Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 27 May 1954, p. 7

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TllE£FAIM FRONT MiS acmre and heavier woark lu prospect for f arm týrctors and' cars, the fiollowingsugtin fromn the B.C, Expenîmentafl Sta- tIon, Departmient of Agric.îîutue, ar-ewell woiýrTthstudlyin-g. Mdanufacturera conider ail Ce mrain features 0ôf a spark pluge whan desiug their engines, For- tisreason it i. geýnerally best ta replace a wornout plug with <one smiartah riia in ao fisesetafaue. sPark pluga vary lu mnauy ways.< such a od da mepr Ësîze, thre-ads, lengtb of barrel, knd of:. inusulator, n' umber. and Ar- rangenieut cd points% head resis- tane and general clesigu - À w mcl ni 7/8,i i aeesfor sorne ehgiues. lun others they are ýmade lu 16, 14 anid l')18illimeter sizes. The. apacig of thre electrode poit variesfrOn'i 020 ta .030 luiches, depending On ti. kinid adsze- of plug and ùengine miak- er's vecom)îmexidationsý A prcip- er, sparlt plug point gauge should beuedfor setiing ii. pointaý. Points that are spaced toCefsg ;apRrt causenilssing, espeýCia11ly milder heavy iaads eand bIighi compression. This, lu turu, re- milts i lu alr(incf the plug> It nray also pcause pitting or buru- lng (of magneto bekrpoints, and lbreakdc(wln ik ii.condeniser. 'Wbe"re pin ere set toOcclaSi, mâssing may als occur when théemenle le idliug or on a lighit load. This again may cýausefu- dngcf tce plug, The. correct length cf plug la important, Usually theba- ttom,ýr af the. spark plug barrel 4hould be about aven with the imuer .14e *f fite cylinder bead eor eylii4er wrail, dependlng ou wbere itl m located. Plugm that are t.oc short may foui easil1y, while the points %>£pluge- that aret toc long tend ka cause pre-igaiticni and humr away lester. Short ph*gb are us- ually coole1cr plugs because tbey transfer heat over a short li- tance Ute water cooled jacket CaRr,ot-Top - Guiseppe Archimn- boldo, i 6th-Cr-tu.ry pioneer of iie surrealistie cholhad a mark.t-place capproch ïta hisç crt, Hie "Green g rocer' a bave, alow on exhibition fin Paris, 4a rlght aut» of the gaîrdeen. Other tsysubfecfs for the Itatian' h' bgyhrush induded crabs and CeROSS WORD PUZZL5E .Î Proper 5poFrt f la 4.4. A hiw-oe j n Poeltier e CitY ST 14, Fiower md an 16.,aleF 1 .Direto 2, indItu i"' 22. l'igbit cot.t or, 2 3,Y ou and 4 1 24, Falmloe 27. idollieS 4.Si. 10 - 0 3. 1,ge zig! rover 4i;_Naîne etret 85 treek tes l.Catoingq ,f l. Thing (19WY Bob/'sBottie BY E»NA I8 %it«e,,t boonto ni-ank*1nd sn 0lced 'ra.just a ek any tuother (or,âfather> who'rB sýtrug- qld wltih a bott!(e at 3 a. n., 0oly týo bave it cras'ýh ta the for And Uf you co'uldinrve Baby, he'd teM you he lik+es aý boteon which he c ýan get a gl.Hedalsa tel Ryou ;he exý peets ta break a numrrber cfbat'- tles na this poýint Motheýr wilI tep le ta teli you th.at lot eM),is a hig true, t'sexensve 'rh anFwer tua'th'ese rblm Was. thought up by an irate: father %who got up in ithe wee hiirs, fumibled th~e Lbaby',s bt- t l ft d deeded there muat b. eomie easier way Ite go.-At the wbole thlng. A. he caressed bijs bruised ~etfobi% eyes fi1 oll p~ Mc cosmeiv contalinerbengg ta isdewlfe. And e brand'-pew polety'InenursaIng bottie was bora, ane tha7t*s Odorless, taete- les., harmlIess ta formula and a naturgd imsulatùr as w0l, Formula, tht maikerscf«thils bOttl* daim, keep amfive I G04, Ui-les longer than la âglasu T1h la à 4yan *xtretbooix f Vyous lx m a *ow-feeding baby. Jbelli Ir, ,Orne casese, -dmmta oùtier einlu iefflicienides, fouig ef a spark pflug may Persist, anid thte use ùcf a longer, boýttertyec plug may be necessary until oither eniglu-e deftieicieýa are remre$d. Othe. ther baud, If burming ïoff ù Points or pre-ïg- ultiOn persistei, tiien thecoer shorter type cf 'ýplug rmay serv Whben ovrh un algenle, or before