pour le 1erM4a fil-MZfd At L -i: et> Fàd To Bate Fac ir xu-a ÎeYV 1. a) se ila -acvidet-ýo st _~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~Tn pa" =w aEh ori ~rn itn leeeî ~ ~ a4Ia ________ Te at The maor prt o "f tla iman! n r i ca se,. kh<Ilo Ua bora i-i e-, 1 JuIý c,,,e heuou o--n PÎie~Svest iee hw -e u ia~tem~it fte was ~ ~ ~ ~ 5 speïi ï-teý',, the estùi 1h 1bamç Peury ine~ Ontd hom wbbe ai et troton Ontt East~d~]t ion op of cie Villae ofip§ Qrono. empio eh e e eaiiJy ûwM~a n e yhr ;-on. o t ..sie " ,- ýe ' r a n- mM r e-d --î te Wîaý 0Ký 1u s oen l-e, t u en nedg tai heabea lt the Powil oue bcue tee ct Ï; lier paauý eepaoff , e wý ati W tov o - d ea meh i Icrneopa vpgeec OF e' lu ih thfl le--Ta ltoa-leslt hT ui a o ps h on cipn f msi nur' li' - o - 'g ol a te ong- ier " o tui au nu a of ben avendi Maer nas Ntiwï Cite al ne-c annAi bu. aP àfte nèRpyau aon. ht and k iW U Îyé S;M tïo -nLat~- ~ da.erig- owne~~nu W--u-- ita ate 1-~ es j, -'-- la -,cei Li o; ma'i w y- ofu eeToWp n Y -tehelf a--yso ilv to n il, grant and ave no ov etw tdn; m eei i: ýo F ru ;-,ii h. The, ho ué c ofX th-Viyg heue~e htcn neroa~et' $W il ttdta1 -b, y - ab rrg t ei hin ope-.ï 'g'eo siren r('- luisf thÎat 'on f t lwae- ee une ag'e au -iconlit1soïe cti LeHei Vu-y SAn& Trpn oi4 i e Oni Co , o ina 1h At the Village toaseij a ut~fc ~ -epciI t e tir p eti' of -t - à ýý1a-o tby' edt"-tg-u tpd -. 19a heur to eacf " "-et Q-011 -b . - W - doie -VPÏPae wasr ulgN pteia I s u 1 i lo r . colli "W ha-t' th 1ititSdIC pi -,> 1 une que -y on sc l iidel AI-s Farewell vi td hflteuaiw v ot r a o i nop -me par mici ne Lu cae il q ~ __ -2 and hi Ui mete li LleL 114c hueb" Stir E twu s d-F el -ý pf tli Tt- vevmesuidn ot et tebudrlscud e b eaa~- ..e d<aâ ifr al tae ! tbhzt f Boar -ten transtekwi -- - ~ i ia-o" ud a ,i ,i a.zi and (me!t ='- 10s ineludin ul ne a0 y f l et ton a dent tfor ~apeu, - ~ ~ ~t uuiedti~ a~Aïr. bei IR. cie it ha tded tpo k oe - thi) pwoiler.o ôbeiI!dela trvn alqes fran t as r$tteuÀie no I) tanks Î,0nodn wýas Linfumd e' On t v on~uut *firle II êeuU~Ms arwl oi enais i linttr ei4u Ilyiic riates. At. Rye poteýi t -Jualnce fon~ 1~3 le shown a-t- tioui hatilicougiveu t-o -hie ma-ttir~ (autuelDl' 1'e aiD uarye , 23,gardnstht theXreehldersof t-ie 'vllagee ite lu tre Iu&orpeatchat by he-i -s.0 -,k s ahichtse rit p ic- ,ýri ofe tha-d-e mat vu er ig nt the ino 191 lir ar ri~ age te Jnus eshcuJ4h J.ea theun, îngs thpri peltan wra n io t irupn ud t-i e no a, 1a1r R. R . add ell p arts! ON Ch a ulte l*.Fe ,~et 1eue ono Un t-et hu aclu n sah liet Oene Ante li r 2 y asboat uaew Mri, - i e eS efu or t wit pr. 1 Incorpun tlon. le ductier thepetit- t-lie Umnie ageu au n t ofs thep nor tiue Pax-In ryas Sirtel mmutsne etabe te W.tXTmU und an aciv eltirer, Ilesriefia' ~~ret.