Canadien chemis beai fruit, ceýrtain weeds hc are pai- sonous tafo ar nmis sm- day mA-ay boeusulini the ing the ilîs a akn T'he cheis i Dr.1 ayo, dhcting pure rsac ne C-1-1, iellowhip inthelboi tories oi the Nattonal Researchn is aimed at,ndn the chewmia mnakeup of "akaloîds' ln pot- sonou weed,4ik the deathi camas,' D Utýchman's, -r-,eches" squirrelcor lpiespte will alSc tep a eemn the rea-sonrt theiýr presence la. plants and chac function they * perform. tn * ' Alkýaloids aebitter gai materiîals pinusOr potenI-- tially hamil a at an andt'I aonhal but, 'in sall quaIntities' have wide m-cedîcina-i ujses. Corn- m-oaly nwnaaldsare st.ry- chnine,mopie oana- fene icotine,ý anid quinine-al Dr., Lecluc 45is trse chje.fîy in tLha udnin aspee4; etîý alkaloid chmsr.Anythmng he uacovers that miay lead tA the commercial appitofa theý alkalolds~ heis workin Mith, will1 bLe passedý on- the NRC'sa- plied chemîstry divii. Thie aipa . eoîglm- * creasingly vaube i North Amii.,ïca as an instumneint for the quick and widespread spraying cr dluting crops and swoodlands. with pesticides aad insecticides Aecss the wolin New Za land, it has found. another faccm! -use-the spread-.ing9 pf fertilîzer.ý Agr.iculituriste report that acres « crugged, k3hly icouintry th-,ere have beeri covete to e7- cellexktj paturelan, capable ait supporting m-nany times mnore cattie and sheeý,p than.- pr7eviouIsly, by fertilizer s;pread from the air, Remiiscetca the eariy and mld-hirtes l the prairie pro- vlc,,the -ol~are an the mwfve la xas.Clouida of dluet rai aeosthe oonr bscursng the, fec, seepig ino homes, leav- ing in t4heir wake scne a ds pair and desoltion. Fariners wh% have prospered in hepasýt, o withwoy uiponr their arparched acre,, Merchants cryan over-burden o ciredAit latheir book. -Banks no longerwec eth rua WhileCanaianshave be fortujnate tisýý y(e)r to es(capef wid-,espreaýd. -damyage- iron wiado erosioýn theynvrtess ae eoinproýbiýeme lai nyds tit.Priýceleýss- top SalU is be-ingi wash-ed aybyraýJa and un corýolied spîg lods det the lIack, aisoa sou onera tion racic At n e on on thought a soul as ai, ua esuc ai it wa-sgeeai cansidered,wa an inexhaustible birthrigbt and -as used as 3such. i recen yea, haeve, Caniadianso CROSS 171 77 1.PL isat« W FSunou, la. nos,~ djococw 5&7. Girl Dt. Sortein ww il. Whet a S WORD ZLE - DOf, 2. Tvakes harle A A, w,ght fnia ý- = Gr~e~n~eTwosme-BrisKaKof-f, of moiv;ie-horror fme shows t$he steps that chainge Pbe tOuis Stevensoc's idn4diy Dr. JekyP into sinister and sadistk Mr. Hyde, the gresn h f o ciaIstslave cam--e tai reaIz-ýe thaDt aur salle cofld be elee like jther resources. Tis fat, afraicurein saiconservation -wikL be esta-- blished,, for thse firsttmeat tise Ontariut giulua Cleeal G u e'I p h. The Conservation Co6uncéil ai Ontario has been set up, one ai its prime functions being the Promotion ai sai Coni- servaion.Canadiai. chapters aof tihe Sai conservation Society aof America are being formedoc. Pro- vincial and Fedteral depavtrents aiagriculture have laui(hed long range rDseaôcg pragras dealîng withsali oservation. But tise problemi of sali eroý- alan. canlnot be licked sole'y w'y agricultural scientists,cosra tion groupa oir govera.menits Tise man who holds týe-y key tat h e ofcssa any sou! conservation prgaml the farmcer bécause he on the sali these varius beisare trying ta conîservie. Ris capraianterefare is es- seatial. 't 't ' Because mioistrre and tem-pera- ture cýonditions areusal ideal for germ-ination and grawtb,, tisle las twa wveeks a gui and tise firSt two wieeks in St pte-- be:i the best time througfhaDut m,-oat ai! canada ta plant alaj ccrngta Jaes . Byceà ai týhe turf researchdisona tieCentral Experimieata b ar la ttawa, fall-seede.