Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 6 May 1954, p. 1

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~Vo1. I~3 No. 15 't '-s, N t 6 1954 'Stlbscription Cet Your Free Chest X-Ray In Orono Thi s Monday, May IC Twp. Council Gives Thirty Days Notice To Ail Employees! heClarke Township Counceil, l zheir regular ilionithly meeting on1 ýJuesday of this week, paSSed a r'e- ,iton givg ail their e~lye thirýty days niotice for their resigna- 'tin.Thiswil if not recinded by thle TrownsIdp, le.ave the township with nce of its preserit eioyees eariy inJune, Lack of co,-operaLtion vas stateýd by! Byrev rown as a factor Ili isononnmeillor Lovekin aJso _;ýeJthat pvocedure had changedý IUS '1 t14a it was niot for the best, iocrr the pas t yeýars in particular At, the ering session Mn. Ross, Dickis~rn ~ mqastioned as to re- prstha t were bing received by the cor4rcil coucerniun lis oiiaiosas ~Rad Su entendetTe >uciet ,fhat- the reports had no basis aud the Yi'oad stesntn econfirmed thatp lais duties were beinig csrried out asi shýouldU oni further commested on t1heI excellen,ýt condý"itioni of thie noad(s in tkue Towýnsi'p under lis supervision . E'ov iaEgineeir, Mn, MarAde, staed that Clnk ownship did have' iý, onscien-elous -ad superintendeaet, cons.-cierncious road sup erniPtendent, Late ini the afternioon sessionTo - ahpemployees again Caeeup for discussion nslingin the existing uenolution. An entanogleinent between oncl Cerk, Hil liraretaken snd HaIll-ren- ta-Iscaine to the front at Apnil mieet- in g wAie Couincil questioned the clark ~p rregulaj, charges for the haIl.The ;Ink r. H. E Milîson, at thnat timne piedout that any diff(.eience in, chtecould Lîte accounted for- as lis onJWa S oe rd Or rentS e~ '~e(I l en ro jecýs ,anin The ed. henthis' subject was, bregîtupat the 2aLIN meetingth onclpointed oult that hey were, taker or Clerk had c9nro aen îlei L-euTshis m jtterwas notdeaIt -t wsthen ask1ed -whye didnot udean,- j-2e clerk'aofic.Thelerpoud o liha ehah7i r:ed a -woiman todo l £hswork aodndea skd if it was no île cretaer's dut . M. Watson cliudhe cOuki not (do the job to Aferc consierbl oments, De-i putyIeeve l3rown mIoved a reou ono giving ailtheiremoys tîy'days notices. This wa-s seC- cnde byCounjcilior Lveiandcr ridby the Couacil. Ail employees weeasked ta retire. Couancil tIen dis- ,uýseed tis 1m-atter and ýat pres-it the tlnydayVnotice stili stands. T Audito1n's report was deaIt with -adthe amethod of audit -explained to Cuclby Mvr. M. St-apIeS. 5everal letters were read, givîng -pruces an the rental of road eupet heCouncil decided an the prices frmthe Highway Conistruction Ca.* ta do he erushing aof grave!lfor thein JuirFarmers Receive Report On Prov. Conference The Durhamo Counity JunioýrFa- ers Associatt-in eld their Apnil mneet- ing on Wýednlesday, 28th at Orono Towvn 1Hall. After the ,singiing of the Junior Famers' Song' and a sing song led by Glen Larmier, the businiess meet- iirlg began. The tickets for the JuniorI Parmes' Formai held la Bowmýýian- i ville Conmmunlity Centre 0on May, l4th will be mailed to the directors of each! tovw1nýShip. Gerald Brown, representing the four delegates- Shirley Quantri;li Doris Gohieen), Clifford Bristow, Gn aid Brownl - to the GuelphI Conferene,! gaea'nteresing and thorougli re- port of the Prov incial Confere'nce. Trout Fishing Opening Regis- 'L. ters Mdany Uood Catches The trout season whvlich opeaed on1 Saturday found hordles of fishermnen treading the streamns in the quest of the gamne fresli water fishi. in speak- ing wvitl th~e local gamne warden, Mr. Ken Tolmie, hie stated that catchles ,wene in genieral, exceptionai, with goo.d catches being registered aL over the county. Sunday fishing was neot up to Saltuirdays higli yet for a good fishermian- it could be suecessful. The Wilmnot Cneek, surrendered, some good raiu'bows and browns a did the Gananaska and streams ini the Cavan