-~ ~- (J~ J~O. ONL, )rono air Mrs. W. B. ssed for-) cýaSI-, _t fi,' a- a- Su-ol udiutorium iiof the- lidCurch. Thueewere, tostatrt tefail e! o,, The meeting opened 1 "u'ic ph 0eJby KathIeew un d an openiiig message. b setEileen Billings, ' RuhAllin, asitat clil Lowma(w2h>hi7-,k.Te egi ECIAL S$14.P5 , nintljIs, ýANTS varitie, 2of each,- W. Sel r.Sa .es suitablefoa- lyn, M. D. Hall, - hou. any other Lowery, A. Hooey. (flot more ontaîner) L. Guy, ~t (not to r. Burns. tinrto beuavase) Mr.S BtsL.Ouhrd Ms.. Best basket of Glads, actis- tîcaly aranged-L. ughcedc M./rs. ITjl-l,- Mrs. A. W iaec Gladiplarran gd 'n lo Hor n rs in Miiaur eBoeutsfcoet flot toenceec o6" la eglit) - Mrs Tili Mr. . GyMIrs. TW Be.st arranSed ilBset b.Aughtredn, Mrsn Vn Hor MrsîTnk LRe asem(o.t xce unes who I eh, Bird-s wpd ands E B. , uwnnylh Se ye~.eh i h t1 ýo ;gi 1ý'olide-'ed t he" 1 (lovah. ine crempo by wc ~ fAic0 in 1C y polo r c . Jol(i; #cý , h 'a ~ ~ T~ C.- W'raan r le li~a~~ n 1->. riail, of serv- Raîney, of serv- J. Tam- ~h-Mrs. ngman. Connie os. -Mrs. S. orne. [ns. Don e Hooey. radier - vs z>> z n n of (I Crr, i oi J. fil.