randi new stucco 6-ooûaed HIouse, "ton ori:Tuiesday, November 2a ýroom, 'ot air furnaAce, iiBo""-18:00 p.in. The xneetilýg wil ha held iville at $6,500.00, $1,5(00. do-en.f the Orange Hall 'Wý . Evns, roke, -c o Plan to attend the TurkecyBaq _____________________and. Va -iety Concert sponsoredb the Leskard Un-ited Chu~rch W.A. The date: Wecbnesda,y,Nve er r.First serving a ýt 5 pau. 1ownsh4ip of Clarke $! '->,7;Obdrnteleai UNTIES COURT of REVISIO behed n heono Unrited Churcb on SundayEeu Township Rall at Or-i-on i7 Nvm~'th. The guestspa- er: Major Anderson. Meibers of thý' Monday, Noveinber, 8, 19;54 Legion anm other Ex-Serviee e~ nel ýwill parade. The Le--ionPpo the bours of 10 a.m. to noon to Bad n attetnce, -nd eterine the several coin- nea ts ag-ainst the assessaments of roý%nlsh-ip of Clarke for the vear Ileather Social Club Annual Baz- aar and Tea. HE.Milîson,,Clerk. To be hield in the ne AL.O.F.HlI 1Deceniber 4th. Watch for further-ý The Kendal Women's Institute wil meet iii the Siday Schooî ooi Wednesday eenn, November 1th at 8 P.m.1-OUr guest speakerwilbe from the Depart-ment ofAgfutr, Home Economnist, miss Eleanor Say, District Leader OfE the '"4H1GrT Clubs". A cor4ialinvitýation jis e. tended to ail wonien and girls of te cor-nmu-nity and to the menmbers ~ the Kendal and Sixth Line Sisteraý 41H Clubs. -p Would anyone be interested in lnt ing a sewing machine or card taboeý to the girlsE of the "Sixthi Lina Sis.- ters"' 4H Club until Easter. Club' meetings to be lieid in the hom~e Mrs. N. Kennedy, 6th Line, ena Phone Orono 23-r-15. The Oroino W.A. are holding a Turkey Supper on W'ednesday, Nqov- exnber 1Gth, commnenig at 5 .m.- Adults $1.25; Children, twelveam unpr75 Tïiephone Coliect Coboui Toronto Emi. 8-3C,36. DON YOUNG LIMITED, AND CALL U;ý FOR ESTENMATES H1ARRY E. LYCETT Phone 84 r 12 ORONO ONT. Mal23C49-21-inch Fil Fidelity console Of fine vaaieered ma- hogÏany, walaut orliiied oak. Fulil Fîdeiity Sight and 2-spseaker '360' Full Fidality Stn.4lmnzdpicture tb.Bjth ne~ Mode1 23C49 .. S 389.95 Ruy CSClnî 'Mede! 22C9-2l-iuch conlsoleý withl cabinet in1 ehoice of fine waiaut, mahogany or limed Oak< wood f41ish. -New icreased picture voltage and huilt-in antenlina. Mo~eI 22C W% à%% $339k9 ROeLPH HARDWARE Y TOUR TELEVISION CENTRE' Il ~$ 0f The COL t Mlodel $469-95