-oea-o-. 25Sth Gm ove .a~,On. 1vi le of A veýry 11appy e- r fthe on1 S,ýturdây, Sep jrgave Mr, and Mrs. Lej ding anvray lovely home roronto. Mr. K Triçkey's Corr wxith friends ma 1oronto. i' Waniian and mîssJeai, a Kmbspent iSiundy with C1a Vrs. Prouýse and i Chiarlie and Mlrs. VIolev Robjinsoni.M id Mirs. SmrilMpe""y h r.adar.iwarut Job0- DSY Kendal spent1 -and Mrs. L l ie(t LI ïNewtoaiile per and flriends, Parry! hle eeedwith Mr. ed Dobsonl. w-ee-end with Mi. andi s.Coyte and daugliter,ý SEllen Wilkins, sIpent .~'r~jFarrwi is useful Heulth J~I ~t~d ~ i hisie Stree as a boy.livýledl ia S.S. No.i o0 Troto whero Force havý-ing n vtsince. t s the forie rMayPa\- dýaughlter of Mi. W. sKea[ttught at cowani- )l prior to hier marage oie loelydaghter, E-- * rcetl graed is a.i Ivrs liniton Uaveriey ana dvrs Rtoot.1 f nfa sýiStq-I In t?] kitchen SusiL E . . Goodmnl, fOshaiwa ind Mi-. Fred? Bowen presided ait the beauti- flydecoratel tea table. Mrs * Ftrnk A dron -'llnd Mrs. ý Mowa',tsrvd About six oilock the bride andi groom copae by se, etal of their friends iooe to the Lion'ý , entre, Iowmanvile whre anothe party had beeni arraniged, This gather- ing wvas , e,-y jolly and infornmaI. Tihe guess eiter viésd or played cards. Warren Dearborn, 'inem,ýber of the oId 1îonieei amlisof the Qhw disitrict, andi for zsomie years atv in the muiipal life of East Whitby! Pwnship, passed away on Sunday at his home on Bloor Street West.' Mr.1 Dealror had beeni in pool- health forI somne yemas, but his condition becamie -seiuonly Ilast wveek. lie wvouid have been 86 years old on Wednesday of -1 sweek. Mr. Dearborn was born at theýfan Ily homne, Illoor ýStreet WVest on Sep- teibei ), 1868, thle Dearboi n farrn heinig on the present l)cationi of ilhe nwsoulth plant of Gerierai Motous of Cnad. 1ewa a son of KdwvardI Dearbora. and Elizabeth 1-eniry, and as a i andOnf the piolneer E'ider Henry, -who bullt the' old stone house on what is now part of Laý-keviewv Pr.le wais imarried at, OrJloo 4i years ago to Leah Patterso, and spent lits life as a farmi!ei on the old famrilyfam then iii East Whlitby., lie îetirýed from farmï--ýin)g in 19441. M r. 1IJeai boi n cas a member of the East Whit1jb towiship council for five years, and then served as reeve of the twshpforia fu!th -- 1 years. On one occasion he nissed b y many i ji ow!l 50' . 75. l0's. $.29 J1J ~ i AINSCAPS an lesENTRA 0F col) LIV~R.........bottle $1.2,5 CERTIPJED 4"1HIC*1-ST" CO)D LIVER QOIL Has double the viau tnt of staiidard cod liver ou. 8 oz. bottie ---- -------- ... 6 c 16 oz. bottie -----.-.---.--------$1.19 FOR ADUITS Neo-Chenîiical Ppod Capsules 500's $2.9.5 25G'.-;$ïA6# INFNTO ..for babies/4 2 oz. bottie ....-------- ---- $1.00 8oz. eeonomy size- $3.25 M1EAD'S IMULCIN $1.5f) ýand $S.50 GERITOL Th aonie. vitam!n-fort\fied iron thefanous Available i tablet or fig'Pid form. Two sizes $329 and aise t$5.49. For A ,&eaySprlng P'lanVC imported oIland Bulbs now. W'e are featuiring th,- lest sok obtainahl .of en b ul TU IPS, box of ive u A'PTIb xoffi uIb SPECIAL J;aclkmýan Flowers for evryocason Tyrrell's D)rug Store 0r .4,,a 0.e0f0*0(, *<' Oronao, Ont. Phone 68 ~n4a-a.fleooo.e.ofofo..O.foO~ one vote beinlectedwarden of On- -an 1de.World fQathe.-rweight cham.p!ion tarlo nLny when he was a înem rber tadeMna i--,1-ok of the counity coun'cil. The f(inerai service was held at th-, Sandy Sade, ody iý kok Lukeclnitosh Fumeral Homie oïl ed. out Baby Ortiz of Mexièc) 4rne In bis earily years he was an active Wednesday, Septemberý 29, at 2 p.ný Iinute, four second-s o ut'te h me b r o. the centre Street United and \xaS condcte de by the, Rev. A . F oKa she uidn a Church, tUen known as the Chr-istiatn Cowani, pastor of Cenitre Street Un- ron"f""ce'ld1-oudnn Church. lHe was for, several years itei Chiurch. Intermient Uion Cerne- titie bout. Saddler, who ,had knocked choit- leader of that church. tel~y, Q'shawa. the Mexicani through the ropes3 at iaroais survived 1)y bis teedo l(- eodrud wife, the form-ier Leah Fatterson;thedoftescndrudfore two'sons, William ayid ClaireTice of More tlifain 1,0f delegates are ex- l'in, again im-mediaitely after theý U-shalwa; thîe daughters, Mms. C LIT ü!CtOO~u oýU0.oL 1U1 palyect stait of the third with a hard Iright. Bell(rm) Whitbiy; Mis. J. Bonne-tathanulmetgofteOtao Saddler weighe'd 123 %, Ortiz 1'29, (Betty ), BIackcstoc-k and Miss Ann-a Progre,,sive Conservative Asséeciatio-n. Dearllboan kt bhome, and by two sisters Mr's. B. W. Hlinkson and Mr-s. A. Gi. Stoiî of Oshawa. There are also ten -. " -,National Letter Writing Week October3-h Time towrite that long prom ised letter. - ~-Candy F ture of the Week! il resh, tasty cho-- late drojps,A very popular confection. Poun .. . - ~Men's G;vee'n Bay Plaid Sport Shi t-, sanforized - guaranteCd to give complete sati ttion, sizes smalli medium Gr large. Prîce.......... 198 Hellen (urtis Spray N, keeps hiair softly fin place Price pe:l tini............. . .. $17 Men's 2' lb. ey Work Socks. ....5c Join our Lay-away Club. A small deposit will h-old an-y article. A býarnk is ui, Cash a:.kcheque orÉ Gprqcery Features Allswîe m[raie, i lb.k-g. ..35c. Icdeal WhioleDlPiei 24 oz jar 15c. Stokely's Pumpk in re 8o tn York Weiners ncl B e a ns, 20o z. tin 2 9 c. Cannled B ý ognround tins.....29c. $2.iO or Beef Stew, 10 oz. tins...2c l porobi the bai îing of Pab1hum, -Rice, -Barley blhe box top to the m-ranu- full purchase price. %TORE CENTRE TR~BNK$SERVINO YOURCOMNT ,Port . 1 Oo