ar-es. Violations of undersized fishi net- ted six seizurýes of equipineit aind also finies. Early iii the week ïsome who rushed the seison werai-eals picked up feor fishing out of seas on. Red Shie!l1 Camppaige Opens l leOois Nmndavý The b")oys' im-eting was ina charge of Sam Turner. Mur. Garnet Ric!kaîd ad- dressed the large group of boys w uneTe Sauvaton Army Rcd shMài MrIs. Edgaru Nichoils, Port Hope, Appeal ill iib e linl Orono fromi spoke ta thÏe girls about "Table Set- Msiy 101h ta lMay 21M. Tho Campaiga tin.g and Etiquette". Mrs. Nicholis las been well corganîzed 'hy the local began by tellng the ight sud wXong caniaMns. J. C. Gamney, who isa wsys ofintroducing peope. We aISOea ofienutthtvislte loyal and gen- wene shown the snying tabde st- eous suppot of tuleneoeof this tiags and the ,tliree inost canmon communnity this years canivassesui, wsys af servig yaur guest. once again slow the whole-hearted support Mhat the people of Orono have AftRtMis very informative demion- for the svork of the Salvýation Aimy, stratian le girlsjoind the boys up- in IiS district. stais wlere the rest of ste eveniing was pen dacin tathemusc o Lient. Johin Ham reports that ap-q tIc Farrow Orchera. poximateiy $1000.00 las been spenW la Bowmlanviile and district wLieh A very¼lelcius unc ws serveed ilucludes Orono f or fanmuly weifamè bigtcevening ta a close.' Typical of îile mnany folk that ha-ive ---o b~eeheped le thatofa langeim - gr-ïantfa xh wo wernladiren, (eed. road x\vork.j These folk lad arrived fromi Europe and tne famy as coniderally almr.Maiisden, Couny Engineer, aerMln a lad een provided for spoke tA Council udhigbly paseshe vere lvnin a sil attir Che gaod condition of the township rconimowth poor ventlationansd no ron),de at lthe pesntlme. coneaiences. The smai wagec were insuficietot kee-p the laIrge famîily Mr E.Woodard roniî asîga d n thir imeagre resources scion Were petion before Couneil fromi resi- uadun LetnatHmuo a dents of Station Stret oljectinig t eligalion fouind a new- job for tie a Sale Bar Iaigbuîi th at svicia- wag camrsecured a suitahe place it.This petition wae tabýled as1,no ta live and ndd for,-teir immdiï-ii, apiainfor a building permnit lad ate matenial needs duriag tis, tran- as yet boeen received. Also a requeistinipeid. Th ns their.1luvs \we' ta have the streets of Orono oued clanged fromi loaeiy despoudeýnt Ibis sesson. Reeve MlcKay said Lhas gîoam into lape, snd now are a happy wm orkwud be donte.1 family. Tenders weue madeou for the pur-1 chase cf a five ton truck far road The road ai île junetion of St-ationi street sudIîle 5t1 Concessipa las been washed out, comn-plaîins regard-. ing thie, situation wene discussed -aad couancil decidecd ta wit untl funther developneut %witî île ew Hîghway bafoue furîler paeue TIe road voueler was.era.d, amount- ng ta$20,36.00. Qrono F'ish And Hunt Ar- ranging Wide Program t 4 s nouued laler. TIc cluib are ta bold a emieit fr'y w7,ithia îlte next two weeke sundMes. A. F. McKeazie sud Henry Corvsel w,,ere appoiated as the omm t('t look after thie ouiing. Il -wae aiea decided ta bold a pan fieli fry ai Rice Lake arouad île fîrsti 'f June.1 The secretaï-y, Mn. Wmn. Gra,ýdy,l etated that aine JTunior mnembers lad joiucd île club. For these boys h le i planned ta hld a pan fieh derby dlur- iag île sumimer hoidaya, possibly ai,- Rice Lake. Mr. Ken Tolmie wil se gie mali fine arme,, instruction ta, tle boys. Dr. A. F. - ceui tated that le wvould like ta secîLhe club exhibit s diat thie Onono Fiir ia Septena- ber. This wae unauniouslI cnne aind il, was deticiedta have acniu ans slowiag of filmes d[1î!'gfurdy Sanidwivch.les and coiff e coacluded the eveaîang. Faiiy Welfare. councilling and cane("of umanedaoihers, aiding new anaians chuaeliagenqluinies formssg persans, distribution of gýoad ue itighave al heen îhl laek oa f Lieutenant Hmduning îhl pasi ycar. The Salvation Armny reg-, ularly visite Iaaely