Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 6 May 1954, p. 4

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.JKLY TIMES Poatý Offiece Deplartn3ent, Ottawa. Pnlse.R C Forrebter O ERZIE DISTRZICT Mr.ý Thur-stun te' hisne job. Mr. Whalython]-,left to tkeovehs Vay .3rdc, M.. TA.*new- iositioa as District o~ose f ived at tCe Lindsay the Erýie District, with Beýadlquarter's -eu the dutis as Dis- et Ayîmer, and ho caried with i[ir Jr. Whv'eatiey "vas on1theCood Wishles of the staff for his ce Mr.1% Thurlston teIontne u~s nti e poft wxvsh hmGodLuck mientl. oinltmenit as Disric ,[ést Tusa eeiganin rformral rembrs o th staf prty was held forMe nud mrs. Lindsayý District. AtWealy which waývs attonded by a eatiey in welcomling lin.pn'qn-;<en~mtt hen n.rtire ~ACT NOW'V fo fsed Cars and Tuk foircc-s Prices sky iigh% At lowecst Prices ever prosent stock of iione-dCars anid vomany more unl- on Neow Carswi- make, 3W,-E ul ga ran.- ni at amaz- easy termis nay bethe a Try est Prices ....$95.00 aiClbrnc îBIRTHS G ASIFE Mr. an<d Mrs. E. Dent are happy te L SS F E annoiunce the bir-th of theïr daughter (Krista May) on Saturday, May lst, FOR SALE nt the Memorial Hospital, Bor~an- Pujpe Sodus lUispberrn Plns vile. a-c, Ton for $3.0O. Phono 74-r-1.3 .b-p) CARD 0F THANKS FOR SALE I wish te xrs my sincere thanks 100 Rhode Island Red, one year old te veyon wo sntcards anid visited hiens for sale Laying good. Ap mie while 1 was in Bowmaenville bsoý- Ralph oumestrPhiono 6410 pital. A speciaql th-ank you te al who Or-ono. a-p se indly hb(lpedcaruie for my family a t home.1FORQAT1 'sF, CAOI F THANI(Sf-l I wý si to express jiny sinýere th-anksý to frens nd nihbusfor, lowev s and (1cards thiat I teece ved durving m wy stay in the Bomn îlllospîtaL. Robert Chater,Lekad a-p CARD 0F THANKS Mray I take thlis opportu-nity toex re,ss my sicreapreciationi for the many kindnesses ý-hown me and my faily dcurring my r iecent illn-ess. Withî seialmentlion to tle United Churchl, heChoir, Oddfellowsý and Rebecca lodges, also lir. Wt i nd safofý Bowanvll Hopitl.Aga,,in a very, sinerethak you to ah1. 1Nýancýy Payne. C ARU 0 F TH ANKS, Ii ihteexpress my in lcere thanks tO my manyfied adreaivsfor adsand gllts and flowers. Asec ia h~sto Dr.)c1% ie Dr. Stur- ges, urss f MmoaHiospital, Bowanvllealso Heathler Rebekahý Lodge and W.C.T.U. andWoe' Inst"itute for, their lovely catrds an--d tei 'j1 lly my eighibours helping out in Jm.y hoeduring mly stay la hospital and výisiting me while ther'e. Mrs. Hattie, Malley. IN MEMO0RIA-M BARRIS-In loving memery of aý dear husband and father Wm. Albert Baris ho assd aayay2, 195'0. Years wili roîl by, but his meemory Nwill Stay As nea-,r and dear as yesterday. Ever rememnbered b y vwijfc-and family.a-p INMMRA BARNES-lin loving memory Df our son), akwo lost his life at sa l{y9, 194I2. Juta thoughit of sweetre mbne Just4 a mlemiorY Sad anîd true, Jus te love nd sw"eýet dvto 0f the onles wh tin f yeu. Ever r'em emibered by -1Mr. and Mrs. W.C rossJe. a -p SIAt this tim-e, under the abIe car jmanshp of Mr. Don Fawcet, a e view, of th-e District's progress since !t it as inaugurated under Mr. Wheat- legsN adinistration ja 1916 was made. i I OR OUNGMEN0F1 8E t BrightFuture P Conmmue thoroughtondW îréin, ~ underîoding orf!!le sirtof v oush and you have the eleonent of te Canadïian AnysSolIdier I 16. The S ýoier Apprentice train- Cg inyi designed to enabe Young j n'en to gain promnotiinte higher ranks in the Iqny. The young men who are ÏÇU"eleed for Soldier Apprentice traning rocoie: 's îorough iradles triinig lu I one of 16 Mr. 0 acadlexmic training ---rM g parable io ithat recoivod in secondniry sehlools. 