Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 15 Jul 1954, p. 6

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WNHAT'S IN THE BOXES?-Pockaged destructior anr-the..spot cssembly ctnd "'deiver-y" b apot deadly, high..speecl"Mtd"p'Iloties5 bai. tured inF seven units, and packaged in weat the Glenn L. Martin plant for deIi,'ery ta tho un-ique packaging arrangement of the- tui-f aosEmbly cat the plnckes for easier fhi1 in the field, OU 15 titre WeeKl doOr wiere larly left, issntook bis noigthesu- as guidea' dùg ai acônpai'd stigon ahead cf, g 'sfopped at e-vony ýe nH~' IVRs u -QUi- , e, ~'eguiar prac- a Cor apr kerihai wam If th'em in to ae reyvi cd f0ý by horse té s eetn wni mount- ordered but If l'i1ng egef the dog f0 itv the sunshade back, site asked the shop-man f0 help. "It's anOldü trick of -the dog's taw get abun55', liesad,"9ie lmone. anvAl' Tiurn your opery. S ha ouh him one and bho if once surneeredç the parasol. A Frcel ne oaen i5,tho source of a story about au retired buinssa amdtsi-ve b got bis *oehouseholdchal snigand playing instrauments, and nesolved f0 bring bis do-g into if, f00. JAt ever'y false note fromr voic or nstumen dow cae hiscneo the back ofbi mail spanl, who promptly owed Iii tim)c e 1eecamile so Sensitive t c fa Lse notes thtshisany A nhiJoeblack o:n the Pont Neiuf cottages aettendeci. But me ao wa n fis peýwnipigwef, baig wm over a quarter of a meue f0 gefflre Bih, firman's terrier, awy afedo i s te ndfY, ing inco the burning house and dasbing about f0afndifsa ccu- pas arking 1loudcly for help if ho ocaed ny. A clhrwas pseedtohi as a nwn o hin bravery. In Vienna a new sChoOl was opened recenfy. Ifs aim is f0 teach students bow ta make a m~dest living if fIe roulette tables. If Is rpn by Fritz Bugi, a fermer croupier. Tb* Genman mathemafician, Z~ehariîk Dise5 ~oneo Blultipi ~ two 10.-dlgit nuhîbens togothe e leX.t the Mnfüireali edele Laborafories -wlde distribution to this u er DRIVE CARE, UlEO ADVER1ISINO BABY CiliCES POST'S ECZEMA SALVE duced figIl t- and i-reasles rntreal Plant only Gamm-a in -Canada for the Eed- Suïplï i ths- e1 distribufed arfmenfs of idemyic agreas ative rgnc raýng. Tex Rickard vwas Con the ph neLndlhe wanfed Joe af his ofieat once. Gould gof irito his clothes ýand ran tor a cabs. As soo11 as Richeard saw Gul ie shioufed fo him acnoss the room, "Bey, JcOe,'i'min aspt I edsomn)eone to fight Anigel Fip uHavana. Yo'v ïgt B boy naimed Italian Jack, Hermnan. Do)C you wanf f0 go down to Ha- var3a with him f0 meef Firpco?" "Sur, Tx,"replied Joe wioh- Ouf, a Oefs eiaio,"e leave b Jte ronn. ThIe confracf was hasfilydan up. flermnan. and Gu'send of th3e puirse wasf0be 5,04 And je rushed ouf of Rlckard's of- flce et find bis figlfer. He had fon-gotten tha.h had not seeni his boy f-or several moýnfhs'q an)d dlkdn'f even hnowwhethr th boxer was alive. Gould begani to searcb f-eanr fclysince ho ,was working> agiit ime. Finalh'. aff or a erl hovvs, ho tnaced IHerman teJ aooighouse in looe.At five in th1 oiig, JOe- was banging 0on the doôn. At last, e~ hea-,,d and de1ManJd d tokxiw whaýjt joe i?