ji uit, Amne will help e, yau !ýrt( sjealout 31 tue about in every w'Tay jîldren asud my If useci fageL Learu ta ignore n) doing noth. ust go ou. Le Ieý a dog'8 because of mny showed if ha. ied, sud iliy to warnu her, sea if WifËl- te worse. Dad hls mid omer her's hegh ris Opea WCocon- a jealous par- a pauoramic mt uy f amly Ai jealaus ano v to smander or e agaiust the I mnyse'f fhave that I've feuÈ Lciug bis smýa]I , f ascef( Dugh the years âci written Ah in detail. ais tujde:. 0f tan tLhere i>s no 'out' ta e problern; anc must haves ecousse fa1,0her imuer strangth. e Foryears I have reaci yur P columu. t has been qut. a j study lu psycII(1ogy - grown people acting like klds5, ty ta get qappoval of their Mism- îg couduct. They should be study- s ing the Bible t'0 fiud thesright way fa live, . .I've afeum thoughf 0ff writing yau ysif but I've siways kniown wbal your answar wouid be. Iu othew words, I ltuow sight tram wrong andi I didn't se( anay -need fe a clutter op yousrieady crowded tima e with just one more cern- plaint.', *To "FaîtifulflReader": 1I hope v ith yaou' that the ssci exper'-l e nces af two generatians& *yous fasmily vwili leave its mark *on "ioise who,ý as yau Say, thli* *jealousy is a proof of love, A * man'sm jealousy of his vif e la î nhuman sud iun,-Christian, and Smarriage (as your môther. * ound) inly rmultipias ifsjt *1Isalufe your undarstaudîug. morauy readers-say, "Even if * ca't bel p me, I feel bt * erio~crtelliug you." af s *si -rlivs the soufl, sund if *offail clears aue's perspective * 50 haf, lite yaursal.f,- the, *writer sees ber psabiem mcore *cloarly sud analysas it through ber ,wn objective approacb.ý Mian Leses Faitb "Dear Anne Hirst:Abu a ,ear ago I1 fellinl lova wlfh a solder. 0f bis own volition he told lme âha hac arAed and i dv- 0orceci bis, wif e because she was Ùnfaitiful-and Ih;a1 has 10sf bisi f aîtb in afl woameni. "Ha bias toic my nmothes' (not me), il' ho loves i4m e Hakata excuses lot ta ttaa m1ý,e -ouf, a^nc afi tandoas not came when; he l expected. I uudorstand thaf hoe la figtiug bhis lave for ime; 1 guess, 2 ggooacopd ove tmin uO~ n"men. n'lspt; sfr in BENSON'S o AAACr tr rn bload wof OaF cndposIy 05IS 'Or1 HITE SAUCE i tiospoos soit 34 toaspeos peppoj 2 caps milk sdd BENSON's Or CAHAoA blond woII. lb. il misciaro thickens and boSs, mi Whto suce Frosting of flOwers is d.eliciaus touch con this jiff'y-wriap ) halter thatý tops slorts, slaceks, skirts! Easy ta sew -- easier ta em-brol- der, Littie yardage, use rm liants. Pattern 658 cornes in sîzes: Small (10, 12);, Medim(.14, 16); Large (18, 20). Tissue Pattern. ern.broidery tranlsfer. Statesze Send TW7ENTY-F1VrE CENTS in coins (stamnps cannot -ba, ac- cepted) for ths pattern ta BOX 1, 123 Eighteenth St, New- TaJ'rantO, Ont, Priînt plainly PATTERN NUMBERt and SIZE, yaur NAMIE and ADDRESS, Pon't miss aur Lauira W7heeler 19541 -Needîcýcraf t Catalog! ?79 em- broidary, rcht colar - transfer and eembroidery patterna ta sen~d for- - plus 4 camplete patternis printed in book. SenI-d 25 cents for your eopy toay! deajs for glfts, bazaýar sellers, f ashions. 1 ha-ve no pride, for 1I ar stiïll holding on. "lÊ ui rn 50 onfusedanu- hapïpy! Please advisc me. Bis Seter. * t Ltakes, a !lng 5while, anld *agreat deal cf patienice, 1tI *restore a mnan's lüst f arth.On Sut tread softly, thougb u, er- *sistently, inli er, eff-ortt cn *vince hlmo that there, are il *worth bhis trust. * Be at your beýstwihbm E ý careful nleyer to breaqk your 'v' wordl, orstand hlm p. Scorul '0 tetli7 anrythirig lsthan the Swhohi truth about dnythng, Sanid jlivî* Up tc I, ,Be more ,,nmature than your age; lot hlm * onhoweýver uwi'ing,, ta u ppreclate how d0en"À, vou are-, aven in !