AkayArmercan fight Mn namne the grete,--st scrappef ve sent from Brtish shores to battie ther re ad he will i-variaby plumýnp from thatai-contv- fltdpufiCher, Ted "1Kid'" Lw il of London's East nd reetesfighting macieî ei cloutedîcàover ,se-ventyoponnt into oblivonc in the course of 25M recorded contests. ;ionPs, it w-as in the States ta i jithdsome of is greates ivs- monopolized tie world ler- weighttite frdeUV=n Year% Imeetng altogether twenty ines, wit each round a bitter, sashsn in heated slanging matches dur- inrg fights. And of al ther epi elseit was the cr uap iat,,Can- toOblo, on Marchl7th, 1919, t.hat reads mnost like a sensatÀion- i ring novel. Quer.hng1 hv liapjpenied in U.S. àftarns but -notiiing like thiat -i'the en- Ire history of the sport, tmand so-confidenit ofvitr ththe took Ethc-ring only h, aif 1i1 e wa.,s suffering troma fever. Lut w-vhen hîls mngrsuggesed a postponemnent, the Kîid waved imaside. "I'm not1going to let dowrî waithjer theprotr or the fans!" k, e declared. His face a sîckY hue, he slm- mned in-to the fr:ay with hisusa tempestuouis attack, knowîng his hopes depended on) an early win. Thýe pa-ewa hot, an-d as th- siuggng cotestdevelopeýd, did the bitter "needie eemnt While their mnagers fought-î thei.r usual word-battle fomth-e corners, the fighters exchanged snrlngrmarks as theysw- ped furilus biows. And ail the tim-e the gamre Kid wtas growving weke, e had tý,o lie lifted on his stool for the sixLhi round. .ý . and a vicious 10îf t hook sent hîm crashing tQ theecanvas. Ashe staggered ta his feet the erowd sereamied for the "kili,e ned once again ,he was fýlcooed. Then came draina. Britton considered the rfrescouniting -Tas too slow-and sid ,»so. At A1 ixiu Lewis was upu ta be oc mowre smnashed to the canvas, AanBritton criticizedthspe of fthe count, but the refee g noered hlme and the roundic ended ,vith the KiUd holding on for dear bit> in a maullingcinh For tWov further rounids h steerïed ecear of, serîious rube Then the end camne, inevitably A rghÈo the heart followed b-y two smashing lefts ta the chir crum-ýypied him ini a hedp, Anrd once again bis aggressive rivai shwe issatisf action with the rer' Co untinig. Lewis strred. Would he beat heCount? Britton waq t 1kiG n hne.Stepping swýiftly for- wýa over his prositçre ppo- ýenut> lhe 1rattled 0off the lit ý ive ou! .then turned in triumn-ph, eiaspîing bis loves aoehis3 head While Ëthe croýwd taedstupe- lie, te referce hesiated, Then pointing his linger at his fvelocct rourrymanj. Foi- the lrst an onytim-e in boxing 1historya flghter had been counted out bcv hi;s rival-and had lest aï!rl ttefight îinto the bargain! "But was the referce right it aloigBrîtton, to speed up thie ment thiat Gilbjert dramatically is -adi great Jack Dei-ipse3 Most vital Of his( eer. It icnceýrns hi~ the lheavyweight criý pICidthe foridabi' son from h is thron-0ýý Big Jess Mwa's a beffore the light, stu tering heat at Tolc ~Idepeni-denjce Day7, confident w e r e Dempsey and his as! jack Kearros, that every cent they7 coý' hands on-O,OOO de~ -tihat the chIallengeý by a kniock-out in, th( stort. Seeing how b thecý anv.S wsafte airy busadisgus' demnanded a fresh o provicded. But its la C' fled thec bell