18 No 2~3 O r n PreDept. Bound "[o V Îilagtye C a lis O0 nI1y A t.r es nt The (Irolai ParkBod are holding their Annual Sports Day thLlis Thur-sday-, July Ist a The Twrstesof the Police Village'iSaSS, Ueu e Lm he Oroo Prk'. uf Orono mietÎo Monday veing ih k lI I The Sports Day Wl take the forrm 5il present. heCounty Mutual Puie a sh i ick UAed I WI cf yaie otbl am n Aid plan w usÎdîcused anid o approvaibalGaiean alao gNien eneec a new fire tank "Ounce for ounce and pouind for Men'i,, Hardball gamie. m the village. pounfçJ, the ýgaxinest fish ia fresh1 The noning gaine iM commnence - wateri" That is the cnssic descrption at '2:00 p.mi. when the Bantamis go' Mr. Woodyard presented the utmd SOf the blawk bss, She season for. into actijon. Followving tb;h jis ae a piîre AMd shedule whereby commnuni-W %hhopens genewally throughout schediulýed gàame la the South Durhama dies linthe schme ay cali for an-Onarlo on July1, Dominion Day. The Baseball Legue will be played bc- sistance, frecýe of chI-arge, from nearby season opens earLr, n un Me 25, lé tween Newcastle and Orono. eomnuiti Af r, Woodyard further the St. lair River, Lakre. St. Clair Admnission charge for the doy is stated that iM joiniag théis seme ""d the Detroit Rimer The lit is aduits fifty cents and eidren frea. the local fire brigade could net an- S' per day not less, thani l inches in1a--,_o _ swer (calîs la theTownshiip of Clarke f lengtttnh.ortin a under the present system as the? S Mu- totan ike tuai Aid Pa wudnot allov: suchfi- which opens carlier than black Mn ted >crto a a contraetliadSpeckled ttroutiand pickerel fish-er cals ere a coentrc hn ote enTý>%ýi p-s a s many devotees. But enthusi- Sîvc trn eitr entre ino etwentli Twnsipasticý bass fishiermien r-egard Jit as a Dceoraýtion Day Service at the and the illgeý. chnce to use lis tackle and get ready Oîn (Cmtery was wl attended for !te-)ral fishing" for bas. by many fromi far and nearwh paid Nr. IWoodyard -ieportai chat Co- There are two imajornmembers of trifruhtatothose who had pnssed on b.ourg had advîsed that theTasitebc amltesa ot rfromi this life. Beautifl fiowers ad- if it wished fire protection Mn the bronzeback ai-d the largeniouith. Both rrdtereto lcs flvdee vicinity, should sign a cotact with lare vauintf1lie, bt heemîl and w:%ithi the w"el kept gr'ounds pre- the vllage whe1'e it would, pay $100.0 mouth usually found la clder wa.ters, sented a very pleasant picture. fer the fîrst hor and $ý25.%O0 for Leach- le probabiy the 'top"~.lNeither jý The Orono Band pres'ented a h1aif additional hour, iVr. C. If. Miller to be scorned. hour Programn of sncr.ed numfbers and, ~thaught this rate rather high.a How the base have survhedthe oAltues.M.E.-Hmm cted' 'aSc the increaised~ fishing pressure amazes Wckaia for the service w,ýhich was Mr edadstated that the many. The 'l)tario epeal.tm--ent of field ii the Lang Memoiiria I Chape1L,ý 'Trusteeýss hould notify by r»solution Lands and Forests, through its hatchi-h, e. onKitenr addressed te' t hat they wr open for agreement ery pends, deposits, thousands o ogeainwt e.D .Dw'e 'with nhe T n a awering cals young bass in the province's lakes readiag the scriptures and leadJing in in the Tqwnship. A mnotion bY îre J. and streans, It nets bass from lakos prayer. 