Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 15 Oct 1953, p. 7

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'tPain Horse Sense..I of a uri" s MA~LUS ______ This is the story of "The yarheîce? I1 will pay thee ýermple o 3Sïs sthey ,te1cil we-ll.' 1ýýi te country of AntlMofish, The wily Haniseni cougiied loudý- Ihe lan 0. f co-ops alid crediit ly and covered bis countenance smins:with a loth Jlest the rîch Oomnah "On1ce uipon a timne, te the 'lie Third observe his ioy to have Týempeo he1 usca h hîs treasure in bhis possession. ieich a-là powerful chiefOoa When he -,as caln and could look Mih Third, who isad to the gold- serions -he said to Oomah: '11t is a ýnth 0.f the temple, Han-sc-n L. great respônsibility anid risk but ftosehab: 'I ha ve much gold3 and 1 will undertake it for a tithe ore about to depart for, a f ar whih ill ha one shekel in every em.ounYtry, Wilt keepi this gold safe-te' Ifor mye againist m- returri a Said the chief Oomah: 1't is adeal. And 1fortbwitb. his sl1aves delivered miaiiy bags containing l,0Q0W shekels of gold for which Hansen L.«Roschab, the gol-d- i.agum ~smitlh, gave the çchef a parch- ,, ~ n enit receipt acknlowledginig th.is depjosit which conitained the writing 'payable to whomisoever, FeelAs soon as he was weli out ' tecouintry, the shirewd Hansell callecd bis confideýntïilscribe ànd bade bis thus: 'Go thea o These <aya aneat people work Ln to th ùe mechats hom ,t1 wiUl pressure, worry more, sleep la.Tht airain on body and brain maker hyicl tell thee of secretly, say to each (q ea feir oe-barderý te regain. thant thy mi-aster bhath a little gold Tfoday'z tense livin~g, towered resistanice, for hire upon good securijty.' *iverworlc, ofr ay t he rna y affect Soon ther cam to hira a great normal kidney action. W4ken kidneys get maýrchanit who said: 'Hansan, you eut t oderexcas aidasud ast~s ld crook,. 1 arni') a jam for- a f ew femnain ini he itytem. Then backhche. disturbed ret, that "tired-ot i ay- shekels of' gnld. Wilt leni11mE?' hieuded feeling ofteni follow. Tltat'.,; the And Na ien xpl.ied-: _1oney is lime te take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd'x, vry igit lthese day-s, but it: stimulate the kidneys te normal action. mighlt ha arranged. Wbat is thy Thon von feel hetter-3leep better-work ned'Tamrhtaswed boter.A.k fr Ddds Kdne Pllaat 'Two hundredJ shek-els.' Then said eny d.u5cuntrHaliseil: 11t is muci mon 1 What security couldst thori pladga for so great a sus?'" Then the merchanit showe-Cd H A RN ES COI.LARS fHans en a xVriing of bis pos- sessions to the amount of 1,000 f~rersaltnfln-Cnsui vw nat hekels, Hansen silîd, It is not estKarossSho abut iac Hae~e enough. Thou miust also pledge supoplis91We seil aoi» goods onîý. thy dwelPling and thy slavýes ai-d #hrough y our local Stacc eto thy raimrent.' Whereulpon the gpoada ee Te oads cre ~merchant, after mucb protest, end eoac'r' u, îPrices W.'Noanufac. tur* i u wfac es1:EHarn8as Harso Ctlltirs. Swoal Pads. Mars. Ilankel, A F E S aend Lathteet Travelling Goade IisO Potet MeuvBOS andi CASH 1r4,m en Staco rand Tad-MredGoda HE andTi ïHEVEB1. We bave aas a1d ge .1 Bale, 'r Cbnefor an ur- and yo gzsasatio oeoLv b seVWt v<e on rwr* ,ite Icé rice et, '4IWolugtn S I~ OI~fl0 TROTOSA'IFE WORKS 1to' bis ýieriio-t>rim-rent, So Hanisen loaýned hum the znoney. Then said the merchiant to Haniseni: 'Ihave rio place to stoýre so muvh gold. Keep it sa0fe for mre, an, give me a writing which I inay deliver to w,7omsnoeverI, wî%7lL' And Hanisen did evern so. The naxt day camne another m iercbant, aid nothef-r, andl stili ainother, and to eacbHan-1lsan loaned a portionm- of the golcl of chief Oomiah the Third, taking froint each asý security bis entire possesions includeing bis 1innfer- maîst personal raiment, and gave toeCh a b,ýwriting showîng that each