24 oz. jar 35C 1 lb. carton hu"' "with very f itting duett "The Peace eZ l~n WLh Gd"was sung by iWrs. G. Cair3so for Ola11ke ,aINd rs. J. Rickaby. smlle.and rs. C. Wood expressed the thar.ksý ~ioartci-of evervone to Mrs. Fhiher and ai, te i-swho had taken( part. to n akeams fotund that. enjoyable afternoon. ito finid, Mrs. F. Riekard, President of theýï ther id-NecasleAuxi]'lary poke wor1ds of-! ases, biridsiner appreciation for the invita1tion' se,;, bscen. to share %with ius inouri- n-Ofr em it ore ing service. After a-,few anouce long~ mets b Mrs. Drummonid th!e imeeFt-~ 3ulingth~ing cosd ith tbie themie hymu aui ridred hua- AMATEUR ATHLETIC -ASSOG.. Commnission1 FINANCIAL REPORT for, Phea- Expenses- er itemns. Operation of Rink -were found' sud iHockey Teams ...... loaded f ïre Park Programi including qside being Red CrossŽ Swiiming ...219 P~ dangerous Operatiug Baseball Teams r hias found. Bantamis and Pee Wees ut think of irncluding 14 new unifuîmos 15S1 U. Total Expenses.. ....... a269 ULLARY Revenue- 4) Donations and Season Tickets for Rinik.._--..... $ 445,2G Y. ~Brooum BalilHockey . 5Î esaldent. pre- Ice Timef ineludinig Skating dl wiff quiet Club and Schools........ 624.8531 e pia-no. The Fees for Red Cross kful peopil Swiniming.....---......... 385 "d in unison - hy the pres- "" ai Revenue......--...... $16L2i7 Dirm-nnond FBalance on band Nov. 1953 13 sincere wel- Operating profit for year 1954 $&-3ý3 L. Mrs. Jas.ý alovelY solo Balance on hand Nov. 1954 $479 Fish S Bluie Water 12 oz. pkg b FARM i FSHq Fruilts and Vegetables Florida Marsh Seed iess Size 96's it 25c Juicy 252 doz Florida Oranges Flo)rida-, long green slicing large Cucumbers 'etacli California New Crop large original ]Bunched Carrots 2 for Cello Tomiatoes Fam-ous Prince Edward Island POTATO ES fr~1v9 4g~ zen z23e 'e size 1 1Oc 19C Naturally you prefer butter! It's a natural dairy food, made of rich whiolesomie cream, deliver-ed to your &creami-ery while it is counitry-fresh. Butter's flavor is aIl its owni... mild, delicate, creimy. For good eating-, good jliving, tere's noting .-like butter! For abookiet ofgrand cl iew cdiry- food ré-ecipes, wvrite to Marie Fraser. DAIRY POODS SIRVÎCÊ BUREAU ~ ( A fivsHnn*f fl.iry Farnersnf fCanada 40l9 HURO mSTREET, TOON 1 - - -~ - ~ 4 e the piece> lb, 73e lb-. 59C 10 lb ILbag -"4,-