tii.beginlng cf,, a sao df heavry work, it la coften worth whil ta bo ave spark plugs dcektn- ud sumd testedà at a local garage or .sablishmeut wbere special equipment la, available for the- purpose.. Egg quality begins ta decilue as qûon as an egg bas been laid aud . it conitinues at a Steady rate. The raite cf deliie le greatly lu1- 2rcased by ii. high tenipe:ratcure and 10w humidity cf tii. warmnev m-iontli. of«the year, This mians re-duced proflis for the. poultryr- mn uespeclaly durfiug thesm- mfernmontha. Mllvauy poultrymen, h owever, do not realize howe rel- atlvely easy it ile te produce bigii quality etggs throuigboiut the year, Viater Huïns;aker cf the. Poultry -Division7 Central Experimeutal farmx, Otawa, ,suggesLesea few simple ules wblch wlhelp te maiiintaini egg qualty, and com- bine greater profit for the pro- ducer wl-7.th better quai-lity for the 1. Gather Pggs twice a day in vintem sund thme tÉtimes a day iii sunimer and cool quickly, Heat Is the most important factor lu1 the 1ùas of egg quality. Aui egg thIat bas been left lu thü eCtail day will b. lltlr. better, by theý tieit is gathered, thana 3- iay- old egg. 2. Use ,vire backetsý to gather and cool eggs. Eggs wili poali twvice as fast lui awire basket asý irn a pail r Legg case, 3, 1-1old eggs i a cool mist place, A temperatlure of 50 de- grees tao 60 degreesý Fahreuheit and a relative humnidity of 70 tQ 80 per cenit le recommrrended, 1.Donkey 5.T 2ý. -rgeveangac 19. , ieig 45. ilrse 1of a thbetce cetainga 31. Urefietiffl iqid M2 Mae 51 Ugly %î tu. curved womman room!g tMe o. Feo the Mqemry Sel not cnvmet. E Ahab wa.s, sonality wU ieften Ithe. king's policies with cire resuits to ta the nation, Iiu fworda cf scripture, I seil imself to do was evil iu the qiý Lord, whom .Tewehel Dress It Up-Dorian LoveI-Pank, 6, got the thrilI of a lietime a,, a recent wedding in London, England. fH. had hiri headgear adjusted by Chartes- Cassie, of ffhe 3rd Huss;ars from Dnlgwali, Scotland. 4. Case eggs the next morning after tIhey have been thoroughly cooled. Cases and flats shoÉïld be cooled as well. 5, Place eggs in icase with thie large end up. Handie eggsý care- fully at ail times ta avoid crack- ing the sheili 6. M\/arket eggcs at least once -,a week and twice or three imes if possible. The best time to seil an egg is as soon as possible after lt as been laid, 7. Feed a complete ration. This means a good laying mrash, scratch grains, Oyster sheli or, limnestone and plenty of fresh dlean drinking water. 11, ; *j 8. Provide plenty of inests and change the nesting naerîi-j fre- quently lu ordier ta reduce the numnber of dirty eggs. 9. Conifine the layers uti-l at least mnid-afternoon, This will help ta keep the eggs dlean dur- ing damp, rainy weather. In ad- dition the birds wl eat less green grass and other materiais OUt'side which cause abjection- ably darlk yolks. 10, Produe infertile eggs. Fer- tile eggs lose their, market value very quickly if held at bigh tem- perature due ta rapici develop- ment of the embryaû. A satisfactory egg cooder mnay b. coristructed quickly and at £easonable- cost, Plans, for such aý codIer ay be o)btaiued by wrijt- ing to the Ioultry Division, Ce- tral Experirmertal Farm, Ottawaý. NONEY (IU!) MOON "How is -Brownson getting eon with bi's youig wiLe7l* "Well, a inonth atter the wed-~ ding a belated telegram of con- gratulatlun arrived and they ?a- fused to accezt lt. that lents ,est, am Use Dog As, Poultice For Stomacti-Ache M11ostpeople hv ha rd oïf thie stormy petrel, the c dru litle ea irdthatskm h waves wlth-in ai few ilchesf the water, bowever ruhthe 1markable sýtories about It. Travelî author CrehWis whc, saw sm in thieAtaic ýsou.