Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 15 Oct 1953, p. 3

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G--od',- Designi for a BetterWrd Last mweek i t mas God's Desigaýý for a Nevw Manr. Today we are to notice the relation of Ne-w Mer and a New ýWorld, To makea ie'w wOrld Goëd starts with bi viul.As the individual be- coswe-, a new creature in Christ Jesus îhe 's a unit in thedrc tlôn of a 'n'ew soiety. The Chiýzý tian does flot iîve to himrseif H e is a ight in the world. Light p erates i darlcness. It la an old týrUtb that tight ils ahways ps' tive and darkniess ahways nega. tive. A room fflled wt ak neoss cani be changçd by a inyV light; you è arîr-ot bring eog dýa£rnesq into a iightesl room t(e make any difference, Lighti Ïsn't îomnething ,ve can teach the oôrld; Iighit is tranmnitted We,'- reciva', ofrLig1ht roi Jesusý Christ ho ' thefi Ught etth worl4 , Of Him. fiwswitn i1n 'tfni w-aS. lfanth~ ie !Ite was the, ligiht of mien. The igIht s i "thés darkness, atid theý darkness lhasflt ôoercc»e'ne if in, 1:4, 5, '(RSV). £au.i wroteý " Once you ver(- darknress, but inow you are light lu .ithe Lord-, wa1l 'as chldren of light*' (Eph1u 5:8,1 Uni-sa w reaHze tiiat man is inherentiy â inful and li darkness we are nQOt sufficiently aroused about the need of Jesus Christ for olur- sevsard for ail1 men. Cousiris? just rétunned f rota India teili Me that the religions of India do noV try to win converts tb their re!igîorx. They want Chrlatians tù take thé, sam~e attitude, But mtust shne- tr Jesus. Thaï, vetry ahinlng i~s sue tû attract others te fteSavïosfr we have teued. Bazaar Beauty Hif e),our 1bazaar booth.Nw est, pr7etfiesf, fashionacesoy Pansies, buds, 1baves, maL ron;I discarded nlnhose --c-st zai- m.osf nothing. Easy f0 mIre! Gifts! Bazaar! osa troi nylons.Mk earrings to mratch, * f0. Paittera 66i2; directiomsý Senid TWVENTY-FJVIE CENTS in coins (co,ins canniof be ac- ceptedli' for this pattera to Boxý- 1, 13EgbenbSt_ ,,-"' or no n t, Prinit piainly PA.T-, TERN UMER y o ui r -NAMEý adADDRE$SS, EXCITING VA.LUE! rnyes TEN pou1rnew dcesigns tacr-c zhet s e w, emrbroider, kilit ... prlpIted rigltitila the ULaura Whe(ýeerNeedlecraff Book. Plus mariymore patterIas o ,ý,nd îfo- - Aeas for giffs1 bazaar- i~,y mnakers, fasýhion;!s! en cnt for, your copy! Yteaspoon pepper ¼teaspoon marjoram or sage iegg, beaten '4clip bouillon or uilk 1~pouïi4s -flaak teak eut fiches thlek Salt and pepper ~cup dripplngs 1eup iwater MeIt shiortenling la, skillet; acdd celery and onion and sauté yritil tender. Pour over bread .cutbes, adding sait, pepper and sage. Addl beaten egg and bldfonr and i wA711. ,Score steak and. season it salitan-d pepper. Spread stuffîng over steak and roll as you would a ' elly rofi. Tie heavy cord arounid steak to hold~ rolto getiier. Browni slowly in hot drip- pingas 'n a deep skillet or Dutch:- oveii, turning to brýoWn jal sies evenly, Add water, cover aM sirmmer P,½ hours or until tender. Reinove cord befQre serving. -Malte gravy tvith pan rp nig, fyoiliike.Serve& 6, veal steak liiionand tolive VEAL STEAK 2 rouind boue veal steaksý (about 1l' pounas) cnt 3ý6- xueh thlclce I1clip Freqeh dresslug % Sait and pepper Flour 2 tablespioonDS fat 1. large oion, sllved Scan condensed eream o eliicioen soup % Up miîk otr water 1 tablespoon viliegar ý cap sllved ripe olives Soak steaks la French dressing a L east 3 hours, Drain. Dip in seasone-d flour. M If fat ini i a r ge, heavy skillet, Brown steaks on botb si des infat; add ùOnior), soup and miik, Cover and cook siowiy on top off stove or 'a a 350'F. ov:en for 45 minutes. Add vin,!ýar and olives; cover ad cb ok 10 minutes more. serves 5-6 Here~ is a~ fine dis,-,-steaks and sauce cooked separately but cern- bîned fust before seriving STEAKS BTJIt«TNDY 4Very tin boneless sirkoin sek,8-ounýe ones 1 elove garlie peeled 14 cup salad 91H 34 cup butter or mpargarine 1 teaspoon dry niustard i2' teaspon msait Ili. eup chopped pIrsley teaspoohs lemon juiee 1Iteaspooii Worcestershlire sauce I4 teaspoon freshly groind pepper Comnbine sliced garlie and olive eh. Let stand 5 mninute, theni use te brush bofb sides of pteak.