Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 13 May 1954, p. 1

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V/ol. 18 No 6 O2&)NQ, ON E., EHU~UAY. MAY I~319~4 Township Rehire Road Dept.. dfllw ard oUntd67 r -RydAtOooMortgage 0f Unite nd CerkTresure ~Curc onSunday Evenig'iMoliday Las[ oB ure o And Clerk-Treas - ure r Orono Lodge No. 4136 celebraýtedl theToB un dMo 135th anniversar-y of the fouinding of Fifty per cent of hle xeSidenits of;___ .A. ~~~~the order on this continent by at- Oronof and district took tilvantage of Toteimbranaheesofng W M EIGtendig Divine Woishiip at the 0ro o the free x-ray heîd in the vlaeon oteneiesan deet fig Resolcutions passed by the re United ÇChurch, led by the Orono1 Monday of this weekç. The ma.ss x-ray! ORONO UNITED CHIURý-cH ~Townsip Concil t a aecialmeet-Band. Visitors were presenit f rom iing ldinthe United Counties 1iLsi îng on, Moniday reinýstated the Road' hloa' soito hl Broolin,. Whitby, 1sa ,Bwmnsponsored by the Northbumherlaird- Dear Frîends:hior Superintendent,1 ThedADsoarttinn em- d ville, and Cobourg.Brt«Re.ohj lh T lA Spees atnderte Cl erkTrarer the1 '1 uramn erubiculosis Associalîon We now vanticipate the final 'Amieni'ths poesadteCel rnur.hetheïr regular meeting in the Suiday Kitchen t',(ook for. his text "Having a' with assistance fiom i Provinicial t h epuiiiiscnetdwt h n resoIueions reinistating the above Sho ro1nTusa ftron rgtsns fVlussrasn ha eatient oif ealth thirough'th 'le the erection Of ourbieau?ifulne er churc meniond cplyec alo et ut Ms. Rainiev, the president, presided. in this life the, spirituial vai:lues mieanit sl-fEse seals. chrc risd n thc.isftehnf nuomber of points to be adhlered to by Th1etn pndwt h ,.mc oeta oeaV ausfre church building destroyed by lt a thevrou lpret. Themie Psalm i 0' - 17. the Themej that 1he three links of Friendship,1 The last masýs x-rayws held Jinf Song anid Themue Prayec. The opeing iLov-e and Týuth\wer-e worh hle UcCntsi n 90 hnone' tird etia ¶theb Fin10 anc oiniti - con rei The Rad Suerineuden, M R then"Take timie to be Hloly"ws o they exemnplified the spirit-of the 'l' the eideu'icts were x-rayed. The ncinteFnneCmitec-teri Th-Ra ipiLtit(,iM.Rs hymiýsng.ftehoi fGdai iebob pecýt to realize the fulfillinent of afn Ftmg wit IDickir.toii, was reinstated by resoîn- sn.fteho f o n h rte-1aera1ge ýth:'s year in the 00o1o dis- olgto ~uc nArl15 -5Wt ,,ion at a yearly salary of $2tri0 l the absence of the ho o an the (rredrdblrtbteet ohf fomer ark On-te com)plete retiremrent of ail inidebt- !eautuifu Thï- Jis an increase over the rvosrcrigga 'ate n h uto r.s:deîbil A totail ofsix huudr(l,-d and enesagainstth pesent niew buii4- tei alr.Tersuioasostetatse2cretary1, Mrs. G * Carson read thel Drumminond antridMrs. Carson was S\ny-iepersons wýýe, e X-lurae u ijens g ,tepfliguid atý the 1 ton Township truck was to be miue* o atmetn-hihwreget),'peîae.Oono on Mtonday and this *nme urred c keptiiitheTowshipGarge henadlopted aýs read. Miss Davy, cor. Sec,- The officers and nmembers of t snthencde Ilh school stiet.Isvnutlatrtn ope kep I hie frTownhip Garkageso *nretary, reported sending a rnumber of, Lodge extcnd theýir appreci1tiou Vo olgt sat efhaT oshi p wtrukAs re cards ýýto sick and siit-ins and replies the OooBauid. It's a wonderful Di.$ irg fthcafternoon onli somýe tI co The local #cam-paigu manager, Mrs., stateil Lhatooxithanksdfrom trem.sTherdevtio'e!.