Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 30 Sep 1954, p. 1

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isagree icreasel ~To T'fhis Sua mE. R. Wood- vie\v to hydroi a ietter off per- beforeHe Cm tarîo Hydro byv il MAondav eveit. Last )arts or nuch si letter ns whi gm are spmor- ur'tts this Laulu tarios The scheme- ns with the vn thccountry dur-. .with autumia Tely Trail toured ley aud )met with coming Suüday ,rshed, Oronro and yT Station at, Or- ea off attention for ýe tours are mnap- Mriers Wth Tele- artmeut of Lands inel statioxned at pnss o~n informa- rh the tours arej sreh servýice. 'The Wll be eld lu y Station la the ,s have bea com- ;evice iu a f ield Linton's home in àt at the service R. wvdney sud ,f Newcastle. De- nt is also to bDe ation Army fronu il Commence at, Salvatioa Armyt 0 conmnce at The ALttumn Rally, of the EFa-stern Section o01 the Womnan%'jS Msskoay r< Soc'iety Of Oshawa Presbyterial will hou, be held in Tyron-e United Church On niext Tuesday, October 5Sth, beginininig of a at 9):15 a.m. com] The p),ogrammne looks excelleat, on M Aer which MrIs. W. T. Contes, Associate Ilu t Secretary off Overseas Missions, will tw address Iboth ithe imorning suad after- lo noon sessions,R. Newcastle Auxiliar-Y bas chartered RR a buts to lea-e -Newcastle aýt 8..30 and andsk Or-ono at 8:45. AIl ladies of the coni- îw munity, Oruono, Kix by and Les1kard, RR please take note and imake every ef- ù "oî f'ort to avail your-selves of thlis picea- 'iî saut and profitable day. TIher'e plenty off7 roomi and ail are welcome. CIpbKeith West Sta mT.; Bethany [c- Kc du derh Junior Farmers' News Hailiuig fr-onialal parts of the eouii- ty, the Juniior Farmers assembled -At0 Orono Town Hall on September 22 R, at 8.30. SI The Pr-esident, Marg. Aiken, open- d ed the meeting by asking eer Sny to answer to the poil Cl Mh Most iuterestiag place you ite dUring the suLilmer." vi loie As this was the first regular Meet- ing since Mai, several minutes had Pl( to be read anid approved. Als hel th gC arT ;wl wLiWl ;Coomibe ellowlees Last week the Orono Basebaïlit1-ro11the tamîi brpught to Orono the James' strong ai rophyv for basebalin Dur-hamn. The lhree for o(phy was mwon whený Oronio defeated hiome run ethauiy lu two straight game(-s of a Coruish ai trlee, game series. The first gýamie, and sixti .ayedi lu Orono, vent to theloa Neither >ys ou) Weduesdady last by a score of a 1s the fir yen to one while the second gm a catchiri SBethany ou Fidalýy lnst fao red unwa rono by a score off 5 tuo1. which put Orono1's superior batting and pitch- followedt g, woni themi both gamnes. Iu the two K. WVes aines Orono rang up sevcieneen hitsth teamn m)ý,pared to six ,'ilo.weci Bethauy. doue prie eith West hui-led twenty strîkle-outs lias, not1 rigthe course off both gamnes. bat as a ri t he great, K. West swung the big bat ,vith ing four 1ree for seven wianînýg his game bOone Rua i.,ornoDistrict Creg mn Now Open1 l-. e persons attended the ii- off the Orono Distictl 1 Limited on Tuesdayl e Township Hlall,. Orono.i ting, the by-lawývs of the 1were teceived, questions* d also business opened ýceîviug of memberships oans. Macllroy of the Ganar-f Union was aresent t-dis- fumnes ,w] '31-vear-0, details of this ou,-tinig ed ia Fliday's edition Teiegrama. 1erfect mflU U had ùiuly be en te gladlioli, in an 1 ible and a cascade of pin-k rose buds. ferns providedi the Marn fhoo wsMrs. A. Hleardli nited Church wvhen , l) apple gr'een, tulle over taffeta -with nisb, daughter of Ms.D.'Stevens, Joan Bruton and' the late John JjJunior hridesmaid IRuth Elakely, bide of Kenneth g0wilec.i-a orchidi tulle over taffeta. n off Mr. and AMrs. Thley wýore matehing feathered head- urtice. dresses and carried nsgy of yel - n, assisted by Rev, low mumms. The best an aii,,s Alan e of the bride, off- Heiard and the ushers were TQny 1le-riag ceremoniy. Zakok and Douglas Lycett. The e. bhy hier brothe bride's mother received in champaigne wore a straplesse lace over net andl taffeta with hrown of Frostèd white: acqessories andi corsage of broitze ilace oversaire, The -groomi's imother assisted ng. sleeved lace iun javy lace over crepe, navy acces- the tucked pointed sories and a corsage of pink roses, ngth veil was held' The bride traveliad in a suit of ic-ered i h earîs. winter wvhite wool wi1th luggage tan ce-~oveed wutefleck and tan aëcessories. >olîc. Tru,,steesîTo 'Set Policy For Armoljuriesl a]Iyj locvaIl Hydro s reveniue uy ,)OQ.Ov ui The chairmnan said(, that iu his op- inion the Commn-ission shoula operate Ao te bemnft offtcePeopie endi not pile up suplse hich at present amno1unts to $800000 in bonds nid, $4100O la the bank. hIVIrWoodyard aýgreed thiat such sunpluses should no1t exist but thought the moneSr should be used to better and ndvance the systemi. He also, stated that he hiad not heard fromniayone that the ertes w ,ere too jigh. To this Mr. MHIler stated that he had. The -inýcrease in, the second rate is e-stimated, to up some twenIty five perý cent off co-ýISnuer hdreosts fro)na 28 cents to $1.90 ever tw moths The new raesuit is expecte, will be hin effe for the December biling. Mr. Milnformed t'he Comins- dion that approval was granted fo the purchase of $2000.00 worth of bondsý.fHE further iuformned the co- misnta-ane iss4e ofonds could be pun-chnsed tru h te Bankl, of Mnrif6 100while the Bank -ýoff Commierce wscagn ~ ~10.5. Mmwa passed that; ~1U0I~~. h ý4 - e!pur-chgsed at thei Are you intevi Swimini'ig Instru Are you l'Ltere Liver 011 Capsule Are you intere for Disaster 'int Alast effort v the Orono Red( O',-oo Poice Truatsiees met nia re- underground wire to a light atÏ the gular session on AMonday' evening anid base of the steps. Nonme'of the trust-1 regeived reports fthat the sidewalk ees mwere iii fav-our of mnoviug the ex-1 1pr'og1ram 'was coropleted and also that istiag light from the north side of the Anouries was now isued the street to the ,south side. Mr, Thêfief, Bruce Mercer,wa Woodyar-d stated that it wvas a_, dark instrucýttd to )obtai the necessary corner and recopm eaded a stronger conneçtioni for the fire trgck provid- light on the north sîde. A mtinwas sng the cost d not exceed $'M.00. passed that a 200 watt bulb replace This _onneetion wll je tsed lin the 100 watt bulb in the lam-p on the Mutual Aid work. Thme chief also r-e- north sie of the Street. If thlis is quiestedi at least four heimets for the not sufficient then a 300ff watt bulb is Cire departmnent. Mr. Woodyard re- to replace t ,he 200), comimencled that further information be obtinied and br-ought, forth at the A letter -was received from the next mlieeting asî othe (cost off 1lhe Local Association of the Guides and hielmets. Further it was commented Scouts re-quest;rng allocation of timel by the Trustees thiat thesec should be for their atvte at the Orono Ar- obtained. The fire chief stated that mouries. This was referred to a spec-1 cmpensation %vil not coý;er a f'ire- lai mýeeting to b)e held on Friday of1 mià for, head iniury if he wau'tt1iis week when the trustees are uý vWearing -a helmet. ceonsider arrangemrents for the nlewly The tustespaseda 11_otîtltjpureýhased armouries. Ik was also, The rustes psseda moion t tted that a meeting should be heid give fýire protection to the petitiomi- Iwih nterested parties present ata ers at the South end of the Village., î ate 'tet,0 k u.larag. These -persons have ag-reed to()pay a set yeryfee of five d1ollars and a fixed j sumn of fifty dollars for eïach firecal M. . . iller iufor,--,,-- ile e rus- Conisiderable dji s cussio revol ved. tees that he had met with at repres- aronnid a request by thleOoo United entaitiv-e f the Dprtetof igh- Ch, c fra-tr;tlgh a 1teways when culverts, drains ndap C rc crner. _Mr. Miller stated ta roce1er icusdwic xs thetre n tiscone huld bj nong the il-.ighw,,ay la the village. trimed o alowthe light t f al ouWork vwill be done on thlese wheMth esteps ;and vwas oAr the oinon ta ilg ie prvlwich itin- thebes aranemet oui beantenids to do t1hrouigh the towu1Ship, Hydr on yýard to"0 ratere mission mission thle Local ing off th esioner, 4o Mr. C or( AiviI 1 -

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