Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 9 Sep 1954, p. 5

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A Firsi LUek At-UDiýr's "-ireDespite ili the hujll'alcc iocn Dior- unveiled his new slim linae, these first picturesf flo.ltened out gl'ir nd feminine fluttery afar aIll. At IE rlensmbile, dress and matching jacket with ermine tr-im, A of nylon matte velvet, cotton and silk, bar týard, fiour and ingreclients, boil k inito hot steril- nd sa atonce. )ints. ej:, 71 ,5 gix. woater) spice THg -E BIG cHANCE Poptilcr filo m starClarkGal "is fading away ," according to a London, Enqland, nwppr The paper says his kisses I4ck fira; his treaid is heavy,,; his eyes dlulI, and his marner ,veary, Il vemaining ingre- to ai boil. Add >ring to boil againi. sterile jars. Makesz' HONEY BEETS whale caked beets ônç, ombnevngrhny Tie tsp, esip - mulr n utsp. reund auspicegý ac p,, kls tic bos /cinna ze pi Pe, e smlonbe- ets rs ce large ones. Combievngahny add Siiner minues.s. Pe, k sea0 l a oce.Mke11pits (i * 1, 3; TAOPEPC<E in 1946 4 le tatwaoiterïe, 4 e. hitê v inea 2 tsp in, vwh inclaesn Pambre and cube anopdis gar Tic spices in cheesclotbHý bag, add ta syrup Bail 5 minutes. -Add rind mnd cuookunilclear, about 1 haur Remove spice bag. Let rinci stand in syrup over- nighit, Remnove rýinrjoyr.syrujp ard cook syrup about 1/3 hour, Add vind and let stanid oeng Bring ta boiland pack in hot sterýilized pint jar. Sal akes 4pints Twospn~trshappenecd ta meet On testiýet one day after mrany yars part. They huggged and kissed eacb othier and begani to "Matible," said the first, "d-O you sill îlook under your lied every nigbt?" "AIways," Iviable id thlng f iSnitme ivMbi. said,1'"b'ut. iu.b uaà ly eoly in dfshod ed up we ai ~inrCliris- lis collection sýhow /ha has£n't ra.ally sfi black nylon and rayon velvat ii;-a pole yellow aven-ing,. ensemble wihwild rmin. TagTa Ekimo maiea tough Arctic exý- parer w7ho has livedi among Esioand married an Eski- mogirl, being suddeniy plunged inito the artiificialities off Hally- Peýter,,F reuchen,-j a Dane, who «ent there to; write and act in t'he flilm "Eskimo," -says there was; a brass band and a crowd of photographers and reporters whnthe company lef t tô shoot the epic ini the "Arctie idr ness" of northern Al.1aska The Press pictured bu as ïa hercoic- Viking and Arctic chief- tain. Thley dd' know thàt he wa,3s le av i ng the train at the first Stop fromn Hollywood andi going baclk tuofiniish thpe sCcna- r, and w-ýou,-ld follow the others later! In the cast wreaChinese and two) Japahese girls play- ing1ý Eskimos, and whets the shooting began one turn-ed Up with heavy -ake-up adma-I niificent hi-d.Freuçbhen ak ber to let bier hair dawn as an Eskimo neyer looked îke that, but aifl she wantcd ta do was lie beautiful, so he walkPed up to ber andl began. pull.ing it dowýýn. "-eipl" she screamewd, 'FreucheniÎs afttacking nme" An excited crawd gathered Finally, the producer, Van, Dyke, p-caed er by sa;,yiîng she could appear in Pt1 ývlL r-painL i baif the time if s1-, would leava ber hair ucnieifor the rest., Aftberwards ha exýplained to Fr*euchien that .1when she vwas "shot" in ail her artificial splen- dour thiere wouid be nIo fil i the camera! Ona mo11crn.ng the grsfound that, there -as no, fresh grape- fruâit eft for. breakfaqst, on-ly cannied juitice, At once they feilt terilîwak n sst ing th ey were suffering from vitamîn de- fi-i'ey andl afraid of scurvy, Alil work haýd to be ýcncelled for se31veral days wile a 'pla;le fetched fresh frt a ilte way frmSeattie. Freuichendslss nafs- rate autoiogrphy,"Vagrant Vikig" ~' translated by Johan Hambo - hatbesicles plaaring the villain, he had to writeý the, publicity, se made upfatsi storijes that caused ai senisat"ion. One yarn was that fhey'd sr gold in Aakand Oncbs cam-e POurïing ini fromi the act- ors wiesurging