-, .j noV~~, to e eplyedunessforemrg peio, akn y r. TDrumm on, assut to our- coiiunity, wenwe loo)k lhundi ! were -x-ra1yed, hw'rihl il,. MiJlsoii wislhes Vo thank ail those --no tt , le eipoye unes fo ener- tke byi'vi-. Duiniod, àsatothcr to n uch larg-er than our 2*rening rush bolstered -Élie. number' who lhelpcd in any way to niake the Thea 'ene"s.opced vwith hymu "The glory of the cmu ythat hav-e no'W) 1 a -ýii iay ii I)Q_ý'fd1as -a ucs.Ildi S priug how, Sweet". The renewing ofj baud. Ail wintbr thcse nien and boy5 ial led $9 Th7ee eiRnd tdeate oint e ratyes Spring -was the subJect f'or sp3ecial have practised and arýe nost loyal tegrdui 95er cetstper t he forlowiugrates thought and was anr inspiration to ah. thefr organization. Posî4, any of ~r~ i 12. M5cnsprhu o prtrsï's Dnniod asked that we aak- the nenibers of other soýeties cul O ci o etîc To jpuonsorj thiTig. T, L-abourei' Mçchanic 95 cents per hour, e n a the spriug thro the spirit of take a lesson from the baud niernbers $800. lu Operator Labourer 85 cents per hoeui ria d closed the devotional scr- and thus make their oraizamtions j ru received zand Labourers 75 cents per bour. vice wlth prayer and hymu 4"Coifemeh ùch me activead effetve in S CI ark urograf l erpai Hoy piitCone.their wvork of fraterialism and bene- repaam Th~e lerk-Treasurer, Mr. H. H y pri Cl"" olen-e. So to the Clhnd Boys KReep ulp again in ,Millson was reinstated at a salary - lofhr uins eidtepes-te~o ok o ti ral $8ê9.Te eotincvrutislntaashorunesh«t o t pesda, My peoiatd. - 4foiti get p- A meeting of the directors of the was pointed out that childreu from 1Thanksg 2-rove stated that the Township Office '25, a bale ýwilI be packed for Xorea The attendance of the ieinbers rn mtu tltcAscainfu yasV hryastok yad- taed a M Would be itsed~ for Township busirfess adprel1a e rdh V h ethrRbka og a h as held on Tuesday eveniug of tfis Vantage of hs prorami last ya.te1t andfrtado uapesn tre ay cýoo1rm . vicruhttoth eas r eeaLy orcgfed-ttt'eer- week wheu plans were formiulatt Mr. Fred Lyeett imoved that the pro- 1cotibut anIek îian ud oflte open oti , days aSuudayS o orývc a ral prcie.for the coming suinier seasou. grain be conthuied again this yr eived a LooiugforardVo he ervce f Ato I'tV was deoi-ded Vo sponsor, agailn seeoîted by Mr. Donald Staphes. hs drtays Te lr iwà6jdiogkby-law aud sul- theI sertvWce.esof ths year, a basehalteam for, the As the Red Cross swiminjg tests quird or draftVo Conci suor-thiynortgage burning, ladies are asked AU youug boysi of the villagei. It was' feît are not Vo lie held this year it wus de- tead ap~I heCer~wa api Ieost bring sandwiches, tarts or cookies. Ld t f. t -ShaWa that a tcami up Vo the atge of 13 or 1-1 cided Vo cudeavour to inélude tIs gent chi teq~rryBul inTspector at This closedi the business session. cuuld lie arranged but that a group ico in the suimmner prograim. It was evi- aalairy of $25.00 per -nonth.' This Nearhy 1,200 auto workers at the tate ilu 15 year old boys would leave dit that the Association could nQt On TIi amiurý ls d4tinalý. te aevouIVos.Etheîeygaerevpeniouse 1aMrs. etr E.elsRaianeyn balgave12.0 ar splendidintrc re- srv ~~a~~~o~1nV Is ~~port of W.A. Presbytery held-4p Bow- General Mrýtors plant lu Oshawa Nviîîlocletyotlse sOoohdpy$150 o ulfe uu-igsr few boys iu the fourteen or. fifteen I tor. ItVwas felt that the course couhd cher the m-fanville which everyone euijoyed. li1,laid off temporarily Friday. The aegop t'rsn oa 1b eicue ý h erainlD'-adi A& Inflie rsution calla -for ail' planued reduction iu the worlc force aegop.A pesn o lub be iucluded fialhed rs e sretsnai-lpr o.