Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 3 Sep 1953, p. 1

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Vo.17No5 ONOONT.,TFHUPSDAY, -SE-,PT3 53 S1ipi6 $.50 Der Year FIre Destroys Forty Thousand Christmas Trees Saturday, Flubin-SeageBy-Law LUi]enSecond iReadHing The reg-iuarmeting'vf the Cak mýorning- in the Council Cham,.bers.1 Countrcillorýs present were A. MKy ~'. oxeinJ. Brownv anti Clerk E. Lt,1Miio Reeve H. Lowery too -charge of the meeting. With regard to the necesslty for eomletng he LakesfioreDieso it w"as mroved by Jas. T. Browu, neoned by A. McKaiy that t1he uCerk be atoieito arrange an;1 appointmlent with My-, Mwddel at Il 80 a.m t nt hich time Counci douedto ha ofifice. Miessi's Ever-ett Brown ' ;-iAlvfin iflewet r5rseuingDuramCounty Fnrmrs o-~Oeraivespoke to Couni-1 'il1ani irequiesteti assistance to have t'he Depaýrtm-ient o! lligliways repai -tie aproaý'ch to No. '35 fHighway. Counlicîl agreet to supply Clet equi~mentand uperv\iSion on pro-1 -vsion thiat the Departmient paiy 5a pe etof the co)st It wa"s imoved by" asT. Bowsecoied !by F. B WLxvkin that the Jleeve anti Rond Fort thosan ScochMile, better' knlown s hrstanTreeýs, vil nyrbe, the censtre o ýf attractuji)on on Deebe15th1 nov wýil they be loai-. ed ith tînsel, icycles or presenits. Fiede Voed these trees on Satur- day ftenoo whch ~. uldhave been1 ready f or the Yuletidelnar-Ket ,vithili a year or )rtwoj. Fir stuckth ctr-ee plantation of Mr. C. B Trelw lch hs lbeen nuriseti along for1 the past fv year's. The plantation s lcateti sonie three miiles ceast o! MecCezi's Church iu Ma\es Township v ~ l'e ruNt ote v ih tractor antid a bulldozer Plrevente'dtthe.flIri 8010Sc otch putes, They brougli the fire under control in thrpeeous The o~e of thle rey Charles Tyrrll Oroo truggist, Salitithe blasze waS f-irs noticed byRihr far. ureiin thle adarantio summponetihelp.m gl intoiuch ith .Maitu IIplanetI with p jinP'm for the Ciita 3 -,Anderson ns,-,sOoonas ]possible lie ta e,.etmae hefae a ýtimke, the lest 'arr1angement-j-s fr swpt thrýoujgh 4()crs."Thýe d cômpetig tis pojet tis ear. trit ls-ld no10 in'O' two weeksI aniis ýtinder drye, " hesaii. the lu .coanection ie cteep ap- growers hv obeitegado pvoac te N, 2 Hgliwa iromLloyd the(ýir tve-s as apeato gis Clstal poprtNew*touviile, theý fuvther fires, Mr.'Pyrl sait. Cler wa reuesetito correspond ;whth theý Departmient o!f îgi It is aIssumàeIt tt the blase Nwas wyport 1Hofpe. Due toNp.2 Hgh-stariteti by crlescampers as a wY biura9Iýiseti abore the sîdewalk. Coalolsoewas founid near thie the grarel sioulders hav<e now run Scelne. 'I a* a ti co e ed requ std ea Dk . -is As o treateneti by fie w as the Ceuci terfee vqusi e e - omChristmias Tree fana, of Mr. Milton ~patme~ t vase ireappoacr fomTamn-blyn where fire bas' bat to bel theClstal popvt atialo on fught. This pla,-ntation is iu the strcuc.ta new a itievvall luplace of the sae aes 0li oe iOIn ufront of the samne Counil iscssei abuildinig by- law n,1Chaaelpi-locnim on V Ta aniinstructetâ the Clerk to present hedraft co-pies. to solicitor ýR. Strike: anti report back ter the next mneeting J was given first anti second reading anti tableti for the next mneeting. Thre Coýuncil Nuthorized thre Diirhami Central Agricultural Society 1te poice Orono Streets on September, lith anti i2th during the time- of the By Law no. 12",~ a by law to or-['ilil ar vtide for the paynient of a fee f'or the --Aoul of RoatiVuhe a Lnpcing 0f ?lunibing and' sewers 1 «$,375.23. Miri And Mrs. J. A. Penfound CèEetebrlat. 