Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 30 Sep 1954, p. 3

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= o-ýccUrwv h Q n the Nation-al Hoc'key "~Leages,,' Ail Stars p Lay11Detret Red <giWinigs at Detroijt Uhe nig'bt .of" October M. For ~ oac brnd-ew o he maj- ors, \who neyer be,,fore bandled a hockey asinmert beyond thie junior ranks, ',viJ! be at tiehe blmo! the' grea t Stanl ey Cup cnamrrpion Detro,-ittam And a coach ira onl is secondseason wi'be ropposî-ng m. Jimmy Skîinnrne-aponeoa(21c'!ofthe RdWns iepacing astutittie Tommy 1van, -wbo hats rmved onjý to Chicýag, bas this impoù-ýrnt chere for bsflrst job in major hockey. Sînrsaponmn s in unre with nesta1blishe-d sprs pQicy (f ha-ýving th'e cahofreodttetmef t1he ,game iriect is tam The AIl Star cnesviIimrkSine'sdbu;tjh hýelm ef the ieDetroit club on lymïjpia iýce in whi]ch -he will seek tfi becomfe the s cod echin his otolaaStne Cup cham i tuvicf-ory over the iAlilSas This seaýsou7.s aminalbattiewil be ynotable foW,- tfeI at thtfacing faehl other, frein Opposite énds of the- rink, wil b4 two of the greatest niet-mlndls in hocwkey 1-imtry. They arýe Terry Sawehn!k o( Red Whngs, and Harry Lumnley, of Toronto Leaf s, who fouglit it out for Vezinla trophy hmno-s t4a the very last dîtch, nin theNJTLL., race last spmrng. They lnîsi-iýhe on)egolart Lum'ly scored on 128 tiesi 6 gm s awchuk 12 imes ila 67 games. Lumley is a former Detroit nietminder, -who reached Toronmto 'viaý Cckj-ago lack Uwkto wbom he went in a radethat, cniosl eough, involved otnBri' in eea Lumdley, pinký,u-chceeed atnlete frorn OwenSînd, "Ont., gnaLizdhsapernewth Toronto in the '2'3race by registerïing 10 shtotadinrae htnmbr tor It is four years sftncýe i piyed for Lerit is first malor IeîagUei eain bat it iîs -Proverbial in hocy, and psll oàther sattOO, thatthiie eptitsar lwy ttheir best oppshigformr teibc Yorcomnt ndsgestosfo hs oEn ilbewk Dl Casey Stenigel, With no PeUn- ynan-t eorWorldl's S er.ie-swors -- and, gosh, tomw he wý,ishe-slhe "haid sme --- has now turned that massive brainof his te the prob- km ci f getting betteruming here's wh'Jat Mighty asy a te s a), i n partf l.In the Amerijcan Leage secnd aseumipire --tands on Mhe outfeld sideof the bagl but too ofYten bis view of the pla--y is lokdby theruan overinmg the bag or by the base Yunner or bt, declared themagr 0fthe Yanikees, "An umnpire on thýe inide fthe baýg could fol lo fte lay uchcair "In the Ntoa ege h unipire sad nthe isd, stengel ctiud"He as te be careful ntIr e t !0 Int t the bail but you get uscd fo it, In. oui league wýýe've had caýses whee the umyire didn't see the eoeigfielder drop the bi. Umpire Stevens failed te see- Ge'rry Coleman of the Yankees drop a tbrow la, a recent series wihthe Red Sox at Fna arThe )play was ceryseen by ail11-fanis încluded - on -the thîrd base sidte of the iedbut "in te Worlid Ser,î21ie,!at fla Bi>l Martîn, net used te hav- ing the umipre on, tbe inside o tbe bag, asked Larry Gfoetat mYove"Stengel said. "Goetz re- lused, claiming thiat be bcloniged there. It migbt be a good idea, during a Weorld Serien, te put the second base umupre inside the bag in National Legue paoks urnd o-utsidce in Aeicn"Casey