Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 23 Sep 1954, p. 3

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ageed vtooý. Th oio nï , ipl ~ali for tbey're or chp WLie udingý atd MMk 1 cap rater 3 cap sargas rucp sbreddcd caopena Beatmilk watr, egs, ugai Pour ivercoukecre! iu -wte¼cp hedeAcoau I 2qart asroePac a oere lu pan of bot watc 14kc lucmodeurte aven 35 F.)20 inues. Sthty ut minute i pur acem enclpobutte 32 cap saAdar Berteaspoon Usi ti u I eau sliced pine pple Marasehino cries jO, 10 nch fseing pan.Add sugarO a Cu it Sir nt] eiud - mo\ e IO heat, Arrangepie- 10ppie, aitmons dmrsein chriaes In crame.Po) bute. aet10n modtertevn ï 4beCp vmen u cru j V4cap sagar, 1 taul amia adoluted eriart 1 teaspoon gredJ Mon rind box (rackers îh utterand solve ielly piierin hot wateCr. Add lemon jiebe and sugar and jet stan, Wi hildevpr a'ted ml oasiffroth.A dd jelly mixtue o hipe mi rind, Pour oe rakrcrust. Chil, bout rhour ada couiple of arnrs'sSoff taSearch cinfiayfouder- grudwater res"ur'ces in the retwastes 1o: the mbDe sertn ndthe Klhai t a onýly natu"ral that at somestge of tlhe journe'y on-e of thle party, an Aeiasol brinqg up the ,-bject of sanalig"a * applie( ta rzaa Gret rvalyhe saîd, exiýStS, betwen raamakrs ad Sun- Cfcodsarta f rciiain The farinerawcdsnSwn more dry ice At much higber altde, whiheh podues a bulS 0f caid air and peet ev rainfil. cated, writes onBo na entertainng a ncd lîght-hcet account of lis journey acrosa thegea Thirstlýand Of souther Africa, Th brsty Lanid" by rancers ha ompiin hat theý sain they ordlered ha4d not, fallenr in terare& but on fam somne miles away we-re whole fr ut crops have been ruin4. Duiga ;s-oo tnip to Ludetitz the auhor learn.Ed Of çagreat diamnid beit same sixty miles by fiftLeeni, srangly enclosed by wîrbe, whr'the precljous sAtnes are on- or.-near the surface, thetpsi hain be CnroedFiby Ithe soutberly whind wbic-b bas be blowing for millions of years- A stranger toId Brown tAl he had sÀ hotinmeaefli- g-oes, ostiches and other large birdls, wjb wndr inand out of the reereat ilnte hopeoffngawotwhl tone u thecirgizds Birds appear tù be unknowi'ng accmplcesofdiamnond ipoaýcb- ers for'dunin tbe pary'S trek acroaýs the NamiL-ib Desert, hoýped- for contact witb tie ecamel po- icefiled to Corne off. QuiSe likely they wretoo, busy wi carierpigonpoachiers, sb-ady charcter whocruise roundn mtscycles ad ly t-bhir inds out, of teaeawtîhe a id of' pigeons, fri iself are tbe ookscap ber of the 'p art'y hldtheir n- ,- Vessuceesef upai n t e -poster artIetand mcoot say and apaeseprin-ts, will have been adapted and adopted, ceived about 5 lStrW(le than whenisde New look wus lance),-bout e Lquall-y divided for and against from people et homne and abroad. Týose la favor accli te "new elegance af thse bustline"; those againat proteat against the chiasig asset" (sma mn eac woe am ana be dis ciased) - Tise followinigcaloevr caused quiSe a stir in the DIcr e-ntýourage: "I hcr-ebychleg you -to ia duel on b ,,eh-alf 0of the Amresican mý-an. I have glamasi-:ýz- cd and d.transformcid tisenatural and ul bustlue.c I unri in"sulted by your recent atempt tc a aen tebisaS and feel cope c, t fighnt forthe nîghts of tie Aen eau mule who enjoys tise glory of an untramnweled and iunani- perd bson. I aw'nait yaurrpy as tachAice of wveapans." TowbchDor seplîed: "A yo;or vusineratbu pns nedisaa cissreewapa ton dangerous ta0flgM INtwxbBeat rgrs"A Diorspkmade cared teiseatoraChefrt irassicres or fa sies, PeAshathe mm tperinent w ickyby eond utr Ial ebu "Ts avatg ~er NOTIN T SNEZ A -Until Jack FioS"rs'cr11hoyfteer ufeesfor ooe etee80 ne(edies and some 2C, esrr.., c ci fgo a olsaaezrs sdif~l engthy cdl!ergy MaaeStrîaig Beau" woV7Ul appear to have cauiscd more of E 1sensation im Canada or thse Unite(d SS,3es than ii lu brnative land. arc incllned lto Sake the vagaries of ahinczar Clisistian UDior jas the san.ie piosophical1 spirit as they wudayothes ncw