Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 6 May 1954, p. 2

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af or-auhtr S le 19and carce for eyoung iewhaee pOpular.Sur she neyer ared tfor an-,-boy but thie une, "My mhajbýd gives no eason for lis behavior-, bt ,,ýhe i-,,j creaingiy concerned abouler Wheeer c-i eout of the homse h. Seeme ýïunea.sy, skng;hr sha le nt linshe's cmn home. She à iI.fermae pa- X U~' telit tha--n far ie neyrtIke ba c k, "S'-ohe lias totIdm eiiey thougli, at h euewill nat ,give flue boy, ai-f shecaaý't enter- tain hlm, at h 3e he,,will e "Rer fa0,therand Iwremr rieti young UI am ouly 39) aad) we hayte alway,S been coet each othier, I1 li etik the worid of Our daughter, but lie is surely dýriving her ,aw.ayý train hlm.,, Can you help nme?ý * devoîted ta theiïrdagtee *but theyf are so Jeal0ous that *they cannut beur the thouglit Sof her ting uany lianri us Iy y, want ail her affeC- t iort, and otter go ta stupid extrejmes ,ta hoid I- Th gir *loves wtus lad, so he. cones v ndez the ban Perliapa this *feeingis leresponsibie forlier *fathoes decision. He nk uet expect btougeh ta ~ oreda he wiIll marry; ienc h", atcanbec oa5oied byth *knowlIedge that lie lias, been a *gooti tadherta her. ButWhsvat *wiliisht-flit 0f hlm as a ipa<,r. * nt ifhe denies ber lCow,7If shcie 5is forcedt ta meet thý bo-ýy ô ufide, or if the tw o aul '8 eOpe-, how s;hCackedý her father M wIlbe! Yet if le lie who v% *b. te blame.Paetehui Sexpeet, and encourage, lave an~d tarrJitge. Your hsat ànaryrte4 tje girl lie loved;ha cen ie ju-stify acigth *saeile rlght ifOrm hiedugîIter.ý erevry rmanti Shie iactror trusts ftIe apia-, * In t neof hlis mnarriýeti Swudopen hie ýcyce .f o Jý il- *justie. IF fin youag man le *aiu ya.u tl jw ir fathr elulti *be eteraaily grafeful that tlie *two are ia love and planning ib fl uture tgether. SYou'r girl e oug auug Lo twa-it a 'whuiex. lier b er o * ihhope. Adisklier tu e a *tient unatil this father ut lhersý, *e a ýO adistrauiglit by Liidea ;D aSler bclangîag tu anyoaec *escameýs 1tahis censesý. Ifle, *doesa't (andi soan) bli teoniy *destraoig himeit. ivwii *luse hbie daugliter's lave and re- *specýt, if lie las'f alrecady, and * heri tbetve tlicm couid *et fur years.- While le ý îrationai now, sic * iifeci a gratitude thaf wit *rcpay bhlmi a lundredfold. * (Perlaps yuu canri vefu 'page whlere 1liea tînli iltet- *day>. Tbe is parent realizes ffiat ühildren will ive ileirow ives soonl, ani prýOVides againet that day ,.Aimie lHritunder- ,stands the probleme o! bathgen erations, an11Jen exïplain thept if- eech 0other. Write lier ai Bo 1, 123 Eighieeeet St., New Tu, ronto, Ont, 9G Ulis Samk lTheir 5UO,îS. Messages Oaa ofpt e ticddest of ail ceaý isseswas fIat xhichi uver- took fie Amrerican slip General Grant while 0an he.r wy ram Tveibourne ta Englandinla 1866. Caryinecgit.y-threýe pas- qengers anid crew aad witî 4,000 c)Lces of golti abaardî the Gea - crai G.ant re"acied tic Aucki- landi Arc7hipelaqgn wit),iLiut mis- hap, bult, on tIc evenling Euft fIe ninfi daýý M-fIe slip was foundt t be ruaning tua ,close ta une af thle isla ndeý. AttLhe moment whc n te captin dheaget coursethe wind droppetiant sbuwIy tic shlip was drivea lta-. w'ards t1ic rocks aLtbthe out of the 400-ft high culs by a higi- FEor came reeson whjicl ,we s5ha-Ilneyer kaow the 13Pcapta3in dlecided nu1 atr)ý-1op aniror la an effort ta bhld tlic shlp off t0ceocks- the "slip struck wt sucli f5ûre ýfhat berji;baom tict, errifict aeegr codi edé aýn teck s the sinýp srp alonig thec rocks. Then a new vantitiretif-u] peýril iooed p.The encaiGraýnt into a migh(y cveamn he id of h t i cu. As ie tii S". 