ýitie sta * fions. * Ani prove tatyou t'ru.st * hm cmpletely, makngan ex.. *cus;e to say sO whien Occasioni * aise. B smpahetcbut not cu P ô ontall-ow hlm .to Sentertain you ext ravagantly; * ho ou ,are pleased by simnple tin-gs biteý a walk lu *1the p ýark or dancing ta ,youir 4radio. Ca)nca-n y0urself, unj- btusiely wih his haLýth and wl-eiglhe mtra tubi"> thefe onle Be mare *concenad wt anythîing thaIt Èlnterests hlm rath[er thon wt * oawn es Ibalieve yuwl pors ~try lto forceantng J .Taunsy hbos nt plaüe in aa heart ffled wtilvfor faith lu thte belovaci b-aves if ne Hem.I you ar, eï3ubed by fuis stuton lerhaps Aune Hirst">In help. rt her at- BOX 1 1,3 EigZhtenth Street, New oonvvntro ONE IN ",A AMILLION.1 School teacer next do says yoiýu have to wstach yourwrd thee dyssinýe thekids are s5har-P an-d littakatayour quesý- tionslIîterally sa saysý that when she aseher kids t hthr daiy if asbingtan woud ha coside eda emnart1able rman if be were- alive oday, he go(t itis rpy "Ha ure would, Hre'd aabu 00years olci", Wouidn't it be w ionderfu-l if we could h ave a fuLi day's tain? Or wiwld it,? Perhaps fa3rrmers withi spring crop ta cut or thres'h thiuk otharwise. But still, when. you think how i»ucb every other kind of vegafation is needing ma-isture a good tain would soxely do mare good than hbarm,) Yesterday I1vXas settin1 g u0 geipïranium cuttlgs - fity0 of theifl-- and there wasnt aý bit of manistura in the ground. And near here a f armner was tating out aid fencé posts, four feet dowri ln the grounci. IH said he coulci have split the woad and1 burnit it lu the Iitchen st ovpe for k.indling if was so dry. Part- ner is having biis trouble -with fonces fo. He is rebuilding a field gate si-d a sectýicn of feuce and of course his in ajýi bstacle is also the bard, dry grounci. And then thara's thegadn Aitar a lapse ai a few days 1 went ouft to pick string beans. 1 expected to get quito a- lot as the last tlime I looked thore were plenty of littIe beapi-ansd ail kiis of blossom, Ail I got was a biandfi. The littla beans haci drieciup snd al] tho blossorm hsd dropped off. Harvest apples are stili al îng off the trec but 1 arn pick- ing out the best of themr, cook- ing them with the stinis on, forc- Lng the pulp tbrough a rôt~ary colanider- andý, canning the apple sauce. Oua .nieeds toalae the mrost oi every bit oý fruit thiat camies alang tibis yearohris there will be a lot of ernpty jars this winter, Andcif its more than humran beiugs that go sr I fruit, these cisys. Have you fhought what itfticans ta the birds? Sa rmy af them feeci on wîid fruits and barries, For ini- Stance, we ganerally h3ave quite1 a few cedar wýaxwings arounci lu the late summner as fhey love theavwild honieysuckle be-r.ies. Thisq ye-ar wa have very few of aither ba-rrýies or birdis. Even tho: pooý-r littia frags seem lao have an u-nuaturai brownishi, shriveC ted up appearanca. Bt t jster- day 1I usaw saething ýfthaà wss reall'y green -_ as green as a1 fomýato worm. Lt wasssorne kind i ofi praylug manftis. Arly 1had1 seen other years w.ere aD brown- ish s-hacle but thi s oua was at beautifl uI olour. This maufis was arnoug my geranluims and I took great care not ta distuirb hmbecause tha manurtis lg a de,- sir-able insectf bvearun the- gardon as it dastroys -manyiy. l-1 sects iujurious to plant lie. Th e îî1autjs Is a f asclnating tiung ta minci being haudleci af ail. Yo)u don.'t ue t eaiadof 'if eithor, If doesu't ýýbite or 7stlxig ali the average hutman h f00to big forif ft0 oest. t wlli ng 1fo yvour fingar as quiely and con-. tentadly a fi eeo h stîta a planit. Europe eanld te tropics but appar- a1ntly it made ifs first appeararce lu Ontaria aPboutÊ 1914. It prob- ably cmeilto Canada w41thout a passp')ýort undr caver 0fiprtc The aui is no ardinsry iu- s.ct, Lt bas beau counecteci with variaus legancis sud superstition)rs f-or thousaucis of yearxs. The, acefGreek-s thougblt it -had, su0perniaturail powers and theý osescîgîrnaci the pray iiug mantis, when i-o anl att:itude ai prayar, always tîurueci towardsý, kon vasriousl aS; saintP preacher, nun or soothlsayer aud, accordiug to anartIid leuci, a manti aligtedon tha ada St. Franrcîs Xavier, %who thereon canaddtbe -mantis fe singî thc, praise ai God, The manis, sccording ta the legeui,>intonad a ver, beautifiii canticle. Par- baips that legencri a somnethin.g to do w.ithi the superstition tha._t fora persan ta blave a aiîtisaiight o bis or ba er -san betokeus'sait- liuess or ailse is a toke-n of goýod fortune., Well, a rmantis certaliuiy nrieat with grateci onion, ; niaisten slightly with .t uta a bowl, 2 c. once- sitteci ali-purpose flour), -p. sait, 1ý tsp. dry m c.a- arteuiug. Make a weHLa l suce snd 1' c, miik; mix ta ake a soft dough. 