uildPorch Suppers Around Fried Chieken i NCA", athe seIson for InforMai bu suatia 01'ch rb2ack yar nppera. They eau, be pleasant affaira and needflot take too meý-,ch preparation timei. Base thero ncnlspy frled chlcken for betreaulta, Reebrïf you aPre serving tihe chicken ldand-want te cook) Il thseCday befere or eariyi hç day, b. ýcertain ta refrigerate it wlFor safety'a seke, that ïla vi.taliy hImportant. Aise, when taling ciente the beach or tca a Picnie -sPot, refrig; erate it thoroughly firat. Arrange to lceep it ei and eat -.t wlthln 4 ho'urs. Biutter-Crisp Ohieken OýnL, -3 pound fryig ecken, sit, pepper, 1i cup Iour, 1 tea- spùoon ,paprika, % pound butter,> rennthym, if deslred,thîn nonrings, if deaired. HaIve chicean drawýn and eut inte sýervlng pleces. B inIed waiïter and drain. Put sait, peppour, f.oulr end paprikçaID paper Isag. Shake 3 to 4 pieces ofc blceen lathe bag at a timie ta coat tiser- ouüghly. Hleat enougli butter and shortenîlng ln a bcavy skillet taO niake a layer af fat % inch deep, With kitchen tongs place chickeni a hot fat. Brown on bath s/des. Place ch-iekels, one layer deep, i %hallow bakig pan. For added fiavor aprinkie wlith thyme and belion. Poucn-. e butter over chitken pieces. Bake in wmoderate oven (350 deogreca F,) unitil tender, about 25 te 30 inPutes. Baste wltis a'iltcd butter aer15 minutes of bakIng. Hee'saother suggestion for a porcis su-pper mnu:a Bscuit Beef ROM (4gemeroue; servenga>. Two tý ablespoonafat, V cup fiaely diccd onlan, 1i ual!cleve nale inced; 1/'2 pound chopped be-ef, 1 teaspoon khitchien bouquet, k-ojuncie can tomate paste, ½ c, up flnely dlced &-een pepper, 1 tea-. * spos» salit, 2 teaspoons sugar, t3ý teaspooen pepper, '1/4 te-aspoen Chili p-~wder, % teaspoon powdered oregane, i cup bscuih< aou A4 pmîlik,7Ï Sitfthfrigpan over low ieat. AOdd 'ga iic and e~~O bout i1mnutfle. Add chospped beef pulled it) idad bits endi ShOre Service - An' improvement on Curb service keeps French actress.es Rosemnary Crowell, Ieft, and Simone Bach, righit, ~cool while dininq cat this seaside restaurant on the French Rivieraî *.Plain H for s ense.. by F408 ELLIS ____ Tim iiskim-,in g, Aug. 8 ,ï53 In thîs rugged cauntr-y studded' Wit shaft heAde and pH=e of -aHueng, pop e ar gged toa. For themn it is not Nrband South, for thiem- it stili is "ew Ontaria as camnpared to the DIold" down aon Oshwa aid Toronto. Yau can metmany au one wha came i,i bere f ifty aid miore years ega -when there wr iio roadis or railways and they had ta partage aI l thiir i-e1onwg- 1 ings, iteaspoon vanille of Iblueberries. Fir-st taice a littie (f th-,e tfour me-tas-ured for t-he e and mix ii with the blueberrie2s, Creamr suigar, bultter, and egg tugcther. Add milk. Add ifour, baking pawder, and sait,sifted together thelte vaclla. Laýst, add the flauired berrnes.Mi well, and bake nmdrt ae.Ctj squ,)ares, and --at hat t pe 1 gallon<1 peck) ripe 4 PAS buot red Peppers 2 tablespoons sait 14 ablespofongroundaspc pepper 3 tbiespos graied w*c pepper ipint vinegar Cook tamatoes and pads ot ho-, red peppers tagether until ten- de tr.,Put trouhJacoar-se s.nE Stil r l i remainming ingr-edients. Simm-er from 3- hurs, wthe eareflly that it does naotsik Bateand carkwheho.hi catsup im-proveswth geai though it uine dark hrawe. ,,eIntIcse times ta carr'y a hiu- depucd bag ai seed potae t1iraugh twenty miesaibushi to a neiighitbaur was considered "Just a friendly gsue Even AMoneyl TIsey are toujgh, the-y are fniendiy, they are Isosptable, rtnd above al! tIsey are out.spo,- ken, If asked for their op-jii, th-ere is noa reluctan1ce, no 1he1si- tancy; Yeu will get it vwhethe,ýr you like it or nat. Any subject is