Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 16 Sep 1954, p. 7

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'Amthorized as second Cfasýi Mail, Post Office Department, Ottaiwa Founder. R. A. Forrester Publisjher, R. C. Forrester GRETERINTRES INOUONO FAIUR Last Saturday was a blue ribbon da.-y for tie u ronoe Fair anud ats oranizaion hrough the efforts of îtue .Durham Cenitral Agri- Sora ciety this fair je advancing, in every phase of Its pre- ,gto . To say that the 1,954 edition of the OtonQ Fair was,.a suc- --cFss, and better than before, je flot il. gossip but a true fact, '£0 vhs e mu.st ing praise and congratulate the work and extra timeý -riet by mnemlbers cof the organization and thie exhibitors wh# arce -h ackhone of any fair. Further to the Agricultural Society, bouquets must be, tender-ed înmany, local org-anizations wotie year came to thie forefront lai »he exhibitioii pîcture. [Pn this group were the local branch of the ýDntario Reforetationi, the Orono Horticultural, Orono Fîish and Hunlt 'Cub, O-rono Cube, Orono Girl Guides, the Oroino Womien's instlltute zmnd the Oronio Skating Club ,whi) served suc-,h gpod food. Ail these- or3Yganizations played their part in mnaking the fai" a better attraction for the spetators. Tt is hoped that these organizations will.be back -aain in 1955 for their efforts were more than appreciated and are the tnik of mnanyi todlay. Perhaps by next year more will sc fit to fàurther the fair by taking an active interest ln the. local fair, ORONO COMMlýýUNITY CENT'RE For many years the Orono Armiouries has beeni an idle building Aa plnyed no part in the commrunity or the immedijate vicinity. 'WitIl tffe recent purchase for the village of Orono by the Tïownship of lrethis building can 110W be put into use. Trhe Township are holding the Armiouries la trust for the Nilage who inist pay for it through ite own; treasurery. Aiso the 'Village %vil! set up the policy by which it wlibe governed and to -what uses it mnay b. used. At present thie policy bas not been set frhby the Orono Police Trustees. It wouid appear fromn previous mieetings of the Trustees. atteOrano Hsdro will hrave ain office i the building. Fkurther it ,vili b. used as a community centre for youth organizations and by noeof the other local societies. As a commn-unity centre the value of the building cannttbe c.asCtimated. However its uise ne suchl should be foremiost in the policy te b.set up. Possible isqos as a centre are çScouts, Cube. Guides,Brnes Eadmninton. Tûeen-Town. Cadets. B3asketbail and others. Activeness inm ýzmy of theseornitis is a training which is important at any NZnw that it belorig- ta Orono iet's put iftctaose for tlie 'OOOFAIR PRIZE WINNERS BOYS' WEAR Eoy's sleeveless Pullover - M.D. Thompeon. Foy's: Overalls-Mrs. S. Moor- Boy's Shirt, 6 ta 10 year- ,Mrs. M, Contes, Mxs. D. Thomp- .son, -Mrs. S. Moorey. RUGS Eýiearth Rug, wool, hooked- 7.ren, P. lLeach, Mdrs. S. Moore. Hearth Rug, mag, hooked - Mr.S. Moore, Mrs. M. Contes. Bedroom Rug, any kind - Mrs. P. Leach, Airs. M. Contes. MJONARCH KNITTING COM- PANY SPECIAL Fo_-r the beet exhibit in La- 2ies' Work, of a garment that ,as beont knitted with Mionarch 'Ya7rns. Bande from the Mon- -arch Yarns used mnuet bo dis- plydwit!h the exhýibit-Spe,- cilPrize- $5.00. -- Mrs. D, ~Thom--pson, -NEW CANADIANS" EXH1BIT. The. New Canadians ln Dur- yrai Central District have agreed to put on an Exhibition o!