~~I 1aua îeoo- htCirho--~ ple E Don th asned te Bad i i bwer ftl y (MV1~ 'n . a~eldeL. a&e pin-t nttba tb ma-ou' t uos pt-ow enir-a cetiue w- ii-,to ~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ e Toree wbrb rn a;1,io,) ýýW1jma oi n B ýea ti e d vstet ahu-t i. Auuutrog i c of lag these pt pev ct-i wcre bietl M~ ire iR. t-li 'ora-gd elu l u tl, prt ion f ththuls ieelag ve Prk o he pgate -andlaere i -a r W lu te a ani t e mefogr4a nd -u thnsad e!h vse Ael c, 'Mv Ryaw1ha stie t that 27& i n as afit thge i bonaurtuei aut iot li hag for~~~~~~cn tuieaicc Anere latle t-lieieecte liere Vat tovlet'e --cu e~ -owe nsa4e ~- tmtEstm 2o0 yeru a-t-; Fupper e t-lied pthto ahe vi ae b Y onyCucphwvqA tha--e Boa-rt g ave s a pr r Aoig S tu e speut on f t-ue b clfelt. Ia nyh outil\ Chte - dloi u h-r Mon aolu , 1riuee fC a t.td a s e e- i' ec e 4 ien i M = ar d0 = ! a stï, of t lteli s hal lit, 1n . lU l coa iie t-be , Ae'lm. wit r Mr. E ua et 'a la -efml lt ua n- fQ.Tt- -esnet ' abeques - rol t esa- Iduheltel c-a Mis-o, tmetin s n friiis veoaiene com unU at52 ïRe . i nt-tdhei 0, tnie t-h ee-d eag ar e on th eas nad9 a n o teh-r NVool asa tutn - $ elg mtte rsettin roeosiyr a-nit c31rt snppling h Tpowlpe tir Ornt IJaense.eeg thew -od bude a Ile ca $561O0 ofe wiUtici ý Iyro i-,sy aic pire rntecimi -ý- Ms lie lia e~nI of the n 1e4a-c lÎtiePr. ile Mrai;dt fru a astaue il îa She4 i te vetoo maat souno prrepeiund owe-r fp Irin lia-opliou de s e uuanti e au~~f te loue à)t mor ab'-sit t-i bera$~ anti Mill'l Mei 24rt-.ier of Me \-iii-ie a-n cJIuded inteMaryoato y $e66!il~~he~h tein the~ anti awa oft ofiis -lO t" buut stv. auitl lui t. finai 11 luti lY nai ou n ia0 ue JM aO i , t-iqaouda ora-t a- reue i folrgte Stahooln wore toitd t-'at- tlie _eoult aot- sehe par-tn fan daa ottultýa~pt Unted& C 'm Lo ue atk memc - t-a yi~u COrtn onli thCenurbn-thtn nehw hepu t tl ~l.RWd llad )t- Ae oet f the oinmee hed'fl-c biea-rq of Mtei WOLe und et-I that prt- tnOt t- c ensu w t WoubL.F -u b <%nu an -uqc a di - i Th at -l ete a' the Aïito-ýïïv 01 'le-'Lit-i'eô Therhi and a id 4M-i 1u; îudy b eldanteùPsenu o asapssl oira porthr nu Ne pWoédciibrg e -ni -hs t< 1I" I' ;I"s'1t 1 r9 C n s ïeh vro roIo 86>F?.Pf ai<~ i'r o y' M t 23 aime i 4 n'y eý1 tud e and 10d av - opnosro~4 ere rovnutt-e of ae ot"atbdcw1 i n Hc afor - -e ý i the , Ir t on W-und eiioas e s t-t- cte 17 Yougqg Stree ste-s dfura re é t- ap"""""' on"- the -- - n tfwh e " - Ie i Impey u r e s efa t at- m vr tU t-unteA tI% M. e ma O Oeel or e ïe- -ic -' N-eia i rcr, rn - c t ' jr hgliendytt t no'llft-o ir 2 l~Ir.Wnr f n lrail e iet 'e~caa 'tor Pu arlkÎ 'Total C% .