3on flniired boaiirdnd edges ta seal; score top layer hapeci wedges. Bake in hoi '20 minas. Serve bot witht e.Yield-6 serviagaý. thîistlaa grow s little taller. You sea, PartneliFh&l a thistle project ouf in the bact yard. Wheu iha was cutting vweeds ha lefit two Seoiých thisties -Just ta sea how tail they would grow They a-e- uow,, over four feet high. Every, day lovaiy littie canaries perch on the sturdy thistie branches sud have a wowlerful tima feeci- iug off the seecJIn u act, they fighf over It. The other day thar e wss a baffle royal and the bushy thistie swayad back asud forth while the littie birds fought for uudispouted possession. Alsa lu ajur bacltyard vie bave a goni hog who laves to sit Up eatig appjles. Sa f as Tîppy hasni't seanl hlm. The yellow-belîied sap- sýucterS are witb us again sudi just recýent]y blue jays have greeteci us with their un- melodinaus cries. Andi we 'nad ancother transient lookb-ng for a meal this mosnig. We asteci hirn wby ha didu't tsy ta get som-ethiug tf a est intowu. To which ha replieci: "NIo gooci. Towin people wani't neyerý. give a man a rm-eal!" As ta that 1 ev you fa-)dsaw your own- conclu- sionrs. Ne SoId His Brai Fifty-three Times Ail1 Paris 7,s ta-Iiig about the luckof ai te ovaly princess who ,vas ,7r-ed by ber dectors th.-af heart disease rmlghf Carry ber off at, an-,tîme. Pscendeci from il- lustriaus a n c e stf0rs, Prlucessý, d'Arijaui-Durasso)w's dying wish was *to give ber seveuteun-year- olýd sou, Alaxisý, a deceut edwuca- flou. But ber mouey was -runlngx- 19 Sclc , imilk, 1/2 c. granut- . atcsur,2 tosps.. sSf lt ud1/ b)utter or margainel; cool 1 uk0 warm. eanwh iea.sirur juaa lrebowl ,'àc.-ltskawarm l water, ,-ts-.ilrailatedimugar; stir unifl 1 Dry Yetast. Let Stand f10 imutes, THIEN stir welI. iee½ c clcimaheipLatte sud mix unubeaten eýgg yolks sudt z:/2 c. thsc sar ce trbt mIlk mixture. Stir in ,½ c.-once.- iteibrea ifioiir; hastuni smioo)thi. Workla i c. about) onice- sif ted ;brcaci fleur ta malke a sait. dough;greas top.Caver sst luawarus lplace, iree irom draughit Reading that a rlcb msia ujeaded s pair ai eyes for a gr-aft'. iug operation fa save bis sight, the Princess offered baers - pro-. videci that ,the Amnesican made bimself sesponsibiè for Alexis's. edmucation,. Sha recelved ne reply sud f earý- eci she liad beau indiscreet Then she heard that the American waq dead --andciuow learssubas lait bar a million dollars iu gra- titude for ber offai Star. ug? Auytivhîug can bap.- peu wheu youi believe yau"va oufly a year ta live. Iu Manchester, surgeous despairedi saviug the lii e of Harry Rayuer, bis spine sbiaftered in a, diviug accident. Instac, ha inveufeci amas wbieelcbair, starec iu manufactusý- ing and made a fortune. Hae waÀ sevntyivewben ha dlieci from fthe injury, the coronede-c cidecilhe had recaivac inlu he, swimmiug bathsxt years ha- fore. Dactors aud Uurses were tenid iug s dyingmiioar in Lan- dau wh enilsuddenly ha bad e last-mu'Lute brainwava f'or side- tracting the fax collectas. Sunj-, moning bis lawyers ha red them to spauciaa million dollars lu buying uip busine.ss prape-îJe. lu canada - and c)fa wste ne th ie. Telephona wiras icraceIe(J sud wvitbiuc four hnours sales wverei vloseci ou blocts of flats sud large Commercial praperties te- talling trie ilion, The British Treasury gave tti neeciful poermission foDr the ex- change ai dollars, Yet the, mb.- lionagire was seeting toa a va i deatis duties. ILu.Canatda they' vare faxed af es than ha-,it the En@giisbý rate Let rie unll douhî1ed li u13 r Punch dawn doughi, greaSe tîop, caver aud agasn kt rise unt douibled iubun.Punich dJoiN düugh ans u unont on IightiJy. Ilour(Ieci bo rd;ril ta-0 LbtickucsS aud cut into 31" rounds sud placeweil partc ou greasecicookie she s. Usiug a ibourei himle maike a dee. dpressio) n luthe Centre ai each bun. Brush rouqnds ai dau!ght w;jith mixture aoIsfgh1 y beatee "gwhite asud Itbs. wtr spriklegenrously with gran- lated sugar. Caver anci jet risc uentil dobein lu blý. Deepcedepres- abus q lu buns sund fil wýith thick j asbryjam. Bake la bhot oves, 42V, about 15 inte«s. Yield - 3 dozpes large buns. - a#-# -Jet