* Stir fogethel, butter, musta n sait iheavy akillef. Stir 1in par- sley and heat until butter bub- bles. Place steaks in butter mix- turc and tura te coat both a ides. Cook slowly 5 minutes. Do not brown. Tura steak and cook à minutes more, Lift out steaks te hot piatter. Stîr into sauce the i sw.juiice, Worceste1shire sauce~ and pepper. Stfr to biend. Serve at Osre. Serves 4. TUE FÂRN FRONT' Jmk 'àet Hiere's somîe r'al nlews for daliy farmners. VYoudot haveý to get up lu i wvhat sceems ike tfie middle of the niglit la order Vo geVthile cosmiiked bef ore sunrise. Mil1J ing can wait! Andwitouthur- ing milk podcton es th We've always tioughît th)at m-,ilk production vwouid sufer and cowsV- wouid dry un sooner if we dicri't Uie log, rharci nours on a clairy Now I em emyhv been rog.Exeliens t h Univer7Ûjsi t fv iýinesofa sho that there 1s do loss ba mik pro- duction when cwsarcue ke at l-oritras Amiafthe Anýiimai rei 1Institute inl Sweden, miik pa.ils bruimed just as fui) with 8-hour and Ml-our rniliin.g initervais!ý Your heCrimay-,îbe dîttýeent, butit doesn't seemi likeiy. So, if you wanlt to, yoiu canl now miik your cowýs at say2 eigbt 'in he morning and four in the ater- noon, -without nmuch risk ýof lossj Severai ymars ago, the manag ing editor of an Amieri,*can tfacim m-'agazine asked bis Staff: "How mnuch wouid( it cost a dlairyman to sieep anexrahour la th mornig?." Some et tl hem biad grown up on dairy arms, but had te con- fess that they didn't know the 9nswev(r% And it soon becýamie ap- par'enit Lhat no one else ke either.c Letters to a dozen agr- culItnrcoiieges brotrght painful answers, admitfing lackc of r-e- search on se practical a polm The upsL-otwas that P afarn Journarl edlitox rotDr., Mar- shalil Hervey of the University of Mhnnesofa's Dairy Deparfrnenit, anld suggeiýsted thlat som-e of theý Unýiversity's id'enticai-twýin cows be uised il a amligitra experimen,t. Now, two ysars later, the researcb is comipieted, ad the answers are out. The Min- n resota cows oni a 10 and 14-Isour i7miliing scbieduie produced js as nmulchniuik Un the mera- tionis as did fhcir idienticai twins on a 12 and, 12-hour schedule. A" about tlhe samne tifne, Dr. that, againi, there were noc sig- nificant differeces ila mfik pro- ductIon. * If aytake aPwhî,-ie to changeL the habits of a ifetime, buLt PLr sen beileves thiat it's timne _daJry- ing was rid of its reputation as a. nan-kIdlirg occupation. Per- haps, he says, a liftte pressure, fronri the kidts and the hired mian mnay bring -arveu in ladairy- farn working houurs soonier firan we, think. Most dahyymen wil probably choose t,13e longer interval for night-fimre, especially to avoid gcffding up con hose dari< wi,,ïter mnornings. But in sprring ai-d sumimer, ii, order to have more time in the fields, the sciiedule preobab!,Iy could be reversed. Dr. Petersen plans to ipat the expjerimnent this l'ali and inter, but, like thec Swedes, will Use 8- aid 16-houirmilking inter- vals. * * There wiil be one. other dift'er- ence: on Suindays, hiaî the cows FALL AND WUNTER SAILUNGS TO BRITISH PORTS: Fr-t Clas from $192 Touirist Ctosý ifrom $140 At Thrift-Seaon Rate$ TO FRENqCîiPORTS, First Clasi fromn $199.5ü Tourlît Claissfrom $145 VESSEL 4 Frorn MONTREAL Froni QUEBEC TO ASCANIA Wed. OCT. 28 ----ver---- - T«-iAWed. NOV. 4 Hovre oand Southampton FRANCONIA -Sot. NOV. 7 Liverpool! ASCANIA Sot. NOV. 21-Lirpo *SçNJHIA Sot. NOV. 28 Hacvre and Suthampton ____________ F0)TtNEW YORK From KLF5 _________ BRITANNIC Thurî. DEC. 3- Havre and Southampton -FRANCONlA- Fri. DEC. 4 Greenock and Liverpool MAURETANIA Sot. DEC. 5- Cobh and Liverpool *SAMARIA - T ues-. DEC7 8 Havre and Southojmptanl MEDlA Fr1. DEC. li î Liverpool QUEENELZET Wed. DEC, 16 -Cherbourg and Southampton ASCAN!A Fr1. DEC. 18 Sunt. DEC. 20 Cobth a "d Liverpool SCYTIHIA Wed. D.EC,'2 3 Fr1. DEC. 25 Havre and Southampton FRANCONIA Sot. JAN, 2f19,54) Mon. JAN. 4ý1954) Cobh and Liverpool SAMARIA Wed, JAN. 6(1954> Fri. JAN. 8(954) NHavre idSouthamnpton tL1V4G5 Seo your local agen- J coais CCOn%ýd u b No one con serve YOU OfIYfmeRr L4 riI eIiC NA D MSEio 0Corner Bay& Wellinolon Sts., Toronito, Onrt. N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Il s N N N N N N N N N N N. N N N N

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