welcome for disýcussin, be itecnmregi ous ùorpoliltical, pDresejnt]y, ofi course, thse palitical Iavî7n g tIse upper hand. Everybady is wtllgwt interent the battele bieg waged byr "Annr" Shlpley, rumn;Austiaun,ý reevers ai ofTeck and 'Lbe_-aJ candlidate, agaienr,-t "o'Af thse anmble standard bearer oai At preseet t iný even aoe on thse two; by tIseftime tu~s re- Portal er, ewill ko h Ye Bcd 0GideTies Isard wntr, an i)ss to b on ïthe mo-ve, he has tobepo grsiv nd agg,ýressive ta s;,- Ilve 11 an t h1 eaCo mem1vory andreebra is take, UN o arepeat it. , That is wh'y tiseCosvaie have eotingta hpe Êfor le a district Ier tse eope av young faÈlkS werendig Ie rd, and tIse aider mc ,wene wakn on1isle nagettingpa v wît choques mked O'ref'sutIs% raý,te of 98 et prça ce"oId -, God of the 'depreed' stteftiSe gold miaing idstyis ;n. Com-inig uýp here ,a man ex-4 pects ta fînd ghost twsand derelîct ramshaicle bildngs Nothing Of tIse Sort. l"theplants and thse adinistrative bu"lngs look just as nich and prosperous as thse headquarters of any banis or insurance compat nlToot orMontreal. And they are paiag gao dividleads. BolnRetIse campeny struck bytIse mnr for ar 10 cet inc-'reaSe con their Isourly rate i $1,02, lest yea'r paid out $6,50,VJ(j on aca-tli zation ai less than $900,O0O. Last Season, There are saiegood f as n the South end rai tIse istrict. it is mixed farming with tIse ac- cent on imilk, whîch is highly vahued at $5.20per Iscdred- wveight. Sa-me good Hoîlsttins and Ayr shrearroiia the counntr-y, wlth Isardl!]y ay jerseys r Guernseys il. sight, althotzýgh there is open ïýquotafohghtt milk. TlIseseasoni) s much later tha-n in ai'Ontarlio, Of course, TIse spring grain LiSstihi green 'anida lot aofIsay Ias ta be broughtl ii yeMucIs of iàis 1be.ing pu t up in th'e Old fashion on stake"s whîch miiakes for wneflhaýy. Thi coumnwetcomcls sug- getica ise or feohls, and ail crtcswhether con)structive or dýestructive anid wifl try to yau)r letters ta Bob EhisBai1, 123 - IFth tet ewTrno Ont, *Iow 1PossomTrot' Got Its Name Itisý now, more thon ten years since some very deiieCon- clusions were reachec by the Committee on Arifcial Respiration of the Health League of Canacda as to the possibilities and liymit- dions of artifiial epiaon especially in cases of drowning,' wrtsDr. Gordon Bates, .ieral director of the Kea/th Lecigue. "Pt is ,,urprisîng ant the lessons /ectrned at that time seemi toa frequenly fY have been forgotten anid thçat, timne fter time, one rends newvspaper reports of cartificicd respiration ha1Cvinig been stopped tac early." Dr. Bate$ssummalrizes rsome Of the chieýf point"S whkhhould be generally know,ýn cas folowvs- (1) There is hope of revîvng peropparentîiy Jrowýned even though the drtinofrmmrsohs be:en up taý hqlf aOn houer.Pens Ave been revived afterup ta this period under wtr ?2) The fact that mast of the usual signe of lIfe mar ften enieyabsent Onrart apparent/y droned persan is not a final incatzýion oCf death0. Persanýs have beenreie by atifcialresiraton fter houýrs of apparent death ~rmvarious causes. Intil somne indÀi>cation of life appar- en a vryn apard hiere vwas no ulè,no heart ýrun dible y sehsop xmnain o reflex of (~)Arifcll rspraonshauld Le commenced immedîaeiy inlail cases under watoer for jesýs thnhaîfon Fhour and hould be contnued witout an frhstnt intermîsionuti A ahpe is lWt Si) The ru/e lid down by the HeAltLea;gu eto Canada's c mitewrs thaýt it shauld be continued fc o' iiu fforheurs or unitil rigor mortis sseïn; and there shui e nsceptin0tathisru. (5: Add'itioaruje-_ýýcs hove ta do ,iiîh k qpgtepain worm by aOU ensposbl nd seigta it;la th ai poasges are ciLar. "This ast suggesin