1eýr maste eraed the rufds utging liowers u ol tostance ard boudes)n hose bow Ali who coit, rushetbeowtick fo aVoidti 1lc n' vc-rckig bumartimnrt. T h c fms lutettown, ýania ut',ilelae the forctieck waccrdie b anti rcw cowdetinto ti,!e ta Soon if-was apparent tho slip was inkng.Tierce ljîtebýoats tions, But thc capta'n anti ccv'-" boardeti the boats, but su nmny cr-owtet nta anc ot t hcm ta it api7e OI'iy tiliseeut etc passergnes er avet. u Slowly the thr twa oat m teiir ay ouf ut the cavera. A tc minnutcs, late I errGrantl a 'lndig pace maie or an wlere-dôoeti usa a at ewy ior ial egte oth.Their iint tvo)cleaf catbievegtatonantiiyiaig so mate. F o footheccatwy lad a~mallqueatty ofpork, antiaot if i"of-cup - flic isiat proitetintigl Sewv only une dress, daugloter lias FOUR dîffrentoutItswt me ar! Start off w"ith th1e jjiffy su-dres-thien butt'on on, the bolero, scalloped capeleti or dres- up collar forModat-udy vaiety. Use remnants, sve fabr1ie, .moniey,tm.Sednw Sew tiis w Patera 4U6: Child'sizWes 2M 4. K, 8IR0 SUIz6sudrees 1%yards 36ainch fabr-i(: c bolro /àyadr. SThis pattern easy tau-se, sim- pie, to sew, le tested for ft.lia Sendl1 TIRT'FI CENTS (3~)in coins (stamnpe, caninot bc <accepted) for this patternl. Print piainly SZNAMý1E ADES STY~LENMBR Send 0 rdertoBx-,.2 Ont n a Eirs, but su hastiy wvér i tth-e mnatches struck tlhat notre fired. Oine -matchre ind Jack Teer took it, 1rubbedi ie air 'vta dry it - and b)y amrcle tu-. aged fto ïtrike alighrt Tîhe asneyer llwe to goo( t Thnleerlf te aior loun an kiled nuberofd ou an skis. Lter ild g;AtS weecptrdan)d îkilled for food: one sailor mad a Cnude, "1pack of caurdsý" fro fi,. 1at oyster shelle. ýLaterteyuelueo ladeag cmeacos a[ue savaeisillth fitirn tinai.afiean ash l N htid o sprecsonfseooi on wh but the oerîng seabt i ~kîd u fodpececith.band- irbttcn theirploeusfr e]dP) F o o d be - bcame dneoy sor, su fou-ýr mca et ai ue rea~ New Zealand, 400male- ahewy Tel wre eyercee again. Then h s i-,curvy appeaed r en f If slatrSunday. Aj i du , ùlngthee las been a straj)geý- inziee atJic air -andi we hlave, ye ahearfe ea o or. M It cannut b,- fog fortb.rc s a slff breeze lowing. It can- notetu'Dý(Lsi-n]ot atte,ýr ail flic rein w-e lad an Got Fridîay!If couit be e o lu why ar? stli aze, smoke, or wiat have we itmekes n dftrccc cen tii 'Sin-g tfie joy of Eesteýr Day, the Enter utiuph fu. USasteýr lesud ciiawoeru het"ter theun Ciristmelis. 'Farun thinig it s 'lot su bletatlJy comri- mnenrcazeti.Anti I alwaî c tee thetlanspiteutfHe calentar, the year legine -wifh Ranster. NoC matter onj wlat dilte it talle we alay fuiit utofevêets ýas bcin-g btaeEastcr or atCe r E'aser. First fhing tIhie inarning I step- pet oufeide anti to greet !he da 1 icard an orie, a robin andi a dobt affoclils, rnear eniouIghta biomlnig for e fa pick tlicip for theueIiia fitsunay wia- dow nti w&titheir steme la arm water f lcysoan began ta open up, Alwayýs etEat w seem totae i tret spr-ing flawcrs, thc soag birds and thfe rcawakenliing u0 orat1r fih, ani the beautÈiful Easter: miuci. Tic uaderlyng Easter amsage is fumlAut prmi»e ant hope >-- sO dittereat tram f ieý cermyday news ifems la thie fasýt-moviig atomîic age. A nti( yetI 1don;t. tiink tie Easter weknîs observ-,eti as muncl îl Canada asitl i' linEnglanti wlierc fIerae. manly customc- lanflic Olti Contry GootiF1 dlay qsttewith Hot Crase lunes for brcakteast- "Onle a penny, fwà,o ai pernny, ilot crosjs huavs." If L alco the tradifioni fum.e for plilating poete1.laeil igar- ties i every district, providling fhe weathl ies fille, fie homle gartener ilf ' e Ordatit. wifl il uis antisad.On Ba'ýster Sunta tIae woult-i be 1murning, and even iaildtance et chuci nt la ie ttrona framp pdrimres anti swcet-sentet vi- 'Llts. Tc wometolk ket a 'neN liai ani sit for Easter but I dan't remember any actua druse paýraýde. fýasùer l4uady was(ai I suppý,se still s) a bank anti busnes hliayanti was gven.