25z"sth Annversary A most enjoyable evening Cras Edwar-ds andmvfr Elwin WVhite, son spet t the Lions Communnity Centre ainidudughter's of Mrs. E11enfond'S last Tu:esda, ýAugust 18', when 1 2»5 ordiiy sister, Ms arneWie guests from,, Oshawa, Blowmnanville, G W, and other point, gaAheed in hoor M. ant krdaschînan of Min and Mps.u. yA.Penfuntis25%h ed the g mthi chuo ordr a. wedding aniverar. M.and pMrs.!weomedteget.Ms .K [',enfound, who live at 39 sMaughlin Squaïir read the addr-eýss andprsn Blvd, Oshawa, wvere comnpletely tak'en ttion of the gifts wasu- made by Mrs. Alan Strike, B'owmanville, and Miss by srprie upto te moent f Mry Joan Dumonrtelle, Sudbury. presntaionto them.1 of a beautiful oupantngby A.A.- r'm o f ènece and cousin of Mlr. Penfound. ', ,?ure o moey. Congratulatory speeches were mnade Ovoo, nd pu.~eof one. y Mr. ClahcecPenfound and ïMr, 'The party was arranged by a Lam reniceWhbite, und ait cnjoyobM3 commuittee headeti by Msir. ILK. Progr0am icldet solos by i ss Squr, assiseti y Mr-s. M. IL Stapj- Mroi Rundle, Oshuaa and Rev. les, ronoanti rs.Lyrenc WhSt,-S.IR. Hendersýon,Widobt Mapl Grve.The commnittee ceel osn fM.Pnoni iied the penfounds into beiieving Tebi~slvl he-irw tht he party was in lhonor o)f the din lcae formetàe _cetre-ic wd din n esre of Mn. andiof the bris table Whch presentet Ms quair andtiMr. anti Mrs. R. W. , pcu--g"cdwý ii cand(es in slvrho[deî<ý anti bou-. lierbrother lir. Runtlear ecosins qts o<sweet pu h ayi of Mv. Penfounti.qepesThcate The bea utiful wedding cake, at Ms cos sItloed-tssr sn ith Seméairreuest, was made and icedcohes rrshmnsbinig h WyMr. Penfounti who 1$ an expert ,htppy eeiuht acse.Anj h lC Ais art. Uer surprise vwas com)-ý plete at find(ing the cake wasý actu- Present for the occasf on were Mv.n ally for her anti that she ant irM. anti Mrs. Pnoudsteo mchiltren, Penfound mere the bride and groom Jack amd Mary, wdho live at hiomie being honoreý,d. Their wednèate is ith thm in (Oshiwa; Mrs.Pen- Wner in the Faîl, butfrends and rel- found's site, rs. Lawrence Wite ativeFs sought, and succeeded, iii Maple Griove; Mir. 1Penfoulnd' bro- mnaking' their surprise com-plete by tes John and Roy, Tovouto aud hodig~e~celebration last week. Clarene of Oshawa;ssts, r. On entering the Centre, mwhich wsq.7 .StplsanI isSStella Pe- beutilfuLly decorated -w-,ith bouquets found, Orono. Guests from n distance of gladli, roses, carnations ant includeti Ms. and MUrs. Ge.o. UKen-1 othersmer floxers, t1he bride andi zie,, Gueipli, and Rev, S. R.Hed- greoi of 25 years ago were presenteti son andtivMrs. Henderson, Windsor. vjha corsage andi boutornniere byji >Mrs. Penfound leý the forwPi nir nis t1eli' nieïceand nephew, 1Mjs, jean 1Penwtr&,enof Newlvonvifjle, Aiternloon Aux lMeetiing l To Orono Uniteti Chure .1 eni o Auxiiary of the Wom-,ensMsioný Soc-iety miieton Tuesday ntrQn SeWeinberlstmiih a s A. A. Drummionti peidn.A ube do lnishad attendeti the Whitby School for Leaders for a day anti hati receivet a gret uplift and many idea'is for the seaýson]'swok A special W.M.S. Sundaly wý,Il'ofe helti on Sep- tei)iber 27th whien Or-ono w have the privîlege of hearing Miss Anne Ward,' General Secretary of 'th-, Dominion Boaýrd. A specil spenker îis also be- hg aangeti for the Autuimn Thank Offering mieetinig oit the afterniooni ofý Octo'ber cGth. -Miss Ifabel Davy, wvith tlhe assis- tance o! Airs. W. J. LyCett, coniduc teti a ms epu osi evc n ttei"The Church, the Huehliof Faith" -eompnring 'the chiurh to an; e iar ouseholtiwhreeery rmem- ber> ba ual privileges anti sllares ira it uisiadrsosiiiis Ecum- eiaadescrîbing the wold"Cun- c-il o! Churchles'; orgainizet ili148 easthe Uousehlold of Ceod. Cook1 Neyer bef ore in the istory of Orono Fair has the flomestie science, commuittee gone "ail out' to securel such generous ýprizes in thecir de-1 