ýd a s get anerystart and are able ta caoîmpete efiecti-veiy WitbtIisie1 war-m.weatCher weeds whi-ch er ina te la la-te sprin adeal s umniaxer. law z0so as a rics1, demd luai lam.Clay sous can be improved by use ai su' candi- tionkers. The properaplcto ai Cc!Im)plete fertiLzer prior ta w. On te ocan27lPt wm C'. :1 c1c; ýcêt . 9n ',ore - Wiil 2. al lagr Lie Wi4 :l. UDreg', t [. No1umui 9. Aricln a ti d epi atZ!ion foo 16.~ ~ ~ ~ 1 Semn ier ï. edi rn ostablished by the Canadicn National Railwaiys. AillThe co- paony's ighway sýervices,, except Canadian National Express veh- ides5, wiIl be orgcinizedr- under theý one departmnent. It has been formied in an effort to providce greater efficiency andeoom of ape-,rotion. Mr. Gciffney brings m-ore than 33 yoars' ex,,perïice in the coniduct nf cnme cf itransportation tais rnew, postio thaïn *thic.rate o sedngorthe' Iratio of comlponenits 'of il- seed i bulder tostrip the to)p souj froin the lot, stockpile it in one cor-ner Lbeforecontuciiand rspedit aiter pirpr gradeý.s have been establihed. Chi il save Up ta $350 in tOp sa ilre- placmentcosts onanarae Wibrand Orville Wight nmade their h-istoric fliiht at Kiîtyak th1e futuýre of Cana-da. Bfr o lumus day-and for some time Aiter ward--the0centre 0',the thena ýme îiplies. The ffetiv peoples of the world l-idalong Sshores: -Egy--pt,Pesa Greece, omPortugald pan -ail bordered onthe1 edfirl? nea ulad sa long as cmec asconf!ined ita shrt ivoyages, the Mlediterranean countries re- mnained in the lead, The inven- and the extension of th-e art af 11avigation broughit about the ds c.overy ai ofthe New Wr, aad the decline af Mediterraneanc A- ilzation soon set in. lt was succeeded by Jthat ln hihthe Atlantic pplefIs toak the lead. Greçat Britaîn, an '!sla'ýnd oin the flarik oai Europe, her peap;,fle already tr.nedt te sea, was mwell situated to benef romn this rnew o-rientatin.The fortu- nate possesion i coal and ia peaples candicutrebut isone so mucis as Canada,5, Altslough, thcy did not realize it, trie'Wright brathers wý,ere re2spansible for a new shift in the wvorld'scnte irom .thse Alni tise Arctie. Ta somie, thi*s stateccientmy semstran-ge, (even absurd, but mcsevidenice can ha produced in support aiit-Frm Canl- Bodas eE ast eis lsmon d"P u fines opertiaïg over tise Pac±fic cana, whjose one colony It la.plan ta make th isýl of ai tsegiant5 atone sausand stranage rock carvngs "Une aiftie oricîpal a orfink ai iseSoutis Pacifiec." IL is quite a >zpracti.cable ami- tion. The Ausralian airman, Cap - tain -P. G alr oie u planepscu(l ak ise tnip be- tenChle ue ad Asrlain thre dyswitis Easter sla'Fndý ica.' Th'ere are plenty agod sitesror ir strips on-,tise sad îdly in tise PacificThenthInk ai iseattactonthjis P), square( Aircnrnft e, iun-the vasi cis- But satrdoe acc;n foutirne ope',Vwe ind tise r ishe-dciiiaon statueýs ai Easter. peated ila the !VMu la Tahiti anil thesýe works we,7re w'hite Imn w -ith mavred-haî-ed, regions ceriturles bef ore air- craf dt, or steamlships, or the wvOen -ships ai Captait-,Cock and cman.The thleory th t l wsdone b-y raft and ,started frLom Peru, wherc? there ajre - ilarmonuentsandâ a similar ieg Àdaibeardecl.whfite en cs the nsiain ithfa- Thsproved .,'th'at raits cculd dolt hor Heyerdahl and is comanin made their tnp irom Peru, 4,300 iles acrosa th SthSeas, la hi01 days.' Th1,e thoryv is 'that this miýgraý- tion to ok place :ýabout 1,40 year ago. AnIother owave ai me a diferntdaker-skinnad rac, l b'telieved ta have afrrved 600 yearz atr.They cmeby sea- goig ar-c'anae. ceaneplo-ratiýon ddfo e gin wththe Vkng.Ai3d yet anothe,ýr chaptler ai its-stcry W as wrltenbefreEuropean vya ers iirst reached thle Pcil.This time theýre was nomystery about' tae or ofnaithýze>explorera ýThey,ý were Cîee Chineejnewr 'da with