i ,. A htcost of Production.1Smna]ll wondCer thfat sa mnany farmoers soit out when a goodofr cornes along for their raery. But haeyou noticed thIero 'are mnore young and riddlo-agod farmiers seiling out tanoldor peopl e? Those who are young enalugli to wvork out tako a chance but tht, older imon hangs ocn ta wbrat he( bas got . . if he Can. Sometimes ho bas little hic-sfor ini- itlnco ifbi land is needdasu Part of a »ewv road or the St. Lawrncue Sawray.Me rmay put up sornie Opposition buit the finlal resit 15 always t'ne saule. Itwa thtne whoen the railroads werof being built. I1as old onet Urne of ia mn wbo said they wouitd noveýr loy track do'wn across bis when the work gangs flnaily appearoci tis id feilow wVent af"ter therni w'itb anl axe! How the diffrences iwere settled 1 daon't knùw, but i do knaow that thotctack wslaid. Wietl, 1 roauly bloePartuer fools lko ascboibo onholiday -attatfor a rday or two ur boy, is al in the bar-ond of couýrse none of i i got" wtt.Ho cauldÀ it? Sne w fisisIbod hay-* inlg two morecow)ý,,s 1have freshonI-1 e nawifarr:esworh aothet. AAndda't"te way if goes. Butt wï e rtainlynedt tVaose !owstac _orne ini. Dry pas- ture do Iilîtti to increose the murilki flw.Mtdry 7weathier 15 olso, hard anül the bonus. B.y thEt wny, I don't tbink i evor told yOu abùuouuritte srnallted1h." This- ll what bapponled. Ont m-orncng, about six woeks aga, I wos Iookinge ut of tht iivingp-r'oon indowAd aut in tht front garden I saw; somthig rovig about ami-ong tht srusI kept athganidi pros etly I soyý' it %wo7s a heon. Wlinow, hbaw -Idt! you got thore?" I waonderod. I askod Prnrilfitho bad bîf ttht door apnIn ttîîh Ienpenr or if there was a brýoken 'éwindlow onywbere, Thtanwec ws no nt! "Why". Thek 1 roalized tho hon I hat! seen w ,as ted and a ur owcn ,i e biack ad rodÀ. the mysfery Jdeepenoed.It cou[IçI 'tho a suray bocns. Thoýro wvas oiyone so i- tian.The bobn imt bave eàape corne m tram the roat!. Tht hoýn, sta'yed in tht shItfrat ho ShrUS ailday. At nigbt ,,we cauight b er ont! put ber wîtbthe ather bijddies. She stlddw q-uito ho'lppily ici ber 'new qýuar-1 torentil ht tume èofrce fr er1 taostrt loing agoiil. LDid sho uea nesýt bx ike tb oher, '01 bos? O ,-ne, not'hing se on mionfr his bn Segets oVèr thet top f a rpartition that sopar'- ates tht boipon fron-I the gronry. ncein trie granory sho ake a ice cosy rnoat for herseif, lays an, egg and thoîn gots bock to teh henon th sanie wvay as she left it. Thot b as ben going on lnow for svealweeks.ý_ in. th-ýe bore 'nfo)r a whilo, and shoý couit! escapeagether. if sho wanted to, But no, every day aurV litHo e cd hon goos bock tou tho pon, quiýto of ber oawn accord. Quito a pe'rsonaiity, aur Biddy. Now Isî ui tel! You2,about 'M ilýc h ie -yite. mmb riho bod ont teg alrost sevorot! by the rowr iast year. Wo woni- devreci if tht Sanie thing swould bappen tMisyoor, as tbe long, standing bay Wou Mitcbe's first tune Pantner woýnt out wtth th nowrMichecauldn't ho fountr HwvoPartnýer was On thct watcb ond on his fist round iho sow adwhito strooek toor- iýng don ht field liko niad ln b3y thet fonce: Wo din' o ot wary ny more itchie ond! the fildat thtsaieUneBut once the nowrandttrctor wore bock in the shed Mitchie came out of hit!ing p"and. spe'nt ,thtebl Q. VHow eau 1Iérevent exces- Ive powspration of the hands?ý A. Try bahigthin writ stronig alum wVvatt;' or alcohol. Or, use a lotion of two auces of cologne and! one-quarter Ounce> tinicture of bolladonnia; rub in tI moisturo fs absorbed, thon- duIst wIihOrrîs roOtom alu powder. Q. f11mw eau I1niake -a substi- tule for soap? A. Tt is clairned that toco thlre potatoes grated int-o a pan Of wator will gh'e botter reuits,. thoni soap wben washing ribtons o)r delicato wý,,oollon goods. Q. Heow ctn I remove ylo spots frons whlite enatmel?ý A, A flwnnel cloth dippecd ini garden malt! will emv these yellow spots tram iwhite eý,0nrno- Q.Hom- eau1 I mke(at ooth- »ewdver? A. B-y imixingthrug five onces 0o aec-ntCha-rcoal, twvo ounces of cuttle-fish bone, one ouhet eof aoc-nt,Irw and pw rd.Strain thrauügti 4Cup butter- CernStacl cf doubleyblier witbsoitond i a ik taMe a sat CooKlsirlgCQnsantly, until mixte,thikens CaVER and Contnucakngfor10mnts Al)DO egg yý,olk vorysIOwIy, mixeI 'COOK 2 miue;r mo e fo e at nd od vanille.v fo.1,aiQd d YIED14 t 6servé,s Fo)r free lo -rf ale dcius rece,wieto JaneAshey,