'Walker and secoinded by Mr. C. T. Phicha are se overcrowciod' that the filler stataid that due te thiefat tînt fish la them haven't a chance toPrvws f Orono was jobiig the CouatyMu- grow and places hem lan other lakes F'eîvs( rogresst i Aid Plan the Orono Fire Brigade which have food euough for mr~e than i Coming To Oron. SOOll c 'until agreement was arrived between the&r present populations. Ibal so thYe Townslhip and the Village thatlestablished hundreds of spawniag tLhe local Brigade wiould net attend arieas which are protected te give the The Orono Fish and Hunt Club are any fires outside the village. This fisli a chiance te propagate naturally. epnoring an excitir4-Iýtage presen- motion does inet effect aay ci tation on Friday, July 9, in the Town- thlroeuIg-hthe MuùmI 'A iii P1ý But even Departnient experts admit s n l- ii Less ons 1aionig witn swii.mmîng les-sonjs guest of se who regi ster. showýer giv( iidren w hio wisl to ake swim- WStanl e C sOsae m ut regisýtr and puy i Thn e brl4 f fifty cents. S i m n i- MTe r iKe 1, wili be l11a accrdance wýth iMse e îss egulations. M1-s. oadle ae and Mvisses M arie Lewis and Weddîng I an11 Amstrong wilvHo la Carson.Mt, of the Swimiming which wiîmarks, ga everymornng ,I,,,souind adv, every mrnia dri ag Tss ,Julyb, "k takes a throgh ijdy. Tsts 'il'be After op, sibly in Auigust under Red and useful ipervisioni. Those passing the î hne l be awarded their medais ad essan i s te s . 1 S h & e a n J o li wiIi also ho included in the fM iss Ca as will bil, vllybal 1nd reading -"Gc is other games. 'Mrs. E . i,-an Oki Couf beads the progrnm and othier son favoure will be M1r. Tled Wilson an)d solos '11l Lduce Cowan, The suapervised ,l"M'lî the E wuill Commenc/.rm every miora- Ipoem, on "T ept Saturdays and Stindays gienby a.M. and last for twe he)urs,'Alou gave yen.1 "The Woddii rogran-i schedule will l a1n joyed. A for swiffmtg (Coli suiiithinti o b( Pound bass woe Iti leprobably it of the bas ~acuuiinalW)n ,O wwill0e panid Mr. L,.1 P-ayane ofNwtxle for earth re-ý orland truckïng excess dirt to Covelr over the dumnp. A second truck îs to be employed ffi the earth re- -moval. WoIrk wilI commence,. on tîiai ,rojeet within a week. ~Mr. WodfyardI asked the rrste te pass a rcesolution for the Town- ship o)f CLnrke te pass on to the Ceunty Road Cmisinto bave the Cý'otnty rond fromn Orono ta the Sixtii line prepared fo)r a hardtop surface. ~This motion wats roved and seconded. ,it was pointed out that work hadbee asked for mn thiýs ro.ad for h is ten years. 'ohe meeting aCîjourînef. Orono PUE Proni lit iý Onario pro-1 igh more than aý A five-pounder leý- ;t about; a seve-n- win prizes galore. e ludomnitable -pir- kh nmakes hlm se the fact thathle heut the province. id hi streamis from The sh.Iow Il() ee e verenean The showis feetoevryean las been ehow%ýn across the Dominioin, recoiving afuch acclaimi.. Turkey Vultures Seen Near Miuiden, the~ it. Lawrence iver aid the Great A very 'cemmoi blird la the Soath, Lakes almost as far north as one can but rarel-y soon this far North, a pairý go. The Thousanç IIlanu., Lakes Erie, of turkey vultures were o)bservecd Ontario, St. CIlir and