Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 30 Jun 1954, p. 7

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-' ", 1 Â&uth*rîzed as Secontl Class Mail, Post, Office Djepartment, ttawa-. Fe-pnýer. R A Forrester IPuhisher. R C Forrester DISTRICT FIRE PROTECTION With t-he passing of the by-law hby the Orono Police Trustees 'that the Orono Pire Department answers no calis outsidfe the village unlt-il anl agreement is arrived at ýwith the Township, leaves mnany properties at the skirt of the villnge without firepottin This by- law was necessary so that Orono could reap the benefits of the County Mutual Aid Plan and wns acted up)on hy the Trustees in the beIst in;- terestaof the village. Action for Sire protection of the now unprotected properties should receive hnmediate attention befere any mishap should arise. .Person-s owingil these properties will he imore than interested , There la nio doubt that an) agreemient can be arrived at suitable to5 ail parties concerned. Ilowever the present concern should be the urgency of having this agreemient set 1-p between th-e Township and the Village. HAZARDOUS WEEK-END Hazardoushiwa conditions nlwýays reach pea, when U.S. national holidays coincide with those in Canada. Peak traffie volumes, holiday moeods and unaccuatomied trip distancos, place severe de- manda on highny usera for patience, codrtesy aad attention. In most yeaýrs, only two sucli coinciding hiolidays occur - Labour~ D)ay and iChistmias. Theso are always dangerous perioda for road This year, many Canadian businesses have granted a holiday te terstaffs on Friday, July 2n(d,,-to ,rovide a long Dominion Day Sunday is Independence Day in the United States,,but the Oc- caýsion -will ho ceýlebrated on Mondny, tho, fifth. Travel is expected to~ reach iali-timae higli records for the week- enid, nnd the unusual leng-th of the holiday coibiration -frmWod- ne-day evening of one week until Tue sday morning of the Iollowing week - wvill require the fuil co-operation of ail who use the streets and 1highways, te provent an xew high record of maoter vehicle tragedy. GOVERNMENT RESPONSIBILITY FOR CARE 0F UNEMPLOYE.D The qulestion ef which governmtent nuthority if reopnil o the nemployed ia again raising its head. The question o)f which gcevernjment authority should act te create emi-ploymrent for those eýut cf work is again corniný to the fore. Those wvho 1lived thbrough the depression years of the thirties wiil recaîl hew these miatters were dehated with coniderahie acrimeony before a workable pattern o if ce- ooraien was estahlished. Tihese matters havýeagain been brouglit te publicenie, While Stheýtre l2 nothiing like the m-tensure of ýunemploymjent that there w,,as in the tht ehnda of mncplte are expressing concern about then. he Ontario Association of Reevos and Mayors lias brouglit the subject before the f'ederal government 'n a brie-f, asking for action by that body in the two directions mnentioned ahove. The ans- ergiven hy the federalý governmoent, disclaiminig responsibility for relief af unemployed, la exactly the, anme as was gilven in, the. ia instnce by the Ioderai governmient lu the;ý thirtieçs. Wo can recaîl, however, that when the impact of unemploymont relief on municipal and even provinial treasuries bpcamye uharbe the federal ge-vernment silowly changed ita view. it firally shared the cont (I relief witri the lower levels'o-f ge-vernmient. True, the country is not in anlother depression. But there is sufficienAt unempleyed te- make thje question of relief a prohlem whoen unemî ploymrent insurance benefits run eut. Should relief on a large scale ho necessary, the mnunicipalities, as in the th1irties, will ho f inane- lilly incapable of car,ýrying the burden. The provinces with their fixed soeurces of revenue, are net in a xuhbtter position. Therefore it ils logical that the fe'deralgoennt with its wide reveniue-rnis'-ing pewowrs, apd its corntrýll over trade and fiscal policios, should 'bear a large share aI the burden, and whnt is perhapa more important, it ~hudtake the initiative in promeoting sui publie, works as it can te relieve unemnpleymnent. Tinht mny net ho necessary riglit at this momi- en1t, but it