Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 3 Sep 1953, p. 5

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qi~~ iElY TNiÀS 1IU~SDYS lfhEMBeR : MeGflPs balery is closed an btis! -~-'wek wllethe staff is onl vacation. 1%. and MrsGordon Lemen spent the week-end with Mr. and rs. W. J. 1eanoell. vPa 11, 1-h:!hld epon week with bcis grandparents retm'ned, home A'th them., Mr ad rs.EriSten ad ber otlier Ms W. ow Private Hospital, Cbug nStr daAu,- t 22ndi, 15 ay' hfilln, du e of the late Mr. andý shiÎp. Tbehebody este-d at ,cFadye FutneralHoe Cobouig. Service ini Oro-(no Cernetery Chapel on Monmdaýy, August 24h at 3 P.m. Intement was in Orono (Cînmtery. This Week Receive 1 Large Vel FRE1È wvith each Giaut package purchased BOTH 79c. Fruit Cocktail 2 -,-15 oz. tins 39e Oroiiê Creainery Butter - 1,0111#1for .59c, Miss Falye Nichoison is spe nding som-,e holida-ys with ber grandparents Mi. and Mî-s. R. R. Waddelil Spent Mr. and Mrs. F. Nicholsono, Lbsýkard. ý part or thieir vacation1 at Wasaga Mr,.andmrs. George Feuster and'Bah iiail hae-refûr-ued fvom holdays Mr. aad rs, Hon BeanOsbawa iu W7estern Ontnrî-o. spent the wecIe-end wth Mv. and Mv.andMrs EepevDea e M. lm* oa.' spedig fw eek îurngWet- Mv. eu, MrsILT. Tr1 and ern Canada. d1g: tr Otaa hveben î1tun. MAC and snF. ELyjeIt and MpshM- ,and Mrs. ii lmwho- J.J. have btýdlL, rhi; j" "eeat thuir cottage,(semsug,- J. Cngorns ttc the lwPm offcii ak , ~irg Juliy and Agstleft opeingof henewPubie ehol In on Moniday for theirbhome in Fort Port. Pai-y on Wedneýsdua:,fte rnoon. FLfanCes. Dr. CanumMiierol f Educati-on, MrL Js1Lmn ~ml r opnd h eho.~J.Can l toe sedn evweswt omother timeplaed bll u Orno.11h.ROY1('s. Thovntofn Wilson, us nr._Lab Corn1ish ïis picia ef the' v' hasý moved to Ottaa whiere lu, bas n schoou. positiot1. The family will go later.n Mr. and M1rs. Geo. or speut their MUr. aind Mrs. Jamnes Hakn rM. SuMmller victin ith Mr. anui Mis. W. H..Brout, lfs ilotBot Sid ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ wn Yokad~îy Mroa r.W.Hackluer sud MssClava I -..vjiow of' Tovputo visted viecetLy. I ~with Moc v. Wm, tainton. * Jhn Kitchten Mlinier SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 6th ORON-Serice't 11. Open-Air Sricelu tje Park at 7 pm LEýSKARD-_Sev vice t KIRBY --da co at 2 Service at :3 *SHQP AT CORNISH'S Fresh HO0NEY -- light aiuber Toi TWissuie 4 lb.fin for ",..... ....... 75c. i7Qult IPEANUT -BU'TT]ER "Gold - Ce yod and Verfumed -Medal" lb.........4c Re, Green and Yeliow Place yoir order early for - 2fr2e FREESTON E PEACIIES Have 2 or 3I baskets dellvered on JloPeFle Friday of titis week eoim ce1t Choice Meat% ý 2 for 9e Roasting Chickes, pîump'." Swansdown s Ange] 5 to 6 lbs. per- ]ý ........5 5c. Food Mix Minit Steaks, ai ays lean/and -Pins Spavkling- tender, lb. fr. ..7àc. Cake Tin Pienic hules,- bone No maifiiag nocessary in, ILb....... .......5â9c. ôt-h for i1.