0 te general mifitary traiin!ng gof thie CanIadian soldier, Soldior -Approntices are eligile for ail Armny benefits, incl-ud;tng 30 days anomal leave, They re-ceivo j haîf psy when I16 and oni their 17dm b-irthiday they receive fil pay. I To be eligible, the yeunrg rman, m'ust ha at luast quafihled for high sclhGol onîroance. Bemust ha-ve atained hlis sixîeeth lýbut not Mis - eventeenîh birîhday. ICourses begin la Septeouber but j appflicaions are ow b)einlg re- - ceivedFolownintervielws, tho - appicns may bc acepted afier I jane Ist and then lsent 1h07mcon. 1ceave until Courses cmm n i I To oblaîn an intieresting booklet I anid fzltinformation ,on? the j SOldier Appreptice Pleun, iWrite,ý - pone orm-stWhle Army Infoma. - dton Recruitng Centre nearest I Ymir home. I Dn , ldu 1 3 ernnl ep. r(drs or uresque -ntly blo-~ Maa's Biycl iugoodcodii. Apply te Mv. Glenn Alliai, Orono. a,-p The Mission Badtre oatertainiag thieir niothers adfriends te ain AtronTea la thle Suailday School01 Auditorium on011Saturdayv, May 151,h atË 2.30 p.m. Ladies w\elcome. b-c COMING EVENTS Next Suniday, MaY e9th, âMoth-er'si Day. Services in Oropio United jhurc(hj ati and 7.30, lin the eveing I.O.O.F,5 Chiurchi Parade. -A hearjty welemile te ail. Kirby W.A. Mwill hold a socia l e- Miss Pester, Orono, wlshow pic- tures, also othe,ýr programm )e and lunch. a-cl COMING EVENTS ura'Coult t uior Farmerls' Seými-Foll -u!Dance -presented at vomnil 'Comnmunity Centre onI F riita Y, Ma- xyl4 t h, 1954, 8. 301)p1m. Music by Potters DnceandBand.ý Lunch ito be serv-ed. Admission $2.50 l per couplle. Ti.elcts m1ay be had fromn executive, township directors and at the doo(r. a--c On Ma,-,y l4th, a Silver MUedal Con- test will be held in the Sunday Sehiool Aud1toïiim of ie Orono United, Church at 8 p.m. unijder thie auspices of the Women's Christian Union. A number, of contest-ants will comipete for the modal and there will be otherl talent. Ail are w."elcoeie Adults: 25ý-.1; children under 12 years 15c. b-e Come to the Variety Concert in thel Town B.aIl, 'Orono, on Friday,Mn 7th at 8 o'clocýk. Spensorod by the Cub-- Mothers, Admissiont: Aduâlts 650c. Children 25c. Get your tickets fromn the Cubs,, or at thie deor the inight of thecocert, a-c NOTIïCE The Annuel meeting of thie 'ue Sating C!lub wili be hel!d onModa evnnMayý 10 aýt 8 o'cl1ock in, the Ora'-nge Hall,.- REAL, ESTATE FOR SALE Properties Sold, Rlented. ïManlaged and Appraised L. M. ALLISOâ-"N Rosil Estate Broker Phoyno 2566 - Newcas'lo, Ont. Twolcks aorth of traffic signal, Newcastle. luinblng AND g o fIARRY E. LYCETT Phone 84 r 12 o ORONO - ONT. U Ç~ ~ LESKARD, ONT. Elcri nd Acetylenie Weldiag Cylinder Block's and Hleads Welded Specîaliziag ln ALUMINUM AND ZINC BASE iMýETA-,L Ail Work Gua'-ranteed PhoneoOrono 1. riligg 5 Phine 93 ri CONTRAVCTOR$ FOR FARM and 1HOUSE WIRING Free utiatem te misakes of Elect.