Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 13 May 1954, p. 7

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be packed the 1al 3nionth, May 28th, Churech Sunday Suih ~hpmntwas gr' ledged, and- its Çan v maivke this a effort? Plealse don used clothing ,ori. can spare, as the 'n Every Day GroceryPrices Fels ,Napthai Soap Powder large package .... 43c. Dewkist Choice Corn 20 oz. tins,, 2 for .. 2-5c. Gold Med ai Floor Wax lb. in for.....-.. 39c. Jiffy ChocolateiDrink - iissolves instantly in milk, lb. tin....55c, 1/2 IL tin for ..~ 29c. Kraft Cheez-Whiz, 8& oz. jar 35c., .16 oz. jar 65c. Pride Furniture Wax hig new economy size mit-h free dusting clotb nriepa -f. si -2 p t ou Ieeb s livig wmtn their yAexJ basfiniihed FirA A oS"po dsarito Uivrs- and is now employed by familes. So, moi!] the Dominion G, enmnVfor.tHie ld be cut down tu summer months. 1He is a member oA cloig wmlM be, ar o sevpn doing geodetie sur- ~d. ustse~tha ~ y aongWeIllýa"ndCan"al, preparatoiy Jus(, tllý to0rebildjintg it 1for.the nwSeawaýy 1 Latel they expect to betrnserd day, Tuesf y, y!oot owr on the proposed njew -the iook thut 'Shows you CI k youUl -and- on replijhr tl No acheve plafnnig an your ý"Îngs nubitions.l tace oWunY s saÇfè . ,,sregiu1, sdY ng eas~Y aces nerT1ancd1 eay u. -u lers Orono D-'ýranch - A. L, HOeey, Manager Cut Food, Costs at.... F000 - MARKET Faney Well trimme lb. Portlerhouse Steak59 Rind1ess, sliced-1 Mlaple Leaf BACON REAL VALUE'If!!t Home - Sje SAUS AGE 1-2 Mb. 4- -1. 47c. I.390. XYE ARE CUTTING GOOD VEAL 'Save By iBuylig. From Our Fruit and Vegetable Cotinter IL.[ç ,. . . . '.. Crisp, Fresh ORONO CREAMERY aSmpinc, inlehas2C B UTER 'Ripe, firm, Cuban - large 12s lb. 58c. oPII'9-c Cuiverhiouse Fancy Tomato Juice lg. 4ý oz. tin's ~-25c. - ~we ~ Sunlkist Navel, 34ils, swee-,t, juicym A DU-TCH SET UNIONS, 2 lbs-------9e MUTTILIER ONIONS for greens, 2 l1bs...4 - - LoalNews f visited lasýt we-ek inIsjington with M1r. and Mris. E.,G Ia ad fami'y. r Ms.lon For-resteiýr, nd M-s. ,Donaild Staiples attended4 the fjunerld o)f the late MUrs. Erma ljorste1- in Hamli-iltoni, _Monday of this' week. Mr. an dMlrs. E. G. Hay ancd faimily spent Sunlday with Mr. ciýnd Mrs. R. Logan. M.and Mrs. Wiý7gg;ins of Bramptoii spent the week-end with Mr. and] Mi-s. M. Il. Sta1plýes.-. Mrs. J. A. Rickaiby, Toronito spenit the week-enàwd w iher son 1Vr. and Mrs. Jas. Rickaby and. Normnan. Miss A-udriey Billings, Oshawa andi MiS MaýLrion Ricka1ly, Toronto were wýee'k-end guests wt r and MVrs.ý CarlBiins- Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Goode and fm i arkhiam visited ýwithý relatives on Sunlday. Mr. and Mrs. Emery, Whitby, witIt IMr. and Mrs. Aibet Mitchell and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Grahbt nnd",l(amt1- ily spent Sundiay ni;bh Mis. Oliver Gibbs and f aildy of Junartonj. Miss Shirley Porter OslN haw,1 Mrs. Oliver a ï a r. ID'1Ol caygeon, mnit h randt4 M. ýei Por-ter o-,er the vweek-end. Vis'îtors wt Mr. gnd Ï,lis. Fred Truil over the week-end -niere the Stonejaouse family, Toýýronto and t'he j çannin,- ailily of Oshawa.j Mr. .