Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 29 Apr 1954, p. 4

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IHE a[v'rtSPORTS COLUMN- *The fabled 4mriemileamira'ge ý?tat hias lured the world's greatesat runners over the yeýars but has remained, tanaliingyjust beyonid their gras?, may flinally become a relity at the E t 1 s h E, mpire alla Comonwealth Gamles iu Vancouver thisyer July 30 to Auut7. F or tefgr-iletthe Jper-f-ct four-moinlute le sýhould be runi in laps like th-is: First lap: 58.5; Second lap: 59.5(.5 at the h ýaif), Third Jap:61; Fourth liap: 61.0 (2.02.0 at the lhaif) Ad-d it Up: fo-ur minutes f]lat Hitr g reatest mil was run by Gunder oag f Sw-eden back in 1945.'1lie ripped if off ini four mninutes, on:e and three -tenthis secondcs. In 1944, Arne Anderson, another Sweerele of te il in 41.016, the scn-ats eVe'rrua). liagg's record Stiili holds. Blut today, a wh)mole nlew group of midldle-dist-aîice runners is bidding, for a ne-w record att elas'lc mile distance, and eyond that, for dhe (elusive 4-inmite mile. Men Ilie Roger l3annster of Englaud, Johnr Lanidy of Australia, and WVes Santee of the United States have md baelk-breaking and hecart-breakçing çfforts to match, and perhaps foý reach a fe-w, stidles beyond Gne' record> and, to hitithe 4-inute lje, Last JUne, Bannister clicked olffthe 1760 ya~sin 4.02 flat, and Australîa's br-illianut Landly matched th-jat time in Decel~e A ya earier, Lantdy wvas clocked 4.02.1,. Santee'sý best mark to date is 4.02.3, but experts ftee. he is capable of dojng much bet'ter, espec;iaýlly if he can gef comeitionfr0 mnen) like Bannister and Landcy. Santiee is flot, of course, eligible for the Empire Games, but Bannister and Landy will both be there, possibly, along wivîh a 'couple of rnewcomý,erswo are catapulting to the top ïin frack's Hafll(of Fame, They ar-e Murray Halberg (0f Nevv Zealand, andEnlns young banik clerk, Gordon) Pirie, tbough the latter îis by no0 means a certain entry. But put Bannister, Land Y.,Halberg, and, perh-aps. PIlîrie, too, on the starter's mark af Vancouver on Safurday, August 7, aýnd provide them with a perfect track, hot, sunny, wnl~ wveather, and the elusive 4-minute mirle moay bce eusiJvejo 7 longer. 0f course, when thse big Nancuover show ends, America proiniters will be doing their best to encourage post-Gamie.s track meets, amid if thse four-minute mile lsn't reallzed In Vancouver', it may be shorly afterw-ardls. The nien are avaïl- able. Thse ttme la ripe. 'Yoýr C0omeuts a?1d suggjestions for this ColunwIi be wielcomed ,by Elmer Fer guson, c/o Mr.% W. Wv. Rees", Calvert S(0ies 1Manager, Ontario Division, 1 Yonge Street, Toont Ot", D ïVttSI T L L ER S L A HOSPItal Run Iust For Birds The birda in New D 1li hve a ositl ftheir owni. .fti ý5ttd wifhin the premis o f Jfain Mandir, Chandnl Chowk, Deli.i. Founded by a wealfhy , Jainq family ifh the object of pro- v-iing rmedïcal care for birds, if is run b-y the Jain Society, oî Thle service is free, -wifh oly onre condition -- the bird mnusf bec freed after if isý cured. Thle bird-1-hospitst aff co- .