-qnteez a4,this olng-ofly hour screamed Joe. "J'y. got te a ee "Go way, repiedthz nr Ianc4acy. «o'sin t1e ht>iLial, He's been frere forweekýS!" Sho(Kkckl hy the nOmain bijf p oi tif al disinRtyed, Joe Gjould daa1ed for tuelocal blQs pUfi and bWied his way te àa c1k H~rnsn's Oom.Thr- fig1ter a "In~ seep. Joe - -htok ý1-bff' -vig6rdîsly.. "jaek!" be ahoute4, Jack, wake utp!" Hernman w01t4 wth a >artfte sewild-eyed Jue GeWeuld eadilig over buýi. "Wbat aýre y6u 0Iig' boe? 7asped Qiermaxi.'"Arn I dying or smt~nr bco't o illy!" sf»appedJoew '4Thjýisz is no finie f0die. Caeoin, n g Uý p, wçO got f0 go t'0 Havwaa f fhtA.Algel Firpu C,-- ,uràay. Hurum71p, you sap, w0- goft t mnournfully. "T can't xgo," h. wvhîspéred. "I cn'iight, JOeý 1 gof a pain ïin the bly. h saye I gof appendîcîts, inaybet "Appenidicitis, he seay'elIe, Gould. "Are you out of yeux mnid? For $5,000, how cý an1 you affQç)d fn have appendjiiJlS?5 Tereluctalît Ja1cjý HermZU utuly cibdour (,fthad end gof dressed. JeGoald- gült Jiin' f0, the train l inxue Rad tender-i ly tucked bur into bed. Iearing thlat ioe was god for appeudici- fis li iîstuctdlacki toep gooid-sized pack on 1 h irifulny, anld keep buyinig ias rucli aS..i needeci fon the tnp. ïtalian jack 1Iferman lmade if te Havana an.d fin-ally gof int o the ring for bis m-atchagis Anigel Fîr-po, For,-ail his heroic meaure, Je fok a bad beaf- in,,g, Firpo ko 1e is boy" uL hi the second rourid hitt'e $5,00G puorse did a ltief'Soot' tho wily manager. Th-en came the toffin-ic up 0of expels 0--Oe 4tem hitJe Gor iglit hetwýeen the, eye$ý. It read: '5fce --$26V 5105 yellhed ifor Jeck Bnrnn 'dkd bijw "You tod me,"said Cheino cent "emn JU bough-t ail that ice fu put on fny bely f -rAh appendicitis." "Wv, ýyou bm"~rare Joe Gou1ld. ",For 260 amsy cýan buy a hole icebuvigi WbAt are wou trying fo hand mre?" "I don't cane what you think," anszwered Jck i-peedeict e for1 my appn nii rd $60if is. That stuf eifs, you ko! Joe Gould had fo givc îlran pay for the ice.oui f h is ow s'hare of the purse. ndifcws 0n1y)1 nthslater fhëtt Tex Rich- ard ound ouf, fh-at smrt Itýtie ÀUGUT-0BTE1tBER raSirs pinuî b, orderedto , e av clak, aro 0a-te.pop himn.Pies a bmnHecem,10Jon2 PROMPTdivr ncih nitt our tc bsi for r-atrs Broad Brsesia "rone Fo tud y e lers eiMvll For toaste oBr ea,7sted flronm e a liad t bet.Fortop intk eî broilSysa. have WhitvHovian 0nU Nedasitan. non F~1RGUS ONTARI feS cataOUg. Tli mpsaN'S pRtig-F DY, »5 BaIni, OtaTTAOnWA BE ti inerl ffwý es onsit boîtb tuil EnfMon onEASy maor tye ind tre Sin olio. N. B. B AeMASr Sew ioi)eeOe azr bid Tlapnroph~f itiexta, laè ventionsSad nuli i nfo sent ee 'Plie Stasay Cd., iitere Pti At. erti e. Tiioitto Piltents s olin pel qlsana