to0 play aretI zens "~Dna Cut in 2honour-il -1ctn m frsecondter tfo 1ok af ter teet n h ue of Cu meIns at Ott a. asLik ep iaIyt st l y maay aih seî hot dsewihhIM14 prio e elec. t go d orne a and (Canada h commte foffice./ -ne, galeýss Of tei oiia fih le\oble s egardin! Federal administration, alle thenm te contaci e I may be of asj- in 1 linig theïlir oh més. Jo nyJames .SATUfRDiAy -- AU(G VILLE ,UST 21 -22 ý I31 -Septemubier rm I MiVivss Mary Tïuompsoýn, Toronto-ý spent the weekc with Mrs. Aniguis Leskaird 01id Time Picale wns lheld at roo Prkon August Sth. Around sixt forer esidritsandprescrit re>ide[lts gaZtiered to îenew aqan Of thanks to Mrs.]3oen (Lena, Brdly)Okv Ille and M. Bes, (Berh'~,Cora)Or n, ho were re- lare a e[or KLEENEPX TISS5UES. Mi. M El ood nd sn,M.Ei Ms. Martins andfaily ,sent a iw days \ isn ir anWitiric. M r. and Mfs. W. SBoyd and filye hoidw it i St. P0honiarvs. igMs Mis. richardon and gr andsonGry seister, M. Hosone. Mr. and Mis.RossGroeebns ,ýland i Toronto xvîtther. aridMis Atob-ng Mot )ataster Phili Louck setth twvMi. a ln d .spry spetthi foirdeyi St. homs istngMs Congraultions to oouibahor Mr. nd itAs E.r AeenGAexndr obYr.Agsuk spent therhliastoîn tekNortiiPoutry. hey vsii-Msi taw aMntraland.spartn iter- estngraterations ntoitr.Hen r be fore rturn ihoe.tIio' hi i Mster Paul Chandlei 11Torond sta.n wthatiler Aesree fo to Mweek. Co. Mis. Angus ocks spent the wekcled ort Hopeindvisiting Mis. bli er. nd Mis. C. Maîtin withvM- an b2i Mis. ut ornish ! f1afaiy ogratulations to M.r.gad Mis Roy spiy on te irth ow teirda-1e ghterfiîds grcildofMi and nm- to great-grarydma, Mis.M.Cow.lýie While passirtîog iemn k we1 T alev on Te. ndMis Estce sponsible for a veOry sucessful picnic It was dcde omake hepini an nraiafito take paea Orono Parlk te eon Stdyin August. Keep thé dae ian mnd. SIxth Lne Mlu and Mis. CnV AUlkeî, Frances Baîbuaa ad Nancy of Pôrtagec La P-ra,,irie aie ,spending prtof 'hi evcationwivth Mli'. and MiVsJack Stapleto)n nd fAmi MI. and is. Dan lOke and fml are isiingwithMr.Jams Ioy an& tuined Fromi a pleaisant vfsýIt withj hem cuii i Sianac Lake, Newý Yoik Sae The Ro i ood Cookin'g ýSch.1ool, sýponiso ed' bu the oensinstitute was held on Agut13th at the- home1J of the IPreszident i. is. NormanKen- ney vrthirty ladies weîe resn axami a mewanaxc i upronaiUIaltAe- ~ noonw as ejoyedbyah 1, ~ ~ ~ ~ ' 2,3 4!.A eae gLadI to rpr that iUs. C. o Cooper plogressing favourably G fti e rcetoperation i Ja wý GeeralHospdto. ,, Ms. F Corishof Moirish v'isited P wth thî'ie aîd eilStewart. ~24-25-26-27 -2S- fi I ( n i e f o r pag e ork odom ke if ot hlb e . -i, As a )mirîtdy ofe ingte lai es nac tbhe nstr i iof ap' o~~~~~~~~ =-td--n a ngte it Dayox ~~~~~ thyýeaedpn isfith àe ~ ofthei- ag. A ovel b-i rth ay aî tt" f 2)--- 1. 1W .