patientsataitîe1 Banripauville Hospital u suppliesi tlnoughLthe niedium of ils Brasei baud île old gospel lynane to île The Red Shield Appesi le for île purpose of usisig fun-de for thie mnany welfare and social services of The Saivation Anmy bath- locally and I.., o Be A Newspaper Editor It has ofteni been said that a dentist fills his mistakes and a d etorbhures his but the poor newvspaper edito, hli to live with the ores he inakes and that is just what we are doing this week. In the last issuie of the imes in swvitching two articles we were warn- i n-g farîaers of the Libera] at n î aso had'the Liberasls n oi anner connacted with an expected shortage of fertilizer. (Of course this w-as ail] unintentional). lowvevei' today our- coniservative and C.C.P. readers arei stating that the cat is now ou~t of the bag and that farmers might be thank- fui that it is not au election year fo-- then there wou1d be no commerciail fertilizer on the market at ail. We have yet to convince one staun.,chi Con- eraiethat thiss really and truiy a mistake. To the Liberals we must make our apologies -. Ho-wever sil instances1 show ta what extent the TîMes is read, for wehave received riy om menits on this error. Up-to-date Crop And Soul Procediires Published A com-plete recoud of the proceed- ings of île Ontarnio Soil and Cnop Impravemient Associatianp's delibena- tions at it.s- annuai convention thisi year las been puýbilisled by the Field, Craps Brauclof 'tIc, Ontario Depant metof Arclue Welt3is~~4, an~itonstinofi same 150 pages prepa)red lui readabie f-rthie publication represenst s canylpletie record of theAscata' deliberatians sud las tle additionai value of hein-g a ready source of i- formtion oai]-niumber of subjcte of pantcula lueeetta tfIe Onitaia farmer, TIc pubillicaýtion ris' wel ilu- stnteisd will be a valuableadi tion1 ta le foetslir r fne- ference purposea. AIl pinicipal pi-msesorf up-ta-date sou sud caop production practices are 1gIven attention and lIeue are sections aing with gene-ral crops, pta'ý wnnip aad seed growîng. eaIau ug specific topics, there are suchl- jects as "Agnicultursi Outiook eoi 1954", "Fertiliy and Lime for AIbn- dant Production", "Does - Farmn Plan- ning Paiy?", M agdPturtes", 'Cana, Sobcan". DrainageLas "The Use of Lime", "Cliemical Weedj Control lu Pastures'", "-New Metlods of lasect Contrai"', end manay oth en timeiy tapies. Copies of The puiblication may be obtained w-ithont charge froni île Agricutural Representative lu every County and District of Ontariio ýr fromi' the Field Crops Branch of île On-lana DepaWnet of Agriculture, Parliamrent Buildings, Toonto, lOrono Cubs To HoId Variety Show This Friday Night In1tereest ia île cub va 1ta b leld this Fiday -eve Orono Twa Hall hue n( point wlý-ere it leaulicip fuil bouse eau le expectec beiug taged by tIc Cu pravides vanioius 1farm111, 1 ment with the mnajor plye y local tailenit. Re Iblis venture will go lowal iu 'îl edistric!t sud aiea boys on a week-cnd m camp Sumnac, North O imemben of tle Cul Pui Tickets ean le purdhase doon ýon the ngtof îleS Tlie Varnielyprra the foilowing numbeus: ly John suad Rose Tam y Show,5 ',r,l leY cd toa a he show Everyone 18 Urged To, Have Chest X-Ray T o Curb' T.BI, Next Monday itwill be possible fori residents of Clarlçe Tawnship to re- ceive an X-rsy of their chest, abso-' lutely free. This is a an oppantýunity of -which everyone should týake advau-j tage. During the past ten days, volunteer, canvaissers lave been calling at the! aumenous homes acquaînting people with the principles of the survýey sud Ieaving witl each person 12 years qofý age or aven, a white card whicl they are ta f111 ia and bning a.oa with thei to the cilinic. HigI Schiool stu- dents will le done sepanately at thei respective echools. The procedu-re of the X-raïy lakiag is veny quick and simple; it is no-t1 necessary ta remiiove clothiag and you xil be detainied for a few momienits