Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 28 Oct 1954, p. 7

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ccupantï ofIthis structure hg proof le the legenidc ishoa, This shoe wos nm illy decorated b>' its occupc band, a waif found of a French churcb Lancashire brewar9 lous1y ricli stoc-kbrol 'vtetd almost bis en toi astronomy Ail The Tir vIn The Wori Ouarticle on the confud y0ilgor% i4beralism, Social- y tam, Captalism and De)mocracy, Sn'lanifested i~n a rceuç]-tad- fera).ili Saturday NiLt, ppRa- ttly Tareused consd erablecintr Mn. iniredM. ÇYRounlke, W4dOntario, writes: "I read with intexest your synjdi- eaa olumn in which you tR ao task. the writer, of an editor- il inl a recent issue of Saturday !4igh-t. 1 thinik it is the first time Mhat 1 have ever seen St. Thiomas Aquineas referred to0 in a secular paper, and 1 congratu- lata, youi on it Mmd you 1 on ide 'just how vmanyr People would know to svbhGm you were Angelie Docttuw Mu a period of worldly Utiiln- lng lie the present, wbich onceentratas ail efforts on1 teeh- nôoîai.e. material pr-ogrePss, &rd which has bann,,ed al spirit- al influences f rçm our daily Lite, it is quita ýLikely that a ;8rgýe number of People would meyer haieshtard of Thmas Thomarnws s bornCover G00 years ago five miles north ut9' Ilisalittie Italian twnAquinum; Isance thie ae 'qis.Le ail young men going tounar itlal-ie mlddle >ages, his edu- eation iuclud1ed philosophy andi 4haoiogy. fHe joined the EDom- :ent or atist couais. Ieaase awAsejsedZew ento ur on CS. toe lrc uown 1 rtefrpatnnas inican Ordaer and woea us- ber of books, fils be,-t Jknown aind unmivers1ýal work wvas the Sumnma Theoo- gîca & wvch le tre-.atS of aIl aspects of life, rnaterial as wecll as spiritual. The Suihinsa forais thesaliss of ail teaching ot the Uies~ Chu1rcisj. Thomas wr:ote iït wiîthin a few years, but was preverte'd trom inisjig it by anuaary daaths at the age of 41. fie was caaonized by taChurcis and â iso lo nowrn as the "anrgalie c'ocor" A targe part of the Sumima is, devotad to tise cefinition et Justice and it is hera that ha warnieç againist secu!ari!zatio by' the cmecaiiginfliwn ces of~ trada and finance, fie Cdealt axtensively with theý natural right to property, ds cussing the poiýsibilities of cm mvon pr-oparty andt piivate -use, -or pri vate property with :orn- m.ron 't.sa. fie camne to tise con- clusion that pni;vate propaerty limlited by the. de, ii andéls of tise common goode vwas the better souio.fow,ýver, ha pointaSd out thatths was aqusino axpedianicy to avoid strif e vith- in sociey, St. Thom'as was quite out- spoken in lis condamination ot the Profit miotive -uniless direct- ed ta an întninsic good as the maintenance of a famnily or, the improvament af society as ïa wbole. Thie inluionoftha ýtaachirs of thje anigelie doctor in the c- ricUla of our sehQools woule- tainfly go a lýong way's to m1aka this a battar wrlio lîva in. This columa irwelcom-es criti- S i, constructive or de-struc- tive, and suggestions, wise orî otherwisa; if wllendeavour t answer any questions. Addrass mail to Bob Von Pis, WhNitby, SwEean, toýund the ridle ona motor-cce borxlowed fo a fr'iand morst ahlrtn n ca'ýrefrea - -untii s-ha wnted sýtop, She ididnD't knowiO 'i-, Se on and ü0n swepct mealor a funthar 50 iles bafore tihe angine died un ler for lMckGu gasolne Parking the bika, the ider çaught the next bus back home., ,ýii-Iý tise 5v~ tMry, mfore ths 6000 esndat wmomLn iwho have helped o u-j i eýrease manldd's knwladge OLE the mor hvebeau ýimm(yortal- izeci by hiavinxi erate.rs, walladk plans ndmountains ou is-.e mon -aied a fter theryn. Sanie yeans ago tlisiýÀrnae wvee c ple na Lnique Who'-, Who et ha1M0oo.M s aitesare da. hyiltaide an eccntrieU'.. ulonie whô uji the greatest telescope then k.nùwn anqyd6had isl bur ied udr à, a h played isa i)xobôalu Gaian on1 thlestepis sh, a f onuer and a fabu- &er who de- roire fortuneý Tha most aýil tjimes is paris. lit s rnot high, 27 in luc es ea time in ave) and monthi te ahove uer nI~ick TWEDDLE vEnons, bote r ecl x never wanoni' il, 0'te MeE A HAIRWeSSE $asaNVET. lnED. brge $!MOn touewe 'lri ite à' o', al f(w Free o St , , To no 'na in, St, anu(lon Y-Dli, o ti ho e. Sti Oatsw Qu NV5eD. big iicsula JCOà j'fi pos Impor tatei Notice to oldrs f 31 ofldrsutCanjadIa 3%Vitory LBondîs eau getmr iso kg sallig tham at tise current prencùsm and reinveAtng %is proc.aeds in 3ff% Canada Savinge Bonds, SnisNs,c The investOr ?peivs n irease lincrna ýUt $ pr P 1,0 pryemr. Andthe procedef&om tIiea sale orCnda3%Vctr Roneds not Only cuverIsle cosi of tsaseî]montof3, CanaaSavings Bonds, but ijjso lSave cash in taivso' CaaaSavingýs Bonds, Sanies Nine are alwuasworth !M4 cnson dise dollar. TheY (can eaýsily h onatd ocahe any time at theirfulil face le plusacrdinret Canada Savîngs Bonds, Sne Nieare avil is. omnin ut 50 $1,00, $500, $l,000 Mnd $5,000, Each inivdul my ur gohmasup lo $5.000princpal emount We trogl reommndthe purchase utA &YS, Canad Svig Ronds, Scnis Nine, atter for cash or lu axehauga for G% oau uset o Canada 3 Victory Bonds. rder y1 V;urS l)by>rnudioraehnetdy 36 King Straat West Toroeuo I Telephone: EMpire 4-4321 Wod, i- )t decle

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