ýtE 0f Ieau says tht Or bundreds (if year mani ersb- lieved e nd some oldsai mtîil i d that petreis neer approached land, the ftemale la,;y- ln erùone egg at, ,ea and car- .rylug it under wing until i hatched. u B atthi etesc the -North Atlantic that aeay wvhe-re within bundreds ofmle cf the e Verde Islands la- their eggs there, iundergrounid end lu thE! mcst desolae tepace theycafid A legeudý that no re ue ev found a dead ptrekl ed sairaîO, to believe that they havesaine se,ýcre t pla Ce ta0'V, w b they, fly- when deathi approaches. We know that the birds do have their owu private cemretery on the unirnhabited island 0f Clina wý;here there Is a plateau cver- ed witL the tiny whlle boues of milo f thexrx, Exploring Lapland, Mr, Weilh, -discovered soime tnaa thinge about the doga thie. They are regarded as hon(Qured îm.enber,ý df the housebol1d. When u Lapp girl la borru-he writes lu a fine travel book, "The URd to Shal- imiar"-hler father gives ber, twr, presentS: afLi, rineeta .tart a herd for ber dowry, and a female 4og. Thre were four dogs lu thpý bouse -here VWells, stayed. .At meal timreg they watcbedi pati- ently wblle their food -was be- lng prepared, then at a word froin th~e naster the. oideit walk- cd glcywjy towards It an~d t<ok bis share, eacb in tru doin the saine, w1lh no barking or~ fighting. Lapps say dogw are -very senr- sitive to puuis-bment For smail ofecstbey muet be '3co1dpd, fcar serlous cnes whlpped, buit neyer whipped and scoïded at At T rcomo), Nra, e sawï thie bbdGermýja'n batlesille Von Tlràpltzý, hl-umre upside -àdown, wlth mnrmv a huehale ilu her oto.I utb e a gruesom job, .saya,. orwhen she was it aýnd Cp slsad she b-ad more than ae thvu- *sard ioronboar-d. He hýýer that a tea roc)m fo-lr sightseere bas,,been built on tho botmi Wells-,andhbis wif e b ired a dhouse- boat on Dal Lake in loVely Ký h- mir, azd ne cold mrornlug tii, owneýr, D'undoo,- camye iii ook unusuafly fat anýd pùrtly.Lift ing1biKs shirtz 1he ýpolinted t1oaia malwicker basket slung roundir' "musi, keep warm, Very c (o1d The "aga wslndw.tli earthen(ware 'and filled wit lowing cacafor iii water wheeve hegoes, . occaslin- ally, covelcame F-by carbon on oxidle lfumes, lhe ymay f iasle>e'p and burn hi-rnself aevartey. Alil kid of pediara, camre la bot.They incl-uded îavgebl seller whû steer-ed with aý longe pole p- emali floating isIan o wvhiêh the vegetables we-re gro- ing! Duindoô, toa, had a floating lsland anchored nearbi kitcheai boat-with *a bouse oni t fora heu and~ her cbicks. Asý the Wells were near Sla gar they had ta see the Shali- mar .)f the indian love lyric. It les a la>vely shady park abouit NO0 Yards long with velvety lawna, huge trees, lon- strught ~flower beds, fountains, lake, and r(iuntan streamn, cImrblng ln f)ur terraces to-wardasn -c- ped mountains, On each terracct ileý a pavilion, the fourthi at the far end being the most beauti- fuehwth exqIuiste black- marbie pillars. It waý laid out by the Mogul Emperor Jehangir, anid here the -royal haremn ladies rested ln cool secluasion while members of the court strolled under the tree,. 1Xis beloved wife was, Nur Jah- an, Light of the Worl'd, whose so, Shah Jehan, built the Tai Maha] for theta mb of bais own beloved qukeen-, Muintaz Mahal, Glory 0of the Palace, X Wng procession of- lf-phanits Z>ach-herses ýanld gaily decoratea sedan chairs containing the har- ýesm ladies used ta arrive at Sha- îlmar from «Delhi, accompanied* by as many asS 3,000 servants, WRONG BOTK WAYS3 "Darling, if 1 were todie, wouid yau marry again ?" she m k e d, kThat's bardly à f air question.," ",Why not?" "If1 i ere to asay yes yOu would't li1keit and to say neyer agai v;wouldn't aound nica."1 (Upsiýde d wn te pïevelst peekùig) N s' N N N N s' 'N N N 'N N N N N N N s' N N s' N N N N N N N N N N. N s' N N <N 'N N N 'N N. N N. N N N N N * N N s N N N N N N N N N N N s N N N N N N N N N N N N

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