% -Local'- News Mvr. and Mrs. Oalynn HIodgkis ndSandra from Pleasaint Point, hv ;ud Mrs. Georige Anderson froni Hlamiiltori visited ý mith Mv. and Mrs. Char'les'- Tyreli anmd famiiy duriug theweked M i and Mrs. J1ohn Hi endry spleutl the past week inOta. Mr.aud Mis. O.W.. Jolph atten,1dedl the Picton ,FaIir thie fo'repart of iast, we(_ek. "Whiile theve MvPolph showedj Tom B. Cisin the RastrClass and toolk four fir-sts, a second a nd ai third. Incluided in the fîrst vîibbous was the featlure eeua *$103,00) Road Stakeiiiu which ine en ý-tries contested. This e ven iws held unmder floo)d-lightýs( 'l )ndwvfeatur 1e 0of the( Picton Fair, Mr. T. A. Reid aud Mr. Wmi. Reid attenided the Picton Firi on Wednies- day and came homne spovting two firats for their teani of Roadstevs. Mr. aud Ms Lloyd Truil andý dlaughter of Kingston ar spenldiuig hoiidays with Mvl. aud Mvs, Fred' Trull. Congratulations to Mvr. and Mrs. Harry Davey, nec Gertrude Dewell o fom vîiwho ,were unitedlun mavriage ou Friday ovening, Ags 28th. Mi. sud Ms Gordon S'ilmpsonï, lmu. OrnoMemorial Park fî at 7,00 OPEN4AIR ù R@%VIC(E Under thiý Auspices of the Orono and Newcastle fUnit d Churiches SPEAKER: REVi LAWRÈNCE TURNER B.A. ORONO BA PN ATTENDANCE k M i t t h e ' , h e a v y e nd o f , u r"o, i bu" . A WeekI yL aitteess pbehind us wil lw be beto cou- ctrate e i deliveies when chl weatheornes Oron, On., Spt. 19u The approaching Oî-ono> Fai- la ~Donald MLaren, the big news hpeeno (Se-pt. 1i'th'I Skýy Harbour Air Fort, Gode îch, Ont.It promises to ho bigger aýnd te Dear Doal:-1ianeerauid sure \wi11ll e ifthi glorionis wahrhol!s. VWe pla:n) Sa1tuvda& ev-eng we f oh ii the1gad ip y (-f aur, good3i tvnad gvan1J-d stai l1 show 1 atle E. and uew oMI quipment. Soo ly ask colnthefr the mnene tiner Ior a fis dl for thef'air. ~htejy4the ch!oruls about 100 Wc0av taken on ton 1 ousie'" 'pretty g»Ir~dancing the eaciucan inijb ic ekadhv od -eysaucy ostmes.ennapectss rtwo moret s weeký Comiug home Sundkyw spent loae 5o rnpr odis Tew hours ai Frechmu 's Bay o.weks r stu o rc ah aoerelief fi ini the he had n surî-m csheet e rock -1.1plsten)r. 1or it and a very ejoya,,ble p icMas, IVaeBeth, ýum and/myý,se1fii made' Fia rhege otect up th e crwd. for a full load of plywo d that wo' -1 Had stHls anothol car Reading bought LuefoeWCent ice increaso, coal waýitiu-g fur us oiiM3ouday lmru- This load Will able.a to conue ing. Sure baslbeen, gritty job but 'nm low pices fo a ww eeks Yet, .most deliveri are dmpa so no We hope tosee I our frieuds at heavy shovelin g. S' îce April ilst we the fa-,ir nd1oui wi you couid tuvn, have unloaded nt1md a thousaudtous up thore auidvi s at our dsiy of the Famous',ading nut sund stove So lon-g for thiswek Woa. Four or five more carswlfi up our orders and ouv yard min. See MecLaven, 4.8-v--id Ov(oo In~erna~ionaI ~u~o Daredevil C ~a ~i Goal est ['S A Bf , 35-EVENT IPRO RAM of Smash1lg, langalid W îa Three %wori !-renoWiied Auitomiobilc Sos(Dick R Jgers' Ai-Anerîca'1 Motor Maiîacs, Bi. CýaniadlienAces a ad ems19 2World Ch.lampion Auto %vil, compete onle gintthe ot 1lr in eVery kno(-Wlnauht miotorcycle thiriller,to s eewa brui! Show andt what Da 1daïim the tit](- of rdChamiff for153 Il wÊIl be the wîld st show e-v r seen iiyvvliere- at any ti'mp will roll automobiles e d-over- di and sd-vrsd.JuiprL automob4les complj)etelIy vr e busses and crash-dive- ther pakdautomobiles, thoiln many tirnes >oillÎing end(-over- end.j cycles off high ramps sudtrog space ili a cont1est n1eyert teni. The Rloman Rides, ,vlire Daredevils stand flon top )o while the ltiriverýs aký-etmover ihigh rains 'dspa il ned for-Lite. l4eell riinig thiat will ufàkd your hair slni] e the iggost pro)gram evýer offorod anywchere aud it wili ho eaC ait thie ONE, Aug.lst thirough Sepit. 