- a i seealmetn oLounicil on Thutrs- Meeting was brouglit Vo a close wýith will bocist the iobless total lu the ciV'y coild lie eutered lu a BantamSuh rn it ialRdCos etsery1~ott su Isrct lrhami Leug1ue -with Bowmvianville in August, This miatter is being stu- On the daMy2Jthe Mizpah Benediction. an istic 4bove 4,000. __Newýcastle, Port Hope and Ke d hid further ln order that the chiltd- there A , oi SJ flptratesni.i aI i t lav -i Vo Vhe transfer of car mnanu-; nday of wlhat happeiH dliscouraglug wecks fortunate burninig cf rc. A Finance Comr rimed, and, backed b d( f aith of the niemb gation, wuet Vo vwoi is of the old chui-ch - th the Building Coi it that a ncwv a-urd Ul edifice was el-cctc ars since we have te theinciidebtedness until iiow we are ii ertain Il faith giving lortgag h.An ation o Vt thesE to clea n, of the district eir Red Cross ed nnother, 0J400i pCL 513 I Il YLIVO F, Neilson held the dectieo offc s ecided Vo carry on tnd booth ut tihe Orono rieans or raising furids eutlvities. Came up for consid er- and -,«twas thou.glit e eld early ilu Felir u- when ice would lf. niva]. is agairï Vo tIeciied tmat all reg bers in the Club mius of Decemnber when for the Carnival. ic elaid off' 1 0 n Vhe new plantnifrsVob already operat Ms.Sau -Icreational pro, ipage 8) (1ý. , 1be f Free rk or The meýeting felt Ciat the instrulct- ress shôuld spend moore timiexi) givingý lessons and instruction iu figueska- in- and l1cm wlVh Vhe Cria. ,vas thie opinion that this shouhd lie arranged b y further carnîial plana- ing foft' tie5 eourwg season. H1. SaLnmecl, O. yFour C.ub Variýety Çoncert Ou *tâtand-i ing Local Entertainm.ent The Variety Concert stag-ed by tLhe. Instrumentai numï-bers were pre- Cujb Mothers of the Oronlo Cli ack scnted by John and Ross Tamiblyn, wýas, ou Friday evening of hat ek, piao duet; Charles Amtrupiano a mOSt outstan)dingeneralmet oo iand Russell Major a 1trumpetý f4eatuple of local alent so far. thi, solo. The '-Country Four"1 compjIosed of1 yeaýr. Evcry act met with. a great deu]l Mss Donald Staples, Jack -Allir,l od entlhusiasm front the audienice %Withl Glen tAlun, and erald Br3own madýjýe1 eoesbeing eucouraged time unml heir ebut in Or)Iooas ja vocal uar tini agin Local talenit %was predomn- tette and vwerc much eloedby0, ment throughout the showand i is' fuIl house. Also enijoyable -vocal solos taetwas by io rmenus -ama1Uteuri11-er presented by Mr. Wý%illiam Mit-I T-he Towuship li was filled Vo clp- cheil, Miss Carolyni Joncs, Mis. Amiy acitywithover thrlee ihundr(led lat- Rogerý'son anldChrsHuo.Te tendijg l spite of nastywetr latter also, proved his ability as aný oo'diîoe.iniper'souator when bhe im-pcrîsonated Mr. Jamles Richy acted as chair-. ouy aNat Kinlg 'C~, ( 1AC' i mian for Lfi evenentig. soui and othiers. Memîbers of the Or-ono Wolf Cuibi»Miss Berniiece Lutnu also de1ighted Pack îtook part in the progrum Witb a the audience with hier Vap dancing. sing ,cng. Also Cub B'illy William--si Mviss ýPhyis Durston Of Oshawýa, w'hoý presenitedi a humorous recitation. The hals appcared ont television, <Jid tapi popuilar radio and tehevision dletective, dancing and baton swingiig. sVoýry, "Dr)jagiet", was dramatized by Accompan-yment was supptiedI by Cabi Ton-y -Mitchell as Fridaýy, Kelneth rs E. Brofwn, Mrs. M. Green amiý Kennedy his si;de-kiek nnrd Larry MI Mr. Neil Stewvart.*- ler as Red Ridiug llood wýith Norman The stagiug of this local show lu Rickab,ýy Vhe graudmnother. Litthc Bcdj the v7illage' was a real succcss and Ridiug llood"aud grandmother wereý those wxho werc present have nothing vf tourse the culprits in hs featuire buit praise for thle ability of the local whieli was even. presented with ther artists ai-d the cutire programn. 1)ragcet ~Music. The Cubs id e-IThc total gr-oss receipts -of sellliug eeptc-.Iully well la playîng,, their part, calndy and Vhe admissions amnounted tVo ti ' progrcam. onle hundred aud fifty dollars. id on gr îI. - ý)-f

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