ý.Roberton, 1{anilton visi- ted 'Ur. and Mir'. John Hendry.i- Visitors this week with kMrs. T. J. Carsea-dden and family niere: Miss JNellie Hlill, Mrs. J. Swarbrick, Mrs. L. Thora, Mr. and Mrs. Warren an-dý famnily, Kendal; Mr. and Mrs. Her- bert Galbraith, _Mrs. G. Jones and Mrs. John Elliott, Bowmianville. Mrs. Ei- iott spent the day ýwith 'Ls. rYork County Musical Fsia closed its- seventh presenitation 'i-n Woodbridge last SaW~rdatyý l-uinigj the festival the famîl]y of' Mr. and' Mirs. Williami Lynch won 10 gold unit 10~ silver ftn.edals, Saturday Caýtherine Lynch, 12, bested 18 singers< mn the Junior vocal class. Later Mr. L~ynch and his three sons, Deanis, 20, Harry, 19 and Bernard, 1-7, wion the senior mie quartette, while Dennis took top honors in the vocal solo group.' Mr. Geor-ge Bonien, aý famniliar resi- dent of Orono will ce!lebrate h, is, 9th birthday on Saturday, May 15th. Recent visitoris with Mlr. and Mrs, Chas. Wood \vere Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cronither and famnily, Newcastle; Mr. an4d Mrs. Neil Wood and family of Lakfleld and Mr. and Mrs. o ?aa bail and faily of Whitby.Ro A-4r. and -Mrs. Arthur Drumrninondi vvere in Toronto Saiturday to attend the birthday party of Mr. Druni- mond's mother, whio is in hier 93rd year. Mrs. James Richacrds returned home on Saturday after visiting the Head Office a-nd factory (A Spencer Sup- ports <Canada) Ltd., at Rock Islaid, Quebec. Also visited in Newport, Ver- mojnt and W th Mrs, W. W. Keat, Watert1yaýVPt, N.Y. and MUrs. Milton) UNItED CI4URCft QroyiPatoo Chare Reverend John Kitchiell M ilisi or ORON0 THIANýKSGIVING-- SERVICES Servicees at Il and 73 BUrning of Mo/jrtgage, Mon1daày even-i ing at 8S:00 p.m.l KIRBY Suinday School at 2:00 Src at 3:00 COMING, Radio Artist and his WESTERZN SHIOW figh Class Vaudeville Featuring Little Joe _MçCarthy Happy (';d Hirami One of the best~ Banjo players :n Canada toý-day. BIG. COMIC MiVC SHlOW Heur FON Y 0Vwiq4 his Famous EetreGuitae and Uke Banjo, Formhy style. SEE AND IIEAft BETTY Orono Town hlai Chidren 25e. Adults 50e. Starting ut 8:30 pmn ft lBeforeteheySrigdm d for Usedt Cars and Tuk fores Prices sky high BUY INOW! At lowesýt Prices ever NAME MT Besides our preseitt stock- ot Qiiqity Reconditiouied Cars and Trucks we haýe imany More units cofling in, ont New Cars wfthin the next f ew weekis. Looking fobr a certain make, year, or model? WE HAVE LT! What's more - we will guaran- tee you satisfaction at amaz- ingly Iow prices and easy ternis. Your present car muay be the only down payment required. THOIJSANDS 0F SATISFIED) CULSTOMERlii[S PROVE OUR POINT Before You Buy- Give "Stew" a Try STEW'S SPECIALS BUY NOW at Year's LoweIt Prices 1938 Pontiac Coach-._ $ 95.00 1947v Pontiac Six Torpedo radio --------------- ---- 695.00 1949 Merucry ----_ 695.00 1949 Ford Custom Club Coupe - ----- 79,5.00 1949 Chev De Lux -..850M0 1949 Mercury !/-ton Panel __------- ------ -- 595.00 Akso a selection of GOOD '492-50'512'52 CHIEVS.,ý, P ONTIACS, METEORS AND FORDS AT CLEARANCE PRICES $50.00 -ON with Low In- terest charges to any famnily tith sound credit, no matter - hte hey ??ve or work. 1i953 Packard Caribeaný Convertible - Cost $8,460.00 ~Make mie an offer. of the wolves of the sea! 1954 Limcolms On Display I - . Motor Sales Ro[ig Limiited partiler ofr iliIy MNercury - Lincoln - M1eteor iS - o- Newcastle Phone 287-1 iIAT G 0FIMINI e.- Bowery Bo NIMON. - TUES. - WED. H- i MAY 17 18 - 19-20 ii Jovtltna, Aduits and 4 CORN 1811'8A ORONO ff fn y 1

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