hiad on deposit the gold hai h-ad borrôwed. And it came ta pass that on) the tenth day he had givenl parch- m-ent deposît riings for thef whiole of the 1,000 shekejs;- but stili had ahl the gold, Onse Grand Idea Hansetl refjacted such upon this 1;Ur4ous state ofafaran said hit ef 'These birds knowý -.1(t haCW inWCdgold 1 pos- sess. They rio suot wrant the ac tuai gald itself, Wbat they raally an is credit, somne deposit riin which the'Y Pass from hand to hand as monay. I have one grand idlea.' On the next dlay camneanhr maerchant, and another, and stili another, and tO each ase showa,'d the great store of gold o 'f Oam -ah the Third, anda ta each, hae pretended to lan a portion,i alt'hough ha had prýevioýusly jan ed it ah tIo the first anaes who And it camea to pass that ai, the êtd of anothar tan da7s Hn saen had pratendad ta boan to m-any mnore imerchants and had g,ivani writings of deposit( fora second thousanid shekels,main 2,000 shekels in all, although he- had enly 1,000 shekýjels e o Ooahj ithe Third. And stihi haîhadal the gold! Wbereupon llgrisan reflected to hlimsaf: 'What a leadenpipe cinCbI 1wonder I did flot tbjink 0of thi's befora. I can collect just as such uisuary frosn the pbaney daposit writings, as for the gunVaîly, I arn afian cial wizard'. Tlhereupon Hansen cusd'it to ha noised about that ha pos- sass;ed a vast store of gold for, hira, and mny mayre maroant came to borrow, and ta) each Han-usan dalivarad witog f de- Posit and colljected gana-rous usury and demrandaed pladgas from aach of ail his possessions even utnto bis innerseost parsonel ý raiment, until ha had issuadà witings:s of dieiposit for 10,000) shekels and lhald mortgagas con substantially thewhniea city, MgsBaloney, Then -went Hïanosan, to the wîsl--e manj of the c(ity and said unto hîm: 'Verily I. hava discovarad the greateýst racket of ail tjisa. 1 hava learnaci the rmagic cf mksggold out of balonay; a. if I car keap fth eformula sacret for, a fewu years I will collect a fortune and wvill make Solomnor's treasury look like a scnhn store, Tîlme how InMay ka secret this bn oiat i'f ie for ne -ý('own ipr-oft,' Theni said tlhe wîse imani: <Leok wiu;se and saY little andc! l upori ma",ters afar off. Obtain thf.e ear iffletown crier. En-, gagebi to 'rrad the impres- losthat moneye is a; ytR iu Ask To Sec Gus id Oil MCU5I, To.0I 4iesyo dhafers andgs lsinlu izes to ýeat on. room CabinS to6.roomhomes6 Fof mDe lFarmation on WrmMorning£, Hootes, teor 0i1 and i mJaile - opon helow! (QAL, fAS und OIh HEATERS - ------n * .. H fou -1 fain~lC~Id . ...... s..... ........ - - -- - - -- e- l - -- -. - W-- *- i LET US Soul your Uandicraft pobt ta ou' For, eetails Wieto: nvre PATEJSTS ANaYntua'neuey eno l-yt t f- ventons nifu i nformation sent fire., Th1eeEamrsay ,ca., Oeg1Ltereti atent Atfox'- nOya.2'U Bank 5r~,Ottawa, FETHR5TOHÂUG & . a n 0 a nil Pat, ent t Atoirne3 . Es taib'ljs hoeid 182». p FmqstiNA L 1', desrouo 0of riddng Toursei-f 0f <IGAEEFTTIE &ADDICTION tor carnies a "alftinO oe liack" goara1,nee.FrIe ooit r C.King. pLarioacalCrertinLtd,. Box 302,WlevilOt 3100TAIS ofcer, TwentyÉ-fivedeluyýo pesona] rè'uireinEnt. Ladt e atL&ogu'e llde.The Mdicfio Agene, Bx 5 Tfernal A. ,Toronto. Ontalo. wýRrTERPS1 TUR Manuscit~oogi2 fl wr14ier frm r mgazinefetue ditor. 01 verboo S.Grn a Ide 7 MlhgnU.S.A1. UNWANTEDHAIR femakabe dicovry iltee. Pre incormation et LrBe airtne t, Ste. 5, 679 Granille St., or Wýrite .0 WANTED NAN'E a t National1 Hockýey ýLeagu.ý Recor Bool-, aY year,. BerS 3onova,, FotOtario, NI S 015. 120-250 galos vaf00 200 20 -40 00 - 10000 ;t 200galn vral tanks on stands, RlOr2,mci. , 3 ERMAcistia' a ht'e afap ! l aea p of two ýpne flie b ie o Akii ordietv ratl o ail th u e n a d ake o o ut aI ,f.. T h it ! wlilenyo nedmud gni Cre'aLt

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