Huron, the ýsearing near Minden lacs week. Tur-1 Rideaus and Kawerthas, Algonquin i key vultures are seaveugers and car- Park, Temiagami, the Alima dist-!rie'n eaters, and therefore provide a rt, Manlitoulin Island, Muskeka tei great zaervice la dlspesin.g of decaying the Lake of the Woods, ail boast baýse,carcarsses and other noxieus refuse Lakte Slmcoe, an hour's drive from that could ho injurious te huiman Toronito, Rice Lake and any siizeabIe bealth. They aisoeaet snakes and somte body ofC water prejuces, the figh-ters. other smnall reptiles an*d rodents tint Enýstera Ontario ai-d particularly the are easily caught, Turkey vultures area north of Kaladar is noted for its are r'gidily pretected by law for the excellent bass fishing. serlvice they provide. A sulky bacs is ra-ýre--if he's hiuagr,,Y. Commyonly called "turkey buzzards"ý But ---aid hs may lie ene of thio;la'Ithe South, -turkey vultures are a secrets Of bis success -- if le isn't la mesS unattractive bird on land, and the m110d you cnni't makçe him ubt any- if distur,,bed ora- î te oi tCoitiue onpag 8) vile smelling fluid from Stheir beake- iïc School )ti0fls Tu Grade 9:--Cyn-thia Bruton, Eri Mercer (Hon,.), Buzzie Mercer, Russeil' 'Caneton, Evertt Couvier, Ronitie Rogerson, Judy Taniblyn (Hon.>, G'ouvior, Daniel Hall, Saady Ritchie, Jean Tamblyn, Ronald Taylor, Mar- Jo Arna Rutherford (D'on.), Jean WiI- gery Tyrreli (Honr.>, Robert Robin- Daias, Aina Wooldyard. son, Carol Vagg. To Grade 8:- Joan Aldred"(Honi.), To) Gradie 4 :- Sandra Bwn Madolon Allia., Marilyn Cobbledlick, (o.,Lsi opr un uhs Marlone Gaa (Hon.), Jane Knox, FMni Tnat Usseli Major, Douglas Sherwin, Lau..Wacs enn, rence Sherwia, Grant Tamiblyn, John To Grade 3:- Terry Allen, Mary Tamblyn, Jean Vagg. Lyïna Bailey(Hn) Bobby Barrabali, To Grade 7:-Joan Al-ia, 'Wayne Ronnie Best, An ne Gibanak (Hion.), aieDona1ld Lycett (Hon , Ma- Tonry Grahani, Gay Hinton (Hlon.), coim' MceKenzïe Nor.man Rickaby, Marie Hooey, lrph Renaedy (Hon.), Ceanie Tyrrell (Hon,), Vincent Bru- lan Mc1Kènzie (Hion.), Wayne Miller, ton. Albert AMunnekeý , Faye Nicholson, To Grade 6:- Roger Barlow, Dou- CharIes Reid, Troy Taggart, Lynda glas Braal Wayvne Bow-en, Terry Tyrrell, Judy Vagg-, Arniold Waîiace, Carleton (Hon.), Shirley Duncan L'a Veine Weatherup. (H-on.), Roma Glainvi*lle (o.,Gai] To Grade 2-yd Bowen Ho.) Hasc, Nelil Hooey, Bob Lewis, Larry Cheryl Cooer, BeIbby Dumnan (Hon.), Miller (Hon.), ToinyMhl, Arlene DulsHm Hn) aîy To Gr-ade 5:- Il Allen, Linda Pleir(o.,Daine Reigerson, AleSheila Bar'rabai (Hn.) Piip Keth eri \ n'G-ordn] ipo BýruLo-n, ViJciCttr(on) ona(on) udy toa1 (-o.)ÇRbi Cowan, Mary Found, BonnijeGahm TagrBynTnbnMayT- Graig Hin , Pt yJona aiy a~Mr le eme oyTm Major Suanpe aor (1o4)0 anr onpolas WaKer Oron oHydrol1 Putting Lin< The Orono HIydre Commission meti fo twn he Trustees meeti-ng on ioday eveninig. Accounts were paid Sotaiag $1480.21 for the mntIwvith the largest expenditurýe beiag hydreý at $868.00. This efS a balance of $4808.21 la the bank. Mr. C. T.' Mýillor Shoug-it that the commnission s1o11d thInk of purclhasinig a two thousanIdý dollar bond as they lad tee great aý balance. .Mr, Woedyard wNas of thIe opinion tînt 1the Commission shýonld