Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 29 Apr 1954, p. 5

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T1ilFÀRM IIONI reccentiy when ýGerald Rowe, of Ricevlle, Ont, sàeeedi Magistrate's Court at L'Orignal, Ont, to pay the maxnàýimium fine*: Mf$ 500 anld ail costs of the, case, which wl,\old cbe iat ieast a- Oor$500, forFMAsig the pedgrees of otenFesa c-attie on bisý farmn. Fi-*ve charges were laid by the Depa-rtmeýýnt of AgricLture, Oýttawa, through the RCMP, but when a èon,vic- tion was secured on t1heon c-harge the other four weCe ad- )OIrned. 1 Officiais of Lfie Dprm ri.esponsibie for enforcingte Provisions of the Live Stock Pedigree Act beileve that the conviction recorded in tis case wil nmalte it easier opre ven"-t ihi'- type of fraud in thefuue .For, the first timne in Canadia, and possibiy i any cuty resWit of a bLood test t prove percentage 0f an anim-ai bas been submiitted to court and ac.- cepted as evjdonce. In this case iA was acpe as prooif that, he hifer, ývMary BesSup1ýi'e coaid not «be the dlaughiter of the cow, Lady Bess Renia Echo ai-id the sire, Penvale Supremre, as Ci!aime,çl ly Mr. loe Iii dehivering bis pjudjgmient, Mdagistrate Lalonde stated the prosecution had proved boy two different mnethods« prac'ticaliy' and scîenitîfica1ly, that the par- entage of Mary Bess Supl rme as,,stated In the app1icatiom ,for Sregistration, was fai.se. Emmn-et Cou-)lals, anl ex'perien1ced technic"in for an"artificia i l- '~eminaionunit, gave evide-nce that hie hadt inseinated the .(Cow: Lady Bess ; Rena Ehi r.Rowe's herd only four ntha[!' beforýe the caîf regis,ýterý- ea-iMary BesaSuprfelic lafimed by Mr-, Rowe to haveý boen iboç-n. aepd et tbat fiheti qo)w wes fnot in calf, Two vtr lnarans testifed for the prose- Cution that an experielped tech- nicijan l artÉific-ial ,nsem-ination[ wmni1, ld efliiteiy know Jf a cowV MIat fer odvanced In the preg. atyperlod wasincaf Coequestionfing of MrnCoi- lisenphesiad the value of aurate reéiOrds being. kept loy Coltir had to produc(e recordaý gghOwinlg 5xaCt dates of ne- nainservices, definîte i, denti- ,1ýftctionàf the cowinenad t1nd ef the bull 1 useýd>inordr1t prove that the cîflathjj as eould not bave benborn aRe the resuit Of this rmating. The mnagistratestated that, as U resuit of Mr oua' tsti- moY, su(PPr-te(-d ly the s.tate- inenits of the veternerians, heý was satisfed Lady Bess Rena Echo was f0ot Îla caif hen in- seminated on January 4ty j151, -id consequently ,couid not-) have given birth to a caif on May 8th, 151 as coaimed by the decendant. Magist2teaneattei hat the prosecution also bad proved loy means of blood tests, per- -formredl by expert, nd the re- PUZZLV-E5t 2w lainaoSrb)e 14 i. rfce !y PCoenb vt 27ocl rot U Arraye 24. Prin clot"-& 41!brosppw Ma.erdc 51. EaMe-aticils fehnlee 46. Knd f 'o 4, Parcèl 5 Vehicle on runnere 8. lleip 7, Pronojin ~8. L$fts MARIYN MNROE AU~EY HPBURV ITA HAYWORTHý ý"Shag2gy dog/ý' ' nmwr aru!Ten years behind th,-,th Marilyn Monroe is Holywood's Qrttssd actreiss, Elizabeth Taylor i,, the best,. That's- wh-cat a pol of 723 beputy salon operators in the t.J S., Be-irmuda, Canada and Cuba turned up. Other, favorite m-ovie cotrs who followed Miss Monroe iii disfavor, and tho beautffy experts' comnment% aýre s5hown aibove and be'o,w. Haird!ressers recommended Marilyn .chop her locks ly at least three, înches. They called Liz Taylor "'best rse/ becat-seg- her coiffure is "youthiful but sophisticated."' MARtTHA RAYE: "Untidy and -aid womntish," suitpesented by them t th- OfficiaL coý_urt, that Mary Bpss Spe believp _ouId xpgt haveý been the daugh- tstby ter of Laedy Bess Renria Echo andi parentag( Peinvale Supreme. He stated the preventir e>vidence- givent by Dr, Humble of one ar of -the Ontario Vetlerinary Col.- registrati lege, on tlhis point 'vas conJ the wide vcigbey!ond any douibt. insemrin9a * dairy eca tlveiy e Theasis of the evidenl c giv_ blood Ite' e-n by Dr "fHumýble vwas that to b repediîn~ prove parentage Of an ianifmal Hoistei by the bulood test, ail factors ready r- foind in1 the blood of a caif tein bui mrust be, present in the lod f and the eitlher -the sire or theý dam.if the Onta. certain fac"tOrs found ý jinth-ec blood of the caif -ouHd not, be Witht found in the blood ofL either the 11111SisreC sire or the damn, then the caif difficuit, couid not have beenï the resu it c.aif is iî of t.hat particular m-atinig. Li the tests mia Case of the hieifer, Mar-y Bess clsdai Supremýe, Iactor,ýs were foun,.-d in tes ts 0ôf her, biood that were not present deteri-n in either the blond of theai.- actuaiiy leged dmLady Bess Rena of 1that Echoc or the aeedsireý, Pen.. f nysu val S iu p r Le mne, , onsecpuentiy Maryecss SupDreme cou[d not To ti' hVe resul[ted from thbat tig. Crown l Q. A upea '1. !)lt 17. Allw 1 , ,kutof 3~ Atinostiheri dieturbanc~ 36. Â~,pa~rent 77 Fipurg~ of speech 40. Spre~d to drI 42. Items 43. I.ethargic 44. ilathe 42. Arqumr, b~ ~iab&r 46. eirderiy 47, Serf 40 Exolaaatioe iii. Morning <ak> ~nswr .1sewerooitthis page, Withflis lessýon îwe 1begin a stud)y of the no.r-thern ingo and its pr0phets. During i.s 20W years týhere e Pre 19 kings andt ninediffèrent cdynasties.Thbe dynI'asty of Jehut lasted 100 yas ThE kndmo sre ece îits height under King Solomnor, His wies-ofhjchi~e had 700c in addition to 300 concubines , turned bis heart to their goda. Tep r oph e t, h aforeý'aa and tolM Jeroboamthitlat ten oM the tribes .vould forsakeSo- maons son and acciaini bim, Jerî- boamn, as their kîng. Prophecy is often mitaenfq a ype olf fatalismr, E-yents are nlot cause-d ly prophecy. Pr0(j phecy is simnply the foreýteinî,g of eivents. The event does iuot1 Occur becauise it wuas poheid 't was prophiecied becaîùse -GodL revealed. it to his servan) t l edvance. Wte are always fref, moral agenits. Only God wh knows,- ail thing-s cat accurately .,_predjict wý'hat we wili do30in a gien=.situto. His Torekowl- edge does not interf!ere wthour, freedom 0of choice. The Lknowi.v edge of past, present and fuure are ail bd,. Hs revelations of the future are, given to his sr venits as Hle wills. The, story of Rehoboam,-,s rei-

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