would do ne hiarm te enun-rciato a definite policy in advance CfIthe eed. >ws, wa5uIo. (oe Clarke 1, vis attra.it. AIaslly cie, ris wo planned with f'our, major objectivesi in mind. (1.) To encourage'more at-ý tractive staging of exhibits and dis- pînys. (2) To croate greatter prido in weil kept buildings and grounds. (3) To arouse keener interest in color- ed photograplhy as ani effective nleans of puhlicizing the activities of Agri- cualtural Societies. (4) To establish a supply of educationai material fori eduacational use by the Association! and member Socieptios.1 Durham i omrnuuity Auctions re- open Thursday, June 24th. at 7:00 p.m.- Sales to be held every Thursday even- ing during the summiier imonths. Reg. Jolinson, Auctioneer. COMING EVENTS The Kendal Women's Institute are holding a picule at Coldsprings on !Wednesday afternoon, July 14th, Every mnember is asked to bring a friend. Chiidren are als'o ivited. a-p Prizos to the amounit of $350. wl 1e awarded by the Canadian National - Exhibition with the idea of encoura- K ySrwer Sca,~rdy ing thée'sinaller fairs of the provinc. Jil'Y Srw2nd.oïa,_'rda The competition la: open te every __ Ag'ricultural Society that sponlsirsa fair in the current year. Prize-winn- Leskard United Chlur'ci W.A. spon- ing phctogaph-,s wiiI be shown mn- sored Straw,,ýberry Social and Seiec- 1-ulally at the Canadian National Ex- ted Variety Concert, including, the hibitiloni comrniLteinig in 1955. popular- Billy Wade and other talented The cempetition wilho divided into artists, Wednesday, Jâne 30th at 5 two sectionls; one division being for- p.m. Adults 85r. children under 12 elass A and clasa B fairs and the other -10c. A real treat promised al -ho at- for smnaller fairs. Each enitry is te tend. Meet your friends here. censist of 5 colored transparen1cies, ~ .NTC two inches by two inches, taken dur- W .NTC ing the 1954 fair. One transparency of Il'ý'e bus trip planned by the matli- oach of the followving five- classes will tut'e at the iastmeln for Juiy he required b lOth, to Peterborougib, necessitates Clasa (a) - Entrance to g-rounda; 35 namies to be handed in te Mrs. centeniil pylon or grandstand orBowen or Mrs. W. CobhledIick hy othr bildng.- -July lOth. Otherwise the fficnic will ho othe buiding bit held in the Orono Park. Bus would (b)- Junior or 4-H -dinh exhibit. bave Orono at 12:30 pan.; returning (c)- Women's work in exhibits at 7 p.mi. Fare $1.50. Not lhmited to building. W. 1. Members. (d) - Commercial fontures display _________________ (nny fanm product) or disp lay0 er F RAK grain or vegetables. CR FTAK (e) Livestock (group or parade). 1 woaild like tû givo sincere thanka Picturos will be judged at the close to my friend6at Kirby and thkat area of the fair season and the winners for their muich appreciated kindness. will be announced at the Associationi'e Edward Rudd. ainnual convention in February. a-p Agricultural societies should npply te Mr. F. A. Lashley, Secretary of the IN iMEMOR1ýIAM Ontario Association of Agricultural, Societies, Parliamnent Buildings, Tor- GAY-In loving mnemory of a dear ento, for comrpetition 4etails. father, Mr. John Gay, who passed away June 2nid, 1946. R ecommends No Increase 1 lu Speed Linuit Thé O ntaitfo Satety Longue haG- made the strengest possible recoin- mendation that there beho nencrense in the present 50 MPXI highway speed limit lu Ontario. The recemmendation Ihias be.en passed te a Select Cemimittee ap- pointed by the Ontario Legisînture te reviow the general subjeet oI higli- way snfety. This action flê~adetniled atudy of apeed zoning lin North Amreric-a by a specini Longue committee. The cem- mittee comprised F. D. Tolchard, [Chairman; Chef Constable Johnr Chlsholmn, Toronto; Jinapector F. Ed- denden, Hamilton Police Departmnent; J. 0. Goodman, Automotive Associ- ation of Ontario; and Aldermian Alex Hiodgina, To-onto, The cemimittee's report and recem.