achool of art.Fw would be ready ta tare ,ip arma for tisecause. Nevetbclssthse 1H-lino fa e- in1g cammented upon prctty iwidcly, fot only lms the woman's page of-Pariian and provincia daiuies bt aolud thinIe sobher weeklies, tio, devotes a haîf page ta t. After exlinuLhe cycle cf auy ance asio, he vwiter cn cus:"Thse 'Striu.g LBeau0' lady, as aIse appears at ber birt4isl suprcmiciy eegant, supremcily biýng, su:prt--ecy oysawh ber effaced bosoni axnar e shoulýder:s. But let us LtIre heart: aShe Winlget ove suths phase. "When this fasîu-hc ,cames cowi, into ýhe Parisian streetS, t il, do so beref of Il exaggeration. RemP--jenihes Se aggressiveNe Look? Tise stsangled wialine, bulgin-g hipe aýnd za-kirta wshn aroun tisean onethey had been rokn u iii a ïpals new abocýfie b",tisePaien, gave place to ýtiseyohusig lng reses wicbevery ,woman baswass snce1947," 9y ?19%6,Say tie1w petsQtie tisedodo 15 EIl avel hmted 10 yenrtJo e ie n 0fny ûana cout hen he met pan unfos- 1unate down-and out an d had 1nothingta ofer hlm. He made the a tulrnhilm into, the po- lice aud dim the reward IAf - and e(caped( eIÉ agaýin lneaýtly turnud Shet' Sables at a alater dtewheu lie wascauhtand being escasted ta thu iociUp, 11e isar-med bis captas, marehed ithe polîcemnar int cativtyclalmed that the arm of the lawv was Gordon- Lehnox and demnandud the re- wvard. The uinfartunate troaper t r ie d ta xpaibut no oanc would believe himi and behind, bar buwent. Th' absnceof ;a pholograph or the ruai wantud man euabed te lawbeaker ta get awy 4.ith it, Altbaugh me amaips % Thrtl ave adlapted tbemi- selves ta conditions and are ca- pablec of gaing for great lenigths i0f trne wvitýhut 'dninking, John) B r o w n was staggered by the powçers of the busbmern, w hi o j seeni e ven taont-do-te anlimais jin this respect. Whcn appartuLInity pr(-eentg lt- self they cn drink and drink and drink -- gallons at a fime q»tjj teirstanaes sellta, alar.ng proportions. They arc then "ail set for several days wibot eeding ta làke their thirats. The sneprinciple ap- -plies ,ta eaiting. Two buahmen ctia pouh of awbole buck hetween 'ur bokl 11we 'ng td beenA ta thfir s nasC3eý cf fle'a succesa, se rcported 50 witb-.--skunks! Coloui wbsos sorygoe sSA Say experts, fôr about 1,000 Years. The (city authiies doubtîcs recalling the proverk tisaS"whe theColseu f ails, th foi alla with it," are cm.-n ploying wrrnnta fli i l t'he cra;cks witb enetancepais decayed stoncwork. Mt' a colossal job. Thse Colas- seuni is 157W ct iglisanid the. aren-aý , whre -any Christians wver-ec- martysed for itbeî f aitb, isý 280 fet on-g artd 174 te wide Ou the da tis le CCaosseuni wsfirast oeeagrea't crowd wat c b e d tish e m onu slaughter oýf 5,000 wild beasts ïla the arenia. This cr-uelty was seý- peatedfo 100 suc-cessive dayjF, and -we a ,e toldtisaSgold 50 theamontof ten mllinpecps Gldtos oud fighit to tise deats, os -,in tsesfreedùm, witbsôdadased ace by tua la f ihe was la e goo od d, 'ýthe Emrpess onse fiies ure3 'isthumrbs Up 50 trshould bha spared. Tisemidde 0ftheamphft- 4~i IO4~ ~5 IIUIIIY U5 £~UU of plants grew there. ~i~iUCH WINE? Paria,-ls there to ~ï the world7 Or la I do not dr aIr a mcc od? At any rate, the au f wine- bblng ba~ seriouely la recent many countries tare surpluses large ena battleshipa. le rlot only mi( aïword, it'lih, Goary Russell, ac his first cls1 mer %ouvehf,,in bcye -and nilntion oar t-an8oa psabutt BtM. Jcidpovïi movieproduer--A b - Author au-d playwrigtJea.n Cctýean trie sat'Oget tie the hoart tcf tiLise matter: "Wisat la nicant by 'rasing thie buat'? Wh a t wôould woCI O if tbley were' oesdta w ýear t-heir boso.ni be- nw t iiseis waistlinc, for exasaple? Women asê y pronie So SiI mis ai oftheir outwrarcd appear- aneor line. They neglccthtelr innlermost file.- ckrn~Ar~d~c~ws. PARIS FASHION REACTION - KELLO MME. STRIýNO BEAN Ihy Rotefte Kouerarve, NEA PreP8lnWrite.'

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