>'û -a th son'?Ununtli- vnp e S agt- ont 'vIlpI. out gf29ad -o tn he ý te n goa a ye -3 do tto h eep ' t-re nwh t n uée 'flo (r-i ul t-ru osh r g. o'L- t-lait 1b.e wre case5r; 0 ta wire an at<he sautt a t-ho"ÎLr amiar D. G.~d -Staesa- (ir'o le;leaAU.s y-lipolara- OL'hic'at tiete aurqonr pr-opart-le'oft- ieas'foit- r uult e Feresta- -- h 'ti ue ;'li- l la P- arie -nsl. io ve or;yait'ar-u- - ii' Uuç Id '$st o b1 Vin O"m preu .t C ci.teln lin fa-e be- odu e fr-auu-Mue adir oune fot ha-t bo t et - an mu 4-t- 1-sa sr lelo ths thwlsli that- na-tt bot-h lenest a-at 'y 'a-ti dna- p t-v F'crgus,~~pea Ont, Aleane-yf""j14.efl ïa "~~~~~~ the yet h-t " igle e' p-nion--ru 't-ark tiruay chage fIclYdu a -rte -i e-fiul usascesfîaac->g -nuit - t-b t- Me pron art-lès iii t-e MI physu A~ -As - ibe eroh inl e' dio r 31ein~-a 'i bet faiuis ouu let - herei ry4oi b o -'t-o _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _J th 0e 'e-s 'a-aiMe>~shnt ta-t leId Me, L.-e tire.y 1--il tnpre wese motgi ~ ~ ~ ~ e srt4ioe tigtop- iit y<hisr ieuuu b~ç~-d~e ne a-o n the ar is -'e ý unnd is&[ -~~~~~~ am t-0- mease ca aluu for hapu at- u Iii- t-h Ot a-is a-ueo - out-y.iTo -tate10 ' j a5 ut - e'hlocing-iff-e uir genem rue~ an noue umi bri -t ---- u ~vex~nopro~nt o ~ liuon--tie ma-t-e -- ut it -'a Oro~o a-; ~éin 51>t-to* at ens-lieOrpr-n\v-t- opdruissection' - -- ited Qbx3 c ii n -et' Ce R-.g C.s iFo mi aira-' 't- tu T um ast aies - yei -S ll féNt orion bu bo t-or -e0t4e yDS p u wa Gai- te ici as;si s en M urs cuisi "~ ilr tl I>th tire~ ~ Fia-ir, Yra-, cop. 'of4 -e e is l M ".eme Tota h. . gue- -m e ..n. a' 0. Ou i trout ofypJ p)ran' def c toc tof-ra -ae. uaohof th opâlontht- 'po n the Mr -rs ed te-h he fut ic"elss Week'7 threesol né t-moo Genrer baoi ç'r t-ing tréOr -W1 po Cons,_y- a wacýs faài Itind Il. tu )u 1vo "_ __ Iheait ti -f twohi t'eoe'vc TlIrt o n endr-s -i rp uis rw h bot- la! c. 'as f- re hâr -Ya-r te- ic~re n'ira Ah Rusel W Od sbornveuhe en th frau t ir o-e ia-t' ira e0 for $4 A0uterfer- B ry, Ar s l in tir a-a-ai 'gwas e' gïiSo a lit 'Ve lu id i t -ie>'vllg Mne a g r - o P r mop e rire u nts ayc u--- --a- - -- 3nhics!hus c I-,t f 01 týl.V; --rr teYirk n and ê dage"d i f' th 0 te -- i o 'fac a ;- -wa v re J i , lie 'ce4 o f on Plie Sopbis, y~otui a-t a-lt-et Îtli gua-i 50~~~~~~oa t-h1 "icu tha Oronn Theuça '--seat 1 pasdn th chai isdwI- no buroker'it9d u aray rtha «e~--et;L staed hatthe; d wconflo Clrk TorahAn S r pa oa rd t-lie on fort'i te - ad-ý 1.0,0Y [NUre cae ~ ~ ~ ~ f R boa thg guli tppta'n ttoe mue mot t-býc Oppsiio hytG1s a-io ssons nft? 0rgo a gan of c of ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h pA a d d tewtrwsntscasp !:I!ualbeTI hs u i virs T Orlia4s a- - tisiiuu pila ht A«f en. We t' t-o aloc na-t - Î3ve - n 'dnne tbt-hrl pw nD e i ek hyw ii -fooer saet -om lArve yet-it cam hawas iYI iatc -st -tln p a-d U fm le n mm ut- Me 'ol b- le-u fi m e e e, nulei ivn uI h i - '1rei t-bet hat gvr7tii a-I- fer os r i ano. lgsieasrtotgai a the$ Pn-k yi-*iý Uano W- ~ f u- C-laa tk t-ire oqa-ar Pripannel evetu -id thtrepoete nte-uh i- eýghl i1rýt Ir1ý siM s uw budm t eim at -I- st-c fa itie 'ol -e cN r rrst- an o u -ihit- at-d 1> e dt-iro nove, by leiri t- tarueg e,-l, - garne.s I-oii uc possiMe dangerfeatures at th tank tl-t,-s to be tnww do as sy dpitd t-o ...... t 1>0' odsm Joli souq D'Wesada-tet ten ycens m-in> it 'ilk %wer vu one th( Ontri a-ice So y Soit adatrs-rnetee wl d iau!iume b as iie i u o l-1 A h sb a sent~- to the -o , a- e d a t iao gii-et fo -'g Th - pro f rcial 'iio on th n uuie repor-a i if waesua 1~, tI cel 'gn-can bl-d everyoine ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fopr luin vsta h an .ogi- onvteatr v- ot f'i e eoy t te hns -pe-D shati ir-y -' -eais o he 'P oti is aipob di"'> n oppy'ti inuung a-t iL aC- For bot-h As troet pu oth e wi-h -S is i lS o t -i d y A n tr Mou- as evr spfn clui gug,, vi vpi sec iCII- r.- We tett- Dont andpluJr, bot -- et ttpa s Hav-oe s a"inu'ad '- "--'f m us m - t-ho an -breaks Mlt'No un sw re of twe-e-us -rei ýu"t- ou t e le Ceotlslatefa n iÉ ul ok tr o Pg t fel sid 4 dia theor d on Q t-e o-' Of t1- ]nft(litlt 'si w0 o- n'spuant' - rtpci~ ru e- ou casonsba pu rion in h otis 10k(sto th P aon ta-ronag se oli C eaed: tvho occasi a f r m t'e e-f reL "'t- 15&9 for s iirferi iiirea-t 'Pw sa zRVi o wýt - ,'E e! M ,îtaihi t tiae linea-y crowd t t , - c ,pt h e e iaTeLid say t- ua th e i hMir- sta-" Potati -ol -nbi one -o Se on not Pli -o i t-l dO nn e r phapa fan - utr' inthlasa- e tt Oli- tin bttni It \t-ýzsu-gote tat Orn-lfin f ---. rod yistedgdth irt-- h-i a r o4cmt t eest-handedlebuteffheehy tbr- V,-aý ba 'fA t-aoa umu 1eThe hOrpralia-n aîdthe-ad', ilidîge e - 1 codra 0- r- Eý Dn-O ellg hf P n mtr~e an o it e t w iu t n-,h teir-ofa-tIliPcP"---nM stan~ gthe C me h bur li tànefî sWu t- or e: --oV>ta -0aý Of c W 1 e 'mili perls riis et a§1u tli-îç "i ait O un s a t a- ev euc fi, Icola -ý -1 g 1-a-t lv r, 1~ dTh t, ýn -o' 4-li. wMv- J f- Iiabeagri 'ultap"