È Fanicy Work or H-andcraft of .any kindi. Don't fail to cee this lExhbit-re.Dick, rs. Hart- ýý-rn k, WOMEN'S INSTITU TE DEPART31ENT -ROME HOBBIES niekillen, Tyrone, Boq ennilOrono, Blackstock, DOMESTIC SCIENCE Class 34 On. Loaf, White Bread, ap- prox. 24 ozs-Mrs. C. Tamblyn, Mme. C. W. Downey. One Loaf Whole Wheat Bread, approx. 24 ozs.-Mrs, A. W. Steel, Mrs. C. Tamblyn. Fruit Loaf, yeast-Mvrs. Don Thompeon, Mrs. C. Tamnbly"n Pan of Buns-Mmrs. C.* Tm blyn, Mrs. A. *W. Steel. Pan Chelsea Buns-Mrs. A. W. Steel, Mrs. Don' Thompson. Six Tea BELcuits-Mlýrs. W. G. Hawke, Mme. Wmn. Tomlilson. Six Bran Muffîns-Mrs. R..rG. Moffat, Mme. W. B. Ho.ar. Six Scones-Mrs. R. G, Mof- fat, Mrs. A. W. Steel. Banana Cake, iced-M\/rs. D. Hall, Mrs. R. G. Moffat. Jeily Roll, lemon filling- M"rs. R. G. Moffat, Mre. Edi Angel Cake (made ln tube pan), not iced-Mrs. Jack. Roid, Mre. Stan AXllen. Layer Cake, dark, chocolate iced-Mrs, D. Hall, Mrs. Carlos Tamblynp. Layer Cake, lilght, iceýd-Mrs, Stan Alleni, IMre. S. Mýoore. Date Loaf-Mrs. D. Hall!, Mr. Stan Allen, Silx Cup Cakes, -iced-\&re E. R. Rainey, Mrs, R. G. Moffat. Spice Cake, caramnel icod, square-Mrs, A. W,; Steel, Mm. Stan Allen. àbeautiful batbroomn set at a teasonable pricel Everythininl plumbing and heating. Write Dept. or visit sur showrooms. S. y. JHNSON nLs date Plunt ng supplies lr Str ,ýtevîlle, Ont. en odayWednesdlay anid dýay oveninge and alil Th day Saturday. wjll For Sale Tires Tubels Batteries 041 Filters!f Anti-Freezé Fan Beltk \Spark Pl!gs Ignition 1>arts Light Bu lbs State, %eedoi Fel Pui ps Etc. WNe 11l rep'ir, or attempt to repair into any niahe of car or tuk Our prices are reasonable. Phone or drop in for an estimate Barabàll's Garage UNITED CHURCH Oronio Pastoral Charge Reve-renid John Kitchen Minlister Sýundaiy, September 19th, 195 ORONO Sund-1ay School at 10 Service at Il LESKARD Service at 2,- KIRIBY Sunlday, School at 2 Se-rvice at3 The guest preacher at al services today is the Rev. A. W. HEarding, of iig tis Fri( ED F. Me.Kexizie ek commilee- oer l7th, a-c CO'Mi 'e Or-ono Y~ 1b. held on FOWLER-At her lateredn, Orono, Ontario on Monday, ýetem-' ber l3th 19,4 Margaret/Fowler, Beioved wife o the late Cames J. Fowler. Age 76 er.Res ing ait the H. Barlow Fumi ai Rom , Orono, for, service on Thurdaiy, Se /teiber l6th at 2 :00 p.-n t nt e, Orono Cen- etery. COBBLEDI 7Ç--At her lats sidenco Orono, on S tiurday, Sept. oýbrilth, 1 a6î4, IFloreIce Maibel ÏCobbledick. Daughter of the late .1 and 'Mri, Edmund Coh lêdick, a(d 81 year. Rested at theJ, .Be4lcw Funeral Home, Orono until /uesday, Septý eiuber 14. Thii nost4Oronq, United Church for sec/at .3:30 an Intermient Oron eti C PARKER-At lt R. ý0. 2 ew-1 cas-tle on Sunday, $ýtem- r 12, 1954, Florence E leyn Parke la ber 64th year. Beo ,d wife 1 Frank Parker. Servie aishelý at -the Morris Funeral Chpe. ownainville on Tuesday, SepteÈter /4th at 2:30 p.mni. Interment Oron ýýemetery. CARSCADDEN.-Suiddetiy a'a Kenl- dat on Tuosd y, Septembel4thj. 1954 Robert 1)Harper CPriscaddeni, aiged 63 yearS, son ofd th plaite Mn.j and Mrs. Willi m- G. aeadv Resting -at the -ornes F ifeai Chapel Bowmanville un b Frid.y noon. Ser- vice ini Kenidal itÀ-ed hurch ait 2:30 p.m. PntI'm OL10 entey Funoiral under M, leticauspices. FUR ITURE SL The. entire urniture, (diseés, gas ware, 'beddiný etc. of Mr. Donald Robb, o>.mil w"est of 0ro011,Pwill be sold by Publi, Aucti onStray 3eptemiber Iý18tip. ucier aeReid,Autoe A MiION SALE The under 'gned has r