conýsiderl puttinig linos undergrounid. Sýuchi work woufld ho done lai a smal scale eachý ye-ar aad woelinos lad te o re- blîlt. I't wns apparent tîn3t manyl smalî villages were doýing sud!cl' Nwork at present and tint tus system wasn,,ý mleeting with approvl. The mepeting wns ifo-d yMi, Wodadtfintthe Bellevilte !Hyd]re Oýffice wouild send aniegi nert e Mi. Dent ointd ot tnt mtheiÎ- txtl eust I is tas 25times mIlore for,ý underg'oundlno than thle eet Grade 6to Ge rade 7- Doreen Mlbin (Hon.), Get'ald Hallowell (Hon.), Elva Reid (Hon.> Grade 5 to Grade 6-Junior Kim- xnerly (Rec.), Ronald Price. Grade 4 to Grade 5-Tommry Mill- 80on. Grade 3 to Grade 4-Victor Wilsoni (Hion.) Grade 2 to Grade 3-Violet KXim- merly (Ree.), Florence Wilson, David1 1 Wright. Grade 1 to Grade 2-- Johnny Kes - sier, Cameron Perrault (Hon.) M1rs. Gertrude Stapleton, Teacher, that is most repulsive to humans. Hîowever, they lare one of the most eiaceAu1; birdis in flight,,A ýpýnd y'~ making perfect use of air currents they can stay aloft and soar for sev- eral hours without once fltappin their winigs. Turkey vultt&res make their nost oni the ground, usually beside an oid Iog.- They usuially iay twu eggs, It ~Is quite possible that the pair of turkey (Continuied page 4i) Fo Consider es Undergroundi Hfowever this cost ie Irough the almnoet cutti maitenncecos',. It ap tree trimmoing lesthe a n-ce ceS. Aise linos undei net affectedi by lightniin- n-ew materials la Plastic stand tup rmuci botter tha 15 was pointed eout 5hý aleng the Creamnery rond rebuilt ]la the very iiear fui the lino nlong, Park Stree linoes lad te ho comlleto aven te polos it cudbe uonderground llinos. It was slated by Mrf. Wo, the Bell Teleplone was p, Of its hlns 1underground look),ed like a souaid pîictie montion wpascsed bý, ker, seconded by Mr. C. 'T. the manager wvrite te hav- eer present at the next A scn oinwasý whe a uitblebondwa it amflîîar Looosas ai eeppiag up 5 11p, Sec-Ott Atwater Moter - and its temïpo. IHoWever this was short- 'railer will be held this eveaing aise.. iived as raül seeu t urnod awayC tho- The bal game was won hy New. crewd. It was decidedl by the Club1 castle by a score of' twelve to aeven. Horses Froni Blue B3onnett At 1 Orono This Saturdav The retura o-f Harness Raciag te fr-omý stnrt to fin 0rono this Saturday aflternoon, will interest those who iejey t nl- Rcig u creasi gly pop uar por t.,w ern g pi-ivi Te O rno Turf Cub a re of c oure AdM ission for sponsoring the day andl for the mneet' ai $1.(oo witliî they datim miany ~top h orses should ho fie cw arr listed on the racing ncr. The races 1-elto h ot helid at the Orono rack less than t ý ýwo hrte o weeks ago was a meosS succ--essful dlay The Turf Cl as there was an increase la ateandance tînt many horse of sp)ectators whvo viewed somne forty from the Mlue harness herses crossingUthE fnish MontroalThest, line. Races held at the local tack racing at tus r lave been voiced b,,y nany as the best route to Toronto te be seen aaywhere and the trac' ing wiNi hortPlI gives a good view of tho entire race of local hersexc Ornoistrict C redit I Soon To R -Diroctors of tne -edit Union menT g of hmt week at th, Ditriel ;Iie Union atioýnso :~ ~ The. Orono t