partment. For exampfle "Onechke roasteti" lst prise 1 case, of canned gootis from Canadan Canners, Bow,- manville, 2nd' prise $1.0î0, grd, 75c. Besýt collectioni of cookig: white layer cake, apple pie, loaf of white i beat: Mse.vale $.0Oby MeLGegor IHardware Ltd. 2n.d prizeMde$3O Iby, H1oopers Jewýellery, Exhibitors with1 themos entriesBowmanville fri- M gitir ceSyste'm -i1sude of B3acon, 2nd U/2 Ide of Bacon. Onu and' get yousef prselit ant tae yo'r specinlities. There are always ~nore buyers for the cakes and pies exh? bîtetith will go) aroutil. $788S90,Spenti walk Constructâ The n2ew Study- Book, "Where'er thle Sun", whiclh titi i ae rm Ta oieTrust thle hy by Jaaiats Jsu hir sidewalIk -w- shal eiawhere'er the s-un" was ,ýMost of, the xo explinei b Mrs N.Porer atertowrtirepairs. Thi whchMrs. M, H. Salscnutt osrcinid aRudTabl)e ConfîeroPnce he ,.Supplies nmountecn resetatvesfrom latin, Africa ati 1Trust.aes isuse Canadaassiseti. Thieseparts wmere .gram o idwl Wod.Th tuytis"a, proises (ýuc- i ie itre of the pesntsttu eetig1 asolji1 ,,f the Cleristinn ,C-hurcli throughou,,ý t w icb rý"equest hati The me ting acceptet wit regr t -d te the rentofo!Misýs E ithSerb el, drom wIn as leader o! thie MissionBu.i h Poice Tru, AIrsý 'emi-, b, 2 IiIu - cu sca ) setet t be the nlew lead1er. e is woulti arise witir M'.E. Dent aled mission for a chang, effecting a valse la A ref lectica stom o We-Îvl this dlaimn prior to renewiiig th-ei nesday evening left its mlark beh'ind contracit at thie flrst of the year. in the vilage when lightning struckj the homes. of Mr. and Mrs. Bouw- mfesste- and Mrs. James Lycett. At theBouniestr'slts 'eprté thtout fuse repaired found that lightn- lightn-iing knoeked dishes off the 'l' hadi entered a bedroom fixture table, before travelling down the 1ov'er a 1bed fus"Iig a t wo-wa'y plugý ~ine to Mrs, Lycett's, and then burning a hoIe~ the size of' a f ifty cent' piece inl the bedspread on, Mrs. Lct after having a.1 burnt the bed and also in the top sheet. Donkey Basebail In Oron. Under Floodlights Friday, For the firsýt' time .a ntifor those enteretji lu the gamj-e itwijj pos- silbly ho their ws that it is fo)r thie iast tmDoukey Basebaîl lS cOm- in to OroI o with ail its kicks, slides anibruises. The Orono Orphans haockey club are sponsýorinig tis bilarious outing at the Orono Park as a prelude te their coipg season. The two jp.pas- iug teamns wiI be ï-nembers o! thir Orono Orpirans Club anti Kental. The gamne ii playetiwiltire aid. o! sl Douikey , . . . providîag it is wvil- igte ce-operate. Theý pitcher, Catcher anti latter are thie oiy players not: moneihowever on making a lit the latterstaniies ,issteeti anti mae out for t hebases, ithe1 r througl the air, aioug tire dteA calmiy upon tise Doukey. fieldlers avel requiretid to fieldi the balil sr dhesrbeus. Ken dat Leads Playoff Series In South Durham 2 Toi Ia the final series between Klendll a ndl Orono of the South Diurhami B3asebail League, Kendal lends 2 to 1 in the best tlires- out of! fiveý series. 0f the four gmes played nieither teaim have taken aIny of the gamtes, except on1 August 2thl, by moýre t'hanll The f-irst gmeOf the series wns playec ti inOrnoonAugust 20th when Keni(til camre up with a decisive wini in a 9 to 5 count. Kential took theïrir ei rly when from the offer- insof Cornishgvigfor aks antai four hits in th e first twoinng Kedldrore home six tales. Ray Weýst then- took ver the lurliag dt- les for Or-ono andtiheiti Kenidal unitil the fiftli when on onl'e of flis errors anti two long rivTesthey liiereaseti their Score by to K. West pitchiet the sixth iî-antisevenitiranti in the seveuth Kendal atideti yet aniother score. On the