-icaî E'qsu1pr and APPUBcSe Sudâ » Xfêotmm, Wstn etr oem4 hdIee tovo imulà, F. D SECTION FOR SALE 'Orono'-Frame BIouse, ttn rfoomis and'( sunl room, centre hall, furnaïce-, V,ý2 acre or- more Minp streoet over- iooking Park and Forestry Station. Tocls estcate. Apply box '23, Orono d-p LOWEST PRiCES ON PAIL-A- DAY AND FLUSH TOILET SY- STEIMS FRZOM- $78.00. SANI-SALES, BOX 3, COBOUFJG 14-P IF y-ou wýish your DEAD FARM STOCK remoyed the fastet ay ,hen ea'iluscolt-Bomnie '2679, We aiso buy LIVE ITORSES. MLARGWILL FUR, FARMN TYRONE, ONT. WewiL e pleased to pick up dead or, crippled farm ainimalls for sanitary disposal. Telephone Cllect Cobourg- 1-166 or, Toronto En, 8366 GORDON YOUlNG LIMITED I O O ur11 e asuu why buy new furuiture when we can re-style your preseiit Sfurnishings to Suit YOur mndiv- idual preferences, Larg-e stock of fabrics on hand te select frei. Rapidi service. 'Budget terins. Estimnates free. SThe latest ini Drapery material anid Venetia'n Blinida. Cal uES to-day. C. F. DUNCAN j Phone 7M r 16, Orono ISIIEE T 1METAL WORK W WARM ýAIR HREATING I and --"AIR CONDITIONINGI i PLUMBING SUPPLIES and REPAIRS I PIPE and FATTINGS Phane 18-r-16 ERYHAMILTON INSURANCE AIs a resuit of the growth of My businless an-d acting ou the suggesýtion of the management ofa mnbas ortte nsthe ne- cossary examninations as set 'y thie Departm;ent of Insurance at Toronto and bas received ber license te begally act as a fully qualified genorai insuiranco aget H{ericeforth .uur agoncy wiil be kenas- Hiamilton 3.1surance Service OVA 1no 1Phone 1-r-Il ~6 il A.F. MCKENZIE, M.D. PHYSICIAN andSREO 48Ue Bou: 2.0 nO400P.m.; 6.1U tv 841 .Af - Sunýdatys aid vWednPsdaysts h appoiatiment enly PIOE47r1 lRN E.C, SYE R, m.D. PHYSICIAN andl SURGEON-, Main Street South Office fHours: 2.00 to 4.0 p.mn.: 6-.30 t0 8.00 pw Suaidays and Hloliday2 bi AppoQtntmenit PHIONE 74 j,19 PHONE 94 r 116 Lawrenice C. aoB Ba-rrister and Solicitor BOWIMANVILLE, ONT. Phonco : Office f688 Home 553 JACK REID Orono's Licensed Aucioneer and Valuatwr Specialize In N'arm and * Furniture Sales Consuit me for terma - and dates TED JACKSOIJN Auctioneer and Valuator CGonductq Aïcf ion Salîes of ail au and SAt reasonable rate8 Çom~uniat&with him at Perý,, Perry, Ontario, or Sueo hi. Clerk, A, E. Màorten, ant Oromo, for date. LIFE INSUý"R.ANCE Pension P1lans; Educationiai Poilcie.; Protection and Savings Plans e Children an-d Aduits; M'ýortgaze la~- ,uraywe plans. F. E. LYCETT OBONO, Ont. - Phiono 2-0 r Il' The RUTTER GANT Dial 32U6 --P,0 O Bo622 PortHpeOtai - -oe umentskGrai markerS, PhonowhIîitby li5~2 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby FIN& QUALITY MONUMENTS ANUI MAUKERS Lot us eroct a handsomo, ralg. nified mý-ozinent over the met- ing place of your loved osa Its not exponsive. And seeing youen ndleqs comfort, S.- J. NORTON Main S treet, Oresto Phono IIe61-r-3 Dulider & Decoratow COnau,1ýli s on ailthing apa- perta-inîrng 'w the beautificatloa of your homse. Paperkanging and luterlor Decoration m£ opeclalty. ,.r. R GRON1O DR. R. J. TAGGART VETERIJ.ARY SURGEON Park Sre OPPOSITE SKATING BRINE ORONC HARCASTLE-111 lovilg mmr ; of Bazel M. Bardcestle Who passed away May 4t'h, 1941$. Sweýet memnories will linger forever.1 Timre canniot change thorit'htrue. durstht maty conme caninot severl Our loviag iremiemibranice oif yeu,- Sad]yynmissed by sons, Everett n Roni adher famnily. a-pi

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