tjhem -ýto go ut a Dr. Nils Alwall of Lund -Uni- versity, Sweden, is savlng lives to-day with bis artificlal kidney "gun." A won-lan recen)tiy ,ried to commit suicide by swalloiwing a botte of sleeping tablets; she went ilito a coma, seo ftep, the the se~ of death.1 But, while she Lay unconscious, the doctoi' got to work vwiJth blis machine. Six b1OUrs later, she was up and about, dressJing herself calmirjy, and tlpoighomne, basically, twenty - six yards of The dcorskidney gun ri s, basicaliy, twenty-six y, ýardcs of sausage si-onetd to a bihl ntricate clnrcldruni cf stainless steel. Through, this en Iu te patîent's blood is pum-ped and cleansed of naxi- ous poisons. And thie victimrr's natra kdneys,, thus restedt slowliy resumne their true se'rvice. In this way see-mingly hopeIess cases dyingý- of alocholic or niar- ,ot-ic poisoning, and mi-ajor ab-. domninal Oparations are flushed back ta if , A person cap, nowv Live for thre-e weeks witho(-ut normoal kidney ,ýfuniction,, says Dr. Alwalli. Ily Ke~ Uhrh 13:1-10; i w*oci b6 was con;,attly ug- Jng. '"Wel.1,» ha ald, 'yoil no .Alaska wa", tuh erlec for e. The actionj had to takit plae iny ant Eskimo village d4nie teean înow-ho-useO,, but nonie 0f the local sk1 og aever sepn a snowhouse, 1,GPl'ieeuchet had tù build the lot hilispolï> taking three days ovr t Jînunedlate,- ly shootling began, a m-ild srpell melted them i-Ll and the en- tire site wasj fiooded, AIl work ,was h1eld up wh'ile the wa7m speil continued for seve,'ral a1 When,, they reported cniin to Hollywood the bosses theL refused belevethem, The, wnoe orld knew that Alaska wvas always cold in winter they ça bled back, anigrily, 'When the cold 1final'iy set iný Fren,ý-hen had to w ait fýýr eowuýh snow to.ý fall befô're hie cOuld3 rebuild the village exat !y as be-fore-. Scene after scente was shot, the finished reels ,be,, inig sent to< Hollywood by'pae Suiddenfy Hollywood cj sent a b frantic ,-'Stop Signral. AIl. the scenes taken in the -rebuait vl lage hiad to scrappedi becausaZ t h e background îmountains, snowcoveed i thefirst scanes, wvere completely bare hli the second lot, So Frexihen had .tco MYfly ai ver fthe counrtry 100 ing for, snow-covered mu- tains. FlYîng back to Fai.ýrbaks oe day wvith two of th(-- girls, Freu- chen's 'plane crashjed On broken lèe on the Yukon near ult because some lindian:s had m-Oved the landing imarkers. There was mnore trouble with the girls, wh-o wanjted th)e men to cook meals ýkfor th(em, -Bac-k in-,HolloYwood, ther(7 were months (4 retakeýs. They had ta build cabins, papiexr,- mâché snow b. ouses, a replicaý of parts of the ship. ruin forbidden to cut bis hair er beard, sý-uffered gre.atly froi t Califoriai heat and feut foûlish going a bout oloing so un)kemp, Rulars are set to ex ticE, and punlsb crime. ab they perform this they are thea minister, '!t'Iey a-re worthy of oý aid support. Sôme in vie ife 0d0no", live tila ns This is ur Ncvartbeless we owe t! tahi honour by virtuî- oýffilce. Ailage that it wou If al l ii public of, e--xemnpiary Christian Eh no,'t Ccasy. There a uinue steacilast in tne taitti. One. naeed not become a slave ta the- vices of the mnany becausa he is a leader. Indeed he sb-ouild Set an axample of righteousness lie- fore tbam. Paul's exhrtationj to "Owe noû man nythngbut to loveoa anta,'is timely for tOday. ~Credit buying sounds easy buti many have gona in -beyond tlaesr depth. The resultïng frustra- tfion le-ads to nier.vousnless that may bring other ilis and evfls. Teman who deliberately ig- nores his, financial obligations wlll paver inspire the confidence in the dixîrcb1-, e-rs togat.her planter, po God gave the planter, Apol Mofther (prot 2-year-old)--"si like that for al maehlm sit cý SUpsidedommn ýo Preve 1as we in! des,Mi . .. . .... . ...........

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