that-. wavste tîm-e itting ittimekeeper was prov, polie w'histle inisteac it throughouit the cont it very nearly broughtfaîl of Dempsey, WVearing his habituý-aI looking ahl wire and Mfanassa Mlauler leapi pnn ike a ildiza had hlm groggy At th, >aw - crakig rg- home; and Big %e down rlas if sh-ot. lie scrambled ita b hrngleather hfr emsyfelled hir' tim'es in thue first ro) the last occasion, wM roared Atsfrenzy, counteýd the sprav out and indicated' le~rhad xvon- He had scacel the ropes, howevt twelve yards tov ing-room, when, hastily recalled the rueeree had, the timkeeper' OR Te ali-The lI-ffe chamrp behitid t4e rue bali kVi t')d Ou eViIf Roubaýix, France. . neHed ~ How Can Yu gun whîch 15 muzvie.Icderç and !F one barn a buiti-in wac for better syih pass keeps thel in bgiga contig"ak stories -withCONt ings. Perhaps, Commer, th-e faý,ct that hea s -'t' N i.,., '-'i N N N N N N '-i hdes. adlntEsi sk fr fs pi. cnri ieofatle.Cnda oe-SretAcae Tr o nts wate orprw: Cnd~ innusery.à W ofier Oitbe ; ,ler îe ae oiiosadae r a complotnof futoreesaDnd adst)ctadaXage Fr frtW e STONEP WELONGTAO vy breefiay bec pulletSa owa 140 'rcd Alo no-seed ad rock l<5ir udere ke. Ct our10w pices or Aunet ky pouits dy old rstarteis, aie- lIercliike, tartd ceke.o der el- AN lQUalîty hevy beehd lînilets nadian pproved$14.00 er hur ed. nafifo ocerls oneyMatere- FORl atig dd11.0 ev hnrd ]pe otie rîcs. urey ots, lere liet, strtei chicks an-I started nrkeys. VEDULEdCIlICE HACI{ERvàES )LT strMutne 1,00. oIra.262 Dnvie ~ndas. ntal AI/E go andn ed yi~o 155 iag7 Wrietous forinfonn ýain.Wt .s ai to answer golürtCesins.d 91 Toge S.. Tofnor te IiYY poiaenatin arah rie ws îyiat.A . aUoiBoai Brased roze nie O, Weekoidad2eo1we l WEDECL, CE HATI$ERtxil(] T RSMONTARTO our Druaiet sele ORESS 5d)adinstabiîe Free lraur. oan b n'elwhaltns ,10 deliveedc, a I qior- agis td..-4 If t Peacs andv. taa -nn aletWys afD'mier SI AsWai- ip, aalbe aGarantecd fo yeas. owet oce on mark, st e -evie an sttin ii ntaiofor $94 mete. At 11.le. SîmpnMore Ltd. il Lae orerd. Je TR.o 4 l.a%,r1more0infor1aIon whr ie Ta ai. L Lcaarlo u ad Sns 'S POVE EORY ALE O 10 0h50PGeo. Whitouailsteelgrai aaronrlertireDîONs.Pies $80. Tw steelsxheels.pric $700 cadihI dtisi >sh 4ft ar eees n wihes infrt-lae Conitin ,E upl eMseLarrIs elr tgvl posTI ECZLMA SALVE RAIMiDiz ts'menzt '2,0"fr cn Ul OOII SOt'oil, Ot Ezo EnWs 41 loisaspo2lfint JAR heiiosclig.brnMEInsEcemS i*gworns. piples asd fot somma, vO hopsi'Io ,i.Fseeni PRIV 8280 ER AW MEt4 '8ND WOME GESI OSH Op rtntLEaroy Uhnsandeeo! s [uýcesefisi Mre ad fieg wllsae Caalnemr. Write o'arCal 15c 5ï6 Stoe lor St W.1Tomant Stre, Ring",st.. Yam<luns 70 RdeauSt.,oawa ýe, PUL or pr ie.Webr o r abo u W pa yor comisionin ash Writsforfreeinforatintfiaystail 2Hom je Pructa twic' n "in --ko wheaQe.c. sf( PLSTC LAT lins ft d,Ï2 Rs. '1'ruve t.ot11f e. iead f e I0ey placensing nura f oliagýe. a SUEcRIBE f0 ' oWat's ourHlb 15e DarîcezlaIone5. 14 W CatI UtNet. yracuse, Nte ok USA TecziniclMtpyie ll ceze5, WTcouver, B.C., Canada.h neOME =ASYmOen«Yc tOP TO aýl'i -oo & MOE WEE2 plak t-1ics hey rellet git, ha uli mony. AMvsk for ourfree circlr aîs Pirot düh 72-lh. Aveue. oed Monre l 18ctn o, ueie.aiep ý'trlÊ DI oli- ln ey NTS ýu j-&