l reuuirAmenis, 1,atet Ctlou Tiermina i A.Toro, O,tri wuarase.r fd rAuhaItaIve me8 alm"iio rpansii maucscf.c- tis.witstiKisQl~rtaaICOp WAN'TIM G -V>, TE7 R r, D ÈIzS2 POIl superIsory utiesin apitan fo pýeLtilam yle, Ot îneIsOI14 RaNflda nien are in gea Iean, trSnaliinl a ar tapû Wante? Wlokawnes ta opplîl comeariloratii wtibtiigsg Wri t 1r mul tita is. Bx 11, da. Y ~ l1 busreet New Tor nMn~t ýpe icll, git-boxe day lgFn p ur slif5) sx aywek otati, shîtMd nas isar f ,vi ofati il atToI gel. Ci noramgwUn ion Ub4tl ',a 2mwRfte (î.e eT SA SM"A Ycn RESFETED, ell ln a diaen a tep te5ent h&atpoa C .Ifin r ulen ;MIndd w e#afuur tti e Ppii l til e wii ýl lfrare n t t PANSthSE tormtScAdrVEcsa lcma ale 1: g tdiapai yp aspe. ri n Rrmepmpe ttat ezm St' epadredL.,to ti'e salness nt' i PuCS E 52.50 I'EE .2A11 , MER ARD WlOwaMeX4 ýl r reat OppatmmnitiLeraüv st liu,-sttd Caeou ie Uncanny putlg h.t eniabled sonie contestatri oaver-age ls0 t1'tan t*o green Strokes per hole featuredthe fil roudTofinter- elub compeiti0nont r which sever blinci golfers were chosen v) rep- reenjdnad in mthe Interw),tÀina_1 BlJinid Golf ers Teaam <Chanpjon- Members of thFe Can)acîflme,a Ïe ,are: Phi]L Xdedhowise, Prinet AI- bert, Sask.; Nick Genoveseý, Dun- das; Charles Tooth and Harold 1VitChejl both of Ilamilton; John Ma>~P~rsn~R.tgiria; BOy mee-~ han,~~Bzuringon, i, ald Claude The b ntnSlal nd Glf Chamlpioniship's re eJng ,spùri- sýored bly the Royal Cafladiar, Goli Association and the House 0f Iarm n tournaimnpliay the. Canad4ian i arico teani pl4îyerS wllbe ýcopetJng for threê Seagrm trOpbiiep 0l fer itheteaa eapionship, n teas a mpon1 a 'second lfor blind golf, cbmpiionsip. Tbe9f- etcly ihèCanadijarnsooud take pitônIs)rmised by the Anî- zax ennis sne (0f ýwhorn have the advantage ea-oudprc tice. Xi siopS, several of the Canadians have been showing exellent.fCIm The putting game of Nick Geno- vese and Charlie Tooth wouia have donie crefit tri sighted àlid seasorjed golfers. For 18 oe a\tîNagara -on -the -iLakie, Geno- vese rseeded only 33 puýttjp strokes and Tooth 35, both put- tiu beow ~t verage of two qtrokes per hole oný the day.Pî xLederhouse had the lowest ag- gregate, score in fo~ur qualifying rotnds. The Prince Albertpayr wooperates a Canteen ad (hCrn on(Ceson, s ýhot 197to GREATEST OU ALL Sigtseingbehid nd ho1r Cpurtain a Victor notiCed two Di, paýintinigs. YHe inquiredaouth first, andé was foid it wsapC ,ture of the great RuSSÎaIIin ventor IlI, "wo iv'ete wsX-rays, anid o0 " this te viSi-tor aSked .about th'e seeond portrait, whihwas conl- ieabybigger. "Thlat," he wasý tod,"i apictur e tfPtoi~ "Adwhat Cdid- hIe ivn? QsCkI Stop tdling cf usacites,".etMre"w ecsa iè,pimples, scale, sc abie:a, stislte s 0oc a Il i$e- tternlly cl dsi ruls tieqik acting sOotplg altiseptith, D . . O PW5ùr Iif raclssanes1d VtA)Ô 10rmoobcl.fo:drgi J

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