* ~ ~ ~ l la * ~ F AI1R SEPTEMBER 4iu 5 PO ",T rlday Nigbt S.quare Dance C2omp'tition SU00.O0 PRIZE MION'e Kins :en Cani vai Mèrchant's :,Dis Iays A\d emission 25 centý S tcc k ExhFi i, HFariecs R a ces Midway, Georgeto Wn Band Admi$sion 50 (nts Saturday li gt Dance 4, T4~t's the famoue 0 dý fCbu. Ic,j4 CN.E.! And, this yeair, thýere's fecitures and- attrac- tions galore. The 19S~3 edition of -Canadiana-, star.fing Victor borge, Darvai andc Julia, the LUnds, anid the lieauty and wonderment afP'Dancin g Wae "T1-rek'o diamond dis play noever before '.ýý> n ta tiie public . . . pinptechi!ling thirills, and Icaugh,< on twoý gre-at new Midwtay rides. . the famaus Wei-sb Guords Band . . a ul-scale ice show. Yes, therea samethinig diffc,- ent every minute ut this yeor s. insuancecosts ubýtantially re- 'rbuyin.g Di)vi- .yn Policies ~IS on request. 1 RING 16 R-ANCE branches iospitalization ý, Accident anti Mass, Liability, ",Wind, Polio. ýState 'sghway Newcastle 2 ýIgal0w, Insul- aIIngle roof, 4 Anms andi pantry, eHydre, lot SOr ay, goti water, ced, several apple '000 cash. IGE FUNDS kiahle fantis fer ges» on improveti 'larke Towniship ýst rates. mnd SFOR ESTIMÂTES (R. LYCETT 'h one 84 r 12 rJ - ONT. l. A. NORTHSY M. I. MýCALLUM P-eid-n .n@ Mng TORONIO AýuG'. 28 - SEPT. 12e,1953 MKIS l SALE '01o, Ont., ail o\ely th 3 roomled cabin om in eig added. Sgood water -o*ý taxes. No rea- Èted. Apply on the possession. Mr. R. Ont. a-p SýALE Ston truck with for farmer. Too k.Iii gpod rcondi. n-i nile north of Bowm&iiinville 2679. O C ,PICIIED UP collet BOW.Manvllle li e horses. -Marg- ,oved from your rSarIitary dispoaal.1 Cobourg 1266 or1 LJNG LIMITED >se ;sfied tur Fur 1nace JUME and ~JRED 'ALLE D [awrcnce C. Mason, KAX Barrister and Solicitor BOWMNVILEONT. Ofice 688 Home 5.53 JACK REID Orono's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuatwe jSpecialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Cnsime mfor ternis and datles T7ED J A C KS Auctioneer and Valuiator "ondiUcts ucqinSales f >ail dzoe and at rnnberate., Commuicatewith lm at ut tý. Mortoni at Orono, for date. LIFE ISURANCE pension Plans; Educational ic1 Protecticin and 'ïSavings Plansfa ?biramc dlt;Motag'a F. E. LYCETT ORO10NO, Ont. Pmoe 20 àr i TeRUTTERGANT Dial 3216 -- P.O. Box 8 22, Port Hoýpe, Ontarloa STAFFORD flROS Monumiental Works phone WLltby 552 318 Duadas St. E, Whitby FINE QTJALJTY MONUIçT5 SANI? MARKERS Let us ereet a haadsomne, 41g- nified monument over the net, ing place of your loveti oiea. It's not expensive. Andi aeelng this last tribute will give yon enalens comfort Orono Electric Phone 93 r 1 CONTRACTORS FOR FARM and HOUSE WIRING Free Estinates APPLIANCE SALES Prompt andi Gutranteed Rea te ail makes of Ele,-I iui ue<iê and Âpplaie Such aus Meon, Water U.atoe Radîoa, 8tevea lrou&E. BIt Suntsys nt Hliay b PHONon74mrn1 DR. R. J. TAGGART VETERINARY SURGEON Park Street OPPOSITE SK SATING RINK Si ORONO PHONE ý4 r 16 Oxoxo A. F. iMeKENZIE, M.LD, PHYSICIAN andi SURGEON 2.00 tê 4.00 p.m; 6.»ote 8.00 p.àj Sunldays andi W«Ishudaye by appointment u.Iy PHONE 47r] E. C. SYER, M.D. PHIYSICIAN and SURGEON< Main Street South Office Heurm: 2.00 te 4.00 p.m,. 6.30 te q.00 pMý, wý t 1, 1