Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 20 Aug 1953, p. 2

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readý yourcou, Ilu cn [ep solv ave a sofi job. IA.M. anid f-1x, my d luannh. wthoul ng," 1 du if I ha-ve aher Iig de don", -,ýelp b-ar with s, che gela angry and ak to ne for a couple and feus people rrm At dink or amoka. 1 Sout withoul my wi ta Pay bills or buy- If Ialai longer lb-an s1 sbauld, sheacue opping for a diksu, 's Itake nmytwye- ýher wîlb- ma! ,u blamne mec if 1 quit ier aroundlb-a hue would you suggesl? ller rWas like the soeauw aies, it. helitulhua- btrîuau wîuî an un- kis or canes. Same< wlves, loo-t-ough I Ur spouse seenis flotî e lb-arn Wy flot a idea? it migiri .tually habit-f orming. 1y yo)uý wttia shlows ble o f aigratitude ip' you ;allr-at least ou offer ilAiy=u Any woan ith a L wo châldran on han la Huile die mil di more huabanda do ýil,. . Wb-en a mati tbe Jobms you ention, as at leai aeknowý.- w-ben lb-at la flot ge b- -a tIle in- repent lb-ar. aking should ineyier -Id&d; a fairdvso id, and nu! teeaie cati prove a gane o' hicir need nul ha .dgeny. A henni -t- id firm talâ wt should improve han on and lessen han fc' forihoughý. TO "INDistCET2": I ]n spite ot-e aiya * tadrnlmes, ia aartyo Sset a cmuiyssca tn *daýrd1s)refu"ýse aprv n v oung girl' ubeksl- c *cep)ted rls !bhairTi y'ou did. o o ms th lbeCOst *Fortunately, immonias ar- *shart, Other go-ssip wil amus * lbe intenest aef ihe friends yo used ta haveand ibey WiC * look re kindly on thnegr * Wait,wihptecfrha *day'; if "youpuseyrpr- en ntcourse, il iloa How viSmuo")th1y doaail 1 wùvrda 01 aýPpreeiation 011illte flose- 'ieeï;ilg lwheels! Mtcl ules 01 eourtesy make fot)r pleasant iv in.If your f'amilY aire growvîag carlesk icAnnme Hirst what fa1 de. Write her at Box y, 123 EigùïtaenthS., ew orto Ont. Thfe 1Smiths Lead Ail Even in, Scotland The w-ay-s il hibonîd uals acquira a first and Second naine are by no means akn t-, nauralscience. in lAUnited- Shtes, for examspie, une out aC every 100 ks a Smnîtb-, accondig f0 the latet tudis ai lb-e Na tional Gaugraphie Sciatýy. ha find Che namne John Smilh has topped lis ever since Captas r Johnr set foot ashorýe atïae, town, Va., i 1607. Th>.eVlrn AdinistratinrelishVuehAd as miany as 13,000 John Smnilhs ai une tim-e-8,000 w i nr id- die nama o Cr initial. ThIeSits rte had ra ng iaund, toi), wt 8in av-'er ü1,0 seo namned. EvenSctnd l g9si can is neothlbe coad Smihs, aeoding bu the Scet- ish Po i OficeDpamet John'son, Bron.0lars Jones,,ami Muter, in hat rder' long have hean leaders sunong comnUnited ttssunms but none aven has thrcatened te suppasiantSîh, vanr,aHuginKoaaS- rian'adda, ora Polis!-owl lrnted their nr, sinoth Smnitos. Many nato m.te erv hi Mier, buit fe ainte eighu lams.So w'th lIvanIanvth Oie Olesýon, and su forth ,Eml-î basy fficiais Ws i h ngtoi gieDI,îponrt andDundath UntdStaies ihave oniy about 60 ifernifail.y nmsChan, Wong, and Lcaethe cmost TheGegrphie Socîi,>ýe t noes homandysstange thungs some- tlmes happen llta ae.Mn Gneaks in Amnica are name "th sn o".Thi ses ov- ieýnt becausa the nl-ao longues can'l anage sumr fl sunmsofPapditaop- But Ihnera anedhos onsst must uncommon name in Ihe woni belngs o a- ui llan J anânorifedta be toidta, in, h nited ,Stats aofmen -a okcn becomne a subject iinquiry, and ai01Criminalin-ý qurteo; tha-t a queýstion ýikc thscan hacarried before a civil Are weto have a cen'sor whose imrimatur shil sa wý,hat