12th. fBesideýs ail this 12 of the (ireatest Circus Acts lu al the worid, anid the p Reserved ýSeats, 1,0 Genleral Admission, 5Oc; Clildrjier ARMSTRONG' BACK TO 'SCHOOL ITEMS BysGah.Jaksi Moccasin-----395-$.5 g(tod ,quality satn I Oxfords in) Black oru lrwn or blueý, gee.ric, Prive -- ------ -- ------------- -BysJens ize l6- Loafors iv Brown or Wine Pre Price ------- ----- ---- $45 Girls Jeans, ej4(- Baby 1Doils in Black suedle Price - Prie-----------------irS 1)ieuéed Iartaln Boy, s Oxfrd-(s and Boots il-,alil Srt iz 6 - 14X, size.s. Prie $3.95 - $5.9.3eh lid.Prive $ý2. Boys Nyla Plure Pants, Size 6 Pzate àt wi41w-saps to 16 yr4.l Colov grey, blue hro-wil. PAc . $4.95 - 1;5.95 Girs Orloni and i>W i ~kits. olô)r bine Peintoed Cod4ten JerseySý enlor I rice .. .$.9 whlite, b1Le, yellow. Size 10, 12, 14. Pr ce------------ '1. 5 eûkesi otton, co BOYS Corded Rayoni Jacket-s, un- wool 0or nylon1. Cok hned. C<i;lo;- sand, and blue. bine. red. yello-w, ph Prive --- ---------------------- Gree-. Price Prunesl [b 2 9c@ Fresh FOE Sugar, 10lb...... (>rono Creamery Butter,1 Jello Powders, 3 for . .,. Royal Instant Puddings.1F Rubber Rings, 2 doz. Fruits - VegetaD Touiatoes Peaeheý Fruits, FishCram Vegetable Julices .M ýSi ice W ebster of OExter, Air and~ Mrs. Heber Souch, Mrs. Dovothy Bailoy,, Wayue nud Mary tynu wýý,ere Sinday,, visitors with Mr. aud Mvs. Cr Billugs. Mv. and M.rs Roy Foizyster suid Elu-ine spenit the week-endï with- rela- tives at Lnke Bantiste. -Miss Audrey B!iIigs, Oshawa, spent the -week-end at ber horuiç. Miss Edith Sherwiui is a patient iu OshnauiGeneval Hospital. Mrs. Dr. Beatty Of Gardon Hill Elas been visitingmWth AMv. sud Mrs. Fred Trull. "To the good cooks of Ovrono'. Look elsewbere lu the paper vo! "Domiestic Science at Ovon-o Fain" 1 Miss JO Amtog froni1 Newi Hanispent a few holidays ,vitb berl brothers, Wm. and John Avmistrong, aud sis-terMs. ilson. AAls "M. and ( Mi-S. Kari Gradol f Hmlo spn e days,, with thieir o v and Mlrs.W'm. Grady. Mv. andrs. Chas. Tatylor sand Mv.audMis LyliLowevy were o a [iooItorip ire-cetiy. Mv. -Aruold Mooney, Janet: sud Bil o sI -a vhav-e been stny wng M,!ithAlv. and Ms C .MceLaren. Mis- 1. Noden sund Viola, Torontô, have(ben hoiayn at their boineé ly I.Wine'Sirent earecentweek- end xith MA-e and Avs. Gordon Len- mon au famil, Scaboro. Miss Majorieo arn h a Bn hfbs b)(een 'ut home fjor asor Mv.Jac An~itRegin a Sas.,1 h-sbeen IholîinIg in 1Orno witb Hs.Arunott, filly and 'Aune at - Mrs. Mfary Found oftei'tniued anib li er frieud S iathte Pîw arklst L auteoCccasionI of her9tbihdy Misses June Nuilson sud Juno lauville, nurses lu inin atToi- ostoGeue~lqOsPîia4 Whve been mon Cuoirnish Marketeria Phonij~'Orono. A inohlean Leap mûtor* to ho forgot' end. 1,1 t CI) antlruoon voni will sec- ned wjtih ng.col~ S0 -$9. 9 7 14years. - $2.9, ail woolI dife erelit 95 5. 0 0 ool plaid 5 - $8.50 tt on d >rs beig:e, nk white 45 e 9v- 34e ... 99e lb. 59,c ..a. 25e E. 15e Aess A comniy spr s p abd, as it grows,. a branch bd k opens its doors. T'his pattern, bas' ,in Caniada's devetop ment, has been repeatedagain and again in pioneer àreas, villages,tôwqs andl cities. Through locail branch the chartered banks bring to smnall ~ comnuniities, asiwell as large,--the samte s- -s N -s -4- -s -4' -4.. -4.. --4 -i --'-i --4 4

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