offly. Ail resuilîs are strictiyco- denitial as oaly your family p1hysilný ,Aiteraoûn Aîxiiiary hMeeting T'le regular meeting of the AMtt-r- noon Auxiliary of the W.M.S. ýwa- held o)n 'Tuesday. Mrs Drumimond, the* President was in the chair and t)Iê room11 was beautiful with sprin5g flowers. Mrs.Stapespianlisi, played usc and the first hyu, was for a lhousand tangues ta sing.' lowved by prayer by the Pïe-si The Secretany, Mrs. Cabbledick, thie Minutes of tbe Bas er TI off&ian isieetiag. ol cîlshP vis made. Tn-easiircr's report read bY Mis, Druinmond, r"The coming ofth ivas the themle af the vice and was takeni by suid Mus. Dnumminond. be-autiful thoughts of t] spring and what the -- Hoiy Spirit has mneant ýpiayel wvill be niotifîed of ajiy abnoarmalites IMakçe this eciaic visit aimst and lelp us ta id oui: commnunily of île Ac ta-Ian1 dreaded disease, This cliniI' ïs spon-. îy m" sored by île Tubençulosis Associa- srg l ion of Durham and Nortlumibenlandude Counties and jei financedl by your Red structi Seal -dlonationls. mee If it is mare couveaient ta0 attendd iu Eun al-lr cliuics ruIler thaat Guanrto this is quite permissibie. Check îl,,e A ba,ýck of your cards fo).r ie d laemeetih Cub1)Father Anid Son iNiý, WeII Attended Last The Orono Cube,ý' Fa aensd Souc efanr on Cub1-11 Baqeheld on F iday eenîniïg of ilplayed lu moldiuj .lýt ee waes aneal succee, batwyauth. lie eleseedi for~ il ossd for Ilefatlels. soîmnh»and t] Cloe t eu ludre steuddUlis und 1t aytogeiher z anulfunction of the local Cube. b-ys tiaugli their 1 The banquet wafs Pianed asud slatued thîe eade Saeed ta) by îh leub 1moth, àene. Daf- do1ing sn exeptional! fdils and snapdragon decoratd Seleh d a -ge group. ~tableesud tle Sund1(ay Scnool Aui le scoute would be oîs{ii f the OroaUitddrIlnean future as tmany ou this occasion1. CUI l-ojecîs wer eady Lfor scouting, also au display an tIc stage aud this elhould prove intelest collection ranged from toy-makig Wtahe age of sevente sud le3therwork ta naure colec- youd. 1He Unged îhe lions. w-itl the pacik if theýy Tunkey headed tle menu, aiong it was a tl-enedou wîth nmad polatoce, dressicg, e- ubbiug b a group eËalles, jellies sud relieles. For des- young boy's. The gua sent it was pie witî mare pie. ted ta suçi h a ni Mr. Roy Faurester acted as chair- ligît of îlhe Cul e ma for tle evenîng. Cul Nonnin and sons gathered t: Rickaby proposed a toast ta île The speaker wast fathers wlicl wae responded ta by Carolyn joues. Mue. Mu. R, Thom,-peon,. The Hlead table ted te île naany pto mas intnoduced as Mies Elleen Joues, by the Cube. Mr. assistant (Ab imastei rMs.E. Samuel, thanked the Cub ni assistant Cul master, Mn. Reg. Akers, splendid banquet te Distijct, auuisine, ise alureen sud their guests. Ma McKenna, Cub Master, Canolyn Joues- of Courtice provided assistant Cub -.ýMaster sud île Bey, mlenticl \Vas ni Johni Kîtchen. - ýever-yoae present, A Mlies Maiureen McKenna înraucd s Offered- by Mi,, tIc guesi speaker, N. Akers of Osh-.1 0 Canada" braugbt wa Who spoke bath ta île boys sud a close. sby Car- ni tIl unii auý per Year O,ýver twenty membens and associate (Jno)memnbers of île Oroila Fiel udt HuiClub met lup île Ora-nge HRaIl çl n Mouday evening fon tle May Tbîree filme of a -bout trip taken by local t>famiilles Con ItIe Rideau canal ,were slowu ase-veilias a filmn ontle rninged nieck pheasant. This fimwasi provided tînaugh the c<-iunesy of île CrigBrewig Company. Mary palis of discuIssion came up 'wnd îh was quite apparent that chis zyuga nization plans ta le auc active onebath iii co»servatio ansd in social 7- 6avn eeu decided to r iaprove iecreek ou Don Hammnis property ýt mneeting votcd ta sturi wark on ihýis puoject tonighl {Tlurtsday) at 6ý34Jp.m.- The stream hue been posted tnhîe ecledule of work iil maa re~edesiralle habitat f-rtat Otle imes ,suid dates wiiil e an- e, " LN a- ., ý

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