wihus ýonce agýi ai and here are a ew vrecipes PiUn sure yo, ad yourf aily illlike, Br d ntiBtter piekles 8 uathiniy sie uubr 2 up tlfly sli'ced ma1oln e upa cider vi»iguar Icup sugar 2teasoons whole mustad seed ½teaspoon Whole celery seed 'k easoongroundturmerie Arrange alternate layers of cucunbers.onionrs, wandsai.t< e ~stand overnîgkît, r6-1' hours. Drain. ixreniainîng- nrei enta in a 4--qu,,artprevnge- tie. Bring to bo¶Iiîng point. Addi elucumb. ers and j nionis. 000k un- tii clear, 5-10 inues.Pqck bi hop, steried ijas.SesWir ight, Yoed: 3 pubt. ite Of those wh-O like hot dogs and hamburgers. Her-e is an es- pecialy sicy varieY tbat should appeal. Sweet eie tlh 1 green pepper 1 yod Pepper 3 geentoateI esri ilarge red tomaîýtf 'y tablspoons aitgondcia 1 up vinegar mon ad grond trerleýý and groud anspic tomes tandespo nmlcetorpknon. spic, tled andheseclotb i eupdvinegar fRov e seh f~ pe pper Cut oatoesnoqaeran cuumer wnto -nh hn Ouioninsito thck., iiee Pu coetpls Cthýrough ýrindrus Wash ears emove blossosi3 endbu l 11eonthe ster1ns. Leave mail ears hole: halvýe CCover wib'cîearv aeBl n tii alirjsLt tendekr, bu 5m tutesrDrain;(Save 3½ cup lqUél fkr syrup). Stud each pear with 2 or 3 whle cloves, C rnbine re 3 minute.rop, in enough pers at me ime to Ofia arCooW n id tender(t-est withi oothpick>ý Rernove spice bogn Pack pears in 'ksikcinnamion uec jar Siilde aknfe d' own hl tsd of ach jar torees tear bubbies. Wipjýe off .jar os just lîdsadse]aoce Yed FAAULV "M ed a retîred , carpet, s ige indvidalst-o S«s auhm tmrin hecapntr i ie Oih t.ohsysn sLpes nigiow Any -ongtershn gbSeven of petm." p srti't, setche hisimpresionof TheI aga Collection ofPaniswhl they wvere ~xiie i-n Madrid at the famed Casitllana Hïion.ý Like Seýcwr Cabaîlero, 30.000 peo>jle Of Spain tcook the o'pportunity in the next twot weeks to view tes original. canivases of 22 of our cities aýnd to sýe, îofor the first timýe, a new aspect of a gretand growing Canada as refiected ïin theise ipesv portraits of our niationis thrîing, me-tropolitan centres,. Everyherethese pitnawn north an-d soiith of the equator on boîb sides of theÂAtlantic . e ihey won new friends Sund favourable commen,-t for Canada. I,;3sixteencie 15 forfeign lands, m iore than aquaterof a miioni people calme ïto visit àhean; !o observ)'e the kle o2f our s d and to try onthi lips th aili ar name of our Canadian Cities. Accompa-nyinig the collection wvere 48-paýge bonokits eontainting reproductionis of the paintings. Th esýe wre avaiLable to ail who visited the exhi- bMton. ThseSeagram riCollection is nwbaick ho("me on a twoyear Canadian tour but it coinuees, through these bookiets to buid goodwill for- Canada bo4 Inmany thousands of hms h tet nd picï"ures ouf these oke cre keeping Canada týalked abot, vhe-orld wover. the J4ouse Of Sar i U j IiINJ5ATmNLç-,I tN ;e,,,HYA A, MiMÇO Cr- iTY...CA5<" .. FiIO QkJANSO, SO jAUO lew Aflý>5t4~q 8lCmi.O O4 Àh. ,«C!NIVA, ,STCOOM, H AIE, AAR, ..N ISTt H eNDIAMI CSIN8Bt USCuM4,