bookýs ray be saIL, and wý"hal we m-ay buy"? Whonse footi is 10be the nmeasure 10 which su~s waai4o be eut or stretch- edt? It is an însuUt ta ur cilizens,, ta quel-siiOn hihrthyarera tionat beings-. If TDeBecouit's book is falÈse ,'nits facts, cdisprove thlem-; iq taise in its reasoning, r-efuite il, B'ui . , . let us freýely heair bath, aýides, if we cheoas. The book is flot likely to be mnuch read if Ai alone, but if par.. secuted, it viIbuagrer~aliy read. Every man in the Upaited States will thinki a dtiy tai buy -a copy, fn vindJicatian ai hi rgtto bu", ani ta renad whait ha pieasec. Tho4ànas Jefferson (1xl Mcee a nec summanr bags Cru- 1ac hi yurslf!Two ma mt stya make t sbnaw or cte an Mthy-aur sLummn baga f0 t" yo 1,avrte rese.Pate_ 5451b-as easy, fasî eochat direc- Sen« T TSY-FIVECENTS in coins (starpps tannoaiha ac- eetdlor this patennluBo J23Elgi ',tfnt r S., ew 7Toronlo(', Ont.Pnint piainlyPATTERN NUMNBER and SIZE; your NAMET and ADDRESS.ý EXCITING VALUE! Tan, y-as TEN popuL1ar, e dsgn acru chat, aeîw, embroider, knil priîn ýtdrilg-l ii lb-e Lauýra Wb-eeelr Needl Cra Ba.Pltie mamny mare paternls *0 send for -4ideas for gifla, ba-zaar Ryloney- mak-ers, fasbion&l Send 2-1 cents for ycut.eoqpyt The Welit -- An aldildimo, tired fromi his tnip, hodî Fhis sleeping grnsnon hiîs lcip in anemrgnc Red Cross stationi in West Berlin, The aid man, then boy ond!I-ils parents travelled fromi -Sovïi-controlled Saxony ta West Berlin for food. Meanw/hile ther. crush of East Germans wodefied Comrmunîïst het and tro --a obtoin food porcé-Is la appoarchiîing the one-million mi-ark. dering if omiheeanistheally aidnscarib-appen anora f armn? it mousi have been -a premntn- lio, or somalb-ing of tirai surf batprnmpled my, remnarks, as las! Thursday, juai as lb-e las, iaad ai baled b-ay was leaving lbe fiad Pannrer lest his balance, tunned a somiery-ault over the~ bales behLind hlnimuand knded on b-a igl tshoulder (an lb-te hard, puncractura-aoflb-e cla-o Tliai is ,ceenlainly ýbad enougir but il ighý- iphva een w-Aroise -- il caldb-ve been his baick or bi-la nek1-twas broken. As il Jis b-e k zý,praclic'ally heIp1ess. Tiha sinappitg aerosa bath shouiders mae l- igb-larm camoiplelely uslss nd lb-e lait arm early as b-ad, ndar lb-osa conditions wew-rafaed w inneco la mik - nd 1I arn about asI uselss îthcuws as ýan office clark maily lrougb-nrvas n wss sele twO 0ot us b-ad a great limr-e getting lb-emkr on tlb-e cows. Pannrer wuuld a- plaina xaelly what 1 sb-oulidud and do iait quiickiy,. But IJwas tç dlow. 1 would gel one or lwo il-- ilation s oni he eowandlb-en lumi c-anonnd, ualaI ling lb-a air ouitaiflb-e bes andfb-a w-Ielb01ng wud drap off lnurning and lnit l~d ba lkepit uîp wamare l-nwe could imanage, a band Mstug- gngalong hy oursaleves mi.igb-b aven reuli ina rmore senlous ii- ury o ana onrlb-eoteaiut iveb-ad needed b-elp only fanr dayar woce kne-w oana 0f aur neîhtburswoutdj have coma l lb-e rcuLe,bt hull-asinsswill. beý a malter O u-twEeks, nitdays. So 7:epu in ani SOS ta B,,ob to eem hue ulilw-ecould gel !Y cannet axpeci Bahbta do lb- chnsinciefiniiety iasb-e l is reay orking wlebora daone way afld anaïroien aheail 0fr hIm for lb-ýce cming monh. owvarwehave Lb-ea very fonluate lagetting prom-s end fýro)m a younig tlo b wa bOtwir know antà d lke very enueb-indeed. TW3ns seeatu ha a seasunlor casualtes around b-are. 'Fira Bety w îic it- be hule a b-ar Ilg almosi savened 'by l- paw?