othev ard 0Oonio nut, a stolen base aija lu ht by Di>. st. tri the fiffir West ,again Scoredi n two hits ant i-n error. D. Wýest i'te-d the haill rol1ling for Oronlo ila sîXtIr with ai hit followed by an, Ar anti(1hits by onih Rui sit at K. West. This skdirmiisl, ;e4( Oronio tbree ruas buIt being 1in thie seventhir acketi fiv-e for, a Ithe second game of the series idal, agnili camie up wlvth the wýin -close battîsfil a 3 to 2 score. neo am up vwith thle first icounlt bhle third whien Mercer rendhetiý tou an eror y Evans anidCame'I' te on a hit by Thomnpson. iluIiep ýRonni11 e West hit aj tripleait on a fu'mble. Thre ro K. West, D., West anit counteti Kendals second ton in the thid.IK.1W mnounti for Orono and Kiendal. The fourth gamle pay e e ig in K e-ndal w as c fist of the seventh on darkness so has no beai staning K.We'St anti L, the mo11und duties anti at calling the gmne Oroný 5 to -1 score., Orono 1had better play ho-wevei, the 'lot ais \vll pnntpetedas beenl prov-iding gooti giigvery littie. T Orono 1has rnceivet%- 31 dal lias dgei ther i t hl e 1at n v r g W e s t a n t i E . o ur o l u x top, followed by EvaII iilite Orono Ps' shlarp. 7 uaca wnen A., West gave a a mlktoi t' le ¶JJ10 Lenlehn w o stole se o d, a ti a 1 Peterýbrou,, vcigto tb-iirdj stple, homne on a icle roaIreti beaulitifllly timlet pla-y. At thie endi ment dock of the sventh the gamle stooti at tN#,o mwter. ail but iu the eightb West gave up a Filumerfel wvalk to Ashiton who hati atvanet Witw,ýorthi hiome 0on its by Evans anti D. Simp- iffe of CaeR son giving Kendal a one cout lent. ealr th-e pi, Poor base r'unuiug iu the parýto!tmbe l Orono anti Kendals keeess lst tre Te two local crew thisgaeanism T-he third game playet ,il, Orono oni Aug-ust 27t1 en to Orono by a oneý rua miargin iu another 3 t o f2 score.1 Ilu thýe seconld framle Oron1,o scor-et Mercer anti D. West on, their two lits olwed by Corniisir antl i hetier., Roh)inson ilu the flfth camre upLi)\-th the, w,,inner whenl e reachetci first on Aýsliton's error,ste second antiwti ateiin by D. est. CourIoux forl Kendail scoredtilhir firýst -rua 1i nth second on a trile ani mai Ilhoe iev whe Fumefcit' dunged i nto th 15lke. Men dore lito the tire door o! tire subrmergedi car pQl the occupant free. Fleme suffeet no injui'es or 01 efeets re anît o ! hl s n ear 4rç w ing. T h r v r to lti P ro v uci al P li had been roedigfvom Port rP noertb t oward Ose(sarea ýiinsteati c o t n i g in an ea s te riy d r c i asee te If)heplun et f the Ris uto ravelettI 0,cfee rom Ma n y Fe a tu re ,s 1B ei ete At Oiroito Fair Next Week Witýh any-aIl eciaiSfeatdurLes im betitet inluthe lest edition o!fh Orono Fair being helti on Septemberi Titis aidi2t1 spectators eaui 'look for- war-.d to a day of, fuil ant vritisu tert a îilnI lent. Thiýs year naidtoalatmcl' wiiteligît thisier he te extas. Tise "epoFmly" lhare beeal obt'ainet i t payth1rpartfaý'L Keppos last year we71herak ea outstudi at te Lidsaye xiition wýill please their audienice with the'irý tvace, cbarniati ab«-iit as crbas Tire family comies from Fn antidt shp as Gymmnstes Adting t ths ne wJwill vîew th r'enýowneti Intern'ationpal NavelIty ug glr ", eppo Liv.This netils vo cenItly returuleti from a tour o!furp bring to the local stage furdiff oe net punysAwihCe racophie dfeetcastes ani tts e e i g a n t i t w, o o n S t r a y are sMae! fer Fidywiepf: borugr atiLakefielti wiliholti attetio fo Satrda esenig, Thoe lcal gplayfuner thestie e!nsýj Mr\.-M J.1Imby senii Reýti 'Lamp"wit Mra Fr - L Arm11bes.toghessî.Jae pl DMoald taes, awenl-sriq aM Ththe Ballet s Tpu Tnp danrj ma4e ý i ............ ES

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