ý overalmot eaireI taplecasure.ý * Folowig lard on i t,ee ls a Letant] i(üennaîenity of Gooti' *Fridtiay, Eeter Monïday lad a carefree atmospere ail its ow,' * diiercf trm eny otherloia duing tIchear. Anti aU course timce e n penfy of teii gatherings. I. But back taGhingec Frm. W didn't îhave arayvitrsrca- cr ial On EasenSundy.Na even r rganisoîl. For a litile while it wi"DEimossblefo Dee andi Athur ta cpme out as tehaecnriielyne roms meane auite!las been veryl by.But le main warry yve,,te-,* day whnshe poet tasfat one oflihe kitteýns hatid beenma- edlb il i ig police dog. We titi haeuenice 'wee fllwvist- ing here 0an Good Fritiay, jueti aid enou-gli frusta ealze 1ia our. David ,willi be ike aya tram n low. Bob-and Joy wr liere as- htadyi was! HOwever, aftLer deinner ah ing1 ý'OU]ddo(10but we MUst i, l P ay a visiftae a big stone' quarry that las recently been Dpened-z up1 a fwmilesfrmle.Its thie most u-adt uryl aidOfa] o Bob, of course, was showing us arounti. Ot ieast h e ,mas showing hie DatJ i aounti- it a ora with ramSOoy antiI sat ill t'le Car muet af th time but ever f romn there weý Ilmanaged.ti ta cee fpleuty a f aClivjty, Bo0btirove usw- dowa ta t ihe pit '?,e abig pwrsoe a lod'ding uie truck afer another by drajppîng grea lbats of rock tram flits rmaw, Filled ta,0capacity, fietucitwouid âdrive o)ffto duLmp it's boad itt a huge cui er set in a hale 45 f eet deep anti 50 teet wîtic. The amazing 2bOt Icwork .atl. i quarryJe ti tat at itle sneer ~ube bhfumniilanide.Tho, iockle trilled by macýhine,hat eti by dyaieloaded byý. sho- veeon to trucks,, carrieti by, cafnveyýor bel.ts ta fiee alu ecrensaadfram there by malre eonveyor belte te the stock piles. Ftrm there,ý by pucli-bu.tton'i- con- toitiecisthe iaa)ding plat- tormn en route ta) the purdhaser. Well, ii, le Easter 3Mandlay now, The sun Le estil abseuret by 4a queer iaze-but fthe imystýerylias beenexlane. t e Me, drvea byhigli winds troam warth Da- kota. Nnw iowv did it get by the Custoînis? Malylbe Saýmeone ill J> think up the bright idea thao. the duM may be radio-activ, What a wvorid this le . . . fKer abaoUt wi y severyuaje wau wuTring about Flying Saucerst, nuwtic Saucer sema ispac- cal orgatten ani diuatv has takea itspuae.lD ie mnn - fime tIc grim Rae taies iti fouj un, thie highwaý4ys ant;, uis we are persona of cocent, Sleek Greek-This shapelAty nian model proves the Gek go in for designing bathing silu heavily. Thie botdly prinJîed cotý- ton suit je trimmned with wh.it,, Qand ha-i matching beach coat, Mix an)d sift intro a bowl, 3 c. once-ifted paitry flour (or 2iT n'ceifedail-purposýe f our).- ,512tpes. ma gic $aking Powder, ~tpp. sait. Cut in flnely 7 tbs. chilled ehortening. Combine 7 .milk an-d Y2 tsp, vaillýa. MaeaWeUin idry ingredlients, an,ld dlqie i lightly wTithl a for, Kue-ad for 10 s-conds On lighty - fioutred boa-rd and rall out ta h thick rectangle, 82r Onone side. Cream- together 1 bs butt'er or margarine, c panut bte ad1 c. lightly-packed bron sugar; e-prinikie on rolled-out dough, Begin ning at an 82 edge, roll doughi up .1k ajcllyrol and place ' hi a greased loaf pan (4 '1x1,11 , Bake 5. analbot oven, 40Y0, about 45 mnts ev h-ot, cut in tb.ick sUices, or coLd cut in thin selioea,7 lightly spread with bttror mar- grie.

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