-President prmns n 1, 15'5 f '$&69ýbeen carried on and the Sacrament of a!ndi now its President-Elect. Mr. 2-Alar invited to the service on Mr. M. H.,tpe reported the . the Lord's Supper, quarterly adminis- Buckcland has - been with'the 0.H.A. Sundayý morning.0.n oic ,, ii ýpi.t teTis-,I . tered. During the year in addition to Folwn1h rn oieTu-jrrpist h ytm T i a tndi c-oer ad 1bgnesteSna evcstePsoa tees' meeting on Monday evening the prepared by Mr. Dent and all prices he ork a as ee atened Patoa We ydro Commission met in their re- includied cost of miaterial and labour. oll ttedneh e saff n mthe had s in te e opts.Bow O ron H o tc lu a Mp« rmnhy session. The total amnount beacheed a sumn of 10. h teauer EvndaBlewett ma1nville, Oshawa and Toronto and ResaTiting from the correspondence 5.0 0 nh- thc aaerrcm read the financial statement, .vn these- were duly visgited; 1somletimies i e '. • •a mnotion was passed by Forrester nd me e_-1 s-1Ae don ove a thee

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