- --59c. and $1.2.5 th---- Ephe-----ne .65c. and $1,3 0L. 2 for 39c4 No, i - 3 ingmeî rigs, c plet wthst of î indx tbs nd indexi anl ONY ...-2 fiii. An extra SpecilVau . $4.3D N.3 - 'Samle equipmuent as bind(er No. 2 but mrade of geaineleather. ON)-LY ï9 Sup »ies MARATHO N LINIMENT - cfooF and sothing, -- .39c. and $1,79 CRESSCOIRN SALVE................ jar----.......... 59c, DR. SU LS3 NCSI foot soap, foot powder, and foot b ým ...ex-cellent fo tired tender and pres,,pirîing feet. comupiee kit for --- ---1$1,20 ZAM BUK ÏINTM E-ýNT --- -- ........ ...- ----------- L.P.C. F00 PýfOWI>ïEê, oling and soothing Ig-e tin.......,. 75c. DR. ',CUOLL ýMED)IFTFD INSOLES, made of fonmed rubbeýr1 soft as a pil 4.W iîes and men sail sizes pair for -.........65C. Tyrells Dug"tore PHONE 68 (Charles B. TyrreIl, PhmB)O ON , NT Mr. and Mis. Kea Henderson anudj Littie Ross Bigelow 1retu1rned home family adMr. adMrs. Bih Wana afer spedin a oliday Iwith hiàî and family spenit Sun1day atl, ace grandpaîf,"[ents., Poin t. Miss Jili Chapm-an visited wiith Me. Mi. and Mrs. Lloyd Barnnes and and Misý. JaCk chapman. amlBowmianville visited Sunday M.adMs. MiTon i Tamibly0- -with Mr. aid Mrs. Clarence Alir. ýOrn eegusso i.adMs Mr. and Mrs. P. J. ïgeo adBryson. - ý ý,,d r. fmlPor t pevsie $n uyM. anjd Mis.Bill annadRs wvith Mr. andMis'1-, A. J. Bi:eîow. ith Mi-, and Mis. KeniBal Pants, Boy's 7'Ï4 OZ. Sanforized Denim, zip-per ,,fly double kniee, sizes 6 to 16 yersach....29 Sirts>ü,, Boy's printed flannel, green bay plaids, sport shirt style, assorted, colors and pa"tterns- sizes, 8 to 14 years. Each ...........2> ICamisoledes, Cotton eyelet design, white, sizès small, mecdium or lrg.Each.....98c. Briefs, Ladies Rayon trimmed, asre oos sizes sm-all medlium or larg,-e. Eah....9c, Vests, Laie, cott,'on, no sleeve, sizes small, mediumr o l a g e . F a c h ,.. . . . . . . . . , . 5 9 c . Bloomiers, . desRalbriggariwitesizeSssmail i medim o îlarge. Each..........69C. Baby's Crib ,Blankets, size about 36 in, by 50 in., colors pini-, or le. Each........19 SpecalWooUbur's andLotion,anftue' sale, rglr$.0size or. .....69f, Sp ecaiPeobdenit CirdetT1hPs,,r G4ceryFe k4ureo S leOra nge ï n' lm- 12 o 12 Jars, specia ... 5e 12 ib. w33c jves, Stffffed, ü z. mars...45e, Cr-eam-i, PasteurizMd,27 bc, butteft ielfor coffee etc,., 4 ou -e )Ar.........4 Pickles, Crispie swe m'rnixedf, 16ce jars ..3e Habitant Pea Su,15 oz. tins, 2 for ..... 3e. 28 oz. tins,..............16e Pineapple Juice, Lby',20ouctis2fr..5e Sliced inaple Libby's 420 oun1ce tinis ., 5e Pure Back Pepper, 'arge 4 oz7, cnaies .72c. uORONO5iTO1.0SOR ~nuûrurriifnter shol prompt youa to caIl up,,nl uin timne of sorrow. We stress simpl beauifulservices that prove consoling to the 'bereaved. *BARLO*' 4HOMEF Phone Agent for Jackman ÈFlowers for every Occasion ===M= =====Z= if