î ar moer; eand nwrr with aÀ fnacturad coilar-bonie. 'I Ihink 1Isah lib-ave la gel a food- cuting ~rdiefor fb-é injured ïffik wb-o cannoi cait up lb-ýe f uod t~ heir Own Plates. BetLy wasi hdre ,again f-laweek-en, just., Ohbeut a* g004 az mneW, Whc',h was hecre 'before PatInr iea(ýsad han quite a bit about lbathe ingaý she ouln'tdo an!d hOw nieely sile was etiùng oui t Ofvash1 .Ing dishe,ýs aind airer lutta choresE, Now if Jis Beiiy's iurn fabas harî uncle -- andsh isn'l is ing lb-e opporuniniy, This is AuguLsi 3 and io'va!ly wahrforilb-ebak holiday.. We used la eaU il *"Augusi an Hoiay ven iin Engtarsd and i Sudbury wv.hena, we lived il was' alasabig day- ý -a day w leaked forw;ýard lao 11eks Fras long as -I catiramalember wve alasbad a regatta on1lb-at day, o hlbe RiverSoaur, . Thre weeail kinda, of seulling races - b ingladoubles and fouri. Also ladie' huairacesan a gamce ai water poloO. Thee wanaî also co-mpeiJvc scullîig raçces an lwas a greai day if aur bos won a -1 charnpionshifàp againsi the Ipsw-ich team. Ii waský ail gooean ,spa:rt but I sup- pose thie mosi hilaniaus fun wasàý rigi ai the ensd cf tha -afianioon whjen lb-a greasy pole was set, pals, nain a horizotal pusi- lOin acro5s the river, an)dlb-e oî,tenai ighl angles immn-ediat-uý iy«ýl aboya il. At lb-,e extrema ndý ,) of i'e 'angle Pale hun-g a squareý lin box. wilih a lrap door fb-ai eould ha opanad by the b-anginig ýcord lb-ai b-untg RmI, and which jw-ulcd release lb-e dc that ware enclosed inside the boýx. The trick was ta reachlba cord, -Meni and boys, in swi- ming unkand wilh ibare teel, tnied bu walk tlhe gi-easy pole, irYing 10 keep l-arbalance s ihey mighl reach -Ihe cord. O)varI and, aven again t-eymade l- atlempt, sô.metImpes gaiting onlyýý aý ,tIle ay, othe.n limes almost racacb-ing thein goal, but invari- ably lb-e end waa lhba sane- a -vain altemript Lt, regain fb-ar bai $hort Swim - Florenace Chazdwkvk, dsac wme of Son Diego, Cal., prepares for her ottmptta wim taEntglish Clhan- nel nn-stp, rond-tp fro Doyn, Eglandid qcu.A righ$6h. i«% coveïed wIthlyera of potctve1rease. A $a--ý ffinuvtes later b a me aves godby;nle osafrwdah wspulled eut by men n laboots. The wotr a 00cOk ld ori TE BAD 5 141 p-t', s tnoCer they wud go into the woud wA'f a bit, Lom-eon"e* wol u'ccessfu i in pIling the strng andthLe rducks ul drap mb theuwter, Then ithere was madse-amblie to dive in. atter he duks asevery duc asa pria for the -one whG caught it. When i 1think af Rl hard or the dccs, Left-fhanded Pol Let-hadedpeopleand peoPi_ MA Uttâer are more ikei t This ras een iscvrdb Angeles brnch on the Uiiersityý tw Ha has found that raci OMdermothes aremueramor Iikal ta have twins. Negro A . n peapleof the Seaninavan con. tries, hapoints OUt, nrably have a larger mnimber eitwiSnsý mhan do Japanee and Merditer- ranean peoples. Dr. Hoilnd cs now wSr.gae twis, heoriginof wvichha 'ntrgud cintists ail oe h word. e kinvasteigating, tu, the qestio -"ihy ta~vary.' handd an thaother lft ad ed. And ha my 'fnd'utwh thatin ermnyFrance and Italy tisara m-.osi como l areas were thamai orjity ut people have blua or grey eyes, But the scîetits cannut say a-hl. Perhaps Dr% Holiand «DlI solv this mystery durmghi presentreachs Note Stti.sicspubIiisnedjustý beore 7the warChwedthi or twins aeborn in Ire-iandj than anywhmeoase in the world iARMERS' FIRIE ND0S HIP Ef UROPE«0 AIu TRAVE SUASHiP RVEL W! LIn&e - IPINwhert

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