t, -. n __ [1W± tbas gon-e -- piobably bn- c aus 1,,e thechestrt lblossorn is rwithnred and bro(,wn. But h Io itie canaries, tIre cchc- ades ad wensare- with Us yat. Alsoc a f'ew fluas - but flot too kmany, so far. I keep a fiy-bomb bandy and thiat discourages theirn quite a bit tIraway1Iuse it, No doubt inost of you have disecov- ered that files nio longer sucouimb to Ire a ffect of DDT But I have found a way of gettiag around that littie pr-oblemi-. If, for in- stance, flies becomne trouïblesorne la the kitchen it is a, good idc- to close tlie doors and go to work witl be afiy-bornb. Just -a lg sprahig- fot nough 0 il tlie flie&ý but sufficient f0 mnak-e thgstupid, Then beiore tie.y have recôvered frorn the tempor- aiy effects, of tIre DDT you sca go fiy-hunýiting witb a fi.y swatter. No fiy aver yet bilti up a- resi- tanice to a wlI-ime y-swatter. T hîismethod Jis considerably cheapar thiat spraying to kil am it also e,-s away wvith tie; nauls- eatig ncesityof living tJriaa fiypoion trnsplerefor an ualt desirable length of tirne, For out- siLde use there 15 that fu rel ing glass ar fily trap that rea-ly does a job. Ifan contraptione ev.,er ,lived up f0itsnmta one doos, And wh %eweare onte sub jeot of biot weather devices have you ever dsoee the moany, uses to which inu1 1n mter - jla, nbe used, especially' for, faile ackr a frgerator o !ce-ox.I man tha kind of ila- sulatîag materi that cornes ta batts, If you have any odd pieces around the bouse, don't throw it a way. If you liaven1't any, it imiglt pay you to buy smae Hr hs what you do. Get wan empty caron - li kindc the grocer uses to pack up yTour week;l(ýy order, Line it withi szeerallayers of laewspaper. N\ow t'ake pieces from y ýour isltn bait, l-ay fhem filat inside brown papèr bags . You) will ne,ýed s ix, or more of these pads, onep for each sidie ot the box, and one or fwo,( for. the top and bottorn - the more ,you use the bttr-fic, job, Now you ha i2ve aq homnernacde ref'rigerator in whc ou cail put your butter, preferably on a brick, quart jars of milk, ie crea.m bricks, or anyt(hing else thatned to be kept cold, and that lias beenr previou,ýsly chifled, other-wise t i-s useless. While yen are atit y ,ouimîglit as wel1 nImake t-wo of these con traptions - a simalr iho ocake fY townstO for supper and a lager one fde prmanent use at hôme, or for talking on ak picnic, as tAe inula- tioniîs jstas good &for kela things bot as for keEphxg them cold. No nieed to h1-avelkewr tea oýrhalf-melted ie-e m a your piclic àifeyu have a Lcouple of thfese inisulated cnanr aloaig wtbyou. But doa,'t f o-rgat insulating bats are dirty fhags1 to handie. If you care td tak the tima It would ha f ar better to do a good job while jou arc ai it and u-se old pinces of -cotto» Io cuver the battiag. Thatwa your pads wjill lest iîndefinitely. So7,aow we have flic tmiy lqoked affer, homw about the dogs? Short hairad dogs are e a Siy lookad afier by ordiaar groomy- ing. - But a lonýg haired dog ., sUrely nothing couki please hlm better dthan f0 have some 0f hlm Ïe fur clipped aýway. Honey, our littiacocker spaniel, is of tht bread thiat lias lots of ~etea aroun l( its feet -and legs-wlh isexcy ri,,ht for a s1howi dot, But we- coaýsider comnforýt before looks for Hioney, 80 yecsterýday I weacýt to wofTrk wlth thea sCiSssOra and gave lier a real b-rusli-cut ap- pearane. I arn sure she h muets 'happier as a rasult. Tippy basý î0 be ýsatisfied witbgoon, w*h.s about aIl sIr eaeads any- way excp tfor- lier busby tait. .,.~ HICHVIE MUST ftOT MISS. bensivO A GAZE, SAO PAU Tue frst cxflP to tcne & 4Jn« <ver Evryhek Jlias been shownalonrg its 30,000 m file, year-IongIni wratîonmalro;ute-at briliani preýviews auncd by gov.rnmantal, idsta, cultral and ,pressiosJ leaders, and at ulcsoig-h Sgrmuu Cllcioyf PaiaItingsof CanadianÀCites lias bren taked-about headjine news. Inthesxteen citis it visit,-ed abro)ad the Colecion earned for Canada thiousands of columins ofnes pape rreprts editorials, reviews, anid picturesý; magazine articles;radi ad tlvso racss newreel fils, wîdespreadJ public at- inteesandfriandliniessron tire partin people evarywehere towvard Canada and lhings (Canadina......... Pained especialy for ThetFHous of ...... enjoyved and talked about by a quarter of a,îilion people in M, cies of twocniens Tht Seagrat» Collection of *rPatintttigs of Can-adian. Cities lias won nhsisi frlends for Caniada- arudtht<o, dfrenswho have gainai a nýew andx vïivid impressionz of nu Outrjy as a Iand that la; Vital and goînalani ftremead(ousnaul and inIdustrial. resourcas, and ramarkale huma1it Tht Saagtam Collection isnowbac,'k h-ome, on awoyr nCnda tour7 -whfich will ie aadasthe oppor- tunly of seeingfrthmete res coloI>urfialamasdr of goodwýilil thés. portrayalsg of out thrlving cities-> ,which bave exciti omet ron thie world. the Jouse o'Sc~a ROuTK zo W uEisTkmNATWONAL TO0UR: 5*4 HJUAN.,HVAA..M alO Iy.,,CARCAS..RDe0!JANUO...A AL..BJNSARS.MNEIE. ROM... ONON.* PARS, .OEEVA ,.SOCKIOM, .H MC-..MAORI...ANO A VIIT TO THt CANMADIAN RSFRE NSETPETGRAY RoUTEOS TE CANMAMAN TOURtOTTAWA,,.MQTREAL. .,CARLOTTEWN. ,AUFAL,.$T. JOHN'$,. ,SIAN HN.SIRBOK,.TRERVt..TRNO -g-'