Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 16 Sep 1954, p. 3

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A ment MfAgmnitue has been pýaying a gooddel'oatnto té those who bave home freez- Pie especially alang the Ane of d'havîng thern iliready for ;erving when neededý. ivl eheipAul te man& t ay Dasnroad Specia"list met theC unmeNtritornh urp .to nowv. You eeIudb Mure teydJook and tes quite lghtL ai ter freezing. nh maine thîng hcbe reo lj'ihes made( it.glainan maayonnaise-. Af ferexrienigi r toun that if yo addcu freezig as bln flere are cüornfthCe other, noies aur experiments bve, taught us: Preprcs lood for freetýzrng a yau rouldfor imdaeue tt do not oeco. I a todfscoao acrnidayb sOft when reheated. Cool fao uikyiir iee Imoran.set the panrcf oadn On jle., or Zn iedovyc al6d running ,terý As spoanasfod -is ýoolpc biafreezr cnaieslavn bead pflç er tpanin, Choosea conainerthat hla just eough Ifor anc nal for ngeî, sa thýat faod 4dae net :haveý to e teItawed cainpletelýy befare- Freeze prepared tfoads t 0' or beiow, as soon as they are disheS withl-ia 6O monfis. To thaw food conletely be- lon. rheatl'ng, let if tandh b. efngeraorAfJter fa.od le" thawed, ucse t at onjce. J.lled Rani Loaf ?21 portions, 4x4x.1-lnch> I tbisp.ulkavored gelatin tic coid water i3J Ét.cearsely goud as cooked ban 3 .eopped eelery 94 tp. powdýedhoerdh or it!s.prcparei or. 9tspreparced Y.mustaird 9e.slleed suf doives 'SoIak gelafî,in l atrfor rS ýme w4 Iied herd-coe gs Place imxure a Pan serveon crsp seadgens TOFreeze Paein apasotrer Caver wih Ad, or wrv;ap flu frezer -packaging material. Ta Prep reFrzen Food efor ar ouits -)mpeatureforC3 orh eced eggs; suce, and serve an crîsp Sulnd greens. (For JelAi-ed em of V4 e. lsugar Few grains cayenne" IXtsp. butterý, ml Otlvinegar Mix sugar, flour. and seacon- Stir buttier and eggs it r ingredients gnadually. Slowly hlendAintie mil, then thE vineger. Coek over but wetr uil dressing, ?ork Savory (25 Portions, sCup Each> S lb. eau pork,ý eut n i-ïmck picces iXtsp. Sait ~tsp. pepper i tblsp. eooklnýg fat or ot! 3 ec 'ater Z2½ e. slicIced canrots, É,e.sbfýted alproefleutr 3 .saurlereain P/sc.deed Pêtatoce i blsp. fiineîy chopped oniion 134 , È green lima beans 1 tblsp. Sait Sprinkle parkwihstan pepper. Brewn lu i fat or oi Add wautcr, caver and sme unlfmeat As tenider, Cok cr rats in a-littie waPter until ai- rna-'st tender, Cem),bmneflu Sodsur ccm etuntil Kandy Hints For In Doors And Out K Ielte edges aif your cr- badquJilt pa-tterns frain «"fray- in»b-ycaeting them ii hel lcor nail polish bef arcyu mrark araund them. Profcect yaur hsadspee watch Mven hesdoing dusty jobs. Caver the enire wetceh wit ,asquaire aicelohae tittfire ends oeirr n tighlyiwap 1with a rubter bançi. HFiceli ceetrtuean sili keép tirlewacir ean.. Su a6-riklengtiroet gerdýen haýse ta held yoUýur croquet wick-ýetsd rin he wntrHase piece fits aver top af wictsa kceep them together. -, POLLY IWANTS NO CRACKER-And na blrtday cake, itemr Mike, IhE3-ya-lprrimct of n nl-rej Scetqies ie boid te .caketmarking hic14 yeors cf residenco with tire Scoy Hod much raterae hýic aoiemet ao a-nd eggs, tappe-Aff lba ,Jrikadsufaerse mjlqentecs îlScAY in place ceuil tey are ctiched siio o yurmeeraleover a warn ian utilpieceps are wash out utfiretIaneig Sptdripocksandpper g ido steps sllp-proa05 GirIls P t D0gt is Wrtte iteanglssfui jrstb Litte lSîle cigl - y hed livly fce famedby brnett bband li bycyc a blues tie wee r a ficrier Dorogn wiîci ftwed t irer playwithliersifer, Leane, sud Fi, But Leone nu langer want- ed fapla tirCceldis ganes c kgte plePy hpcth"sire eeid., wtime any moe? skCedNi caleBut Ldue iolycrugged ire shuldrs udwelked away, flore w as sf111sFï,Ui, hugli,I NlîýCe<. mogrelpet dcg. i loved lmdeerly. 