isvery imoanteHelh eau dircto emhaszes 1n many caseýs it hacs been fudta larygec spam eists Ths coditonwhile itlfetvlypeei ateforom gettming ita the lungs, aOsoreventstCe genlryof air. At the smommn, lnoMore fcive measof optýrenh the la!rynx; is krown other thon seeing that the targe in pud aut durin Plies appear touhve been asso- ,easily available source nf food an'd a cospcou ce by virtue gof brilianitly col ore-dflowers, Apparenltly, as soan as m--ac set,- tlddowc long enoug-h t grdn he cherished hue. . . . Aît the civilizations, lili sut have had an laestietic ajppeal, for, remarkr- ably clear pcue of them ap- per c ea n puîttery made sü»me two tase yelars before Chirist. AcnaryEgyptian ýrelief,ý noýw prsevedleparis, Lsha>s OmOneln gthe--rng huijes, oth,-e.rS priessing them rta o'btain tees- senial ail. Fram reenh MdnallUy ra-veled ta Ram,-,e. .,,Thse wamien- of Rame used the sap, pressed from the same ffies, as a skia- cleansing precparationi, acd they or Roman saldiers caruied bulbs an expeditians of orcùqueSt throughout Europfe. fi- this way, at the begicinrg of the Chrlistianl era, thse Mado;nna, lily came to. tIecounitries that are now Ger- mlanuy, Hollaild adEglc It w,ýas then aisa that this lily be- camne a symbol of puritýy aeim- ortan!t in religiîon. Lilies are often mîentioeed la tIse Bible, ai- though tIste "hues oi tIse field' mifay actually hvebeen i ris. Leon-ar-ti la da i c drewa deý,- ta-iled pen-cîl sketc-h of tIseMa dona liEly, a &oerstock ideeti- cal with the co ld-fa shiorledCItype still grawn jegades.Later, in teSixieeethadSentnt Centuies, ues (re a favorite OLrs. Wi'h tIse passine of iseMid Ages, Mies wrevalued legar dlean of theINorthere HT-emisphere. As new worIlds vwere discovere, they too econtribýutecd hues, plaxns eagerly sought by am-ateur gar- denmers. Thus soon aiter thse dis- covery of Canada by Jacq-uei5 Cartier, L. cacadeenie was brought ta Par-,is and Londacn. When tradle whJapýan and Chinia becmïe pios.sible, ~hie were amng t he fir7st plants îm- port'ed fram thoîýGse countriEs., W'i thtIeoe r enddevelo-p- metof the West Coast of NantIsh Amnerica, fthe fine fhues grawing there were n se ,-cojlected,nmd knd distrîbuted to growers iei otlher parts ùof the wvýorldï. Lilium anidmthse Madonnaý, lily, and sever ai Eurapean sipecïcea were gnawn la Englishgadn as early as 1600, We flnd L. can- adense describedl in John Par- kiason's The Ga-rdlen af Pleasant,' Flowers, which appeared la 162ç, Other lilesgrn at thet tm wýere L. bulbiferumii, and L. chai- cedonicum, tIse Recd Martagon "4, Constantinople, Two hundredî yea-rs later, in 1832 to be exact, L speciasuni rubruim arrived6 from Ja-,,pan, and after anothec-r thirty -years, L. auratumr, tse famous gl-bnedlly, Llu heniryl, vwhichj exerted such a great influence le aour modeî garden hil es, did nïot arrive until 1889,, and L, regale was flot isý- covered until 1903. aSprn;einta itckiejs bouquet, Cook,, aýIrTing freq4uently, untkl aeat la -sligbitiy browned. Add tomato paste, green peppier, s4ait, tugar, peppcr, çhïil powder and oregano. Mix weli and let cook over 10wv lient about 10 minutes. Tison remove fromi heat and cool fLlghtiy. Menwliile comnbine biscuit mix and nih te muke amall bal of dougis. Bell ut on lightly floured board to a ae a rectangle about 8 x 12 tachbes. Spread mieat and tornato miixture on dough aimoMatote ecigesa. Bei! up lik. jely roll. Place oýn greased shalow baking pari,, Bake in mcOerateiy hot Oven (375 degrees F.) Uhtil rolli lightiy brüwned and donc, about 25 minutes. Retnov'e te aerving platter. Cut In 1-inch ehr-eu ta serve -,â-d arccemany withi whipped potatees and e freshl eoked vegetable.