ýpaused a 1momnent, then aÀLdded: "0f 'course, ithe bast idea would be te hlave ltbem ail on thiein- Teattitude ,fceti u- prsis bard te udrtn.Tbey wre told by their league presi- enits that the imortathn ,0 t make tbe right cali]. Yet, Finest HA MD- KNITTIN#G -YARNS et F*Ctory-Ta-YaU prices: 'Wise IA, FRS scam p- 0p.4, Sex 7W2, Sftloa " ' -p, fh.Ii areyakafle ~i fer for beip, Imere as aay Stevens caIl- ed t FnwyPrk Ceojman dropped the bal and the Red Sox base rmuner acicordling tei the crules, ,va,,safeR Bu Stven caled lmn ouf because be did not sce the bail dropped. Had Svnsappealed te the um-n-pire at third base, twho bdtbneplay in front o0f hm, the correct de cisien wouid bave been made. )oe:s an 1um-pire bave bsdg nity shattered more by caliing a piay wrong or by having the good sen-se te s nthrab And tîsremnd oe of apt gripe ef many basebali reportes. ln the inere 2 f sounjd re potnof keeýpingth fans up f0 date on th1e game c-and of be very elpfui if the plat um- piew oidilsomew .,vr elýa y cbnges in batting orders te the rssbox ,- particularly Ite the offciai scorer -as soo ac pS- in a late inning and could bat la, cihr fto Places, very otnthe press box musfwait unrtil one of thei actuailly wa,,Iks to th-e plIate before indngouf the correct er.Éder. if chan--ges are made ihe eigth lor nnt n-' nlings and th'ere isine fume fe-0r alnother tnip te th,- plate, the wnr must wait u n t Il tey bave iited the ciubhouse be.- fore getting the-ir box scores Not ony sho ll te fficial scrrbe faveured witb this n- for-mation at the time jt occurs, but the anoneetshould be'c made over the public addéress sy'stem 1se harts present, as w"ell a's thoýse lîsfenling Overth radh i or watcbîng on television-, m-ay -orrect tersoecrs Asa matter of fact, tie plate' umipire is supposed te tai<e care of this littlie matter ïand anly through negligence ignores Wt This kcigthe paying cus- tomers àl.Ëcermed, by the way, îs neft always ,donc. Things off en happen ini gamies wbcharE clearly exlai odte iradi and elelsin auienesbut n(o effort -.weJLll almst neeffort --l adce te keep the peoie C. 0-he g aandlýup to da'tc. Thejy pay thirYoney ad bey should ïget Vaudeville In Yànks' F, fo)s fas y in tec!cosinq days knnt rae, Wachïng bis be- Iov-ýEdJYanýrks pacic e u t n eyerp 'quiýtE catcý hp e le etý-f ooted Cleveland 1Indians, ho often pfts on a1 dugout performanc1ýe atone wot hI ie of ftle cadmisscon in these scenes, CaSey 1iS own oCs he SUfeS ta twoln-a-row Iess t-ehSea tors, ýii their homî-e pcrk et Wash- Anr. TOOTIN' on.ýd hctnd - çtenchincg is caIted f-or as the- teocm m'dkes" U kROCiDINW' i,,u et t hut's i e ftie do, c os he !Ioys pio-ns te pick up the pleces. TAXIAIAN VICAR bc a priaiswrhy efrtmaft swell tde burch congregation, the icar of a South London panîsh crhpas purcbaseda Churcligeers aruewelcoe te a Cft, and the vicar bimseif acts otlectincden o Sna W chage ismade.but aipe WHYI NOT WVHY NOT?-. The amin of ownsis ino fhoght and great deliberatien. it, must bea dfci iatter te proase ever'ybedy. thers argued for bours on endk when eidn o nm.Sug- gestions were prolifc, "Wbhy net thîs?" and "Y ne oi aV bAs rïeaieci

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