-isf sof si en,bincluding the twotTý who are exclusîvelýye- gagced on cleaning and disinfect-. ing. Thiere isa flI-imebir.d dcowho iý3 devoted f0 hi workIandspares n ro effort I saving a jf e. This doctor firmfly believes thtNature la the besthaer 'Gîveýri ood, niursing, good. diet, andfrem frm aars f ou adeliea*bird uulyre- cove"rs without r-much deiiffc'ulty,>" he sa ys Whena sck r mauimed birdC is amitfed into the hospifal if Isfirst given a mildlatie end t'hen -ifs mings uareleanmsed thorocughly. In cases o1, bruised akin r% resl; f may be ineces- spry to performy a aurgical If a bird laser u ll, îIf - put auone in a w mire-netfed cupieu! Nie and kept on a liqud diet b" soe im-e. Laf.er, it jiitreatcl for wý,orms, atones in ithotoîr- ach, akin disease-s, or anjyote ament diagnosd by thu dotr, ,Spýcialateio is paid fe,, diief, which iusaljly Conlsiste 0f dry grain, cooked ie, gree.n grass, or cabbage lathoughi, fh-is varies a,-cçordintg fo thepa.-, Jit somnetimes haEppens t2haf a bird refusesq food. In such acae if -'a either c oa x ed into eaf- ing r, if thaf fails and i.the doc- for feels that food la ssni, forced feedig maybeeord f0. The thospital hacsgiven valui- ables sric uxn he 23 yearaý ut ifsexistne. During 1953 ý Uf admitfd nmreMhn 5100bird1 patienjts, and nl-early ,000 were- set fee aftr fretment and had been ucesu and they coul.d get along in fhe .ouf side wnrl4 A quick and presentabe ru- pair may be effected on a tz omn cotton blind iii the following, m-annier: Dip a piece of the sýam mnaterial into hoùt starchï, place i neatly on top of the tear, aP Press with bot iron, A. F. McKHINZIE, M.L1. PH*VS1CIAN *nd SURQEONP *ogte Bour., S3undaye and Wedmiedaym hiy PHONE 47r] N E. C. SYER, INM.D. PHYSICIA~N and SUR(GON~ Office Bourg. 2.00 to 4.00 p.m-: 6.30 tu 8.00 p~ Sundays and Holiday% hy -pick Up dead .a for sanlitary flect Cobourg -362G. LU!ITED ture ýsty1ed k :7Lý- aste furnsiture wleu I le your preseiit suit your insiv- fabrics on l)and t.Rapid sejrvlce.i Estimatea sfreeç. rapery materlal I ffinds. - UNCAN 1 TINSIIOP METAI, ARM AIR j 3IEATING aind ':ONDITIONING ,,ýLuMBING~ 'SUPPLIES and -REPAIRS PIP)E and E. LOGAN -'hune 18-r-16 OTICE ROY HAMILTONi INSURANCE reitof the~ growth of t.~aiuesad acting ou the tioni of thse management aiuhber of thse Insuranco . ïsrepresented lu my ,id by thse Provincial De- ýt of bjsurance, Mrs, "àu las witteu tihe ne- y examnastions as set by iT#rtsueDt of Insurauce at ,0 and has recelved ber - to legally act as a fully -ed &eoeral insurance ,Icforth Ouir Bgeney will Service ftPhone -rI Appointment PHONE 71 r 19 IDR. R.J. VETERINAR Park OPPOSITE SE PHONE 94 r 16 Rono» TACCART RY SURGEON Street KATING RINE ORONO LEGÂL Lawrence C. Mason, B.A-. Barrister and Solicitor HOGWMA}.NVIILE ONT. Phontu Office 68U H~ome.559 JACK REID Orono's Licensed Auctioneer ami Valuator Specialize in Varm and Furniture Sales Consult mue for term and dates Phone 5 r 18 0* n TED JACKSON Alictioneer and Valuater Conducts Auction Slmsof &a i » and at reasonabi. rTates -Comusunicate witb hlm st ut PeirrY, Ontario,, or oes bis Clerk,A. E;. Miortoui, at Oromo. fevr date. LIFE INSURANCE peuion Plans. Educatiomal p0ichss Protection e andl Savinag Plans lms Chldren aud Adults; Mortjrgge a- surance Plarn. F. E. LYCETT ORONO, Ont. - Phone 20 r 1 The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY Dia] 3216 -- P.O. Box 622 Port loe..Ontàïfl, -Jmonuments, Gravemarkerîm IlEnryravine, G'olillpafinr STAFFORD BROS 'Monumeiitai Works Phone Whitby u~2 318 Dandas St. E., Whitby FINE QtJALITY MONUMENTS ANIP MARKERS Let us erect a hwandaome, 4< nified monument over thie ght. irg place of your leved oe WV. uet expensive,. Mx4 ent thia Tast â$hte Ww, tllÊ 8: J. NORTON Maîn Street Orono - ~ Phione.61-t-3 Cuanit uso e ailthigoa iertailng tO the beautifeaoun osf your ho,ýie. Decoration a apeeialty. i:

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