In1-dia adAralbia befaore the Ca5esars ruiled lainRam-e, A jd figreaithe Chilnese gad l oý,ng< near: Dainvi shows thatý theyj reachedAutai well in adr- vanlce'-ai Caitain cookç. E.xperts suay the figure w vas, threnhor iourteenth centur, anéx it was iotoad ilathe roots af a banyvan tree, wiich lac not native ta Austranlia, but ïi highiy ieýgarded by the hnee That Points ta a setlement. There is evideaceaiott juaýiks rmade thetrs-aic f voyage tý#AlMexico.Offer;ings of carved jade were dîscovered deep lmi the silt wlhen t-he rain god's sacre-ýd pool ai hchn Itza wýas dreýdged a fewý yearsý bei areý the war. Thiey had beenà e thrown in jrîththe hum-an sýacr- fices, vwhose bones were m wixed witf h-e othier relics of Maya rie.There is m) way of ac- j counitiag for th,- jade ~aes caefrom Chinia. Thiaigs like these give fscn atigtanýtalising glimpaes ai the secr7ets af past ages .Ia the Pacif- ic. Wîll we -ever knowmoe Easter Isiîandlers had their Ownj system aiwoit.gbut the lalst ai the "wise mn who coutld read ît died neartly 100 years ago, and no key to thec hieroglyphics b -as been fouhd. ~ RhRabý., fRab, Plus have produced a Wtansistor- ized" mnegaphcne that seema ta be thse answer ta a ciseerlead- re's prayer, It le expect'ed ta have wide application bath for mltr and cîvilian use, accar.-ding ta GE officials. The miegaphone la camplete lait iseli, reu rio n external battries or, coninections af amy kindi. The key is touad la two tn eraîmbeada, "transistors" hc do thle am.,- plification wo ofaivacluumn tubes anïd apeirate on a minirmum ai power. TChey ,vorkirm iny batýter- ,es [lhesieaamacbxel- Catn rihe ee d For btl kyv higi-volage atteries or an ex ternal power risc new unit has a volurne contraiwhc permits adus ofntaith, nor- m-al paîg ac rmalu s'hout t qlaniadiblewhiper By Rey. RBrca Wre B.A., BD Tht (Jhrisfian',s Fray 1 Tiymiothy 21-; ornai7 therefore, that, first ai ail, SP plications, 1payers, nees sions, and gîving of th bksch made for al men:; for ki2gS", end for ail tisat are ini authoz- il>'; that fwe sa-y lead aqie anid peaceable lit el il dgod- linàes aud honety. iTimohy 1 am wrt.ýing this bei are tise: election but' you are reading U' aiter the'C election. Let usgv good heed ta ise memory sele- tlan. Men who stand for p)ublic. office receive a lot ai unwjarranjt- ed abuise,. If we really paydfor t'hose in authority there wouldûiA be a greater a),tmosphere Ai ki-,J ness and aur laeswudd better job. Our prýayers aure to be ied lai the name aio eu Chrýi, tise Oinly mediator between Gad endA man. We neeld tie oly ýSpirit in our hearts that wenay ,,ask according ta tDse Will aiGof When w have pr'ayed ia thca Spirit -"We k-now that althia-g&e wark together for good ta themrt that love CGod, ta them whe are1 the called according ta his ur Pose." This is not a resignatýli ta fate but anaiafirmation ai faith. It la a triumph la the face ai mystery, It ls restin la e preý- sence ai wh,,at may appear taý be defeat. I spoke on that text one marniing. The next morning 1 was greeted with the news aio the deatis ai a former stuident. His car had been iound i-1 the possession ai athers. FHe had bFjEený shot. aInoteryear heepet ed ta gradtrate irom edca school .and proceed ta Indi a ar ai missionary.- He loved Goà. Therefare thse promise applýis even in such a, Sad situation asý that. A young doctor read :ýof it, He was chllned e and his family are now, ministering ta India. Some day we shail gader- stand it befter-,. "God mioves in a mysterious way-, His ws>ndera to perftrn; He plants bis footsieps la Lb.t Anîd rides upmn tike stor. BlInd untbelief is sure And seau bis work in God is His ()Wu interprl And Ife wlll -make it (lisid rlwnto prevent1 E a J I A~iswerEI~ewl one ci TisAspage N s