'AS LeanedaeSn' want fe play wlfi me, Nicl fold mm,"IL! shaîl have a gamealan.with But irer wcr naSund.ays ion te hep drve fic c wtads t u r , Il d a s w r e a l i e tc )ashl m S a N i c a l w a e l e f al r e , I f wMAenfm Airfn playng by lier crdirlcIýtf le bridgeoavez li tiehfe, od ai tie Pardoge A utwcr wc t;i.tbmnïlIver tirreed tiret usully rippled ire- ftw ovn fee bneI le ralne tir dayire"resnw lie been mlting sorrcame"da, lui lied hcm emud dy torrent 'hase grey wve-s spetfercdrok fuieaf gras. Ù aoed botir eycîtng and feerfl. Ncalwes rawýn 1nearer and ucerer fathiedgc,Eci weve scmed faire e,' ltIelanod pi lurply, Tolf, irPost lier balance Sicwa i tde r îeo p tiig sire rcalized, witb irarror, wes fieftic wves were racing whic seeed ike lige mtroti ready taog1b0% mer Up. If wedintrtecark for baunded'ff fic tp aitýicbridge, mcesaslce twau bringing tie teefr ad dew er owerds tire a fur a grss.F41jumnped an fa ,- fimgaîn nd Cdrew i -r goufa:silei, ii cl n fEr. Te, unngt.icl fie dafiarc 2yîl i,,dwa> ÇLOSING THE RING-T1heso kîttens se-em ry -jie opees as they clase in on this iny skujnk, as asfully oquippe-d. Hawever, moements kiter, thle kilens prýoved haspitable and welcamed their new friend ta d4i.etce inrRancýh. I ~PLAIN HORSE SENSE.i At e recent rmeeting ai tireh( NIove-Scoti$a Fruit Grawers As- sacit io sif erported that negatiatians are canfinuing te-1 tween the- Canadieana-d Brjiîslir governinent s for sale of epples frn Cnd' 1954 crcp an thre Unite-d Kingdam trarkef s anid tiret a decielon will probably b. meade w7ithîh the nc-at lew days. If esdisclosed tiret et a meeting aofic Caniada Appfle Commit tee,, ieId An Off ewa, reports were given on fie Bni- tisir Situation by Dep)."y"Minis- fer of Agriculture 'Taggart and Dl-epuity Miister oai Traý-de endi Commerce Bul!,l, uf eure iýrom a ýiconference witir British gaverrument ,dcparnenfal offi- ciels lu iLondon. No Open lIre Mr. Suffoni, Sccretary ai the Fruit flrowers Association, said irat if eppeared very definif e tiret there would te? ni oppor- tunif yOfailan pen market for Canadlien appies lu Britain flic ycar, although ich British apple tracte was vcry au-xiaus ta r- sume business with Canada. H le lo ca-id tiret since lest yIeer flicdaller situation lied greduelly impraved, but wyifh aipples being ini a low n.iarity group, there was practiceliy ne pceibility ai eny 'big amau-Lnts beýing ellacafed ifor Cenadiani, epples. Tiere are ather com- modifies lu the same category ilcir wauld have ta ire, alla- catod dollar, if dollars wère ,ta be spent on epples. for flic expmtert fCanadien. appe.s te Britein l ot lcket demandbut lac& ai dollars. WXhy frn, hlu tee namo acd tire aid epple tro~fc,dow Anitn getting dolars for aur apples Why do we nat accept pay.