- menatinahave been unanimnously endorsed by a special meeting of On1, tarie Safety League directors Çoncrning the 50 miph limit, the committee commrenda, the Miisiter ef Hlighways fer net incroasing this so far despite pressure put upon hlm-. The committeo aise said tlie Minster shoul'd hoeencouraged te maintain thii Aiways rernembe-red by the children and grandchildren, stand "uxntil such timie as accidents on the ldghway ha&ve been nateriaIly reduced". Howvever, the report suggea-ts anï engineering study be made qf the! speed of traffic on controlled accesa highways, with the objegit of iearning if it i-, advisable to increase maximumi speeds on these routes oniy.. In a fact-packed 27-page closeiy typed statement which emibodies the resuits of research into speed. zoning through CanIaýfa and the US.' the Safety League comimittee gives rea- sons for its opposition to a general in- crease in present legai speed limits. Amiong these is the fact that the ac- cident record lias recently wosne a aireas where there are appea1s ati Ioscf the p. >'t.be g .ctest present for a higlier klgal J:peecI. Said the comminittee: "In ýthose sec-1 tions of the Province with the great-I est ml-ileage of r'oaIds throughi open country where it miight be aritici'patedi increasedl speed limits would be in order, the increase in motor vehicle acc'idents in 1952 from 1'951 were consLiderahiy in advance of the totali Ontario inecase of 6.5%, *ranging from 1.%to 39.3% ices. G7iven an approval nod by theecomi- mite ,a a rcet change in legis- lation whJich permits local councils te p resibne 'a 25 mph speed limi-nA certainl sections, providing any suche proposai is first approved by the ntroDepartmi-ent of IHigh-ways... ilo-wever, thie commiittee recommiended that no approval of -any such cag be given untl there lias been an ea- gîIneering and trnaffic study te ensur-e that the revised speed is safe and 1The Safety League's comittee of epqerts also lia)s a word of comi- miendéation f or comm-nercial trncý-k drI-Vers It describes the safety effforts of trck IS and trncking safety gru;as a fine exmleo1wa can be dG-ne in the Imatter of ipo Jigwy sfe1 Tobcku-p this -v.iew, the re-portl poi'nts ont that commercial vehic acietîncrensed by onl1y 7.1% I 1953 copard wih 152,As a co- trast automnobile acdnsinIct'caSedI 10,8% over the samne perIod -and there vus an increae of 8.8% in th tota numer of mnotor vehiclès on the rads. COUNTY MAY PURCHASE (Contîned fxompage 1> fered for sale, The Counities Councipil is also cn- siderinig an extension to the To-wn Hailnas a possib e alternntive te Pur- chnsig Hatfied Hall. Present office space ln the Tw Ha111hats been eonsi4ered iaeut by the counciL GORDON YOUNG LIMITE» Ilf yen wish youar DEAD F TOCK remioved the fastest way, ien eall us collect - Bowmanvfile 379. We also buy LIVE HORSES. MARGWILL FUR FARM TYRONE, ONT, ilamiltons Insurance Service Everýy class of Insur- ance ie represenited in our office. The f ollow- ing are some of the main coverages we cari offer: Autom~bile, jkIfe, Accident and Sicknless, Plate Glass, Liability, l'ire, Bnlrglary, Hospitalization.4 Lïvestocwk, BojlIer, Wind, Polio, Hall, Fidelity B>onda, etc. ORONO PHONE 1R16 FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS JfLeroy Hamilton REAL ESTATE BOE JbiM CAMERON LESKARD, ONT, Electric and Acetylene Weldinig Cyindr loks and H-eads Welded Specializing in ALUMINUM AND ZN 1 BASE METAL phone Orono 1 ring Y5 Plumblng g A-ND 'Hot Water io u, 'RORùî-m REAL ESTATE FOR SALE -Maniaged andAprie L. M. ALLISON 3.00 t. 4.00 suindayâ app PHIONE 471 Main Street South, Office Hoursx 2.00 to 4.00 p.m.: 6.30 to 8.0 pa Sundays and ilolidaya bq kppointmient PHONE 74 r 19 « N DR. R. J. TAGGAI VETERINARY SURG» Park Street OPPOSITE SKATING RI. PHONE- 94, r 14 LEGAL Lawrence C. Mason, Barrister and Solîi BOWMANVILL, ONI Phonie - Office 6'M Hoot, 5S8~- JACK REID Orono's Licensed Auctione-er andi Valuat* Specialize In farju and Fulmiture Sales Conoult me for terfln and dates Phone 5 r 18 TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuat.r Conducts Auction sitiem of tII *0 anid at reanonable.rt«~ Commiiuncat, vitbh ism atIl , P.rry, Ontarlo, or met hie CI.tk E. Morton, ai Orono, fer 4ato. LIFE INSURANCIZ Penuion Plans; Educations Dal î ?rotection and Saving8 PlawsNg, Chldren and Adulta; Mortgq. e surance Plans. F. E. LYCETT 5RiONO, Ont. - Pl,.n, 20 lr The RUTTER COMPA Dîal 3216 .- P. Port a.pe,( -v.-

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