peived in- structions frni thse xeAtor Of 'the estate of thellate G.. Robînson, Lot 9, Con. '7, Clark 'Towvnship at Campellc t arn F ay, September 24th at 1,3 p.m.o seli b)Y Publie A uctio n, i i , Trismjith , um p E q u i p m e n , ue e t c . Termes cash, no reserive. Jack Reid Auctioneer. enirol la Dan<cing, or cail. Oooresi« nýce, choice i'ation overiooking pa , 8 roon-is, ewde corations, pafit y and s i roomn, wa1ter Iinsideý, Ilellay, garage, 114 acre gardený Inspec Jon by ap- pointmient only., 50Q Leroy Uamiilt ý, ýoker, (Orono Phone 1-r-16. FOR SALE On.e puniup Jck anid o.Ga runs in 011l. Apply Go on oilpcrml, Clark- ninSchool'S ction. - SFOR SALE Duirham -Çotmuniïty ktio I wili commee on hursday, Sep- temiber 16 Nêt 2 1.ni. Sales ait Arena in Or4n«.' Reg Johason, Auictioneer, WANTED Five or six qres of paiet4re field lin the vicinity Pf Orono f§_ cutting sod. Twitch gralis preferr (1. Remrov- in)g of sod wxli Ïot harm h. field, Contact Fre îSaun4és, Newton- ville. d-p We will 1,. pleased to pîck up dead or crippled farni animais for santitary disposai. Telephone Collect Cobourg 1266 or Toronto Exn. 3-3M36. GORDON YOUNG LIMITE» If you wishj( your ÎDEA FARM STOCK remiove' the fa est way, then eall us ilet - owmianville 26)79. We also.buy L-1 E HORSES.p _MARGWL L F R FARM JJIM CAMERON p LESKARD, ONT. Elcctric and Acetylene Weldinag c Cylinider Blücks and Rends, Welded Specializing ini ALUMINUM AND ZINC BASE METAL Ail Work Guaranteed Phone Orono 1 ring 5 JOHN REGAN, B.A. Barrister, Notary Public 33 Temperance SL' Boïwmaniville Phone 3292 REAL, ESTATE FOR SALE Properties soId, Rented, Managed and Appraised L. M. ALLIS ON Real Estate Broker Phione 2566 Newcastle, Ont. Two blo"-ks north of traffic rmal, Newcastle. AIND C'Rot Water4p a CAL), Uq FOR ESTIMATESa IJARRY E. LYCETT Phonie 84 ryONT ORN - NT 2.00 te 4.00 m*&O fi Sundays and We"". appolntment on PHONE 47rl - E. C. SYER, M.D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Main Street South Office Hours: 2ý0O to 4.00 P.ni.; 6--30 to 8.00P41 Sindays and lUolidaya hy Appointment PHONIE 74 r 19 rm DR. R. ýJ. TAGGART VBTERIN'ýiARY SURGEON Park Street OPPOSITE SKATING RINX PHONE N r LEGAL Lawrence C. Mason, L . Barrister and Solicitor~ BOWMA>fVILLF, N. . JACK REID Orono's Licenaed Auctioneer andi Va1uatexý, k Specialize lu IFarm andf Frurniture Sales Consuit me for teru. and datesV Phone 5 r lq TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Vfiluâtor Conducts u ct1on 5Sales of ail »ûLI and at roasonable rate. Communicate witl i hm at P1g l'erry, Onitaride, or so hin Clerký, .& E.Morton, at Orono, for datso. .JFE INSURANÇE Pension Plans; Educational PoIc.d# Protection and Savings Plans fi* hildren and Aduits; Mortzag I4> mrance Plans. F. E. LYCETT ORONO, Ont. - Phone 20 1 The RIJTTER GRANITI$ COMPANY Dm1 3216 - k~ I Port RDpe, Ojntario lonuments, GravemarkoeqN En e-ravi u. Goldfleafiap STAFFORD BROS Monumental Works Phone Wxitby 5i52 318 »unhas St, E., VWdtby FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AN N MARKERS Let us erect a handsome, d&g- nified monu~ment over thêe MtP~ ing Place of your loved uîlem. It's flot expeneive. And ~n this last tribute will get you xiciIeýs cor% S: J. NORTON ,Maiin Street', Orono0 Phqone 61-r-3 BuIIdtýr & Decorator ConsuIt us on ai! l higs ap- pertaining to the beautifioation 4 oftyour ho-ne. Paperbaniging and Interlor Decoration a specialty,N

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