- metin Sterlin-g? we er sftig u he officeQ) cieiesinLononand wïere teld cager ta buy Canadien appIeq -tir e eCW.,wudbuy 014 apples but ddneýjt have tire dlollars wec were dmnig Le if possibl irak iecee feiiaetracte end nauend in rde taireahI tebuy tiroir5 sple.tI Rrmrnti;get tise mneney needed te buy thcit sup- plisol tie Unitedstet"os, Il moeytie cul . ett buy supplies l tr.Unlted Kîugdom, O d t0y1rcert leftherepe a ue rg and o gtaytlg brainwacied 'riflipropagande LATEST WORD 0F FASHION "IG00DIBYE,_SWEATER LOOK"ý ,;,it me sail me Urne hey ba2veà tha gvernment (Ji everly day lagaecled. polities) is a v ry ysteriaus bsies In shudbe left tath epets Who ýwilll save uLs tram the ýex- petbut weorevs Theand time again e av caldforcooperatveacio aind we do it againi.Whti peedc--d are men wvith vision n4 guts wha wiIl lotsbmtt g'ovetamentdctes dam costrctieUr cdestruc- taveniad suggestions, wise or rai aBo'b Von Pujis, hty TSO TCE»F livinlg ït Lnkof South AfSca, q rew l'fred a 1he ittie tae. Onu eay it!ltchcd ai-n' tI& irenext day i4 a îhd;Ifg',a ve h lm rno rst. 0111.hd abiletidea. Ho bru Oi ut hic .22 rýifle, set dCanI, stretcired hIegs on-t andý d athtire ocHechit if, bu it wac IJ sf111thre, 50 he toci seodca t if. Tis ture t sva.s blawn clean off A doçtor, ba,-ndaged If for hlm. i i dono't 111< itchiy focs1' ire reziierled. faith h'K-ealers (electroic, turba-ns), ra naan adfîn fbs fHw'e irings, Harsy ý? " hoe "Nal sa good,(4e Rrry said sad- ly. "My brother'ssik "Ah p salid tie faimh healr- yurbrothericnt si5,ý,ck; ire olYý thnk e's sick. Tell hlm thie, suremembler if youjirsclf: heool-y And afcw daye leter li ete ther inaw?" said Ctie f aitirhealer1e UWrre,î> Harr ïsad, H* ea k hli, ra."o imkS' efirday and helippeured teý pan * efon wt tueinscription: irrbath gat Aln tire saine grie. NEA WmnsEio Býy 43AILE PUQAS New York - (NEA) Now tiret tire shouâting ires dieàd dawn and pictunce have arrt-ved fram Paris it's tino taO stand back and tae an appraical cf Christian Dior's "Lfigne -li or "fie leef bosoin" Tireeaciltually nathing 'itfli fiJattened-aut fiapper look lu tire -nèewDIlion silhoue'tte, Tire sweater girl bulge isouf and lif (s place' ïhr' a prcfty, genftle, lifted sud 01nlY sligitly flattenled Ufne. Tire edict eeys tiret fie busf us naw about elgif luches mairn tire shoulders Our wamnen, accuctoin- ed ta shaviug fireir iaips arauuid and maving tircir waistlines any- wirere tram ehoulder fa kuee, Sirauld b. aile toaecirieve fl-ils wifia-lut trouble Wirat bappens wiren "Ligne H" ults fiese shares like a tîdCal weve is tiret aur own d cesigniers vwi teereFrencilhouttmadi- fy if Ianr Canadien and Anericen women and prese-nt ifAirigii wearebic eform.' oehue, fie sweat- er look, papulaj r in certa3in circles sinjce belon. World War- Il, wl diseppeer neyer (lu cam-e circles) fcamne beck. 4sio ficrest, tire waist isý stili wîius and tire long toursa lune is nof tlee luhdand slap y!e ai tic 1920's. Whtddesigners finca"tr Utris: eda long-lggcd look,;' lily Dacler "Ifa 8ine 1erera us, C 1f l be Cer, la BeZuekemn:"lonl triutce omfhig.But w i te find r my Wluanagmn nsuairde womcn in Anidca wlI onme, Wewenranati cre-for evenig especiey." Claie MCardllu"! amn-noti, n fevar a ay cibioueff ctietcom-, pre-sses flic figure, cither in tire weslnhipinyE or tireboo. ifukreal fashian le elwaa desîgigtrt lefis tirentrlfgr shewow t ies evenfagc." Evelyn Dawisan ai Snzy PerIette: 'Duo wg 'miquacd'Hic new sihuteis s l tep bcyonid June, 1541Ifdoesn'atefen tic bOsainbut Uife ifvery higir If is e becoing iin% alrcady ac- ce"te Dio slheuettcwilbpour mviyoun"g pea.ple waare br cd iti flc inc wat eudvcrv saute ,A ruzzix_ ý'

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